16_384374-bindex.qxp 11/13/08 10:51 PM Page 177 177 de Young Museum, The Berkeley Art Museum, Index 3, 90 157 Index Museum of Craft and Bike and Roll, 168 See also Accommoda- Folk Art, 15 Bike Hut, 169 tions and Restaurant San Francisco Museum Bike rentals, 168–169 indexes, below. of Modern Art Biking, 4, 40 (SFMOMA), 4, 13–14 Bill Weber Mural, 55 A Arts and entertainment, Bimbo’s 365 Club, 126 AAA, 172 129–136. Biordi Art Imports, 55, 75–76 AARP, 173 best, 130 Biscuits & Blues, 122 Access America, 170 classical and choir Blazing Saddles, 168 Accessible Journeys, 174 music, 133 Blondie’s Bar and No Grill, 128 Access Travel, 174 comedy and cabaret, Bloomingdales, 72–73 Accommodations, 137–150. 133 Blues bars, 122–123 See also Accommodations dance, 133–134 Blues Festival, San Francisco, Index opera, 134–135 163 bed & breakfasts, 168 spectator sports, 135 Blur, 121 best, 138 Asawa, Ruth, 57 Boating, 90 A.C.T. (American Conserva- Ashbury Tobacco Center, 37 Bonsai Villa, 60 tory Theater), 136 Asian Art Museum, 49 Book Passage, 72 Adams, Ansel, 14, 15 ATMs (automated teller Books Inc., 72 A Different Light, 65 machines), 168 Bookstores, 71–72 AirBART shuttle, 166 Aulenti, Gae, 49 The Boom Boom Room, 122 Airport shuttles, 166 Australia Bottom of the Hill, 126 Air travel, 166, 176 embassy and consulate Boulange de Polk, 53 A La Carte, A La Park, 163 of, 169 Bound Together Book- Alamo Square Historic travel insurance, 171 store, 36 District, 51 Autumn, 163–164 Bourbon & Branch, 121 Alcatraz Island, 4, 11 Avis, 165 Brewpubs, 123 Allstate, 171 Bridgeway (Sausalito), 153 Alta Plaza Park, 44 B Brook’s Shoes for Kids, 78 Babysitting, 168 Ambassador Toys, 81 Brown, Willie, 66 Balboa Café, 121 American Child Care Service, Bryan Lee, 74 Balmy Alley, 63 168 The Bubble Lounge, 123 Bambuddha Lounge, 123 American Conservatory Budget, 165 Banking hours, 168 Theater (A.C.T.), 136 The Buena Vista Café, 121 Bank of Canton, 61 American Express, traveler’s Buena Vista Park, 35 Barneys New York, 72 checks, 172 Buena Vista Winery Bars, 121–124 American Marketing (Sonoma), 159 blues, 122–123 Systems, 168 Buffalo Exchange, 82 gay, 125 Americano Bar, 121 Buffalo Paddock, 90 lesbian, 125–126 American Rag, 82 the Mission, 128 American Taxi Cab, 167 C sports, 127 Cable cars, 3, 7 Amnesia, 128 wine, 127 Caen, Herb, 30, 55 Amoeba Music, 78 BART (Bay Area Rapid Tran- Cafe.com, 171 Amtrak, 166–167 sit), 166, 167–168 Caffé Trieste, 4, 30 Angel Flowers, 25 Baseball, 135 Caldwell Snyder Gallery, 27 Antiques, 71 The Basilica Parish of Mis- California Academy of Anubis Warpus, 36–37 sion Dolores, 65 Sciences, 90 Apartment rentals, 168 Basketball, 135, 136 California Historical Apple Store San Francisco, Bay Area 2nd Mom, 168 Society, 15 73–74 Bayporter Express, 166 California Palace of the Architecture COPYRIGHTEDBay Shuttle, 166 MATERIALLegion of Honor, 87 Beaux Arts, 50 The Bay to Breakers 12K, 162 Canada Painted Ladies, 49, 51 Beach Blanket Babylon, 133 embassy of, 169 Queen Anne, 43 Beach Chalet, 90 health plan, 171 Art galleries, 27, 51, 71 Bear Valley Visitor Center, The Cannery, 8, 22, 79 Galeria de la Raza, 64 155 Canton Bazaar, 76 Sausalito, 153 Beat Generation, 9, 30 Car rentals, 165 Art museums