Official officials Run fast, jump high Jones--new prexy Governing bodies canvassed Antelopes go to state track New Deal school trustees May 5 votes to validate meet. Jr. b-ball season over. elect Steve Jones new elections. page 1 Future track stars? pages 1, 6, 7 president. page 8 Abernathy "IN THE PALM OF THE PLAINS" Weekly Review VOLUME 69, NUMBER t9 FRIDAY, MAY 11, 1990, ABERNATI-IY, TEXAS • SERVING HALE & LUBBOCK COUNTIES Steve Peeples in three events Relay team runs in state meet By Scott Lucc 41.77, wi ll represent Region II. Ri ch:nd l\1,>orc, SPm en ·ill e, 22-1>; For the first time since the Region Ill sports (jrapeland, and Rodnc\' J:Jcbun, Blooming­ mid-1960s Abernathy will be 41.HI ; and \.ro\'L:ton, 42 .03. ton, 21-'1 .'\. sending a sprint relay track In Region I\' Refugio, 42.44; The bo \·s AA tripk jump team to the state meet in and Schu lenberg. ~ 2. 72 , qualified c\·ent hegin s at II :un. tPnl\lr­ Austin. ror th e stale mee l. n)\\' The Antelope 400 meter relay Peeples will he see ing triple Pe ,· plc s :1nd Deal sw:1 ppcd team or Abel Barrera, senior; duty at this me et. qu :dihing pPsi tions in th e triple Larry Norris, sophomore; Jody He also qualified in two field jump \\ith Pccpks fir st in Myatt, junior; and Steve Peep­ event s -- triple and long jump. Re>: iPn I :md seco nd in stat e at les, senior, will be competing in The boys AA long jump e\'e nt ~ ~ -\~<'. Deal jump 4 ~- 0 .2 .' the first AA running event artcr wi ll be at 6 p.m . today. In R ,·~ i"n 11 and "'!'' in th e the noon break tomorrow. After regional meets Region I ~ !:Il l' i, D:1rr\'l 1\l(lrriwn. ('i,co, The state meet will be held at has th e top two athletes in th e ~ 7- 2 ..'i. lie i ~ f(lllow cd hv T:~r - Memorial Stadium in Austin stat e. ni , h !'ride, 1\Llrt, ~ -\ - 1 . today and tomorrow. They arc Anthonv Deal, Ban"'-' · !':~tri c k \V:dk er, (ir:1pcland . ~ 2- Alternates ror the team arc 22- IO.S ; and Pcepk ~ . 22-7.5. ' ~ ; and \'in n· nt \ 'e:tskv. IJ\,i:1n Scott Norris, sophomore; and Angelo Wi lli am s, Ci -, co, and fici Lk ~ 2-2. arc nun;hc-rs · one Gabe Trevino, senior. Troy Redwine, Farm crs\'i ll e, hoth :~nd 11\ll from RegiLlll Ill The Lope team has the slow­ come out or Rcl!iLHl II at 2~ - Rq;ion IV ha ~ ('u ~ ic Clar1a, est, 44.33, time or the eight AA 4.75. - Rdugio, ~~ - 0 . 2\ and 1\I,H>rc , teams running in the event. Cierald Farley, (irmuon, 22- s,,m,·r\'ille, ~ .1 - 7, a' r,·pr,·scnta­ These Abernathy Antelopes will be competing in the state track mccl in Austin this weekend. They arc They placed second to Eldorado, 0.5; and Anthony Jonl'S, Grape­ ti vc ... the 400 meter relay team. On the rront row rrom lcrt to right arc senior Ahd Barrera, ~ ophomnre 44.00, at the Region I meet Apr. land, 21-'J, will tran:l from r\ 11 times and di , t:ulcc ~ listed L~1rry Norris, junior Jody Myatt and senior Steve Peeples. The hack row arc altcrnatcs sophomnrc Swtt 20 in Abilene. Rcginn Ill. arc th eir qu :dif\·ing marks from Norris and senior (iabc Trevino. Peeples will also he competing in the long and triple jump events. Ce lin a, 43.64, and McGregor, Region IV represenuti\·cs :1rc their rcspccti\·e r,· ~ i,>nal mcl' l<,. Photo hy Betty Ctglc. One run-off scheduled May 26 Officials canvass ballots By Scott Lure r;111 UllL>ppo"·d :111d were re ­ C> >UnL·il wne Bill Shil •k\, l ' l .ll~ S11 far :dl in cumbent s ha\'l' cl ,·ctnl for th eir at -large posi­ Srh:1:q>. 1.,· ""·1rd,, ( -. ,rk : ..l im h,·,· n rc·-L'i,·L'le d in the l"ew Deal ti orh on th e· New Deal lrlLkp,·n­ ~ I ill ' :11\Ll J. :m\ 1\J\ :11\l and Ahcr r1:1lh v cit\· and sdlLH>I dcnt SrlH>L> I Di,trirt h1>:1rd pf J'h L' [" L' \\'L'fl" .J2 ;tb\L' IliL' L' \ '11{L'" ho:1r J r;IL·L'S With OnC L'Xl'l'(lliLln tru ... II.'L':--.. Th ,· ,·it l' L'•> UilL·il in f<,;,.,\ (l,·;d Curr,·nt Ahnn:1thv -, dlLH>I l':1tti 1-'rc'l' m;ll\ fL'l'C i\'L'll ~~ rc rn :tilh',l inl .trl ''ith :t \ Ct \ hoard president Rich :1;d lloward n>ln and (';1h·in l. cnlLlll rel'L' i\·,·d Jh hlf \'llh.' f lllflllllll :1nd Lonnie C:u11mn will sc,·k -12 . Tnn· I\L1rtill will I' L' ll1 :1i11 ill -, upport :11 th e poll -, in :1 run -ofl Aldermen Pfli,·,· :" !'