April 17, 1985 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS 8301 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS REPRESENTATIVE GEORGE MIL­ The anniversary of this great struggle it cannot be demanded. It can only be LER'S CONCERN FOR REFUSE­ should rekindle the mutuality of purpose earned through honorable behavior. NIKS and the sense of trust which has tragically If the Soviet Union does not uphold agree­ slipped from both our hands over the last ments assuring the rights of those who four decades. If this delegation can further present no true threat to the Soviet securi­ HON. HENRY A. WAXMAN that goal, then this shall have been a suc­ ty, how can the American people feel secure OF CALIFORNIA cessful mission. that you will abide by arins agreements, IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Our delegation represents the diversity of whose violation would risk the security of the Congress, and the pluralism of the Wednesday, April17, 1985 our entire Nation, and the future of man­ American people itself. We represent the kind? • Mr. WAXMAN. Mr. Speaker, our machinist in Massachusetts and the com­ Articles 34 and 36 of the 1977 Soviet Con­ colleague Congressman GEORGE muter in California; we speak for farmers stitution guarantee equal rights, including MILLER of California has just returned and factory workers; we belong to compet­ cultural rights, to citizens of different na­ from the Soviet Union as a member of ing political parties and embrace conflicting tionalities. Under Article 74 of the Criminal ideologies. We hold diverse views of our own Code, denial of equal rights is regarded as a your official parliamentary group. Nation, and of your Nation. During this mission, Congressman Special crime. Article 36 ensures Soviet citi­ However, the debates which occasionally zens "the possibility to use their native lan­ MILLER served as the leader of the divide us from each other illustrate the guage." human rights group, and in that ca­ strength of our freedom, not its weakness. In iDternationallaw, too, the Soviet Union pacity delivered a very strong and im­ And, diverse though we may be, we stand has committed itself to cultural pluralism pressive statement to the new Soviet united on the need to enhance human and religious tolerance. Article 27 of the leadership on the subject of human rights around the globe. International Covenant on Civil and Reli­ rights and the treatment of Jews and No nation can claim an unblemished gious Rights state that "In those States in other minorities in the U.S.S.R. record in the area of human rights or civil which ethnic, religious or linguistic minori­ liberties. No ideology has extended to its de­ ties exist, persons belonging to such minori­ Congressman MILLER also met with tractors the same tolerance enjoyed by its leaders in the refusenik community supporters. ties shall not be denied the right in commu­ and held extensive private talks with nity with the other members of their group, There are many issues between our gov­ to enjoy their own culture, to profess and Soviet leaders during which he cited ernments which must be resolved in order practice their own religion, or to use their Soviet and international law as to promote international peace and domes­ language." tic security for our nations. It is critical that grounds for allowing Jews and other The Helsinki Final Act declared that par­ Soviet citizens the right to practice we learn to trust each other sufficiently to ticipating nations shall "fulfill their obliga­ their religion or emigrate freely. undertake the serious discussions, and to tions as set forth in the international decla­ I have read Congressman MILLER's take the bold steps, which are required to reduce the unconscionable danger of nucle­ rations and agreements" in the field of statement, and I am impressed with ar annihilation. human rights, and requires that states his thoughtfulness. I want to share I am sure that the other members of this afford national minorities "the full opportu­ that statement with all fellow Mem­ delegation share with me a sense of opti­ nity for the actual enjoyment of human bers of the House, and I urge all our mism as a result of the resumption of the rights and fundamental freedom." As colleagues to review it. · ar~ns control talks in Geneva, and the po­ one whose public career has been de­ The statement follows: tential summit meeting between President voted to the reduction of tensions between Nations, I must tell you in all candor that STATEMENT OF U.S. CONGRESSMAN GEORGE Reagan and Secretary Gorbachev. Arms control is a vital issue, but it is not the overwhelming, impartial evidence com­ MILLER, SEVENTH DISTRICT, CALIFORNIA pels me to conclude that the Soviet Union The visit of this delegation from the the only issue. And while the question of human rights may not