Lot # Notes Buyer Price Breeding pair. Rosecomb bantams. Blue. 1 Anthony Chaffey (Glen Innes, NSW) Breeding Pair. Australorp Bantams. 2 Black Cockerel and Hen. Trevor Gorsch (Stroud, NSW) Breeding Pair. Black Silkies. 3 Nordstrom Bros (Uralla, NSW) Breeding Trio. Langshan Bantams 4 White cockerel and 2 pullets. Aaron Blake (Walcha, NSW) Breeding Pair. Blue Australorp Bantams. 5 Joy Howe (Armidale, NSW) Breeding Trio. Buff Sussex. Large. 6 Unrelated stock - cockerel/pullet/hen. J & M Shephard (Barraba, NSW) Breeding Pair. 2015 Bred Pied Peafowl. 7 Greg Nordstrom (Armidale, NSW) Pair. Pekin - Mottle. Bantams. Cock and Hen second year. 8 Desty's Poultry (Bundarra, NSW) Pair of Females. Splashed Pits. Bantam. 9 MP & AM Davies (Armidale, NSW) Trio Buff Silkies. 10 Tom Anderson (Armidale, NSW) Pair Females. Light Sussex hens. 11 James Armitage (Armidale, NSW) Trio Unsexed Guinea Fowl Very Young (Born In May) 12 Jo Burwell (Walcha, NSW) Breeding Pair. Black Australorps. 13 Vince Fittler (Armidale, NSW) Lot # Notes Buyer Price Pair of Females. Wyandotte Pullets. Large. 14 1 Gold Laced and 1 Blue Laced. Belinda Quayle (Hallsville, NSW) Pair of Females. Light Sussex pullets. Large. 15 Noel Taylor (Inverell, NSW) Breeding Trio. Old English Game - Black Red / Black Tail 16 Wheatens. Cockerel and 2 Pullets. Bantams. Peter Smallpiece (Gunnedah, NSW) Trio of Turkeys. 17 Mitchell Towle (Wauchope, NSW) Breeding Trio. Langshan. Large. 18 Peter Cahill (Beechwood, NSW) Breeding Pair. Young white Brahma. Large. 19 Celeste Graham (Toogoolawah, Qld) Breeding Trio. Rhode Island Reds. Large. 20 Bert Hewitt (Gunnedah, NSW) Pair of Japanese Bantams. Black tail whites. 21 MP & AM Davies (Armidale, NSW) Pair of Japanese Bantams. Coloured. 22 Gaylene Northey (Armidale, NSW) Breeding Pair. Australorp Bantams. Black. WITH 23 Ben Dawson (Murrurundi, NSW) DRAWN Breeding Trio. Australian Game. 24 Duckwing Male, Partridge females. Large. Kevin Lawty (Narrabri, NSW) Breeding Trio. White Leghorns. Large. 25 Bert Hewitt (Gunnedah, NSW) Breeding Trio. Large Anconas. 26 Nordstrom Bros (Uralla, NSW) Lot # Notes Buyer Price Pair of Females. Rhode Island Red Bantams. 27 Barry and Aileen Tisdell (Wingham, NSW) Breeding Pair. Old English Game - Greys. Large. 28 Simpson Family (Armidale, NSW) Trio of Indian Game. Large. Dark. 29 Kellie Davies (Armidale, NSW) Pair Lavender Belgian d’Uccles. 30 Tom Anderson (Armidale, NSW) Breeding Trio. Pit Game - Heavy. Large. 31 Jason Wilkinson (Armidale, NSW) Pair of Black Leghorns. Bantams. 32 Todd Jones (Tamworth, NSW) Breeding Trio. OEG Wheaten Bantam Cockerel and 33 Pullets. Bantam. Hayden Vincent (Piallaway, NSW) Breeding pair. Rosecomb bantams. Blue. 34 Anthony Chaffey (Glen Innes, NSW) Single. Buff Orpington female waterfowl. 35 Large. 10 months. Desty's Poultry (Bundarra, NSW) Trio of Light Sessex. Cockerel and two pullets. Large. 35a Noel Taylor (Inverell, NSW) Trio Buff Silkies. 36 Tom Anderson (Armidale, NSW) Breeding Pair. 2015 Bred Californian Quail. 37 Greg Nordstrom (Armidale, NSW) Trio of Natural Mallards. 38 Mitchell Towle (Wauchope, NSW) Lot # Notes Buyer Price Breeding Trio. Buff Sussex. Large. Unrelated stock - 39 cock/pullets. J & M Shephard (Barraba, NSW) Breeding Pair. Silkies. 