!n\ f) ,.d\ lll.l \•>r . Hill el ection fnr Place(, on l\1ay 2 (>. Thcr,· were· lii'L' writc -in vot es lliglr:un <, (:1\., '"' th e ,·,• ull ri l ill in th ,· ,\hnn:>th\' citv n>uncil J'I :IL'L' 2 :111Ll ( ;jli>L'I'l \ 'il kc;, l\ Hnward gartlercd 177 \'oles !" clcrtiLln hut thL'\'. did ;lL •l :~fk c t ~ l'L' I " 1'1.1, L' -1 C 1nrl\m \ 111> . Chris 1\linor wa s the in curnh,· nt> rem:1i nin>: in F.1 rh ,·, mdid ,t iL' r,·,·,·i,,·d 17 th e third ca ndid:1ll' for Place (, ,,flic,· ' 1'>1,1\ ~a nd rel'L' ii'L'd )(> IO(l' S. F li :ts \',·c dtio with 2)-1 \'Oil'S, ( 'anva,;s or votes h>r Place ~ Ste\·e Rikv won Bill Fl lit>tl with 2 1.' \<> to. :111d F .tdl L!, ,, ~.. · tnin c h ,l~,h h ~..· ld ,, with I'll> n>tc s. llis (lpp;>n cnt s l':nl .l" l111 son -. \·ith 227 \'ot n nll ·~..· tin e · .\ h 111d. t\: nidu· l d \,:, tn · From left to right, Carl Johnson, Elias Vecchio and Carl Johnson repeal the oath or office as read by Bi ll Shiple-y and Dan iel Jl,>one were c:ll'h re -,·kcted to lWLl - Y:t "' th ~- j, p.ttli\u.l.tr r ~ t n·~ city secretary Heilda Cannon. They will officially begin their new terms on the Abernathy City Council rccei\·ed 100 and )~ 1·otn In l..' .tdl ...-., ,~..· 11 11 di ... rr~.. · p . ttl c i ~..·, when the Secretary of State's office send~ nolilication that their signed oaths have hecn received in r e~ pect il'e ly. Rccl'i\ · in~ \Hl L' , .\,It' ~.·: tch a ~ \\"L'fl' f, 11111d ,\lld thL· \ Pi t: !.di ll·, Austin. In Nnl' Dc·:d twn ca ndithte' write-ins f;,r th e t\krrl:ll hy citv \\·ere l\l,ld c ,,11-IL1 . .J Abernathy school board accepts $263,000 asbestos bid ByJudyLucc orrcr a bribe in order to he Robert Pope :t'ked wh:1t type fiber, which Cl ll 't c1·en he "I think yo u're f:t n· d wi th it th e srlw. >l \·,· .• r. Abernathy school board ap­ elected. wndition the noors were in at wughed out, get s into the l'\·entual lv.·,- The omp wil l k I" ' th'"'' proved the spending of $335,097 Asbestos removal the tim e. lungs. It causes lun~ c:111cer . It !'h e· p;Pject will t:I~L' ·111 <bys ynu n g\ t L·r~ gt,i n ~ int •' til L· third m Monday night's meeting. Board members voted un ­ Superintendent Charles floyd forms a ·crust in sid e th e body. and " ill hL' dnne thi -, sum1n er. 1!,radl' tfHtHIL'.h tl ll l "t. t' ll\ t' l ill!.! President Richard Howard animously to accept -a bid of said the llonrs were not had He sa id death mi ght take 40 Tit ,· e: 1rpL'l used will l> e glu ,·d lhe ei ~ hth gr;;,k inth,· 1..11 · opened the meeting with a $263,000 rrom O'Conner McMann exce pt in a few areas ye :1rs or three llliHtths, hut d"wn :1nd l'lllllC wi th a ten year 1\lo us,· r s:1id it mi ~ ht l'•"' il •h prayer and then the members or or Dallas ror the removal or Atchc:son sa id th e price in­ generally death come ~ very soon warr:111l\' . include th tl\ L' >.:•>inc: inlt> th ,· the board unanimously approved asbestos in the high school. The cludes clea ning the mginal lloor once it is diagnose d. Pr:1th ~· r made the nwtiPn tP ninth ~r : 1d c dep.L' tlL ii·. · ''" <> hL· · the minutes of last month's motion was made by Prather and and putting th e lltH>r ha ck in He went ;; n to s:1\' th e build­ d" th ,· work and that the funds lh L'r th L· l lni iL' I, i(l' l!li L' I'l'h>l · meeting. Tommy Myatt seconded the place. ing ha s been tlcteri<,>rating mn used -, hpuld be those out of b stic L,·:1cue :dl '"' '· d it A run-off election ror school motion.
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