Azbill Sawmill Co. I-40 at Exit 101 Southside Cedar Grove, TN 731-968-7266 731-614-2518, Michael Azbill [email protected] $6,000 for 17,000 comics with complete list below in about 45 long comic boxes. If only specific issue wanted email me your inquiry at [email protected] . Comics are bagged only with no boards. Have packed each box to protect the comics standing in an upright position I've done ABSOLUTELY all the work for you. Not only are they alphabetzied from A to Z start to finish, but have a COMPLETE accurate electric list. Dates range from 1980's thur 2005. Cover price up to $7.95 on front of comic. Dates range from mid to late 80's thru 2005 with small percentage before 1990. Marvel, DC, Image, Cross Gen, Dark Horse, etc. Box AB Image-Aaron Strain#2(2) DC-A. Bizarro 1,3,4(of 4) Marvel-Abominations 2(2) Antartic Press-Absolute Zero 1,3,5 Dark Horse-Abyss 2(of2) Innovation- Ack the Barbarion 1(3) DC-Action Comis 0(2),599(2),601(2),618,620,629,631,632,639,640,654(2),658,668,669,671,672,673(2),681,684,683,686,687(2/3/1 )688(2),689(4),690(2),691,692,693,695,696(5),697(6),701(3),702,703(3),706,707,708(2),709(2),712,713,715,716( 3),717(2),718(4),720,688,721(2),722(2),723(4),724(3),726,727,728(3),732,733,735,736,737(2),740,746,749,754, 758(2),814(6), Annual 3(4),4(1) Slave Labor-Action Girl Comics 3(2) DC-Advanced Dungeons & Dragons 32(2) Oni Press-Adventrues Barry Ween:Boy Genius 2,3(of6) DC-Adventrure Comics 247(3) DC-Adventrues in the Operation:Bollock Brigade Rifle 1,2(2),3(2) Marvel-Adventures of Cyclops & Phoenix 1(2),2 Marvel-Adventures of Kool-Aid Man(60cents)(2) Dark Horse-Adventrues of Luther Arknight 5,4,7 Marvel-Adventures of Spider-man 2 DC-Adventrues of Superman 0,426,427,455,467(3),480,497,499(2),500(3/3),501(5/8),502(4),503(4),503(4),504(4),505(4/2),506,507,508,509,5 10(7),512(3),514,515,516(2),517(3),518,530(2),528,521,522(2),523,524(2),526,528(3),530,533,534,537,539,541, 549(4),550(2),562,569(2),573,579,618,627(3),629(3),636(2),Annual 3(6), 1995 Annual 7(2), 1996 Annual 8, 1997 Pulp Heroes 9(3) DC-Adventures of the Outsiders 38,39,42,43,44,45 Marvel-Adventures o fthe Thing 2 Marvel- Adventgrues of the X-Men 2 Adventure-Adventures 10,6 Eclipse-Adolescent Radioactive Black Belt Hamsters Book Two Fangtagraphics-Aesop's Fables Chaos!-Aftermath 1(2) Top Cow-The Agency 2,3,4 Image-The Agents 2,3(5),4(6),5(2) Marvel-Agent X 7 Marvel-Age of Apocalypse 6(4)(of6) Box Ai/Al Image-The Agents 2,5(2),6(3) Marvel-Age of Apocalyse 6 Marvel-Agent X 10 CrossGen-El Cazador 3,2 Image-Age of Bronze:Sacrifice 10 Elcipse-Airboy 1thru20, 22thru34 Eclipse-Airboy & Mr. Mosnster 1 Star-Air Raiders 1(3),2,3 IDW-Aleister Arcane 1 Max-Alias 11,12,17 Eclipse-Alien Encounters 6,13 Kitchen Sink-Alien Fire 1(2) Epic-Aien Legion 2 DC-Alien Nation Movie Adapt (2) Dark Horse-Aliens:Mondo Heat Dark Horse- Aliens:Genocide 2(of4) Dark Horse-Aliens:Music of the Spears Dark Hosre-Aliens:Apocalypse:Destorying Angels 1,4 Dark Horse-Aliens:Stronghold 1 Dark Horse-Aliens::Survival Dark Horse-Aliens/Predator:Deadliest of Species 2(5) Dark Horse-Alien 3,2(2),3(11)(of3) Dark Horse-Alien:Xenogenesis 1,2,3,4 Dark Horse-Aliens:Wraith IDW- Aleister Arcane 3(2) Oni Press- Alison Darees Little Miss Adventure 