jWBWjgflKBPP^ "V*»W4»*>#-' »dhiwwMww' • 'i* *<- <# > t w,,IMl j —r«-~™ ' •^-/..-r^^^iis^^^ft^^v^^^M^Mij^-'wwiwwflwti-iL^. *** ^;^' ^"^ " '"'f .^r.Tr^i^z!!^!")'^-.. •. .'•^',^~>.w,r' ' ********* i r,.-,«?•> •£> «<£* r- ••-.,v^!-^-i/.i;:{j -^>,M%. '$&£%>>••' *T* "'* •' "' •& ill ~<K 21 P,JtM .•^Tvjf o £»rifl i r^iv'K !Q&ri%Vx V>*A& -;v x le^miat^ •' • - • ,-ter •; & A' •."»-;<• £&«#••£•tMv *s'©?:S" *\,, .pfS«w*EC ;••• -SS -.- ••<? <tr c i :' z* / xiii'iti. iKiiiff'i:. NOR"WALK, CONNECTICUT, TUESDAY, JUNE 2,1868,'SWftiS -a f/>; ,i:s; • >:< rti,. »,i v^- ^fexvt *y .'.«/ VOLUME LI.—NUMBER 22. WHOLE NUMBER 1064. I'J uK*,' Jt, -' '; •Mr' • r Fruit Trees! Fruit Trees! £jv;iy!"i- ®r* MANN, From Atlantic Monthly far May. Her races with Princess followed. Princess NORWALK GAZETTE. " f "Home Again." REAL ESTATE. AT THE . An experienced The Turf and the Trotting Horse Aeconcher and Physician, was a very beantiifal trotter. She was bred TO LET, OB FOBgAMt) Q» TO I<KV i » NEW CANAAN HjDMKBT. in America. in New Hampshire; but had been in Califor­ The Second Oldest Paper In the State. COAL! COAL!! COAL!!! The subscribers take pleasure In annouiicing to the Graduate of the New England Female Medical Col­ IN TENEMENTS. public that their stock of lege, Boston. Having practised successfully in the nia, where she had trotted ten miles to wag­ RARE CHANCK—The Dwelling house occupied dues of Boston and New York, during the past twen­ J j'iitXf [Continuedfrom lust week.\ f OFFICE IN GAZETTE BUILDING. •" " : ? v at present by the subscriber, at*South Norwalk, ty years, and having had an extensive practice In Mid­ on in 29 m. 101-2 s. The first race between AT THE ; : V ; - frontingA the road leading to Wilson's Point, opposite Fruit &*0rnamental Trees,Vines, Ac. dlesex County, Mass. offers her Professional services Lady Suffolk's day was hardly over before the new Depot. The house has a fine cellar, andlabout isla unusually largelarge andana ofoi unuriiaiiuuuunsurpassed excellence.»»»> We to the citizens of Norwalk. Mrs. M. takes this oppor­ Flora and Princes was of three miles, and feel# , confident.J.-1 I.In cdvtnnMying that«haf Wiwe believeHjtlljIVP thatthat ourOU stockI tunity to Inform the public generally that she is pre­ a successor appeared who was more than A. H. BYINCTON & CO., twenty rooms, all In fair condition; splendid weU of of APPLE TREKS particularly, to be the Largnt and was won by the former, after a hard pnll in Steamboat Dock, South Norwalk. water, a good yard; Is well adapted W.h«t«L bosrd- <t a a_ ivia Va am sltA nnnnm tBftt M pared to visit them. Certificates and Recommenda­ her equal, whose career on the turf was A. H. BTINGTON, J. B. ELLS, G. N. ELLS. Best in this Counter. We are also positive that tions to be seen at her Residence, in Camp Street, in 7 m. 54 s. and 7 m. 891-2 s. The second ing houseTT/rivate dweinng:'VmedUte can furnish'Trees in better quality, better order,! nearly as long, and marked by achievements given if required. Jtoyiarticulars near Main. race of twcJ miles was won by Princess in 5 HE subscriber having resumed his old business as for less money than they can be obtained from out Norwalk, April Id, 1848. > Sml# Subscription $2.00 per year in advance. T above, is prepared to furnish the public with a cxciting equal admiration, and gaining her m. 2 s. and 5 m. 5 s. The third race of one better articlo of COAL, than has ever before been of­ ^Thos^wlshing to purchase Trees and Vines .will do even greater celebrity. The new light was ;le copies 5 cents. i^f»«rs fered, and at the lowest possible rates. Also1 TO LET. well to send their oraers early—or still better, visit our mile was won by Flora in 2 m. 231-2 s.,2 m. PLEASENT RESIDKNCE,8mlnnttawrikfrom Nursery andmrte thdrown^Uon^ ^ ^ WILLIAM W. C0MST00K, Flora Temple. She was foaled in 1845, near Advertising Hates. WOOD OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS. the Port Office, and 8 minutes from the-HMM 22 s., and 2 m. 2.3 1-2 s. Although this most Four lines or leal, 1 insertion 50 eta.; S times, $1.00 A <0MM«or to Ik'DMIe *0*,) Utica, New York, and was by One-eyed 1.00 18 } i '• DAVID H. WEBB. P. s. We tffcf pkmn In showingpersons throng ' t'' ' extraordinary race was won by Flora, Prin­ One squire, one insertion, •SB s» ^g&ssM»pS safeuM. our* Knrienes. wnether deairons or pnrchMing tree DEALER IN Hunter, a son of Kentucky Hunter. She Per week, for continuance, . < cess had trotted so -vrell that it was still 7.00 mediately. Water and Gas tojheton^^^of or not; and would cordially Invite *11 interested t was a little bay mare, fourteen and a half One square, ilx months, \ IS. 00 visit the Nursery. " " one year—with psper, HOYT Ac RAYMOND, •• Choice Family Groceries,7 hands high, of thorough-bred, muscular form thought by some that she was the better Two " " " " ;;. 