Aprill, 1998 clerk 5/19198 Introduced By: Rob McKenna Proposed No.: ", 1 ORDINANCE NO. _ 2 AN ORDINANCE for the September 1998 public 3 transportation service improvements for King County. 4 BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF KING COUNTY: 5 The September 1998 public transportation service improvements for 6 King County, substantially as described in Exhibits A, B, and C, attached hereto, are hereby 7 approved. 8 SECTION 2. These transportation service improvements will be implemented 9 effective September 19, 1998, except that the total amount of service change is significantly 10 more than was anticipated the adopted 1998 budget, and some service improvements may 11 be instead implemented in 1999 as vehicles, operator and budget allow, 12 13 16 17 18 - 1 ­ 6 1 The Metro Transit U1\rlS1C)ll shall work with the local jurisdictions, 2 residents and bus riders to determine the appropriate streets on which to operate the Routes 3 72 and 79 north Seattle and the appropriate +..",.....,+ community service network for 4 Mercer Island including possible revisions to Route 201. The division shall submit 5 recommendations on these services to the council by September 30, 1998. 6 INTRODUCED READ for the first time this ~~__ day of 7 8 PASSED by a vote of /3 to 0 this...l.-.::::.._ day of Vl11ay 9 19!!(f' 10 KING COUNTY COUNCIL 11 KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON ~)2J~ 12 13 Charr 14 ATTEST: 15 ~counCil 16 18 19 Attachments: Exhibit A - September 1998 Service Changes King County 21 Exhibit B - September 1998 Service Changes West King County 22 Exhibit C - 1998 Service Changes South King County & 23 West Seattle - 2 ­ EXHIBEDH.DOC September 1998 Service Change Ordinance EXHIBIT A 31 Exhibit A: EXHIBETC.DOC 5/12198 September 1998 Service Change Ordinance EXHIBIT A EAST SUBAREA SERVICE CHANGES ROUTE: 222 1 1 OBJECTIVE: 1. Eastside Mobility Improvements. 2. Improve evening peak service freqUency, reliability and transfer connections to community services at the South Bellevue and Eastgate Park-and-Rides for commuters (consistent with Strategy 8-3, Six-Year Plan). IMPACTED SERVICE AREA: Southwest Bellevue, South Bellevue Park-and-Ride, Eastgate Park-and-Ride and Overlake Park-and-Ride. SERVICE CHANQE: 1. Provide three (3') new p.m. peak turnback trips on Route 222, from South Bellevue Park-and-Ride to southwest Bellevue to provide increased frequency and reliability. 2. Provide three (3) new p.m. peakturnback trips on Route 222, from Eastgate Park-and-Ride to Overlake Park-and-Ride to provide increased frequency and reliability. A __ 1 EXHlBETC.DOC 5/12/98 September 1998 Service Change Ordinance EXHIBIT A EAST SUBAREA SERVICE CHANGES ROUTE: 222 16 Proposed Evening Peak Turnback Trips 1. From South Bellevue Park-and-Ride to southwest Bellevue (SE. 10th) . 2. From Eastgate Park-and-Ride NE 51st to Overlake Park-and-Ride. w w Z Z 1Il . 1Il ~ .< £i, .£; ~ ~~~.. ::; NE 31st A .< ~ Overtake N "0 Ll...W P&R ........-­ ~ ~. LO .......... ..­ \ -­ \~ \~ \~\.z. 1 .. U! \~ CJ"; \~ \ \ MERCER ISLAND FA -2 EAST SUBAREA SERVICE CHANGES 233 1. Eastside Mobility Improvements. 2. Provide a new service connection from northeast Redmond to Overlake, Group Health and Overlake Hospitals, and Northup Way (consistent with Strategies S-3 and S-4, Six-Year Plan) . Northeast Redmond, Bear Creek Park-and-Ride, Overlake, Overlake Park-and-Ride, Bellevue Transit Center 1. Extend existing Route 233 service to northeast Redmond (Avondale Road NE and NE 116th Street) via SR-520 and Bear Creek Park-and-Ride lot. 2. Increase weekday frequency and span of service, providing 30 minute peak and 60 minute non-peak service in both directions from approximately 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. -3 II 11 11 H /01 i I 11 I 11: ! I i 1 wi Z1 lllj >i iBelfevue ~ TTriij~ +Center:-'I L, \1 I z" , , OJ _I_~ i .c I , L_'-...~h~I I Route 233 Routing Effective with this Change N New ~outing A ••••••••• Deleted Routing EXHIBEDH.OOC 4/8/98 September 1998 Service Change Ordinance EXHIBIT A EAST SUBAREA SERVICE CHANGES 1 ROUTE: 234 OBJECTIVES: 1. Eastside Mobility Improvement. 2. Expand community mobility options (consistent with Strategy S-3, Six-Year Plan). IMPACTED SERVICE AREA: Juanita and Finn Hiil communities, Northshore Park-and~Ride, Kirkland and Bellevue transit centers. SERVICE CHANGE: 1. Increase weekday frequency and span of service in both directions, adding 1 a.m. trip and 2 or 3 p.m. trips in both directions. 2. Add hourly Saturday service from 8 a.m. to 7 p.m. (consistent with Strategy S-3, Six-Year Plan). A-5 EXHffiEAK.DOC 3/26/98 September 1998 Service Change Ordinance EXHffiIT A EAST SUBAREA SERVICE CHANGES 181 6 N Route 234 Routing Effective with this Change A A-6 EXHIBEDH.DOC 411198 September 1998 Service Change Ordinance EXHIBIT A EAST SUBAREA SERVICE CHANGES ROUTE: 255 1 "OBJECTIVES: 1. Core Network Improvement, increase frequency of service from 60 minutes to 30 minutes, (consistent with Strategy S-2, Six-Year Plan) . 