..' •,..* -f'VleS • . ...••• . .•.• ..,,:•. •.•-'.•.,•...;• • . MINISTRY Needed-apostolic power far present-day preaching Editor IN THIS ISSUE J. R. Spangler GENERAL ARTICLES Associate Editors E. Earl Cleveland Preach It! Sing It! Write It! Live It! —................. Andrew C. Fearing —.....——— ———.....__._ Robert H. Pierson 4 George E. Vandeman Dangers of Existentialism (Part 1) _—...._..________ .—-.-.___.—-—.——........... Edward Heppenstall 13 Managing Editor Does Adventist Theology Need Changing? _____ Orley M. Berg ...........—________________ Ellen G. White 16 Copy Editor Limitations on Symbolism ____ W. P. Bradley 20 Why Power? ___________ Theodore Carcich 26 J. Ina White Adventists and Politics (Part 1) .______ Art Editor .—..__._——......._..___ Leif Kr. Tobiassen 30 T. K. Martin Women Bible Instructors Needed Today (Con cluded) ........._.._____. Robert L. Boothby 36 Contributing and Consulting Editors: Robert H. Pierson, President, General Conference; W. R. Beach, Secretary, General Conference; Theodore EDITORIAL Carcich, General Vice-President, General Con ference; Neal C. Wilson, President, North Amer New Morality Not So New __..__ O. M. Berg 11 ican Division; Wilbur Alexander, Andrews Uni versity; R. A. Anderson, Loma Linda, California; Kudos for North Pacific Union Conference B. L. Archbold, Ministerial Secretary, Inter- ...............——.....—.....______ j. R. Spangler 12 American Division; C. D. Brooks, Ministerial Secretary, Columbia Union; George Burnside, Ministerial Secretary, Australasian Division; EVANGELISM W. J. Cannon, Columbia Union College; Harold Coffin, Andrews University; A. E. Cook, New Idea Breaches Walls in New York City Ministerial Secretary, Trans-Africa Division; F. W. Detamore, Evangelist, Florida Conference; ——————————__——.............. Don Hawley 9 W. Duncan Eva, Ministerial Secretary, Northern Evangelistic Public Relations __ Howard B. Weeks 15 European Division; R. H. Ferris, Pastor, Chicago; Desmond Ford, Avondale College; W. W. Ford- Preparation of the City for Evangelism ..........__ ham, Associate Secretary, Regional Department, ————————————_____ Glen Sharman 22 General Conference; O. Gmehling, Ministerial Secretary, Central European Division; M. G. Har- Preparation for Baptism and Follow-up __.......... dinge, Loma Linda University; Dunbar Henri, —————__——.........——...._..__ L. G. Cox 23 Pastor, Atlanta; J. R. Hoffman, Ministerial Secretary, Atlantic Union; Siegfried H. Horn, Andrews University; Pierre Lanares, Ministerial PASTORAL MINISTRY Secretary, Southern European Division; Rosalee HafTner Lee, Bible Instructor; H. W. Lowe, Biblical Research, General Conference; W. H. Meeting Personality Problems (Conclusion) ........ Mattison, Ministerial Secretary, Southern Asia .._———..——__________ H. E. Andren, M.D. 32 Division; H. E. Metcalf, Ministerial Secretary, Southern Union; K. J. Mittleider, Ministerial Secretary, North Pacific Union; W. G. C. MEDICAL Murdoch, Andrews University; R. L. Odom, Research, General Conference; Enoch Oliveira, The Hospital's Devotional Life .. Willis C. Graves 41 Ministerial Secretary, South American Division: G. H. Rainey, Associate Ministerial Secretary, Atlantic Union; U. D. Register, Loma Linda VIEWPOINT University; R. M. Ritland, Andrews University; A. E. Schmidt, Assistant Ministerial Secretary, A Listener Talks Back ........_.___ Miriam Wood 38 South American Division; L. A. Senseman, Fuller Memorial Hospital: Harold Shrvock. Loma LmHa University; Ralph F. Waddell, Medical Secretary, PREACHER©S PROGRESS General Conference; Eric Ward, Evangelist, Southeastern California Conference; R. C. Wil My Fortunate Internship _______ Ron Runyan 6 liams, Ministerial Secretary, Far Eastern Division. BV HIS SIDE THE MINISTRY: PRINTED AND PUBLISHED MONTHLY FOR Are We Talked About? .. Mary Katherine Hunter 43 THE MINISTERIAL ASSOCIATION OF SEVENTH-DAY ADVENT- ISTS BY THE REVIEW AND HERALD PUBLISHING ASSOCIA TION, WASHINGTON, D.C. 20012, U.S.A. $4.50 A YEAR; SHOP TALK ——_—._———_____.______..__ 35 40C A COPY. PRICES SLIGHTLY HIGHER IN CANADA. ADD 2SC FOR YEARLY SUBSCRIPTIONS TO COUNTRIES REQUIRING FEEDBACK ... __............................___..__.____ 35 EXTRA POSTAGE. SECOND-CLASS POSTAGE PAID AT WASH INGTON, D.C. EDITORIAL OFFICE: 6840 EASTERN AVENUE NW., WASHINGTON, D.C. 20012. BOOKS ........______—————————_.——___ 45 CHANGE OF ADDRESS: WHEN WRITING US ABOUT YOUR NEWS BRIEFS ................................__......_............... 47 SUBSCRIPTION OR CHANGING YOUR ADDRESS, PLEASE EN CLOSE THE ADDRESS LABEL FROM YOUR COPY OR FROM THE WRAPPER IN WHICH YOU RECEIVED THE JOURNAL. POINTERS __......................__........____... 