Beaux Arts architecture, 50 Cartoon Art Museum, 15 Asian Art Museum, 49 Bed & breakfasts (B&Bs), 168 Car travel, 166, 167 The Berkeley Art Berkeley, 157 Golden Gate Bridge, 40 Museum, 157 16_384374-bindex.qxp 11/13/08 10:51 PM Page 178 178 Casanova Lounge, 128 D Fillmore Street Jazz Festival, Cashpoints, 168 Dance clubs, 124–125 163 Cassady, Neal, 29 Dance performances, Film Festival, San Francisco Index The Castro, 63–66 133–134 International, 134, 162 nightlife, 125 D&M Wines and Liquors, 80 Financial District restaurants, 102, 107 Dentists, 169 lodging, 143–148 Castro Street Fair, 164 Department stores, 72–73 nightlife, 123, 125 The Castro Theatre, 4, 130, Desoto Cab, 167 restaurants, 98, 100, 134 de Young Museum, 3, 90 102, 106, 109, 112, Cav, 127 Dining, 91–116. See also 113, 116 Ceiba, 36 Restaurant Index shopping, 71, 72, 74, Cellhire, 165 best, 92 79, 81 Cellphones, 165 reservations, 169 Firemen Statue, 54 Cherry Blossom Festival, 162 Disabilities, travelers with, Fisherman’s Wharf, 8 Chestnut Street, 33, 47 174 lodging, 142, 144, 147, Chinatown, 9, 59–61 Discolandia, 64 149, 150 lodging, 143 Discount Cameras, 74 restaurants, 98, 100, restaurants, 105, 111 Distractions, 37 104, 105, 108, 116 shopping, 76, 77, 80, 81 Domain Chandon Vineyards 500 Club, 128 Chinatown Kite Shop, 81 (Yountville), 159–160 Flax Art & Design, 76 Chinese Historical Society of Dominguez Mexican Fleet Week, 163–164 America, 61 Bakery, 64 Flight 001, 82 Chinese New Year, 164 The Dragon’s Gate, 59 Flying Wheels Travel, 174 Christopher Elbow Artisanal Drake’s Beach, 155 F-Market streetcar, 12 Chocolates, 51 Dreams of Kathmandu, 36 Folsom Street Fair, 163 Cinco de Mayo Celebration, Drugstores, 172 Food stores and markets, 162 Dutch Windmill, 90 80–81 Cinemas, 134, 162 Ferry Plaza Farmers City Box Office, 134, 173 E Market, 3, 12, 21 City Hall, 14, 50 Electricity, 169 Football, 135 City Lights Bookstore, 31, Electronics, 73–74 Fort Mason, 23 55, 72 Elixir, 128 Fort Point, 85 Civic Center, 14, 49, 51, 149 El Rio, 125–126 Fortune cookies, 80 Civic Center Plaza, 50 The Embarcadero, 25 Fourth of July Celebration & Clarion Music Center, 60 Embarcadero Center Fireworks, 163 Classical and choir music, 133 Cinema, 134 Free Medical Clinic, 37 Cliff House, 87 Embarcadero Promenade, 13 Friendship Line for the Cliff’s Variety, 76 Emergencies, 170 Elderly, 173 Climate, 165 The EndUp, 124 Cobb’s Comedy Club, 133 Enrico’s, 125 G Cocktail lounges, 123 Enterprise, 165 Galeria de la Raza, 64 The Coffee Bean and Tea Executive Suites, 168 Gallery 415, 27 Leaf, 44 The Exploratorium, 47 Gallery of Jewels, 77 Coit Tower, 4, 9, 25, 53 Explorer’s Club, 168 Garages, parking, 172 Garcia, Jerry, 36 Conservatory of Flowers, 89 F Consulates and embassies, Garden Court, 13 Farallones Marine 169 Garfield Square, 63 Sanctuary, 85 Contemporary Jewish Gayest Corner in the Farmers Market, Ferry Plaza, Museum, 15 World, 65 3, 12, 21 Copy Central, 171 Gay and lesbian travelers Fashions (clothing), 74–75 Cowgirl Creamery’s Artisan A Different Light (book- vintage, 82 Cheese Shop, 80 store), 65 Fedex Kinko’s, 171 Cow Hollow, 43–45 gay bars, 125 Ferries, to Sausalito, 153 lodging, 145 lesbian bars, 125–126 Ferry Building, 