1(2) Avatar-Alizarins Journal 1 DC-All Star Squadron 62 Image-Alley Cat 5 Bumblenut Pictures-All Weather Vol 2 of Zak Meadow Collection Marvel-Alpha Flight 1(5),2(5),3(6),4(2),6,8(2),9(2),10(3),11(6),13,16(3),17,19,20,22,27(2),28,30,34,36(5),37,39,40(2),41(8),42(2),43(2) ,44,45,46,51,52,54,57(2),58,73,77,92(2),103,111,112(8),113(6) Marvel-Alpha Flight 1 Marvel-Alpha Flight 1 Marvel-Alpha Flight 2,3(7),4(6)(of6) Image-Alter Image 2 Image-Alter Nation 4a Image-Amanda & Gunn Marvel- Amazing Fantasy 1,3 Image-Amazing Joy Buzzards 1,2(4),3(4),4(2) Marvel-Amazing Ricochet 1 Marvel-Amazing Scarlet Spider 2(2) Marvel-Amazing Spiderman 1(Friends & Enemies Part 1) Marvel-Amazing Spiderman 97' annual Comico-Amazon 1(3),2(3),3(3) DC-Animaniacs DC-Amazon 1 DC-Ambush Bug 1 DC-Ambush Bug Special 1 Dark Horse-American:Lost in America DC-American Century 2,3(2),6,7,9.13 First-American Flag 14 DC-American Freak:tale of Unmen 1(8),3(6) DC-AMETHYST:PRINCESS OF GEMWORLD 2,3,6(2),10,11(of12) DC-Amethyst:Princess of Gemworld 1,2,4(2),6,9 DC-Amethyst 2,3,4(of4) DC-Aonarky 1,7 Marvel-A Next 4(2) Box An DC-Angel & the Ape 1 Innovation-Angel of Death DC-Angel Town 1(2),2(3) Malibu-Angels of Destruction 1 Icon-Angry man 1,2 Youth-Angry 8 \DC-Anima 0,2(2) Marvel-Annex 1,2(4),3 Max-Apache Skies 1(5),2(2),3(4)(of4) DC-Anima 7 DC-Animal Man 3,31,57(5),60(4),61(2),62(2),63(8),69, Annual 1,56 DC-Aquaman 1(3) DC-Aquaman 2,8,9,10(2),11(2),12,59,69,70 DC-Aquaman Annual 3 DC-Aquaman(2003) 2,8(2),23(2),24(3) DC-Aquaman Special:Spirit & Flesh 1 DC-Aquaman Time & Tide 1,2(2),3,5 DC-Aquaman(2003) 11 DC-Aquaman 2003 Secret Files & Orgins (2) Meathaus-And My Also Hollywood-Arachnophobia Movie Adapt DC-Arak:Son of Thunder 1,2,3,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,19,20,21,22,23,24,33,34(2),35,36,37,38,39,40,41,42,43,44,45,46,49,50, Annual 1 Marvel-Arana-Heart of th eSpider 1(2),2,3,4 Eternal-Arch Angels:the Saga1,2 CGE-Archard's Agents 1(2) Valiant-Archer & Armstrong 1,2(4),8(3),11(2),12(2),13 Image-Area 52 3 DC-Argus 1(4),2,3,5(2),6(3) Image- Aria:Uses of Enchantment 1(2),3 Image-Aria:Summer Spell 2 Image-Aria:Soul Market Image-Aria:Midwinters Dream Image-@thena, Inc:Manhunter Project 1 DC-Arion:Immortal 1,2(2) DW-Arkanium 2 DC-Armageddon 2001 1(1st print),1(3rd print), 2(6) DC-Armageddon Alien Agenda 2(4),3(5),4(3) DC-Armageddon:Inferno 1,2,4 DreamCatcher-Armies of the Night 1 Fleetwood-Armitage 1,2 Continuity-Armor 2 Valiant-Armorines 1,2,3,4 Image-Armor X 1(8),3 Valiant-Armorines 5 Wildstorm-Arrowsmith 3,6 Top Cow-Ascension 2,3,4,5 Event-Ash:Fire Within 2 Damage-Bloodshed 3 Damage-Ashes 1(of13) Knight Press-Ashley Dust 1,2 Pocket Change- Assassinitte:The Mind Stalker 6 Antartic Press-Assembly 2,3 Entity-Aster 3 Wehner-Astonish! Featuring Legends of Elfwild 1 Wehner-Astonishing Excitement 503 Now-Original Astro Boy 3 Wildstorm-Astro City:Local Heroes 1(4),5 DC-Atari Force 1(8/4),5,7 Image-@thena, Inc-Manhunter Project 1,2(1/1),4(2/1),5(2/1),6(2) AAAPop- Atomics 1(2),2,4,5,6,9.12,13,3,2,3(2),4(4),5(8),9,11 Image-Atomic Toybox 1(3) Crusade-Atomik Angels 1,2 Big Umbrella-Attacke ofSuper Monsters 1 Wildstorm-The Authority 1(2),9,10(4),11(4),26,29(4) Wildstorm-The Authority:Scorche Earth (3) Wildstorm-The