impinge directly on has failed, and continues to fall, to abide by United States House of Representatives to these guarantees. the Soviet Union presents a timely opportu­ the issue of nuclear weapons, the degree to which each Nation abides by treaty obliga­ As one who believes that the negotiation nity for improving relations between our of a reduction in the level of nuclear weap­ governments and our people .. tions in the area of human rights cannot help but affect its credibility with respect to onry is our highest priority, I must tell you Earlier this year, a new Congress took that the Soviet record in the area of human office in the United States, and President meeting other agreements. Members of this delegation disagreed on rights enforcement inevitably tarnishes the Reagan was inaugurated to his second term credibility of your Nation in the Congress of in office. Just last month, the leadership of our approach to other issues which lie be­ tween the Soviet and American govern­ the United States with respect to compli­ the Soviet Union changed, witn the passing ance with arins limitation agreements. of Mr. Chernenko and the elevation of Gen­ ments. But let there be no mistake: we are eral Secretary Gorbachev. in full accord that the just treatment of re­ The plight of Soviet Jews illustrates the Next month, our nations will commemo­ ligious, ethnic and national minorities is an grounds for that concern. Over the last sev­ rate the fortieth anniversary of the ending indelible, and appropriate, part of our eral years, the expanded emigration of the of a terrible war, a struggle in which the agenda. late 1970s, which was so welcome, has United States and the Soviet Union were I am fully aware of the sensitivity of this slowed nearly to a halt. From a peak of allied against totalitarianism, militarism, issue, and I intend to discuss it with full re­ 51,300 Jewish emigrants in 1979, the and persecution. spect for your leaders and your laws. You number has been cut radically, to just 896 in The world in which we live today is very know of our concerns; we know of your 1984. In February of this year, just 88 much the product of that war. And while counter-charges and responses. Neverthe­ Soviet Jews were permitted to leave. the great powers have largely known peace less, we will continue to raise the Soviet In place of a policy of liberal emigration among theinselves, we have not enjoyed record on human rights until we are con­ has come a tightening of exit requirements, friendship. Suspicion, far more than trust, vinced that it no longer presents the barrier including limitations on who may apply for and tension far more than cordiality, have between us which unfortunately it does an exit permit, complicated forins, long marked relations between our countries today. delays and bureaucratic obfuscation. While since 1945. We have different laws and different cul­ the Soviet government alleges that the re­ Yet forty years ago, how common our pur­ tures. I do not seek to impose the standard duction of emigres is attributable to the di­ pose seemed; not just victory over Hitler, of American law upon you. But we do hold minishing in the number of those seeking to but victory over the corruption he perpe­ you accountable for abiding by your own leave, the facts belie this claim. trated. As allies, we won not only a great law and the international law into which Jewish Soviet citizens are suffering eco­ victory over the Nazis, but also liberation you have voluntarily entered. nomic punishment, imprisonment, physical for the nations and the peoples whom the Trust is a critical ingredient in these nego­ and psychological abuse, family separation, fascists had enslaved. tiations. But trust cannot be purchased, and and religious intolerance because they ~h e This "bullet" symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by the Member on the floor. 8302 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS April 17, 1985 to exercise not only their religious teach­ at a worldwide Jewish conspiracy and ac­ In the Soviet Union, Jews celebrated this ings, but their legal rights as Soviet citizens. cused Jewish dissidents of treason. holiday as they did in all other nations. But You may claim all who wish to leave have The narrator in this film alleges that, Soviet Jews did not have the religious mate­ left; we will visit, during this· trip, some of "Deceiving Jews is a part of a global psycho­ rials or sufficient spiritual leaders; they those who have waited years, in some cases, logical war against the Communist system chanted the prayers in the Haggadah under for permission to emigrate. The Zionist propaganda is directed first the pale of official condemnation of Hebrew You may claim the "refuseniks" are crimi­ of all against our country.
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