A meeting of the Clackmannanshire and Stirling Integration Joint Board will be held on Wednesday 17 June 2020 at 2pm - 4pm, By Video Conference Please notify apologies for absence to: [email protected] INTEGRATION JOINT BOARD MEETING AGENDA 1. NOTIFICATION OF APOLOGIES For Noting 2. NOTIFICATION OF SUBSTITUTES For Noting 3. DECLARATION(S) OF INTEREST For Noting 4. URGENT BUSINESS BROUGHT FORWARD BY CHAIRPERSON 5. MINUTE OF THE CLACKMANNANSHIRE & STIRLING INTEGRATION For Approval JOINT BOARD MEETING HELD ON 25 MARCH 2020 6. ACTION LOG 7. TRANSFORMING CARE AND STRATEGIC PLANNING 7.1 PRIMARY CARE IMRPROVEMENT PLAN For Noting (Paper Presented by Dr Stuart Cummings / Lesley Middlemiss) 7.2 MOBILISATION PLAN For Noting (Paper Presented by Wendy Forrest) 8. FINANCE 8.1 YEAR END FINANCE REPORT For Noting & (Paper Presented by Ewan Murray) Approval 9. PERFORMANCE 9.1 COVID - 19 UPDATE REPORT For Noting (Paper presented by Wendy Forrest / Ewan Murray) 9.2 PERFORMANCE REPORT For Noting & (Paper presented by Carolyn Wyllie) Approval 10. GOVERNANCE 10.1 INTEGRATION SCHEME For Noting (Paper presented by Lesley Fulford) 10.2 URGENT DECISION MAKING For Approval (Paper presented by Lindsay Thomson) 11. FOR NOTING 11.1 MINUTES a) STRATEGIC PLANNING GROUP: None for noting b) JOINT STAFF FORUM: None for noting c) IJB AUDIT & RISK COMMITTEE: None for noting d) CLINICAL CARE & GOVERNANCE MEETING: None for noting 12. EXEMPT ITEMS E12.1 None for noting 13. DATE OF NEXT MEETING Wednesday 23 September 2020 at 2 - 4pm Location or Videoconference details will be confirmed nearer the time. Agenda Item 5 - Draft Minute of C&S IJB 25 March 2020 Clackmannanshire & Stirling Integration Joint Board 17 June 2020 Agenda Item 5 Draft Minute of Clackmannanshire & Stirling Integration Joint Board 25 March 2020 For Approval Paper Approved for Submission by: Annemargaret Black Paper presented by N/A Author Sandy Blair Exempt Report No Page 1 of 12 Agenda Item 5 - Draft Minute of C&S IJB 25 March 2020 Minute of the Clackmannanshire & Stirling Integration Joint Board meeting held on Wednesday 25 March 2020, at 14:00, by Teleconference Call John Ford (Chair) welcomed all members to the meeting and confirmed meeting as Quorate. Participants were made aware that due to the COVID-19 pandemic; the Health and Social Care Partnership, together with partner agencies, are currently focussing on delivering clinical and care services in a safe and effective way to the people of Clackmannanshire & Stirling. Due to recent Government advice to reduce social contact, the decision was taken to hold this meeting by teleconference. These are exceptional circumstances. We have reduced the number of papers which were planned for the agenda and asked for questions to be submitted ahead of the meeting to the Partnership mailbox. Paper authors / presenters will address these questions as they present their paper to the Board when called upon to do so. The chair asked that discussion be limited on the papers so we could make effective, efficient and productive decisions and issue directions (where required); whilst reducing the volume of debate in the meeting. Agenda item 9.2 Primary Care Improvement Plan was presented by Stuart Cumming & Lesley Middlemiss and was taken as the first agenda item. Present: VOTING MEMBERS John Ford (Chair), NHS Forth Valley Councillor Les Sharp (Vice Chair), Clackmannanshire Council Councillor Dave Clark, Clackmannanshire Council Councillor Susan McGill, Stirling Council Julia Swan, Non executive board member, NHS Forth Valley Allan Rennie, Non executive board member, NHS Forth Valley Councillor Graham Houston, Stirling Council VOTING MEMBERS - SUBSTITUTES None to note NON-VOTING MEMBERS Fiona Duncan, Chief Social Work Officer, Clackmannanshire Council Ewan Murray, Chief Finance Officer Janine Rennie, Third Sector Representative, Stirling Abigail Robertson, Joint Trade Union Committee Representative for Stirling Page 2 of 12 Agenda Item 5 - Draft Minute of C&S IJB 25 March 2020 Marie Valente, Chief Social Work Officer, Stirling Council and Social Work Advisor to the Integration Joint Board Natalie Masterson, Third Sector Representative, Stirling Angela Wallace, Director of Nursing, NHS Forth Valley Annemargaret Black, Chief Officer ADVISORY MEMBERS Lindsay Thomson, Standards Officer, Integration Joint Board Lesley Fulford, Programme Manager In Attendance Jim Boyle, Chief Finance Officer, Stirling Council Margaret Robbie, PA to Chief Officer Sandy Blair, Business Support Officer, (Minute Taker) Jennifer Baird Dr Stuart Cumming Lesley Middlemiss Members of the Public None. Members of the Press None 1. NOTIFICATION OF APOLOGIES Councillor Scott Farmer, Stirling Council Andrew Murray, Medical Director, NHS Forth Valley Robert Clark, Employee Director, NHS Forth Valley Cathie Cowan, Chief Executive, NHS Forth Valley Helen Maguire Morag Mason Elizabeth Ramsay Dr Scott Williams Nikki Bridle 2. NOTIFICATION OF SUBSTITUES The following substitutes were noted: 3. DECLARATION(S) OF INTEREST None 4. URGENT BUSINESS BROUGHT FORWARD BY CHAIRPERSON Page 3 of 12 Agenda Item 5 - Draft Minute of C&S IJB 25 March 2020 Chair wished formal thanks to be made from the Board to core staff for their professionalism and support during these difficult times. Chair proposed Annemargaret Black issue a letter to staff on behalf of the Board thanking them for their continued efforts in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. 