25.00 horse. In August a fourth race of two miles Three « «. " •' ^80.00 Manufacturers of For Sale or to Rest. NEW GOO!%! and peculiarly quick and nervous gait.— One quarter Column, one year,- U'Ji 60.00 Saab, Blinds, Doors, Mouldings, HE well known Allee Farm in the townofWllton, FLOUR, FEED, PROVISIONS, took place between them, which was won 80.00 ; When four years old she was sold for thirteen Onelialf " "• ' T near Cannon's Station, consisting <rf between 40 •i».' ' Just received, a good assortment of , 'Jp CBOCKEBY, Ml., 4cO., by Flora in the unprecedented time of 4 m. VtaU Column, one yew, ,. 150.00 and 50 acres of good land, Mid has * substantial, dollars, and again for sixty-eight dollars, and Bceciftl Notices 26 per cent advance on the above. wno TTumca i-wwtfld Boxes, d'Ci, or every aescripUwu roomy dwelling, good barn and out-buildings. Pot- t €3asslmeres and Coatings, £ DIBBLE'S BLOCK, SOUTH NORWALK, CONN. 501-2 s. The time of the second heat was 5 ^Tearlv advertlBws restricted to the business con- t session given immedtately. ^g^ B ultimately found her way to New York, templated at the time of contract, but unpermitted made promptly and warranted to give satisfaction. B1SER HICH win be made into garments to the most HE undersigned thinkfal for the very libers! pat­ m. 5 s. The two mares then made a trip to­ to make monthly changes of their advertisements. Please give us a call at the Steam Mill, west of the De­ or SAMUEL BEERS, v v Improvedimprovea styleSIYIE BUUand bsstIWBI UBUUCImanner.. A|8p,js ronage heretofore extended to the late firm, of where she soon became known on the subur­ pot near the Nursery, South Norwalk. 1.4W flAttnaa Af HllW' w! T gether, trotting at Saratoga, Boston, Phila­ One inch space constitutes a squwe. Dtf Ridgefleld Station, Conn. lot of Paper Collars, of the best make; will beisoj whichhewassmember, woJM respectfully solleiiof ban roads as a trotter of unusual promise. ' Advance payment required for all transient adver- H.N. HOYT, (BmM) J. R. RAYMOND. very cheap—cheaper than can be bought dlsewnere J the public a continuance of the same, hoping by Mr delphia, Baltimore, Chicago, and, on the 15th For Sale. this viclmty, together with a general assortment or dealing and strict attention to business to meitl all In the summer of 1850 she trotted her first ^'uarterof a Column, one time, S Ml | j^SAM. PAKULSKI'S Cents'"Finishing Coods, that maybebetsowed. of October, at Kalamazoo, Mich. In the ' jf << » " " ---"-::-<K.' 10.00 race, a half-mile, on the old Red House track. 24 HE LAND fronting the entire "Union Part" on at very low prices. <hnia WILLIAM W. COM STOCK. third heat of the race, at this place, with Foil Column, one time . SO.OO the west; being 800x250 feet, or near. Price In the fall of the same year she trotted with Marriages and deaths inserted gratuitously. Ohitua- Hair Dressing Saloon, So. Norwalk. |*,000.T Terms reasonale. Apjily^to Shirts made to order at short notlcc. ^.. Princess and Hqnest Anse, Flora trotted a ry, Funeral and all other Bpecuu noticesTO cents per AVING fitted up a Saloon in Dibble's Block, in JAMES MITCHELL. Particular attention paid to cuttog g«ments of KOBWALK Delaware Maid, Whitehall, Napoleon, and style not exceeded by any similar establishment all kinda. D. DAYTON, mile in 2 m. 19 34 s. The news of this great 11 H Steam Dyeing Establishmeiit, Hiram, winning in 2 m. 55 s., 2 m. 52 s., and Ail communications Inserted as reading matter de­ in the State, the undersigned is prepared to treat his Office to Let. At the old stand, No. 4, Ely's Block. performance was received by telegraplhin signed to promote private Interests, $1& per half and friends to ail luxuries in nis line. He prides himself South Norwalk, March, 1868. FOOT OF MILL HILL. 2 m. 49 s. „-rH $& per full column. 'All nnnsnal cuts and devices 25 t0 the principal cities of the Union, and created upon the cleanliness and neatness of his place. He Q» ground floor, 14x18, in new bulling. Ss- Every description of Silk. Cotton and Woolen good; per cent extra. has in his employ tw^well known Artists from the p. s.—Agent for Schwartz A Claes, Dyeing 1 Cleaned. Dyed and Pressed; particular attention pala In 1852 she beat the horse Centrevillc in 2 a general excitement. It was the culmina­ Prescott House Barber Shop, in New York, and will tablishment, Bridgeport.
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