)REPORT RESUMES ED 011/756 FL GOO 476 NEW YORK CITY FOREIGN LANGUAGEPROGRAM FOR SECONDARY SCHOOLS, ITALIAN, LEVELS 14. BY- NEWMARK, MAXIM GILLERS, LILLIAN M. NEW YORK CITY BOARD Of EDUCATION,BROOKLYN, N.Y. REPORT NUMBER NY= GULL196667SERNO-11APUB DATE FED 67 ECRS PRICE MFS0.36 HC19.44 236P. DESCRIPTORS- *COURSE CONTENT, *ITALIAN,*LANGUAGE GUIDES, *LANGUAGE LEARNING LEVELS, *SECONDARYSCHOOLS, AUCIOLINGUAL METHODS, AUDIOVISUAL AIDS, COURSEOBJECTIVES, CURRICULUM GUIDES, LANGUAGE LABORATORY USE,LANGUAGE INSTRUCTION, LANGUAGE TESTS, LESSON OBSERVATIONCRITERIA, PATTERN DRILLS (LANGUAGE), TEACHING TECHNIQUES, LANGUAGEPROGRAMS, NEW YORK CITY THE OBJECTIVES, CONTENT, ANC SCOPEOF ITALIAN INSTRUCTION FOR EACH LEVEL OF A FOUR -LEVELSEQUENCE IN SECONDARY SCHOOLS ARE DELINEATED IN THISGUIDE, WHICH IS A REVISION OF EARLIER BULLETINS USEDEXPERIMENTALLY IN NEW YORK CITY SINCE 1962. A MODIFIED AUCIOLINGUALAPPROACH IS STRESSED, AND SPECIFIC TECHNIQUES ARESUGGESTED FOR TEACHING CULTURE AND THE LISTENING, SPEAKING,READING, AND WRITING SKILLS. CHECKLISTS OF MINIMAL VOCABULARYITEMS, GRAMMATICAL STRUCTURES, AND CULTURAL TOPICS ARE :AVEN FOREACH LEVEL. OTHER SUBJECTS DETAILED ARE THE TAPE RECORDER,THE LANGUAGE LABORATORY, TESTING, AUDIOVISUAL AIDS, THE ADVANCEDPLACEMENT PROGRAM, PROGRAMED INSTRUCTION, TEAM TEACHING,AND PROGRAM EVALUATION. A BIBLIOGRAPHY OF GENERAL ANDSPECIFIC REFERENCES FOR ITALIAN TEACHERS IS INCLUDED. (AM) New York City Foreign Language Program for Secondary Schools ,ITALIAN P Levels 1-4 r, Agtr4=7SeeltsaniUnrirtiSWittf440;s5041 Nt4"4, U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH,EDUCATION & WELFARE OFFICE OF EDUCATION THIS DOCUMENT HAS BEEN REPRODUCED EXACTLYAS RECEIVED FROM THE PERSON OR ORGANIZATION ORIGINATING IT.POINTS OF VIEW OR OPINIONS STATED DO NOT NECESSARILY REPRESENT OFFICIAL OFFICEOF EDUCATION POSITION OR POLICY. "PERMISSION TO REPRODUCE THIS COPYRIGHTED MATERIAL HAS BEEN GRANTED BY BrA2112FLY31:g... Cery t*SEI,,N VGAs, TO ERIC IND ORGANIZATIONS OPERATING UNDER AGREEMENTS WITH THE U.S.OFFICE OF EDUCATION. FURTHER REPRODUCTION OUTSIDE THE ERIC SYSTEM REQUIRES PERMISSION OF THE COPYRIGHT OWNER." Corvatom 1967 BY THE BOARD OF EDUCATIONOF THE CITY OF NEW YORK Application for permissionto reprint any section of this material should to the Superintendent of Schools, be made 110 Livingston Street, Brooklyn,N.Y. 11201. Reprint of any section of thismaterial shall carry the line, "Reprinted of publication) by permission from (tide of the Board of Education of the Cityof New York." Copies of this publication may be purchased from: Board of Education ofthe City of New York, Publications SalesOffice, 110 Livingston Street, Brooklyn, Checks should be made payable N.Y. 11201. to: Auditor, Board of Education. Price:$4.00. Ne. CURRICULUM BULLETIN 1966-67 SERIES NO. 11a New York City Foreign Language Program for Secondary Schools ITALIA'. Levels 1-4 BOARD OF EDUCATION CITY OF NEW YORK BOARD OF EDUCATION LLOYD K.GARRISON, President ALFRED A. GIARDINO,Vice-President JOSEPH G. BARKAN MORRIS IUSHEWITZ AARON BROWN JOHN H. LOTZ THOMAS C. BURKE CLARENCE SENIOR MRS. ROSE SHAPIRO Superintendent of Schools BERNARD E. DONOVAN Executive Deputy Superintendent of Schoois NATHANBROWN