Authority:More Kev 1(4),2(5),3(2)(of4) Wildstorm-The Authority:Revolution 1 Wildstorm-Automatic Kaffa 1,3,5,6(2),9 Sig-Autumn 2(5) Maximum-Avengelyne 3,7(2),8(2),13 Maximum-Avengelyne Power 1(2) Maximum-Avengelyne/Prophet 1 Maximum-Avengelyne Swimsuit Edition Photo Cover Marvel-Earths Mightiest Heroes 4(of8) Void-Awakening 1 Image-Awakening 2 8th Day-Awakenings 1(5) Astonish-Awesome Man 1(3),2(20 Box A/B Marvel-Avengers 229,231,235,236,247,249,255,256,258,260(3),261(6),263,264,266,278,279(2),282,284,285(2),286,287,288,291,2 93,303,306(2),309,310(2),312,314,320,321,322,323,324,326,327(2),329,330(3),325,336,337,338,339(2),340,346, 347(2),348,358,360(Gold)(6),362,363(silver)(6),365(4),368,369foil,297,298,299,371(3),372,377,386, Annual 11(2), Annual 12, Annual 20(2),469,476,477(4), 490, Annual 18(2) Marvel-Avengers:Earths Mightiest Heroes(1996) 1 Marvel-Avengers:Celestial Quest 5(2)(of 8) Marvel-Avengers Annual 13,16,22 Marvel- Avengers:Forever 1(of12) Marvel-Avengers:Hotshots (2) Marvel-Avengers:Log 1(3) Marvel-Avengers:Spotlight 29,30(2),31(3) Marvel-Avengers:Terminatrix Objective 3,4(of4) Marvel-Avengers/Thunderbolts 2(2),3(3),4(4),5(5) Marvel-Avengers United they Stand 1,3 Marvel-Avengers West Coast 51,75,77,78,79,80,81,86,94(2),96,99,Annual 6 Marvel-Avengers Two:Wonderman & Beast 2,3 DC-Azrael 19 DC- Azrael of the BAT 85 DC-Azrael 2(2),21,22,34 DC-Azrael Agent of the Bat 58,62,63,64,66,67,68,69,70(2),71(2),72,73,74,75(2),76,77(2),78(2),79,80,81,82,83,84,86,87,90,92,94,96,97,98 DC-Azrael & plus the question 1 Eclipse-Aztec Ace 6 Dark Horse-Babe 2(2),3(3),4(7)(of4) Dark Horse-Babe 2,1(4),2(2)(of2) Forceworks-Babe Force:Back to school 1(2) Eddie Campbell's Bacchus 9,14(2),18(2),20(2),21(2) Image-Backlash 9,15,21(4),22,23,24,28 Adventure-Bad Axe 1,2,3 Quality-Bad Company 4,18 Armada-Bad Eggs 1(3),3(of4) Mirrage Studios-Bade Biker & Orson 1,2 Capital-Badger 1,2(2) First-Badger 5,6,7,15,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29(2),30,31,32,33,34,35,36,37,38,39,40,41(2),42,43,44,45,46,47,4 9,50(2),52,54,55 Archie Comic Group-Betty & Veronica 343,347 Archie Giant Series 529(Betty & Veronica Summer Fun) Archie Giant Series 588(Betty & Veronica Sectacular) Archie Comics Group Betty & Veronica 1,2(2),3,10,11,17 Archie Comics Group Betty & Me 141,172 DC-Beware the Creeper 3(2),4(3) SdudioUnderthe Hill-Between the Cracks:The Bride Antartic Press-Betti Cozmo:Ray Gun for Hire 2 Image-Berzerkers 1 Image- Beyond Avaton 1 Caliber-Beyond Communion 1 Image-Big Bang 15 Box B1 Dark Horse-Big Blown Baby 1(3))of4) IDW-Bigfoot Zono Star-On Our Marry Way 1(2) Humor-Big Berd Versus Arnold Schwarzeenheimer 2 Big Monster-Fight 0(2) Image-Big Hair Productions 1 Dumm-Disenchanted! 1(2) Dumm-Big Thing One Shot Image-Big Bang Marvel-Bill & Teds Excellent comic Book 1,2(2) Slave Labor-Bill th eClown Comedy ISn't Pretty 1(2) Slave Labor-Bill the Clown 1 Slave Labor-Bill the Clown Death & Clwon Whtie (2) Asylum-Billy Boy 2(2) Caliber-Billy Nguyen:Private Eye USA Bullet-Aids 1995:Price of Blood 1 Alternate- Bipolar 5 Marvel-Bishop 2,3,4 DC-Bite Club 4 Dark Horse-Bizarre Hands 2 Fiasco-Don Simpson's Bizarre Heroes 1,4,5,6,7 DC-Bite Club 5 Marvel-
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