.WAAT. 970 1WEVD. 1330 WLIB.. 1190 WOE...710 WBBR. 1330 WHN.. 1050 WMCA. 570 WOV.. 1280 RADIO TODAY WBNX. 1380 WHOM 1480WNBC. 660 WPAT. 930 SATURDAY, JAN 18 1941 WBYN. 1430 WINS.. 1010 WNEW 1130 WQXR. 1580 WCBS.880 WJZ.. 770 WNYC. 830 WWRL 1600 .0:3041 A. M.-New York Times Youth Fulfilling Its Role in World Affairs"Forum: "Is the United States The New York Times WQXR. Dorothy Gordon, Moderator- now broadcasts its 1:30-2:30-Foreign Policy Meeting, Hotel NEWS BULLETINS Black, John S. Dadeau, Speakers-WNYC.Waldorf-Astoria: Frank H. every hour on the hour over 2-5-Metropolitan Opera: "Abduction From Conductor-WJZ. the Seraglio"; Emil Cooper, WQXR WQXQ 2:30-3-Salvation Army Band and Choir; (1560 on your dial) (FM-45.9 megacycles) 2:30-1-American Youth Orchestra, Hunter,Fannie Hurst, Speaker-WOR. 7 A. M. 5 P. M. 4-1:30-Doctors Then and Novi: College-WNYC. to Midnight "3,to Midnight WNBC. "Story of Francois Marie Prevost"- 5-6-Philadelphia Orchestra; Robert mandy, Conductor-WCBS. Casadesus, Pianist; Eugene Or- NEWS BROADCASTS 7-7:30-"Military Policy of the United ldorning Secretary of War-VVNBC. States"; Robert P. Patterson,5:00-WCBS 8:30-WMCA, WHEW 6:00-WISH 8:45-WNYC, WI-IN 8-8:30-Comedy: "Life of Riley," WithWilliam Bendix-WIC. 6:30-WOR, WMCA. 8:55-WOR, WJZ. 8-8:30-Twenty Questions Quiz: Jean WHEW WNIC Parker, Guest-WOR. 7:00-WNBC. WOR. 9:00-1VCBS. WMCA. 8-8:30-Play: "June Moon,With Mickey Rooney-VVCBS. WJZ, WCBS WOKE, WL/B 8:05-9-Symphony Hall: TchaikovskySymphony No. 6-WQXR.. WQXR. 9:30-WIVICA, WNEW 8:30-9-Truth or Consequences, With 7:15-WISH 9:55-1VNYC Ralph Edwards-WNI3C. 7:30-IVNI3C, WHEW. 10:00-WOR, wizs. 8:30-9-Play: "I Deal in Crime," WithWilliam Garga.n-W.TZ. WQXR WMCA. WQXR 8:30-8:55-"Mayor of the Town," With 7:45-WJZ, WCBS 10:30-WHEW Lionel Barrymore and Agnes 55-WPIN 11:00-WOE. WCBS, Moorehead-WCBS. 8:00-IVNBC. won. WMCA. WNYC, 8:30-10:30-Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra; WCBS, WMCA, WHEW ductor-WINS. Eugene Goossens, Con- W X_R 11:30-W111.CA, WNEV, 9-9:30-Western Music: Roy Rogers, Dale Evans Aftemoon and Others-WNBC.12:00-WNBC. WMCA. 2:10-WHEW 9-9:30-"Gangbusters," Drama; Elmer L. Irey,Speaker-WJZ. 3:00-WA/ICA, WQX5 9-9:45-Hit Parade: Warnow Orchestra; JoanEdwards and Andy Rus-12:30-WOR. WJZ. WL113 sell, Songs-WCBS. WMCA, WNEW 3:30-WMCA 52:55-WISH 3:55-WNYC 9-10:45-Basketball: Knickerbockersvs. Boston, Sixty-ninth Regiment1: 00-WMCA. WQXR. 4: 00- W/VICA. WQ XR Armory-WHN. WLIB WLIB 9:30-10-Comedy Quiz: Can You Top 1:30-WMCA, WNEW 4:55-1.VNYC This?