Deputy Superintendents of Schools FREDERICK W. HILL THEODORE H. LANG BUSINESS AFFAIRS PERSONNEL HELENE M. LLOYD INSTRUCTION AND CURRICULUM (ACTING) Executive Director, Schaal Buildings EUGENE E. HULT ax Gc.:44.W4111110141,1110011C,are.r.... k "ov FOREWORD This publication; New York City Foreign Language ProgramforSecon- dary Schools: Italian, Levels I-IV, is the outgrowth of a comprehensive foreign language program of cur--Lr 'um development, evaluation, and revision. The publication is intended to serve as a guide to teachers and super- viwrs in teaching the ftimiamental language skills, using audio-lingual techniques and developing an understanding of Italy, its culture and its civilintion. In presenting this bulletin, we express deep appreciation to members of the New York City school staff and of the academic community who assisted in its prodtu don. HELENE M. LLOYD Acting Deputy Superinten den I Instruction and Curriculum February, 1967 i Sr E CONTENTS INTRODUCTION Purposes and Uses of This Bulletin 2 Levels and Grades 4 Aims of Foreign Language Instruction 4 Part One: The Levels of Foreign Language Instrucfion LEVELS I add II Aims for Level I 8 Aims for Level II 8 Guiding Principles, Levels I and II 9 Developing the Language Skills, Levels I and II 10 Ear Training 11 Speaking 12 Reading 13 Writing 17 Patterns for Drill 21 Constructing and Using Pattern Drills 21 Suggested Dialogue and Drills, Level I 24 Textbook Adaptation 31 Use of the Tape Recorder 32 Homework 34 The Teaching of Culture 36 Content and Scope, Level I 41 Grammatical Structures 41 Topical Vocabulary Lists 43 Idiomatic Expressions 50 Alphabetical Checklist, Level I Vocabulary Culture Topics 58 r , .0 Content and Scope, Level 11 62 Grammatical Structures 62 Topical Vocabulary Lists 64 Idiomatic Expressions 70 Alphabetical Checklist, Level II Vocabulary 72 Culture Topics LEVEL 111 Articulation 83 Aims 89 Guiding Principles 89 Developing the Language Skills 91 Auditory Comprehension 91 Suggested Procedure for: An Auditory Comprehension Lesson 93 Oral Production 95 Reading 101 Suggested Procedure for: An Intensive Reading Lesson 103 An Extensive Reading Lesson 105 Suggested Lesson Plan: Intensive Reading 107 Writing 113 Content and Scope 121 Grammatical Structures 121 Vocabulary Range 124 Idiomatic Expressions 128 Culture Topics 129 LEVEL IV Motivational Activities 133 Aims 137 Guiding Principles 139 Developing the Language Skills 140 Auditory Comprehension 140 Oral Production 142 Reading 145 Form for Supplementary Reading Report 147 Writing 146 Suggested Procedure for: Teaching Composition 149 Content and Scope 151 Grammatical Structures 151 Vocabulary and Idiomatic Expressions 154 Culture Topics 156 Part Two: Textbooks and Audio-Visual Resources Textbooks 160 Some Criteria for Selection 160 Audio-Visual Resources 163 The Language Laboratory 174 Part Three: Testing and Evaluation Testing 188 Testing the Four Skills 189 Oral Ability Rating Scale 193 New York State Regents Examinations 195 MLA Cooperative Foreign Language Tests 197 College Entrance Board Examinations 198 Evaluation 200 Teaching Conditions..... 