PUBLIC LIBRARY OF CINCINNATI -•o^ REFEEEEQE COLLECTION (Receivcki THE eOSTAINIHS THE NAMES, PROFESSION AND OCCUPATION or THB INHABITANTS OF THE TOAVN, ALPHABETICALLY ARRANGED; "WITH THE NUMBER OF THE BUILDING OCCUPIED BY EACH. jLLSOy AN ACCOUNT OF ITS OFFICERS, POPULATION, INSTITUTIONS AND SOCIETIES, PUBLIC BUILDINGS, MANUFACTURES, ko. INTERESTING SKETCH OF ITS XiocaV situation anAXmLpYoyeineiits. ILLUSTRATED BY A COPPERPLATE ENGRAVING, EXHIBITING A VIEW OF THE CITY. BY A CITIZEN. PUBLISHED BY OLIVER FARNSWORTH. VWVV%<VV\'W% XOROAI^, LODGE AiyD CO. PRINTERS October, 1819. DISTRICT OF OHIO, TO WIT : Be it Remembered, that on the thirteenth day of February, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and nineteen, and in the forty third year of the American Independence, OU- ver Farnsworth of the said district, hath deposited in this office the title of a book, the right whereof he claims as proprietor, in the following words, to wit: '' The Cincinnati Directory, containing the names, profession and occupation of the Inhabitants of the Town, alphabetically arranged, with the number of the Build­ ing occupied by each; also an Account of its Officers, Population, Institutions and Societies, Pubhc Buildings, Manufactures, &c. with an interesting Sketch of its Local Situation and Improve­ ments, illustrated by a Copperplate Engraving, exhibiting a view of the City. By a Citizen." In conformity to the act of Con­ gress of the United States, entitled ** An act for the encourage­ ment of learning, by securing the copies of mape, charts and books to the authors and proprietors of such copies, during the times therein mentioned:" And also to an act, entitled " An act supplementary to an act, entitled, an Act for the encourage­ ment of learning, by securing the copies of maps, charts, and books to the authors and proprietors of such copies during the times therein mentioned, and extending the benefit thereof to the arts of designing, engraving, and etching historical and other prints," Attest—HARVEY D. EVANS, Clerk of the District of Ohio. PUBLISHER'S PREFACE. W HEN the prospectus for the CINCINNATI DIRECTORT waft first submitted to the public, it was intended, with the ex­ ception of an engi'aved view of the city and a brief statisticaV sketch of its History, to embrace no more than the information ordinarily found in similar publications. But the liberal encour- iigement immediately manifested towards the work, not only by most of the residents, but by numbers in the adjoining neighbor- l\oods, as well as distant strangers who have visited us, and are anxious to furnish their friends with an accurate description of this our flourishing metropolis and the adjacent country; the publisher has been induced to enlarge the sphere of its useful­ ness, by an additional variety of valuable and interesting infor. mation; insomuch, that to a certain degree, the book may h(^ said to contain the most ample history of the orij^lnal settlo- ment, rise, progress and present importance of Cincinnati and its neighborliood, that has yet appeared. Considerable light is also reflected upon the early settlements of the western country generally. The collection of materials which form these histor­ ical sketches, has been a task of laborious research, as most of Ibem have been obtained from individuals who were on the spot, and of course eyewitnesses of the facts communicated. They aie arranged with as much chronological accuracy as •:lrcumstances would admit; and it is presumed that the reader will peruse this plain unvarnished narration of the suflferings and heroism of the first penetrators of the vast western wild, with interest and pride. The department devoted to Statistics, has also been arranged •with scrupulous accuracy, and is as full and perfect as the inde­ fatigable researches of the Editor, during a period of several months, could make it. The items, of which it is composed, like those in the Historical Sketches, were chiefly obtained by iv PUBLISHER^S PREFACE. personal application, disregarding in every instance