r I u I'" 'f - . / ■ »T WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 18, 1963 f TWENTY-F0UR‘ ‘tAGE Averagw Daily Net P r^ .R o n r lianirl;t‘iatrr lEWntttg If?ralb For the Week Ended The Weather Feb. 14. I»6» Forecast of C. 8. Weatbar Bai s. ' , 1 0 , 9 0 3 Mild' toaigtit, mlnlnram la Member the Andit SO*. Cloudy, rain, Friday. Burenn ef'areolatlema ManckeBier’—~A GUy-of Village €hartn - VOL. LXXII, NO. 119 (Claoelllod Advertising en Fnge 16) MANCHESTER. CONN.. THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 19. 1953 (EIGHTEEN PAGES) PRICE n V E CENTS .. \ Racketeers Stdte Dept, Uy^. Brirfs Raised Air Red-Tinged ^Voice’ War Allies Bases Cost On UN Plan ■ 5> __—i,. Washington, .Feb, 19---<('P>::r'S.enate Investigators were afU Washington, Feb. 19—{/P) vised today the State department ordered y'esterda.vr that no Uiiitpd Nations. N. Y.i —Investigating Senators re­ material by any “controversial’^authors, Communi.sts or fel­ Feb. 19— (A*) '—The United ported today that “payroll low travelers be used in it.a overseas information program. States told its UN Allies to­ padding by racketeers and W. Bradley, Cbhhori, policy chief’ day about future diplomatic for "Voice of America" operations, < .-qgqtpxwtfMMriq)' local politicians at a New Jer­ testified he received such a dlrec-: steps planned fdY dealing sey waterfront” added mil­ tive from Carl W. McCardle, as- with the Korean war, but in­ lions of dollars to this na­ siatant. Secretary -of ^ate for tn- sisted on public secrecy about [ These Are Red Plaiics tion’s air base building pro­ formatlon. He aaid he dld not know , them. ;U. S. Plants P resid en t, gram in North Africa. whether It had been iasiied - per­ Chief U. S. D elegate Henry Cabot sonally by Secretary of Slate; Lodge, Jfr., after an hour's confer­ The report, Aled by a com m ittee Dullea. headed by Sen. Lyndon B. Johnson ence with representatives of 13 Signed Directive countries who have sent troops to Hit Red Site (D-Tex),' described what it called Aides Talk Connors was called before the Korea, told newsmen "actions will "unsavory" conditions at the Senate Investigations subcommit-1 speak louder than words." ■ Claremont terminal in Jersey City, tee. From other witnesses,,it had' . In a brief statement. Lodge.said;' N. J. heard that he signed a Feb. 3 di-1 "We have shown by our actions Third Time On Military Johix'on said the report was de­ rective authorizing the "Voice” to ; we really believe in the principle layed until now to enable the New use "materials favorable to the; of collective. security. VVe coun­ * United States'' Written by Soviet- . Seoul- Feb. 19—(/P)—U. S- York City Anti-Crime Committee selled today on steps to take in the figlhter-bombers today blasted Washington, Feb.. 19—(ff) to complete its investigations of, endorsed authors such as. Howard ; future." —Congressional leaders of J^oi^ 'These February Values racketeering .on the waterfronts'. F ast. He declined to -comment-'furtherr the smoking ruins of a Com- Committee .Chtdrman McCarthy; both parties reviewed the 1 ! A Senate committee is achedul- Informative Session reunist training center wv|;b ed In hold hearings soon on alleged (R., Wls.) said yesterday , that I Delegates from other countries global military situation with Dulles had countermanded the Feb. ' tbn.8 of high explosives in crookedness on the waterfronts. were equally tight-lipped. Emerg­ their third devastating strike President Eisenhower today, 3 directive after it was called to ( ing from'* the session In Lodge's of­ and a House member si^ b ea u t ifu l IMPORTED 72 x 90 Thu rs d ay—Fr i d ay- Blanket Gontraact his attention. The directive said fice St. 2 Park avenue, Salvador in two days. \ Another Shipment! The Senate Preparedness sub­ that such material might have "a ^ Lopez of the Philippines would say Screening U. S. Sable Jet pilots afterward it waa a portrayal 100% VIRGIhTwOOL committee, which Johnson headed special credibility among selected; only that the meeting was "very shot down two Russian-built MIGa of “a grim picture.” in the old Congress, reported that key audiences.” .. j informative.” and poaslbly a third, the If.