TheThe LickingLicking ValleyValley CourierCourier Morgan County’s HOMETOWN NEWSPAPER Speaking Of and For Morgan, the Bluegrass County of the Mountains Since 1910 (USPS 312-040) Per $19.50 Year In County Volume 95 — No. 33 WEST LIBERTY, KENTUCKY 41472, THURSDAY, MARCH 16, 2006 ¢ $22.00 Year In Kentucky 50 Copy $24.00 Year Outside Kentucky Board moves ahead with plans to acquire site for new school Reading First coach, on the progress of Calendar for 2006-07 Reading First grant programs at East Valley and West Liberty Elementary approved; slight cuts Schools. The federal program, which is in budget projected tightly monitored, is designed to en- hance reading ability, is used in the pri- After returning from executive ses- mary classes at the two schools. sion to discuss property acquisition pro- Arlie Smith, the district assessment posals, the Morgan County Board of coordinator, also discussed with the Education took no action on the matter board changes that have been approved at its regular meeting Monday, but Su- for CATS and No Student Left Behind perintendent of Schools Joe Dan Gold testing. said a number of properties are being Supt. Gold advised board members considered as a potential site for a new See SCHOOL BOARD Page 3 school facility to replace the WPA-built Wrigley Elementary School. Gold said state guidelines require the MSU president visits site to be at least 11 acres, but larger Morehead State University President Wayne Andrews was guest speaker at the March 6 meeting of the West Liberty sites—up to 14 or 15 acres—will be con- Kiwanis Club. Dr. Andrews spoke on MSU’s commitment to the area. The meeting, held at Commercial Bank, was sidered with an eye to future needs. The hosted by the bank. Other guests included Helen Pennington, a member of the Morehead State University Board of board has already examined the poten- tial sites and has completed preliminary Regents. Shown above, from left, Hank Allen, President and CEO of Commercial Bank; Kiwanis President Jody Franklin; planning. “We now plan to move for- Kiwanian Tim Conley, Morgan County Judge Executive; Dr. Andrews, and Mrs. Pennington. ward with potentially acquiring a site,” Gold said. He said negotiations with property owners could begin as early as this week. St. Claire will partner with Markey Some of the properties being consid- ered are along the new sector of Ky. 7 north of West Liberty. A major consid- eration of the board will be the avail- Center to provide advanced care ability or future availability of city wa- in Mount Vernon and Cynthiana have hospital is pleased with the prospect of ter, Gold said. New network to bring also been picked as partners in the net- new equipment and more support for Board members also examined a draft advanced cancer care work. their cancer treatment staff. St. Claire of an employee drug testing policy and By becoming part of the network, the has a cancer specialist on staff, but has hopes to have a policy in place and ready to patients in this area hospitals will get the services of UK no one to cover when that doctor is on to be approved at either the April or May cancer specialists in their communities, vacation or out of town. board meeting. Patients served by St. Claire Regional and in some cases, they’ll get upgraded As part of the new network, a “tu- It was announced that the board’s Medical Center in Morehead will be able equipment such as radiation treatment mor board” will be established so local April meeting date will be postponed a to receive advanced cancer treatment machines. doctors can consult with a team of can- week and will be held on Monday, April closer to home through a new provider St. Claire Regional is scheduled to cer specialists from UK. 17. Because board members are sched- Making a point network announced this week by the receive more than $4 million from the UK experts also will help the local uled to attend the National School State Rep. John Will Stacy, D-West university of Kentucky’s Markey Can- University of Kentucky in new cancer hospitals improve their quality of can- Boards Association in Chicago during cer Center in Lexington. radiation equipment so it can upgrade cer care by helping them establish can- the first week in April, it was announced Liberty, makes a point while speaking It is the first time Markey has offi- its current radiation department. cer treatment protocols, a set of guide- that the April board meeting will be post- on the House floor in Frankfort. Stacy cially partnered with other hospitals in “This will bring another level of so- lines that ensure consistent treatment. poned from April 10 to April 17. represents the 71st House District, the state to provide cancer treatment. phistication,” said