the vol. 41 no. 6 Skyscraper June 2014 AMATEUR ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY OF RHODE ISLAND 47 PEEPTOAD ROAD NORTH SCITUATE, RHODE ISLAND 02857 WWW.THESKYSCRAPERS.ORG In this issue Saturday, June 7, 5:30pm 2 President’s Message at Seagrave Memorial Observatory 3 Join Skyscrapers for a visit to Harvard on June 21 5:30pm Members Potlick Dinner 4 Magnificent Saturn We will hold our annual Pot Luck Supper on June 7th at Seagrave Observatory. You are asked to bring a dish or other item – appetizer, main dish, side or dessert. 5 M97: The Owl Nebula Beverages will be provided. If it is a good evening, you might want to have a lawn chair and some bug spray along as well. 6 The Double Quasar and Please contact Kathy Siok to indicate what you plan to bring at [email protected] Gravitational Lensing 7:00pm Dance of the Polar Light by Steve 7 Measuring the Light Curve Hubbard of a Transiting Exoplanet Interested in learning more about the Northern Lights? 7 Skyscrapers Sunspot The speaker at the June meeting of The Skyscrapers Astronomical Society of RI will Count Project Update be longtime member Steve Hubbard. Steve and his wife along with fellow Skyscraper member Ray Kennison and his wife traveled to the wilds of central Alaska in early March 10 New England Astronomy: It's of this year on a special trip devoted primarily to seeking out and viewing the Northern More Than Just Cloudy Skies Lights. Fairbanks Alaska is one of the best areas on Earth in which to see the lights both due 11 The Hottest Planet in to it’s location and to the lack of a lot of outdoor lighting to impede the view. Steve will be the Solar System presenting an account of his trip to the members at the Skyscrapers home in North Scitu- ate RI where he will recount the fabulous scenery, fun adventures and what turned out to 12 What's Up in Space News? be some bright, memorable Northern Lights displays. Steve has won awards for telescope making and imaging and has been a member and 16 Secretary & Treasurer amateur astronomer since the early 1970’s. Upcoming Meetings Renew Your Membership Today Saturday, July 12 Members' Observing Night Memberships were due in April. If Friday, August 1 Dr. David Kipping from Harvard Smithsonian you haven't renewed yet, please Center for Astrophysics renew online at www.theskyscrapers.org/join-renew Friday, September 5 Author Dava Sobel September 26 & 27 AstroAssembly Friday, November 7 "NASA helps Giordano Bruno find New Worlds" by Alan Powers The Skyscraper June 2014 President’s Message Bob Horton Last month I spoke of goals for our orga- year seemed quite enthusiastic. Even with nization, including making improvements limited advertising, we had about 50 people Observing Night to both our public outreach programs and attending. This is even more remarkable activities for our membership to enjoy. Al- when you consider that both the day and Saturday July 12th ready we have some news to report… evening was cloudy with on and off show- Please join us after the July ers. The original plan was to have telescopic meeting for Observing night. Public Outreach: viewing, but even the fickle nature of New Just recently, Skyscrapers celebrated In- England weather could not dampen the If the weather is clear, the ternational Astronomy Day by hosting an spirit of those attending this fine program. telescopes at Seagrave Ob- afternoon and evening program of talks I would like to thank Conrad Cardano, servatory will be open, or you geared towards novices, and conducting Chair of Astronomy Day, and all of the are encouraged to bring your tours of our facilities. Many of those at- other volunteers who worked together to own telescopes. Mars will be tending were visiting Seagrave Observa- make this event happen. tory for their first time. Prof. Pete Schultz near Spica, Saturn is high in was our guest speaker for the evening, and Membership Activities: the south, and a waning gib- his talk was entitled “My Moon”, in which Pat Landers has been busy planning bous Moon will be visible. he provided the audience with a geologist’s some Member's Nights for Skyscrapers, Hope to see you there! tour of the moon’s varied landscape, show- and it is hoped many of you will join in. ing many wonderful images. Prof. Schultz Plan on setting up your own telescope, or also brought along an incredible 8 x 8 foot simply enjoy observing through the soci- another great event to look forward to. photo of the moon, assembled from NASA ety’s telescopes. This is a great time to meet Steve Siok has been busy organizing an images taken by LRO. The lunar detail in and socialize with fellow members, and opportunity for us to visit the historic in- this giant photo was truly remarkable. With especially for beginners, an opportunity to