-S. Fifth The Republican and Democratic SLIGHT IRREGULARS OF $1.19 FINEST QUALITY Dade Brother..', a waterfront op­ After yesterday's disclosures, I Ambassador Henri Hoppenot of Air .Forte said. Col.. Royla Km leaders of the Senate and Houae HOLLAND HEALT^LANKETS erator, obtained a blanket con- Senator McClellan (D., Ark.) told I France said ‘.'We have firm resolu­ Baker, McKinney, Tex., shot down spent an hour and a half vttli to handle ahipm ents of all, reporters he inay demand that, for­ tion in our hearts and minds to do his 10th Red Jet and became the Eisenhower at the White Honee CANNON TURKISH HAND f OWEL DRESSES REDUCED mer Secretary of State Dean Ache- Reg. $29.9,5 value. ^ rials needed for the rush air our best" to solve the Korean second double jet ace . of the session.. Reg. $8.98. CRF/PP:Si FAILLES, ^ ^ A / X ba.se'papjects in North Africa. son be called ns a witnesa at the’ HOWARD FA.ST problem. Korean war. His score is topped They were briefed on Korean ' Ten beautiful colors. Laurel DOUBLE It saidsthia. contract spiraled inquiry into the department's In­ Th* Genera! Assembly resumes only by Maj. George A. Davis of war strategy and the military sad pattern. Green and blue ohly! Wonderful extra heavy ImpoHed Holland TAFFETAS. Size.s 12 to 2 2 '2. £i'om ah original $150,000 job up­ formation activities. J. f its sessions ne.xt Tuesday with the Lubbock, Tex., credited with 11 diplumalie aituatlona elaewbere by ea. 5 9 c Health Blanketa In floral tulip pattern In blue and green only. GREEN STAMPS ward until the. waterfront firm Dulles announced late yesterday it was prepared at the direction of Korean question itill high on (he MIGs destroyed before he failed to Gen. Omhr Bradley, ehalmuui of Our tint ’tfiipmertt in January sold out in one week. Beautiful Buy for yourself—Buy for a lovely gift! ' ALL SALES FINAL asked nearly nme million dollars. the- resignation of Dr. Wilson Dr. Compton. ^ 1 agenda. return from a 'inisiiion Iasi year. the Joint Ciblefa of Staff, and by extra; flne i}uitl1ty j*ctiUiitd 'laVirri pattern' th a t reiifTilarly aen»* — Wheiv. , SenateN-. InveaUgatpra CompLqn .as ,dlrec.tq'r .p.f the,Jnfpr- McCarthy! said ..that a .March , . Lodge described the .meeting. a» ............ 1>5 P tanM in . R aid . ■Allen W.' Didles, . ehief 'Of th e ^Sn*-' ter >1.19/ Dark Kreen. lime, radiant i-oae, aqua, flam in go, .white, GIVEN-WITH CASH SALES ALL working vvlth other brime investi­ rriation adm inistration. He' said th* 1952, S tate D epartm ent m em oran- one of a series between the U. S. The Air Force eald 195 "niun- tral InteUlgence Agency. < llfkt |:reen, gray and light wine and petal pink. gating bodies discovered payroll current Senate Investigation had dum li.sted se'veij, books by leftist | and the other UN countries with derjets and Shooting Stare un­ A preeidential assistant, Robert 36"— 59c NEW SERINS PATTERNS DAY THURSDAY padding and ex-crimlnaib. hiring nothing to do wjth Compton's author Fast that were "accept-. troops in Korea. He aaid there leashed tons of bombs, following J. Cutler, also took part. In the waterfront workera,” the contract resignation. able” for United State.* Informa-! would be more of them. lip a 380-plane raid yesterday on briefing. He is in eluirgo of Connors told Senators that al­ Meanwhile, a group of Aslan the sprawling arear near Pyong­ wai7 cancelled, the report aalcJ;'^, yang. North Korean Red capital. liaison with the National Security ABC and PUNJAB PRINTS The Senate has not reactivated., though he signed the Feb. 3 memo (Continued on Page Five) Arab' countries held a closed door council. IRREGgLARS OF Pilots reported the target waZ >> Doeena, and doaena of new patterns In the the preparedness subcommittee in V ------------------------------------------------ huddle at the Iraqi consulate in After the aesaion. Rep. Halleek flneat quality prints. Small and large patterns. New 'York., It, too, was under­ flecked with smoke and flame the new, Repybllcan-controlled 83d. from yesterday’s raid. Today’s (R-lnd), Houae floor leader, tMd CANNON PLAID 20x40 TOWELS Yard .......t... *,« a.a^^ta a <^ngress. Johnson still technically stood to liave dealt with what to reportera; GiRLS’ DRESSES $33 do about Korea when the assem­ ■trike was the foiirtlv in the area hCads the group. The Texan now is bly reconvenes. in les.s than a week. "Everybody knowe It is a grla$ Cotton plaicl.s, corduroy. Sites 7 to 12. Values to 87.98. Chubby Democratic floor leader. GLHeldln Army Death The air raiders said they knock­ picture." sizes 8 'i to 14.'i. Some seml-teen.a. India, which sponsored a com­ WHILE THEY LAST ea. The preparedness, or "watch­ promise peace plan, spurned by ed down at least 14 buildings to­ ”la a HeU of a f ix ’* REG. 59c dog" comm ittee, has is.sued a the Reds la.st Jail, was among day, started several raging fires J Another Oongreas member who Ughti weight irregulara. of Cannon 20 x 40 hath (towela. Plaid aeries of reports highly critical of and cet off seven secondary ex­ attended said not conclusiona wiero pMteAi in gold, blue, green and peach. 36" PLAIN COLORED SPRINGMAID Fir^tRelieved Accident those present at this meeting. the N orth A frican air ba.ses. Whether India outlined a new ap­ plosions.
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