12, 21 nightlife, 121, 127 San Francisco Lesbian, Ferry Plaza Farmers Market, Credit cards, 169 Gay, Bisexual, Trans- 3, 12, 21 Crissy Field, 4, 85 gender Pride Parade Festivals and special events, Crocker Galleria, 79 & Celebration, 163 162 Crossroads Trading, 82 Geary Boulevard, 57 Fifth and Mission Garage, 172 Crown Point Press, 71 Geary Street, No. 49, 27, 71 Filbert Steps, 25 Curran Theatre, 136 Ghirardelli Soda Fountain & Fillmore Auditorium, 126 Customs regulations, 169 Chocolate Shop, 80 Fillmore Street, 4, 33, 44 Ghirardelli Square, 8, 79 16_384374-bindex.qxp 11/13/08 10:51 PM Page 179 179 Giants Baseball, 135, 173 shopping, 74, 75, 78, 82 L Index Gifts and souvenirs, 75–76 shopping in, 33 Lamplighters Music Theatre, Giggle, 74 Health insurance, 170 136 Gimme Shoes, 78 Hemlock, 121 Land’s End, 87 Ginger’s Trois, 125 Hertz, 165 Land’s End Trail, 4, 87 Ginsberg, Alan, 31 The Hidden Vine, 127 Lang Antiques & Estate Glide Memorial Church, 133 Hiking, 87 Jewelry, 71 Gloria Ferrer Champagne HolidayAutos, 165 La Palma Mexicatessen, 64 Caves (Sonoma), 159 Holidays, 170 Lark in the Morning Musique Golden Gate Bridge, 4, 17 Homebase Holidays, 168 Shoppe, 78 crossing, 39–40 Homelink International, 168 Lawrence Hall of Science Golden Gate Fortune Cook- Honeys and Heroes, 74 (Berkeley), 157 ies Co., 3, 60, 80 Hotels, 137–150. See also Lesbian bars, 125–126 Golden Gate National Recre- Accommodations Index Levende Lounge, 123 ation Area, 85 bed & breakfasts, 168 Lexington Club, 126 Golden Gate Park, 17, 89–90 best, 138 Lighthouse, Point Reyes, 155 Golden Gate Promenade, 85 Housewares and furnish- Limos, 171 Golden Gate Theater, 136 ings, 77 Lincoln Park, 87 Golden State Warriors, 135 Huntington Park, 18 Little Baobab, 128 Good Byes, 82 Hyde Street Pier, 8, 22 Lodging, 137–150. See also Good Vibrations, 76 I Accommodations Index Gough Street, 43 bed & breakfasts Grace Cathedral, 18 Ina Coolbrith Park, 30 Insurance, 170 (B&Bs), 168 Grand Central Station best, 138 Antiques, 71 Internet access, 171 InTouch USA, 165 Loehmann’s, 73 Grant Avenue, 59 Lombard Street, 7, 53 The Grateful Dead, 36 Ireland, embassy and con- sulate of, 169 Lost and found, 171 Gray Line, 174 Louise M. Davies Symphony Green Apple Books and Isobune, 57 Italian Heritage Parade, 164 Hall, 51 Music, 72 Luxor Cabs, 167 Greens Sports Bar, 127 J Greyhound Lines, 167 Japan, embassy and M The Grove, 47 consulate of, 169 McLaren Lodge and Park GSM (Global System for Japanese Tea Garden, 89 Headquarters, 89 Mobile Communications) Japantown, 57, 162 MAC Modern Appealing wireless network, 165 lodging, 146, 148 Clothing, 74 Gump’s, 77 Japantown Shops, 57 Macondray Lane, 29 Macy’s, 73 H Jazz clubs, 125 Mad Dog in the Fog, 126 Haas-Lilienthal House. Magic Theatre, 136 Built, 43 Fillmore Street Jazz Festival, 163 Maiden Lane, 74 The Haight, 3, 33–37 Mail and postage, 171–172 lodging, 149 San Francisco Jazz Festival, 164 Maki, Fumihiko, 14 nightlife, 126 Manson, Charles, 37 restaurants, 100, 101, Jeremiah O’Brien, SS, 21–22 Jeremy’s, 73 Marathon, San Francisco, 163 105, 108, 111 Marc by Marc Jacobs, 74 shopping, 36, 78, 79, 82 Jewelry, 77–78 Jewish Museum, Contempo-
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