Mark Neff, chief ex- “The biggest thing is state-of-the-art The board approved the school cal- which includes Menifee, Morgan, Besides St. Claire, community hospitals ecutive officer for St. Claire. He said the See CANCER CARE Page 3 endar for 2006-2007, as follows: Open- Rowan, and Wolfe counties. Stacy, a ing day for teachers Monday, Aug. 7; Democrat, is chairman of the House first day of classes for students Thurs- Appropriations and Revenue day, Aug. 10; fall break Oct. 9-12; spring Committee’s Subcommittee on Educa- Forage Impvt. break March 12-16; last day of school tion. for students May 17; last day for teach- Grants available ers May 18. In other action, the board— Charity donation starting Mar. 24 √Declared 28 computers and moni- tors as surplus property and authorized The Morgan County Agricultural the superintendent to see to their dis- jars stolen; W.L. Development Council has announced posal. that Forage Improvement grants will be √Approved payment of $81,301.78 to man is charged made available beginning March 24th. Frederick & May Construction Co. and A West Liberty man suspected of Grant amounts will be approximately for a total of $159,211.16 to other vendors stealing jars placed in two West Liberty $1,000 and must be matched dollar for for work on the new Central Elemen- businesses to collect donations for a dollar on a cost share basis. For example, tary School, under construction on U.S. young leukemia victim was arrested last if you are approved for $1,000 in fund- 460 west of West Liberty. week and lodged in the Rowan County ing, you must spend $2,000 with docu- √Approved a request from the local Detention Center. mented receipts to be reimbursed American Cancer Society to use facili- Gary Jason Evans, 30, of Ky. 191 $1,000. ties at Morgan County High School for West Liberty was arrested March 8 by The goal of this program is to im- this year’s Relay for Life. The annual West Liberty Police Sgt. Wayne Lewis prove the long term profitability of for- event is scheduled June 16-17. and Officer Paul Perkins and charged age-livestock enterprises by investments In other matters, the board heard a with one count of 3rd degree burglary in practices and infrastructure. The grant report from Carole Hoskins, District and two counts of receiving stolen prop- will cover seed (from approved list), erty. Two additional theft charges also lime and soil amendments, filter fabric Commonwealth Cleanup are pending. pads for heavy use areas, subdivision Evans is charged with taking a jar fence and water for rotational grazing Week March 19th-25th containing donations for little Miss systems, subsurface drainage, and cus- March 19 through the 25 marks the Madison Tobias from Pack’s Tobacco tom seeding. Stolen vehicle recovered 8th annual event, designed to “Spring Store on March 7 and is expected to be Clean” Kentucky. Businesses, civic, charged with the theft of another jar of Applications can be found beginning Morgan County Sheriff Mickey Whitt, right, and Deputy Sheriff Anthony Gullett, school and religious groups and other change donated for Miss Tobias and March 24th at the Morgan County Ex- left, recovered this 2006 Jeep Rubicon Saturday from a barn in the Grassy non-profit organizations are being urged other items from Cougar Corner on tension Office and the Morgan County Creek area. The vehicle was stolen Feb. 15 from Mann’s Chrysler-Dodge-Jeep to join together to help coordinate March 2. He also has been charged with Judge Executive’s Office. All grants in Mt. Sterling. An investigation revealed that the brand new vehicle had been cleanup activities. Register with the two counts of accepting stolen prop- must be postmarked by April 7 and re- delivered to the lot earlier that day and was stolen the same night. The license County Judge/Executive’s Office, (606) erty—jewelry items stolen from the turned to the County Judge’s office. plate on the vehicle had been stolen in Winchester. The case remains under 743-3897, to get involved in this year’s ARH Gift Shop and tools stolen from For more information, contact Mor- investigation and arrests are pending, based on evidence found on the vehicle, cleanup. Help keep Morgan County one NAPA Auto Parts. gan County Agricultural Agent, Sarah Whitt said. Whitt asks that anyone having any information concerning the case of the most beautiful and clean counties Sgt. Lewis was in charge of the in- Fannin-Holliday at 743-3292. please contact the Morgan County Sheriff’s Office at (606) 743-3613. in the state. vestigation. New Shopping Hours: 625 Prestonsburg Street Closing Nightly At 9:00 p.m. Prices Good March 13 Thru March 20 12 Pack, 12 Oz.
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