40 Peter Cahill (Beechwood, NSW) Breeding Pair. Plymouth Rock Bantams. 41 Joy Howe (Armidale, NSW) Breeding Pair. Australian Game - Black Red. 42 Cockerel and Pullet. Large. C & K Partridge (Attunga, NSW) Breeding Pair. Australorp Bantams. Blue Cockerel and 43 Black Pullet. Trevor Gorsch (Stroud, NSW) Breeding Trio. Australian Game. Large. 44 Bill Kelly (Moonbi, NSW) Trio Black Belgian d’Uccles. 45 Tom Anderson (Armidale, NSW) Pair of Langshan Bantams. Black. 46 MP & AM Davies (Armidale, NSW) Trio. Jungle Fowl. Large. 9 months. 47 Allan Chappell (Armidale, NSW) Breeding Trio. Langshan Bantams - Black cockerel, black 48 pullet and blue pullet. Aaron Blake (Walcha, NSW) Pair of Females. Australorp Bantams. Black. WITH 49 Ben Dawson (Murrurundi, NSW) DRAWN Breeding Pair. Buff Silkies. 1st year Cock 50 and 1st year Hen. Desty's Poultry (Bundarra, NSW) Pair of Australorp pullets. Large. 50a Noel Taylor (Inverell, NSW) Lot # Notes Buyer Price Pair of Females. Rhode Island Red Bantams. 51 Barry and Aileen Tisdell (Wingham, NSW) Breeding Trio. Barnevelders. Large. 52 Peter Cahill (Beechwood, NSW) Pair. Silver Pencilled Wyandotte Bantams. 53 Briony Looker (Armidale, NSW) Pair of Females. Black Silkies. 54 Nordstrom Bros (Uralla, NSW) Pair Females. Old English Game - Greys. Large. 55 Simpson Family (Armidale, NSW) Pair. White Campbell Waterfowl. Large. Drake second 56 year, Duck 1st year. Desty's Poultry (Bundarra, NSW) Breeding Trio. Gold Laced Wyandotte. Large. 57 Unrelated stock - cock / pullets. J & M Shephard (Barraba, NSW) Pair Lavender Guinea Fowl. 58 John Anderson (Armidale, NSW) Trio Unsexed Guinea Fowl Very Young (Born In May) 59 Jo Burwell (Walcha, NSW) Breeding Pair. Australorp Bantams. 60 Black male, blue female. Joy Howe (Armidale, NSW) Breeding Pair. Old English Game – Black Red. Large. 61 Gallagher line. Simpson Family (Armidale, NSW) Breeding Trio. Black Rosecomb Bantams. 62 Kevin Lawty (Narrabri, NSW) Breeding Trio. Old English Game - Blue Red cockerel/ 63 Black Tail pullets. Bantams. Peter Smallpiece (Gunnedah, NSW) Lot # Notes Buyer Price Trio of Natural Mallards. 64 Mitchell Towle (Wauchope, NSW) Breeding Pair. Black / Grey Silkies. 65 1st year Cock and 1st year Hen. Desty's Poultry (Bundarra, NSW) Pair of Light Sussex pullets. Large. 65a Noel Taylor (Inverell, NSW) Trio of Rouen ducks. 66 Ian Farr-Wharton (Bundarra, NSW) Breeding Trio. Barnevelders. Large. 67 Peter Cahill (Beechwood, NSW) Pair of Females. Indian Game. Large. Dark. 68 Kellie Davies (Armidale, NSW) Pair Quail Belgian d’Anvers. 69 Tom Anderson (Armidale, NSW) Pair of Black-tail White Japanese bantams. 70 John Anderson (Armidale, NSW) Breeding Pair. Pit Game - Light. Large. 71 Jason Wilkinson (Armidale, NSW) Single female. Blue Leghorn bantam pullet. 72 Todd Jones (Tamworth, NSW) Breeding Pair. Golden Pheasants. 73 Greg Nordstrom (Armidale, NSW) Breeding Trio. Rouen ducks. Very young. Large. 74 Aaron Blake (Walcha, NSW) Breeding Trio. Lavender Arucarna. Large. 75 Bert Hewitt (Gunnedah, NSW) Lot # Notes Buyer Price Pair of Females. White Wyandotte Bantams. 76 Nordstrom Bros (Uralla, NSW) Breeding Trio. Speckled Sussex Cockerel and Pullets. 