strument collection at Harvard University the photo displayed across three tables at learn more about using telescopes and find- on the summer solstice, Saturday, June 21st. the back of the meeting hall, guests were ing objects to observe. The next Member’s This will be a lot of fun, and if you are inter- able to gather around, with Prof Schultz Night is scheduled for Friday, May 30th, ested in going you will find more informa- pointing out various features with a laser with more to follow. Look for announce- tion in this issue of the Skyscraper. pointer. ments in future newsletters. If you have ideas for activities you think I believe that Skyscrapers participated in Back in March, about two dozen mem- we can all enjoy and benefit from, please Astronomy Day years ago, but it has cer- bers spent the day visiting the Springfield consider sharing your ideas at any Board of tainly been some time since we have done Science Center and Wilder Observatory. Directors meetings, which all members are this. The response from those attending this That was a really fun day, and now we have invited to attend. The Skyscraper is published President Public Outreach Coordinator monthly by Skyscrapers, Inc. Bob Horton [email protected] Matt White [email protected] Meetings are held monthly, usually on the first or second 1st Vice President Public Relations Spokesperson Friday or Saturday of the month. Kathy Siok [email protected] Francine Jackson [email protected] Seagrave Memorial Observatory is open every Saturday 2nd Vice President Observatory Committee Chairperson night, weather permitting. Steve Siok [email protected] Conrad Cardano [email protected] Directions Secretary Membership Activities Coordinator Directions to Seagrave Memorial Observatory are located on the back page of this newsletter. Tina Huestis [email protected] Pat Landers [email protected] Submissions Treasurer Librarian Submissions to The Skyscraper are always Linda Bergemann [email protected] Alex Bergemann [email protected] welcome. Please submit items for the newsletter no later than May 23 to Jim Hendrickson, 1 Members at Large Historian Sunflower Circle, North Providence, RI 02911 Pat Landers [email protected] Dave Huestis [email protected] or e-mail to [email protected]. Matt White [email protected] Archivist E-mail subscriptions To receive The Skyscraper by e-mail, send Trustees Jim Crawford [email protected] e-mail with your name and address to jim@ Conrad Cardano [email protected] Editor distantgalaxy.com. Note that you will no Jim Crawford [email protected] longer receive the newsletter by postal mail. Jim Hendrickson [email protected] Tom Thibault [email protected] 2 The Skyscraper June 2014 Friday, June 6 Black Holes Come to the URI Planetarium! University of Rhode Island Planetarium of the most questioned topics in astronomy. University of Rhode Island Planetarium Upper College Road What are they? Where do they come from? Fund. Kingston, RI Should we be worried about them coming The University of Rhode Island Plan- to Earth? The University of Rhode Island, etarium is located on Upper College Road, Friday, June 6th, 2014 in cooperation with the Denver Science on the Kingston campus, across from the 6:00 and 7:00 P.M. Center, will present Black Holes, Friday, Art Center. Contact: Francine Jackson: 401-527-5558 June 6th, at 6:00 and 7:00 P.M. In addition, The University of Rhode Island Plan- a short program on Light Pollution will be etarium is available for programming for Black holes are one of the most amaz- shown, then The Skies of the URI campus, schools and other organizations. For more ing objects in our sky. Much has been writ- a live introduction to the night sky. information, please contact Francine Jack- ten about them, but they still remain one Admission is only $5.00, to benefit the son at 401-527-5558. Saturday, June 21 Visit the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics & Harvard Historical Instruments Collection Saturday, June 21, 2014, 2:00pm Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics 60 Garden Street, Cambridge, Massachusetts Contact: [email protected] On Saturday, June 21, Skyscrapers in- were seen by the Voyager spacecraft. the website HMSC.harvard.edu vites you to travel to Cambridge, Massa- We will break for supper in Harvard All Skyscrapers and their guests are wel- chusetts for a visit to Harvard College Ob- Square. Not sure where just yet. come. Transportation is on your own, just servatory and to the Collection of Antique After dinner we will go to the Science like the trip to Springfield and Amherst a Scientific Instruments. The day will begin museum in Harvard Yard. There will be month ago. Please let me know if you plan in the afternoon.
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