200 Organization 202 The Teacher 205 The Students 203 The Quality of Instruction 903 Part Four: Expanding Horizons in Foreign Languages The advanced Placement Progra ill 208 Team Teaching ','1 I Programmed Instruction . 213 ! 1 BIBLIOGRAPHY General 216 Language and Linguistics 216 Language Teaching 217 Curriculum Materials 218 Tests and Testing 219 Language Laboratory and Audio-Visual Materials 919 Programmed Instruction 220 Team Teaching 220 Sources 221 Periodicals 222 Italian 222 Language, Linguistics and Methodology 222 Curriculum Materials 223 Literature 223 Culture 224 Periodicals 22,1 Nr ACKNOWLEDGMENTS This bulletin was developed under the direction of Helene M. Lloyd, Acting Deputy Superintendent, Instruction and Curriculum,as a coopera- tive venture involving the Bureau of Curriculum Development, William H. Bristow, Assistant Superintendent; the Bureau of Foreign Languages, Leo Benardo, Director; the Office of High Schools, Maurice D. Hopkins, Assistant Superintendent; and the Office of Junior High Schools, Irving Anker, Assistant Superintendent. At various stages of its development the bulletin, whichwas an out- growth of the Foreign Language Revision Program initiated in 1962, benefited from the guidance and counsel of David A. Abramson, Assistant Director, Bureau of Curriculum Development; Jacob H. Shack, Assistant Superintendent; Martha R. Fink ler, Acting Associate Superintendent, now retired; and the late Deputy Superintendent, Joseph 0. Loretan. The chairman of the Syllabus Revision Committeewas Emilio L. Guerra, formerly Acting Director of Foreign Languages andnow Head, Division of Foreign Languages and International Relations Education, School of Education, New York University. Maxim Newmark, Chairman, Foreign Languages, Franklin Delano Roosevelt High School,was the Coordinator and Editor of the project. Lillian M. Gillers, Bureau of Curriculum Development, was the Assistant Coordinator and Editor, and carried the project through to completion. A program of this type enlists the cooperation of hundreds of teachers in making suggestions and in trying out, reviewing, and evaluat- ing materials. Many staff members devoted allor a substantial block of their time to some phase of the production program. The lists which follow reflect their contributions: Nr THE SYLLABUS REVISION COMMITTEE Emilio L. Guerra, Formerly Acting Director of Foreign Languages,now Head, Division of Foreign Languages and International Relations Education, School of Education. New York Uiversity (Chairman) Maxim Newmark. Chairman, Foreign Languages (Coordinator and Editor) I.illian M. Gillers, Teacher. Foreign Languages (Assistant Coordinator and Editor) Arthur S. Ackerman Aaron Krumbein Leo Benardo Sidney Levitan Gertrude M. Berger Sylvia Maizell Lois E. Bourne Aristide B. Masel la Antoinette Cerruti Emma Menna Catherine F. Di Palma Josephine Morahito Teresa di Rayata Esther Ostroff Lorrie Fabbricante Theodore F. Nuzzi Solomon Feffer Gena M. Piccinini Irma Fuentes Herman D. Schuckman Charles I. Freundlich Ruth J. Silverstein Walter W. Fried Israel Walker Meyer Friedman Rosemarie Wall Frieda T. Gallen Max A. Watrac Moshe Censer Fred 0. Zimmermann THE ITALIAN COMMITTEE AristideB. Masel la, Chairman, Foreign Languages, James
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