ci+u -r4. €-+rr-4, q-qrl6r. : 2.5i670:i:j. 25.'l 67015. 25.i(r70.16 loo77 (x)9r-||-25i67024 S-s.-t. r$trcfi'-l Poclcet- 14, Sector- 8, Dwarka Phase - l, : nrc i(Abo l. n et. in New Delhi-l 10077 www.rnciind ia.orq qnNq 3IEtrquI it qilS df ilT{fiq snqft-flrnJ t BOARD OF GOVERNORS IN SUPERSESSION OF MEDICAL COUNCIL OF INDIA 11.02.2019 Fq s€rn: 15 *' a6d BOG Meetir.rg Date: 11'02.2079 under Itenr No'15 ?n-S di4 d-d6 fuai6: Tisqr:29 Itenr No.29 F4 68 (22) 20't 9 -d.s. M e d . fuiq,Toate: ri. 7 N n. s{T. 3il.c. / M cr- / I / The SecretarY to the Govt. of India, ___*lqq, tl Ministry of Health & F.W., fiI{T F{,FT{, Nirman Bhawan, Ffrre-q lrR qi{ER 6?rltgt FiTrffi, New Delhi - 110011 ,'5 Mrur gr+fr, a-t fr"fr -11oo1l A*-/^ | . lq \ q/Su DJect: Ia Universit nition ification f trained Col I ege, Kozhilcode, Cal icut. 4-dlqqr, Sir/ [Vlarianr, corrsidered the I arrr clir.c-.ctec-l to state t6at the lloard of Governors at its nreeting helcl on 11.02.2019 Assc.ssrrrtrrt Rcpor.t (22.06.2018) on tlre stalrdard of examination and otlrer teaching facilities available atKMCT Mr.tjicalCollcgc,T(ozl.rikocle, Calicr-r t for pr'.,ipose of Recognitiorr of MD (Pharniacology) qualificatiorr for 2 seats gr.arrtc,.cl 51, 6.,r0'o Urriversity of ilealth Sciences, Thrissur', Kerala and decide-d as under: - "'f ltt: Bttnrtl oJ' Gottcrrrot s cottsidcrcd the Corrrrcil Asscssor's Rcport (22.06.20i8) togcther utith tlrc rccortrtrrctrr!rttioirs o.f tlta pG Expcrt Grottp (BoG) ntd tlecidetl to rccorurnertd to tTrc Ce ntral Gouernnrcnt tlnt MD Sciettces, Tltrissr, Kernln in (plrnrtttttcttlogy) tlunlificntirtn -for 2 sartts grnrrtetl bt1 Keraln lJrriucrsity of Henlth t.L,sllcct of snt,Jr,tris ltcitrg trnincd nt KMCT Medicnl College,Kozltikode, Cnlictrtbe recogttizcd nnd included in the 'l st Sclrcrlttlc ttt tlrc l.M.C. Act, 1956. 5 years I'lrL: Bonrd o.f Gouernctrs fttrtlrcr rlecidcd thnt the recogttitiort so grnnted sholl bc for n mnxinttttt period of frottr tlrt, tlntc of Noti.ficntiorr rtpott rulticlt tlrc Institutc shnll lrttua to npply for reneu,nl of recogttitiott. Fnilure to st:ck titrrL:1.r1 rctlcrunl tttf rccogttitiott rts rcqrriretl slnll trtunrinh\ resttlt in stoppage of ndntissiort to thc Postgrndttnta (ltrttrsrr. " You irre thc.refore recluestecl to notify tl.re above qualification at the earliest. qfr ft{lerq ffi ftl $$ wPr €-dr{ i t A coPl, of assctssntetrt reprot't is enclosed herevvith. I)ate/Yc'ar ttf startirtg the cotr rse: 20-15 T)atc/Ytar'of cx;rttritraiiorr of the first batch: 2018 T\:rrn q1/E n d st. N o. m.en v,/M CI- 68 (22\/2019-tRA4CI / | qFd-qr{Tri dellorfq{q?5orfo(fu :- t S,t,'l -l (g2-\n*"' 111(1 Copy forw,atclecl fol itrfonttatiotr atrd necessary action to: - ' .4m\ d+-E -14. d-4e{-8.4dR-4]-, * gBnqq fr qirS dE BOARD OF GOVERNORS INSUPERSESSIONONN NUICALCOUNCILOFINDIA qn-6'et-6d-a+fiai6:11'02'2H 15 fi 6.fd 't1..0220'tsunder ltem No'15 Bc)G Meeting Dare: ffi Itenr N<1.36 ffii5'/Date: g./N,,. fiT.3{T'c./MCl-68(22)/ 2011)-t1'lMec1'/ The SecretarY to the Govt' of India' qfud, Ministry of Health & F'W', sfid q"TfiR, Nirman Bhawan' Delhi - 110011' F{r€xq }it-{ cft-qT +-FzIrgI d'flffi, New ffisr erea, a-S ftF-fr -110011 rcs Medical frT{/strlriect: -^^-^-r ^c crrrdents beine trained at tu a I i f i c a ttqn-lof--l--994! i d e, Ca I i cu t' 6-olI e ge,K orl-' ko E-6tfr/ frdrfrT, Sir/ lVlatlatn, co'side.ed the at its meeting hercl o. 11.02'2019 t'at trre Board of Gove.rors at l irnr ciir.ectecl to state anciother teachi'g facilities available g) on trre stanctarct of Asscss.rc.t neprort (27th Jure,201 "*u.r-rir-rotio. (orthopaedics) qualification for 1 Caricutlor pLrrpose or n".og;ition of MS KMc.' Mecjicar Corege,Kozrrikode, decided as uuder: - tr"ot,r-' s.ie,,."r, Thrissur, K"eLala arrcl setrt gr.trrrtecl uy rcurorlT;il:;,;; ;t ',,1.Itt,I]otlrtlofCoucrtttlrsctlttsit]crct]tlrcCottncilAsscssor,sRcpor pc (BoG) and'deciled to recortrtt rt:t'ottrtrtcttdttti;";;i tlltc Expert Grorrp grntttcrt by Ke r'nln Uniuarsity (()rlltopttcdit:s) tlttrtlificntittrt .for.1 sc.nt nt Mc,icnl College rcsl'tct:t uS,t"'i'"''t:''ti.,ittg trniirctl xuir 'Kozlikode' 1'956' l sl Sc/rci/rrlc to ttrc t 'M'C' Act' ,I.ltcBonrt|o.fCoucrttorsftrtlrrt1cciL1et]ttttlttI.rrccogttitiott.sogrnttedshnIlhefornnmxin ienetutl of recognition' Fnilure to ,,pn,r rri,,i,ir'tiitrc Ittstittite slnll lnZe to ryIy for frort tltt: infc o.fNofificrrfi,rr of ntlrnissiott to tlr Postgrndrttttc nr'iqi,,,i'r:rl sJntt itrcnrinbty'rrr,,lt i stiipage stcrr ttttrcrtl rctrcrttnl o.f recogtrititt, (_()t/r.sc. Ytltttrrc-.t|rcrcfor.erctlucstecltorrotifytlleaboveclualificatiolrattl-reearliest. fifler.,r R.rH zn1 qfA flFb rntl rra-c t t l.rerewith' ,\ coPl' of tlsse-'sstlrettt relPort is errclosed [).rtr'/Ytlar'oi stalting the cor'rrse:201 5 2018 t)aic/Ycar oi exanririation of the first batcli: q-ilfiq / (d {rS< sri-d) rigffi Hfrs )"vl,,b_t I r R<tolDat1, 1"'1"'., " I zhikode, Calicut' Manassery' P'O' Mukkam'Kozhikode / lTo BE PUBLISHED rN PART rr, SECTTON 3, SUB-SECTION (ii) OF THE GAZETTE OF INDIAI Government of India Ministry of Health and FamilyWelfare (Departmcnt of Heaitli and Famiiy iVelfarel Nirman Bhawan New Delhi Dated the&y,pril,2oL9 NOTIFICATION S.O.... In exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (2) of the section 11 of the Indian Medical Council Act, 1956 (L02 of 1956), the Central Government after consulting the Medical Council of India, hereby makes the following further amendments in the First Schedule to the said Act namely:- In the said Schedule :- Il against "Kerala University of Health Sciences, Thrissur", under the heading 'Recognized Medical Qualification' [hereinafter referred to as column [2)], after the last entry and entry relating thereto under the heading 'Abbreviation for Registration' [hereinafter referred to as column (3)], the following shall be inserted, namely:- (2) (3) "Ma.ster of Surgerlr [OrthopaedicsJ" MS (OrthopaedicsJ fThis shall be a recognized medical qualification when granted by Kerala University of Health Sciences, Thrissur in respect of students being trained at KMCT Medical College Kozhikode, Calicut on or after 2018). "Doctor of Medicine (Pharmacology)" MD fPharmacology) (This shall be a recognized medical qualification when granted by Kerala University of Health Sciences, Thrissur in respect of students being trained at KMCT Medical College Kozhikode, Calicut on or after 2018). Note: 7. The recognition so granted shall be for a maximum period of 5 years from the date of notification, upon which it shall have to be renewed 2. The procedure for 'Renewal' of recognition shall be same as applicabie for the award for recognition. 3, Failure to seek timely renewal of recognition as required shall invariablv result in stoppage of admission to the concerned I'ostgraduate Courses. [No. U.1 2012 / tl-e / 2079-ME-lIFTS No.32061 74] V -./V-,-,1r\>>V- [P.K. Bandfofladhj'ayJ Under Secretary to the Govt. of India Ph:23062959 To The General Manager, Government of India Press Mayapuri, Ring Road, New Delhi-710064.
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