second* hand communications. In some few instances, where a deficit has been obvious, the chasm has been supplied by reference to anterior writings; and great care has been taken to bring down every particular to the present period. The general attention being now directed towards the promo­ tion of Steam Navigation, Roads and Canals; considerable room has been appropriated to these important subjects^ A complete list of the Boats on the western waters is given, together with such information regarding Roads and Canals, as our limits would allow. Some hints, by a correspondent, touching the practicability of carrying on a direct trade with the West India islands, may be well worth the attention of western navigators. Within a few weeks past, an Agricultural Association has been formed. This should be hailed with joy by every friend of do­ mestic economy. A complete ALMANAC for the approaching year, although not originally contemplated, forms an item in the numerous inter­ polations of no small value; as it is permanent, and not liable to be mislaid like one in the form of a pamphlet. As enough, however, has probably been said to give the reader^ an outline of the various subjects which compose the pages of the Directory, the publisher cannot conclude these remarks, without expressing his obligations to those individuals to whom he is indebted for statements, incidents, 8cc. for the work. To the enlargement of the original plan must be ascribed tlie delay in its appearance; but it is presumed the change will meet wiih /rencral approbation. Notwithstanding great assiduity and pains have been used to avoid eirors aivl omissions, no doubt many will be found. These, lie feels confident, will be overlooked by an indulgent public. From the present liberal encouragement h\ this FinsT ATTEMPT, whicli promiscs so much convenience and usefulness, the publisher flatters himself he shall continue i^ pubhcation annually, when he assures them that every posiibU •mprovement shall be made in subsequent editions. ALMANAC FOR 1830. W%»W%' i» wx) vw www w\< www vwvw JANUARY, 1st MO. 1820. 6> FEBRUARY, 2d MO. 1820. PHASES OF TUE 3I00X. PHASES OF THE MOON. d h ... d h m Last Qr. (£ 8 10 44 M. ^ Last Qr, (^ 7 3 Z6 M: New Moon Q 15 11 15 M. ^ New Moon ©13 9 38 A. First Qr. j) 22 3 4 M. § First Qr. D 20 4 36 A.. Full Moon O 30 0 7 M. $ Full Moon O 28 7 16 A. ©. M. D. W. rises sets H. M. U. M. Sat. 7 214 39 5 45 1 Tues. 6 59 5 7 32 SUN. 7 214 39 6 47 2 Wed. 6 5 3 Mon. 7 57 8 30 204 40 7 49 3 Thur. 6 5 4 4 Tues. 7 56 9 30 20 4 40 8 50 I 4 Frid. 6 55 5 -5 10 31 5 Wed. 7 20 4 40 9 48 5 Sat. 6 54 6 33 6 Thur. 7 19 11 4 41 10 46 6 SUN. 6 53 5 7 7 7 19 morn. Fri. 4 41 11 46 7 Mon. 6 52 5 8 8 Sat. 7 18 4 42 0 41 morn. 8 Tues. 5 51 5 9 1 50 9 SUN. 7 17 4 43 0 49 9 Wed. 6 50 5 10 2 59 10 Mon. 7 17 4 43 1 53 0 Thur. 6 49 5 11 4 6 U Tues. 7 16 4 44 o o 3 1 Frid, 6 47 5 13 5 12 Wed. 7 16 4 44 7 4 15 I 2 Sat. 6 46 5 14 6 o 13 7 Thur. 15 4 45 5 •:> Sus-. 6 li 26 45 5 15 sets. Fri. 7 14 4 46 6 S3 4 Mon. 6 44 5 16 15 7 6 15 Sat. 14 4 46 sets. 5 Tues. 6 43 5 17 16 7 7 32 SUN. 13 4 47 6 10 6 Wed. 6 42 5 18 17 7 8 46 Mon. 12 4 48 7 29 7^ Thur 6 40 5 20 IS 7 11 9 59 Tues. 4 49 8 45 8 Fri. 6 39^ 21 19 7 11 11 12 Wed. 4 49 9 59 9 Sat. 6 385 22 20 Thur, 7 10 4 morn. 50 11 9 20 SUN. 6 37\5 23 21 Fri. 7 9: 4 0 22 51 morn. 21 Mon. 6 365 24 31 22 Sat. 7 8 '4 I I 52 0 19 22 Tues. 6 34,5 26 36 23 SUN. 7 7 4 o 53 1 27 23 Wed. 6 33 5 27 32 24 Mon, 7 6 4 3 54 2 35 24 Thur. 6 32,5 .28 20 25 Tues. 7 5 4 o 4 55 O 41 25 Fri. 6 315 29 59 26 Wed. 7 4 4 I 4 4 42 26 6 29 5 31 27 7 Sat. 5 33 Thur. 3 4 571 5 35 27 6 285 32 28 Fri. 7 3 SUN. 6 0 4 57 6 21 28 Mon. 6 275 33 29 Sat. 7 2 rises. 4 58 6 59 29 Tues.'6 265 34 30 SUN. 7 1 4 59 6 26 31 rises. Mon. 7 0 0 6 32 I A2 •VI' ALMANAC FOR 1S20. .. www vw wv w»< w^ wx www VWW*! w^> MARCH, 3d MO. 1820. APRIL, 4th MO. 1820. PHASES OF THE MOON* PHASES OF THE MOON. d h m d h m Last Qr. (L 7 4 32 A. Last Qr. C 6 1 46M. New Moon © 14 7 43 M. New Moon # 12 5 36 A. First Qr, 5 21 8 23 M.
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