-WNBC. 1:45-WNBC 5:00-WMCA. WQXR 9;30-10-Drama: 'Murder and Mr. Malone"; FrankLovejoy-WJZ. 2:00-W1VICA. WNYC WLIB 9;45-10:15-Saturday Night Serenade: GustaveHaenschen Orchestra; 5:30-WNBC. WHEW Hollace Shaw, Soprano; Bill Perry, Tenor -WCBS. Evefling L041-Theatre of the Air: "Mme. Pompadour"-WOR. C:00-WNBC. WOP- 9:10-WHEW WJZ. WCBS 10:00-WMCA, WQXF LO:15-10:45-This Is Hollywood: "MagnificentDoll," With Ginger WAICA, WQXR. 10:30-WHEW Rogers-WCBS. WISH 10:55-WNYC 11:07-12-An Hour of Chamber Musie-WQXR. 6:25-WQXR 11:00-WNBC. WJZ 6:30-WOR. WHEW WQXR 6:45-WCBS 11:15-WNBC, WOR Where there is no listing fora station the preceding program is on the air.7:00-WMCA. WI-IN 11:30-WHEW WQXR 12:00-WNBC. WOR. 7:15-WJZ WCBS, W1VICA, MORNING 7:30-WOR. WAICA. WIIN. WQXR WHEW 12:53-WNBC. WISH 5:00-WCBS-News: Variety Musicale 7:55-WNYC WMCA 5:30-1VNBC-Varlety Music WNYC-City Guide: Newr 00-WMCA, WQXR 1:00-WNBC, WCES WISH-News Reports 8:30-WNEW WCES-Reveille Sweetheart 8:55-WOR-Prescott Robinson, N2WS 1:50-WISH. WJX, 5:45-WOR. WJZ-Parm News: Market Trends WNYC-News Reports 8:55-WCBS. WNYC WCBS. V.' 6:00-NBC-Modern Farmer-Don Lerch WHEW-Variety Music 9:00-WMCA. WQXR WQXR WJZ-Galen Drake. Talk 9:00-wNBc-variety Program -WCES-Arthur Godfrey WOR-Tcd Brown Show BY SHORT WAVY WHN-Radio Newsreel WJZ-Wake-Up and Smile-Varlety WHEW-Military Music WCBS-Joe King, News C :stern Standard Time-Me:- 6:30-WOR-News: Morning 'Watch-Record WNICA-News: Music LONDON WHEW-News; Songs of Faith WISH-Recorded Music 9:00 P. M.- 5:00 P. M.-18.08 6:45-WOR-Morning Watch WNYC-Masterwork Hour 5:00 P. M.- 7:00 P. 51.-1.6.31 WHEW-Morning Meditation WHEW-News: Talks: Music 7:45 P. M-11.00 P. M.-I/.68 7:00-1,VNEC-News: Bob Smith Show WQY.R-The New York Times News WOR-Melvin Mott. News Reports 9:05-WQXR-Request Program PARIS WJZ-Jullan Anthony, News WLEB-Home Talk, Music 230 P. AL- 3:30 P. M.- 9.56 WCBS-News: Arthur Godfrey 9:15-WCBS-This Is New York, Bill Leonard;9:00 P. M.-10:45 P. M.- 9.62 WAICA-News: Music Col. John Reed Kilpatrick, Guest WISH-Recorded Music WAICA-Religlon and Life MOSCOW WNYC-News: Sunrise Symphony WNEW-Manhattan Mountaineers 6:20 P. Si.- 7:30 P. M.-11.75 WHEW-Variety 9:25-WHN-News: Recorded Music MELBOURNE WQXR-The New York Times Neiva 9:30-WNBC-Camp Meetin' Choir 8:00 A. M.- 8:45 A. M.- 9,54 7:05-WQXR-Morning Parade WOR-Rainbow House; Bob Eatery 11:00 P. M.-11:45 P. M.- 9.54 7:/5-WOR-Gambling's Musical Clock WMCA-Music Box WJZ-Good Morning. It's Knight WHEW-News; Recorded Music BERNE WLIB-News: Tune-Up Time 9:45-WNBC-Your City-Talk 2:20 P. M.-2:50 P. M.-10.405 7,2S-WQXR-Weatiler Report WCBS-The Garden Gate-Tom Williams8:30 P. M.-10:00 P. M.-9:53 and 11.86 7:30-WNBC-Charle5 F. McCarthy. News WNEW-Calling All Girls WHEW-News: Variety 9:55-wNYC-News Reports WQXR-Breakfast Symphony 10:00-WNBC-3rank Merriwell-Drama 7:45-WNBC-Bob Smith Show WOR-Henry Gladstone, News 10:55-WNYC-News Reports; Music wJZ-News Reports WJY...