2. Improve service levels to major employment areas in Kirkland (consistent with Strategy S-4, Six-Year Plan). IMPACTED SERVICE AREA: Kirkland Transit Center, downtown Seattle SERVICE CHANGE: 1. Provide approximately 30 minute service from approximately 5:30 AM to 9:30 PM weekdays between downtown Seattle and downtown Kirkland. Provide approximately 30 minute service from 10 AM to 6 PM on Saturdays between downtown Seattle and downtown Kirkland. EXHlBEDH.DOC 4/1/98 September 1998 Service Change Ordinance EXHIBIT A EAST SUBAREA SERVICE CHANGES ROUTE: 269 1 OBJECTIVES: 1. Eastside Mobility Improvement. 2. Provide a new service connection from the East Sammamish Plateau and Bear Creek Park-and-Ride lot to Overlake (consistent with Strategy S-3, Six-Year Plan). 3. Improve commuter access, with more frequency and a longer span of service, -to major employment areas in Overlake and Redmond (consistent with Strategy S-4, Six-Year Plan). IMPACTED SERVICE AREA: East Sammamish Plateau and Bear Creek, Redmond and Overlake Park-and-Rides SERVICE CHANGE: 1. Increase weekday frequency and span of service in both directions. --- 2. Extend existing Route 269 service to Overlake via Bear Creek Park-and-Ride and SR 520. Route 269 would no longer serve Redmond Park-and-Ride. A-8 EXHIBEAK.DOC 3/26/98 September 1998 Service Change Ordinance EXHIBIT A EAST SUBAREA SERVICE CHANGES ~Routing Effective with this Change Route New Routing Deleted Routing -9 EAST AREA SERVICE CHANGES ~................. :271 1. Core Network Improvement (consistent with Strategy S-2, Six-Year Plan) . 2. Ensure connections and transfers on services between Issaquah, Bellevue and University District. Issaquah, Bellevue Transit Center, University District 1. Add mid-day unit to ensure reliability and enhance transfer connections at Bellevue Transit Center. Exibt2ak.dodword. 98 A­ 5/13/98 EXHIBEDH.DOC 4/1/98 September 1998 Service Change Ordinance EXHIBIT A EAST SUBAREA SERVICE CHANGES ROUTE: 935 OBJECTIVES: 1. Eastside Mobility Improvement. 2. Expand community mobility options (consistent with Strategy S-3, Six-Year Plan). 3. Extend existing service betwe~n Northshore and Kingsgate to include Bastyr University and Totem Lake (consistent with Strategy S-3, Six-Year Plan). IMPACTED SERVICE AREA; Juanita and Finn Hill communities, Northshore and Totem Lake. SERVICE CHANGE: 1. Extend fixed route portion of Route 935 to Bastyr University and Totem Lake. 2. Increase weekday frequency and span of service in both directions. A-ll EXHIDEAK.OOC 3/26/98 September 1998 Service Change Ordinance EXHIBIT A EAST SUBAREA SERVICE CHANGES 166 c:5 Northshore z "P&R" rn NE 180thSI ""NE 155thSt .... N s:~ »< NE137th St ctJ Z m NE 132 Totem lake UJ NE 124th Sl Z Ol ~ N Routing Effective with this Change oute 935 New Routing A A-12 Exhblldh September 1998 Service Change Ordinance EXHIBIT B 31 Exhibi B: .~.~ 1 1 :;rl... Amendment 2, Enclosure 2 West Seattle / Southwest King County SERVICE CHANGES 39 Express OBJECTIYES: 1. Provide greater choice of departure times for weekday commuters traveling between downtown Seattle, Seward Park, and Rainier Beach. IMPACTED SERYICE AREA: Columbia City, Seward Park, Rainier Beach. sERyrCE CHANGE: 1. Add two trips to Route 39 Express during weekday peak hours, leaving Second Avenue / Pike Street in downtown Seattle starting at approximately 5:42 p.m. Exhbndh 5/14/98 September 1998 Service Change Ordinance EXHIBIT B NORTH SEATTLE AREA SERVICE CHANGES 13 ~~~: 6, 359, 360 OBJECTIVES: 1. Consolidate Aurora Ave. N. service to provide more frequent and faster service along. Highway 99 corridor between downtown Seattle and the Aurora Village Transit Center at all times, including nights and weekends. IMPACTED SERVICE ABEA: Aurora Ave. N., Greenlake, Wallingford, downtown Seattle SERVICE CHANGE: 1. Discontinue local Route 6 (See Route 16 for local service coverage in Wallingford) . 2. Discontinue week-day peak-hour Route 360. 3. Provide Route 359 service seven days a week. Improve midday and Saturday frequency from every 30 minutes to every 20 minutes. Improve weekday peak period frequency from every 10-20 minuets to every 10 minutes or less. Provide night service every 30 minutes seven days a week. B-1 EXHBNDH.DOC 3/27/98 September 1998 Service Change Ordinance EXHIBIT B NORTH SEATTLE AREA SERVICE CHANGES 1 Routing Effective with this Change AURORA RESTRUCTURE .. .. New Routing Deleted Routing B-2 Exhbndh 5!l4/98 September 1998 Service Change Ordinance EXHIBIT B NORTH SEATTLE AREA SERVICE CHANGES :J ROUTES: 15, 18 OB,TECTIVES : 1. Provide more frequent service between downtown Seattle, Seattle Center, Interbay and ~allard. 2. Provide improved level of service on 1st Ave. corridor in downtown Seattle and on the 15th Ave. W.corridor in Interbay. IMPACTED SERVICE AREA: Blu~ Ridge, Crown Hill, North Beach, Loyal Heights, Ballard, Seattle Center, downtown Seattle SERVICE CHANGE: 1.
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