5. MINUTE OF THE CLACKMANNANSHIRE & STIRLING INTEGRATION JOINT BOARD MEETING HELD ON 27 NOVEMBER 2019 Approved 6. MINUTE OF THE SPECIAL CLACKMANNANSHIRE & STIRLING INTEGRATION JOINT BOARD MEETING HELD ON 26 FEBRUARY 2020 Approved 7. ACTION LOG None 8. FINANCE 8.1 FINANCE REPORT This paper was presented by Ewan Murray. The purpose of the report was to present the Integration Joint Board with an overview of the financial performance and projected financial position for 2019-20. The Integration Joint Board: • Approved the finance report and noted the projected overspend on the Integrated Budget of £1.783m • Approved the use of £0.128m of earmarked reserves which would reduce the projected overspend on the Integrated Budget to £1.655m • Noted the projected overspend on the Set Aside budget for Large Hospital Services of £1.325m bringing the overall overspend on the partnership budget including set aside to £3.108m • Noted the significant financial pressures and risks across the Partnership budget Councillor Clark requested clarification on the children’s services (page 6). Annemargaret Black stated that a meeting has been held and further work will be done on this National issue. Ewan Murray will circulate details of all questions and answers after this meeting. The Board approved and noted the paper Page 4 of 12 Agenda Item 5 - Draft Minute of C&S IJB 25 March 2020 8.2 2020 / 2021 REVENUE BUDGET & MEDIUM TERM FINANCIAL PLAN Ewan Murray presented this paper. The purpose of this report was to present the Integration Joint Board with the 2020/21 Revenue Budget and Draft Medium-Term Financial Plan for consideration and approval. Ewan Murray stated that these reports were produced on a ‘business as usual’ basis before the Covid-19 pandemic, which will affect the ability to further develop and deliver plans including, notably, the Transforming Care Programme. Discussion took place relating to item 2.4 within the report. A number of members felt that it is unacceptable for Stirling Council to not contribute to the staff pay awards directly through the proposed payment. After discussion it was accepted that the Stirling Council proposed payment was compliant with the terms of the Scottish Government settlement and therefore acceptable, however, the Board asked that Ewan Murray and Annemargaret Black discuss the Boards concerns further with Stirling Council and report back to the Board. The Integration Joint Board: • Approved the proposed payments and set aside budget for Large Hospitals Services from Clackmannanshire Council, Stirling Council and NHS Forth Valley noting that they are compliant with the terms of the Scottish Government settlement. • Approved the 2020/21 Revenue Budget • Approved a Due Diligence report on budgets proposed to transfer to the Integration Joint Board from Clackmannanshire and Stirling Councils is brought to the IJB Finance and Performance Committee in May to ensure adequacy of resource and understanding of service and commissioning arrangements. • Noted the update in relation to Set Aside budget for Large Hospital Services and approve the recommendation in Section 5.6 subject to further discussion with NHS Forth Valley • Delegated authority to the Chief Officer to issue initial directions for 2020/21 based on payments from constituent authorities. • Noted the background and budget context • Noted the update in relation to Reserves Policy and Strategy. • Noted the update in relation to Property, Assets and Capital Planning • Noted the wider risks and, in particular, the rapidly developing situation in response to the COVID 19 pandemic. There may be a need to consider emergency budget measures as part of responses. 9. TRANSFORMING CARE AND STRATEGIC PLANNING 9.1 CHIEF OFFICE REPORT Strategic Review of Palliative & End of Life Care Page 5 of 12 Agenda Item 5 - Draft Minute of C&S IJB 25 March 2020 This verbal update was provided by Annemargaret Black. The purpose of this was to update the Board on Palliative and End of Life Care. The Integration Joint Board: • Noted that a paper will be presented to a future Board following engagement with Strathcarron Hospice on the Memorandum of Understanding and Service Level Agreement. This report will be subject to Board approval and a direction to NHS Forth Valley to enter into a SLA with Strathcarron Hospice. COVID-19 Current Situation As of 10am on 25 March, there were: • 8077 confirmed cases of COVID-19 in UK • 422 deaths in the UK • Scotland • first case in Scotland was reported by NHS Lothian on 13 March • 584 cases in Scotland • 16 deaths • 43 FV cases Local Authority Nurseries, Primary Schools and High Schools closed on Friday 20 March 2020 for the foreseeable future.
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