-Buddy Weed Trio 11:00-WNBC-Teentinters Club WCBs-News; Harry Clark WCBS-Record Shop WON-Prescott Robinson. News 7:50-WJZ-Ray Knight cVMCA-News: The Music Box W.rz-Teenagers Program 7:55-WNYC-News Reports WNEW-Make-Beli eve Ballroom WCBS-News; Warren Sweeney it:00-WOR-PresCott Robinson. News WNYC-Health Talk WAICA-News: Music Box WJZ-George Hays. News WHN-Bandstand; Ted Husing (To 121 WQXR-The New York Times News WCBS-News Round-UP WQXR-The New York Times News 11: 05- WQXR-Musical Mastei pieces WAICA-News; Music 10:05-IVQXR-Gilbert and Sullivan Music WCBS-Let's Pretend-Tales WNYc-weather Report DM/IS-Junior Jamboree 11:15-WOR-Tello-Test Quiz WLIB-News: Music 10:15-WOR-Joseph Marais and Miranda IVJz-Jimray Blair. Songs WQXR-The New York Times News WJZ-Vagabond Quartet WNYC-Marine Program 11:25-WHN-NeWs; Recorded Music 8:05-WQXR-Breakfast Symphony 11: 30-W1SEC-Smil in' Ed MCConnell 6:15-WOR-Dorothy and Dick 10:25-WAN-News: Recorded Music woR-man on the Farm 1VJZ-Ed and Pegeen Fitzgerald 10:30-WNBC-Arehle Andrews-Sketch WJZ-Piano Playhouse WCBS-Phil Cook Variety WOR-PAL Show WCBS-A lventurers Club 0:25-1VNYC-Consumers' Guide: Music WJZ-junior Variety Show-Talk WAICA-Young Book Reviewers: Milton 8:30-WNBC-Variety. Jinx Falkenberg WCBS-Mary Lee Taylor--Talk Caniff. Frederick Metcher, Guests; WCBS-Missus Goes A-Shopping wNYC-Police Safety Talk; Music Margaret C. Scroggin WAICA-News; Unity Viewpoint WHEW-News; Recorded Music WNYC-BBC Newsreel: Music WHEW-News; Music WQXR-New York Times YouthForum: WHEW -News: Recorded MUsic 6:45-WCBS-Margaret Arlen-Talk Dorothy Gordon. Moderator: IsG. S. WQXR-StrIngtime Fulfilling Its Role in WorldAffairs? 11:45-W1.1B-Sports-Ben Cole AFTERNOON 3:00-WNBC-Rad Hall. News WOR-Shirley Eder Presents Waldorf-Astoria; John S. IVJZ-Texas Jim Robertson. Songs Frank H. Black. SpeakersDadeall, WMCA-News: Music WCBS-Theatre of Today WHN-News: Racing: Music WHEW-News; music WMCA-News; Mr. and Mrs. Music WHEW-News: Music wta-H-Gilbert and Sullivan Music WNYC-Midday Symphony WLIB-Treasury Salute: Variety WQXR-Music of Our Time wHN-Children's Stories 4:00-WNBC-Doctors, Then and Now-Drama WHEW-Variety Show 1:15-tvNBC-Elmer Peterson. News Story of Francois Marie Prevost; Dr. W1-11)--News: Home Hints: Mitsic WHN-Carlton Fredericks-Talk P. King Brand, Speaker WQXR-New York Times News 2:00-1VNBC--MUsi0 From Buffalo WCBS-Barron Orchestra 05-WQXR-Luncheon Concert WOR-Movie Matinee WMCA-News; Music; Variety WJZ-Metropolitan opera: Mozart'sAb- WNYC-Mtisic for Everyone %/5-WNBC-Consumer Program duction From the Seraglio;Emil Coop- WQXR-New York Times News WOR-Soapbox er. Conductor: 2:45-OperaNews: Mrs.4:05-WQXR-Symphonics WJZ-Tell Me, Doctor John De WittPeitz.Boris WLIB-Varlety: Mitsle ITO 5:30) ::30-WNBC-Home Is What You Make .It sky: 3:53-Quiz: Olin Downes.Goldov-4:30-WNBC-Variet5. From Hollywood WOR-Henry Gladstone, News Spaeth. Robert Lawrence, HenrySigmund WJZ-News: American Farmer News - WCBs--oive and Take: John Simon WCBS-AdVenturesStansfiekt Sargent, in Guest Science: Dr.
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