50 OCTOBER, 1968 3 Y HEART has been greatly cheered by M the soul-winning reports coming in from all parts of the world. Our accessions by baptism and profession of faith increased from 125,000 in 1965 to 140,000 in 1967. Trans-Africa leads the world divisions with Preach It! 31,057 additions in 1967. South America is in second place with 25,607. North America reported 23,000 in 1965, faltered a bit in 1966 with 21,000, but made a good come back in 1967 with 23,476, which places it nearly even with Inter-America for third Sing It! place among the world divisions. The other world divisions have also been blessed of God in their renewed evangelistic thrust. We appreciate what all our leaders have done to ignite the fires of evangelism around the world. During the months ahead we Write It! must undertake the greatest soul-winning advance this church has ever experienced. I have no doubt that our pastors, evangel ists, teachers, medical workers, and, in fact, every category of worker in the church, will join in making this achievement possible Live It! under God's blessing. Let us preach the truth, sing the truth, write the truth, and live the truth. Let our voices be heard over the radio, on the tele vision, in the press, behind the public pul pit, and in the living rooms of America. Let us saturate the airwaves, fill the taber nacles, crowd the tents, overflow the churches, throughout all the great conti nents of earth. I could scarcely believe my eyes, but as .1 looked again I was assured it was true— 43,292 persons were dropped from the rem nant church during 1967 either for apostasy or because they were missing. Think of it— ROBERT H. PIERSON this number is larger than the Central Euro President, General Conference pean, Southern Asia, China, Russia, or Middle East divisions. We lost more mem bers in twelve months than we have mem bers in 58 of our unions around the world. How sad—to lose a whole union or a whole division in just one short year! Why did this large number leave us? Some became discouraged because no one in the church seemed to care for them. Some reported the pastor seldom, if ever, visited them. Some dropped out because they were never truly converted. Some followed Demas—love of the world pre vailed over love for God. Some just didn't care any more—apathy, boredom, or what ever you wish to call it. What are we as workers and leaders going to do about this appalling situation? Are we THE MINISTRY going to sit idly by while these souls go their message of reconciliation into the homes heedless way without stretching forth a and into the hearts of millions of men and hand, exerting an effort to do something women, young and old, around the world for them? Of course not. Soul conservation during the next two years. And, as I have is as much a part of evangelism as soul said before, let us not forget those who once conquest! worshiped with us—they must play an im At the last Autumn Council a fine plan, portant role in our evangelistic planning. presented by the Ministerial Association, Fellow leaders, fifty-five of your brethren was adopted. You will be hearing more and in the General Conference are with you in more about it—CONCERN. This is not a this great evangelism thrust. We lay no campaign, this is an earnest effort that claim to the talents of the Detamores, the should be supported by every worker and Colthearts, the Cooks, the Spanglers, the every member in the church. It envisions Clevelands, the Kents, the Montanas, the contacting every backslider in our area with Sitompuls, the Wrights, and a host of others prepared materials, with prepared hearts, whom the Lord has endowed with special seeking to warm them up and bring them evangelistic talent, but we love the same back. If you don't receive your materials for Lord and the same message. We are all this fine program soon, contact your con working toward the same goal—a finished ference ministerial secretary or your con work and a coming King—and we want to ference president. They will be able to be in the thick of the battle with you. We help you. Brethren, we simply must do will do our best—pray for us! Let us all something for the backsliders about us. If move forward together! we do our part, the Lord, by His good You and I have God's last-day message. Spirit, will help us. This is truly evangelism. Preach it! Sing it! Write it! Live it! But before the evangelistic outreach, God bless you! whether it be for new interests or for back sliders, there must be the evangelists© in- reach. Before God can do great things for the public through us, He must do some thing real and wonderful for the evangelist in us! As workers and leaders in God's cause we can hope to lead this church into true revival, reformation, and evangelism only STAND FIRM as you and I are in the vanguard of this LOUISE C. KLEUSER mighty movement Godward! We can never expect our people to be what we have not Stand firm, ye men of God, yet become in Christ Jesus! The revival, the In homeland or afar, reformation, must begin in your heart and His blessed truth draws common tie mine! No matter where we are! These are days that challenge, not our dynamic methods, but our godly example. Stand firm, His holy law People are longing for preachers who live Proclaim with Spirit©s power, their sermons as well as speak them.
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