77 Large. Hayden Vincent (Piallaway, NSW) Breeding pair. Rosecomb bantams. Blue. 78 Anthony Chaffey (Glen Innes, NSW) Breeding Pair. Modern Game. Duckwings. Bantams. WITH 79 Ben Dawson (Murrurundi, NSW) DRAWN Pair Females. Pit Game - Light. Pullets. Large. 80 Jason Wilkinson (Armidale, NSW) Pair of Australorp pullets. Large. 80a Noel Taylor (Inverell, NSW) Breeding Pair. Australian Game - Duckwing. 81 Hen and Cock. Large. C & K Partridge (Attunga, NSW) Pair Females. Pekin - White. Bantams. 82 Pullet and 1st year hen. Desty's Poultry (Bundarra, NSW) Pair Females. Light Sussex hens. 83 James Armitage (Armidale, NSW) Trio of Langshan Bantams. Blue cockerel, Black hen. 84 MP & AM Davies (Armidale, NSW) Trio. Jungle Fowl. Large. 9 months. 85 Allan Chappell (Armidale, NSW) Breeding Trio. Australorp Bantams. 86 Black Cockerel and two Pullets. Trevor Gorsch (Stroud, NSW) Breeding Trio. Gold Laced Wyandotte. Large. 87 Unrelated stock - cockerel/hen/pullet. J & M Shephard (Barraba, NSW) Lot # Notes Buyer Price Pair of Females. Rhode Island Red Bantams. 88 Barry and Aileen Tisdell (Wingham, NSW) Breeding Trio. Langshan Bantams 89 White cockerel and 2 pullets. Aaron Blake (Walcha, NSW) Pair of Black-tail White Japanese bantams. 90 John Anderson (Armidale, NSW) Breeding Pair. Black Australorp Bantams. 91 Joy Howe (Armidale, NSW) Trio Silver Milfleur Belgian d’Uccles. 92 Tom Anderson (Armidale, NSW) Pair. Black Rosecomb Bantams. 93 Briony Looker (Armidale, NSW) Trio of Japanese Bantams. Coloured. 94 Gaylene Northey (Armidale, NSW) Pair of Japanese Bantams. 95 MP & AM Davies (Armidale, NSW) Pair of Light Sussex pullets. Large. 95a Noel Taylor (Inverell, NSW) Breeding Pair. Chukar Partridge. 96 Greg Nordstrom (Armidale, NSW) Exhibition Pair. Pekin Waterfowl. 97 Drake and duck 10 months. Desty's Poultry (Bundarra, NSW) Pair Females. Partridge Brahma hens. Large. 98 Celeste Graham (Toogoolawah, Qld) Pair Unsexed Guinea Fowl Very Young (Born In May) 99 Jo Burwell (Walcha, NSW) Lot # Notes Buyer Price Breeding Trio. Silver Seabright bantams. 100 Keith Dubber (Armidale, NSW) Breeding Trio. Rosecomb Bantams. Brown Red Male, 101 Black Females. Kevin Lawty (Narrabri, NSW) Pair of Females. Modern Game. Piles. Bantams. WITH 102 Ben Dawson (Murrurundi, NSW) DRAWN Two Black Indian Runner Ducks. 103 John Anderson (Armidale, NSW) Breeding Trio. Silver Laced Wyandotte. Large. 104 Cockerel/pullets. J & M Shephard (Barraba, NSW) Breeding Trio. Buff Sussex. Large. 105 Bert Hewitt (Gunnedah, NSW) Pair of Females. White Wyandotte Bantams. 106 Nordstrom Bros (Uralla, NSW) Pair of Females. Buff Rocks. 107 Vince Fittler (Armidale, NSW) Pair of Females. Old English Game pullets (colour TBA). 108 Large. Mitchell Towle (Wauchope, NSW) Single Polish Pullet. (REPLACEMENT LOT) 109 Ella Shephard (Goolgowi, NSW) Pair Females. Old English Game - Greys. Large. 110 Simpson Family (Armidale, NSW) Pair of Australorp pullets. Large. 110a Noel Taylor (Inverell, NSW) Pair of Females. Australian Langshan Bantam Hens. Black. 111 Trevor Gorsch (Stroud, NSW) Lot # Notes Buyer Price Breeding trio. Rosecomb bantams. Black. 112 Anthony Chaffey (Glen Innes, NSW) Trio of Females. Belgian
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