Journal of Tropical Forest Science 13 (1): 116-129 (2001) VEGETATIVE PROPAGATION OF LOVOA TRICHILIOIDES: EFFECT PROVENANCEF O S , SUBSTRATE, AUXIND AN S LEAF AREA Z. Tchoundjeu International Centre for Research in Agroforestry (ICRtVF), BP 2123, Yaounde, Cameroon; e-mail: [email protected] & R. R. B. Leakey Centre for Ecology and Hydrology (CEH), Bush Estate, Penicuik, Midlothian, EH26 OQB, Scotland, United Kingdom; e-mail: [email protected] Received October 1998_______________________________________________ TCHOUNDJEU, Z. & LEAKEY, R. R. B. 2001. Vegetative propagation of Lovoa trichilioides: effects of provenance, substrate, auxins and leaf area. Lovoa trichilioides (African walnut, dibetou or bibolo) is an important commercial timber species indigenou Weso st Centra d tan l Africa. However destructiolace e ,seedth th f k o d san n of young seedlings by shoot-borers have hampered large-scale regeneration of this species. As vegetative propagation is an effective means of multiplying selected trees within a tree improvement programme, this study focused on the main factors affecting rootine th g abilit f leafyo y stem cuttings. When testing different rooting substrates, single-node, leafy stem cuttings rooted significantly better in coarse gravel than in a forest topsoil-gravel mixture. The application of indole-3-butyric acid (IBA) had no clear effect on mean rooting perentage, although three out of four treatments with differing concentrations of IBA gave final results that were significantly better than controle th . However, 50u considerege b IB appropriatn n Aa ca e b o dt e concentration to promote their rooting. Rooting ability was also affected by the node position. Cuttings fro e apicamth l nodes rooted significantly better than those from basal nodes of the same stem. Cuttings with large leaf areas (50-200 cm2) rooted better than those with smaller trimmed leaves (60r thos week9 fo %n i e% wits37 versu d h an s0 0 and 25 cm2 respectively). The optimum of 200 cm2 is higher than that for other tropical tree species suc s Triplochitonha scleroxylon Khayad an ivorensis. Key words: Rootin gster- n cutting s- non-mis t propagato medi- r a TCHOUNDJEU LEAKEY& ,Z. , R.R.B. 2001. Pembiakan tampang Lovoa trichilioides: kesan provenans, substrat, auksin dan luas kawasan daun. Lovoa trichilioides (walnut Afrika, dibetou atau bibolo) ialah spesies balak komersial asli yang penting bagi Afrika Tengah dan Barat. Bagaimanapun, kekurangan biji benih dan pemusnahan anak- anak benih muda oleh penggerek pucuk telah menghalang pemulihan besar-besaran bagi spesies ini. Memandangkan pembiakan tampang merupakan cara yang berkesan untukmembiakkan pokok yang terpilih dalam rancangan pembaikan pokok, kajian ini 116 Journal of Tropical Forest Science (1): 116-129 (2001) 117 memfokuskankepadafaktor-faktorutamayangmempengaruhikeupayaan pengakaran bagi keratan batang berdaun. Apabila menguji substrat pengakaran yang berbeza, buku tunggal, keratan batang berdaun mengakar dengan lebih baik dengan bererti id dalam kerikil besar berbanding dengan di hutan campuran tanah atas dan kerikil kasar. Penggunaan asid indola-3-butirik (IBA) tidak mempunyai kesan yang jelas terhadap min peratus pengakaran, walaupun tiga daripada empat rawatan dengan kepekatan IBA yang berbeza memberikan keputusan akhir yang lebih baik dengan bererti berbanding dengan kawalan. Bagaimanapun, 50 ug IBA bolehlah dianggap sebagai kepekatan yang sesuai untuk menggalakkan pengakarannya. keupayaan pengakaran juga dipengaruhi oleh kedudukan buku. Keratan daripada buku apeks mengakar dengan lebih baik dengan bererti daripada keratan dari pangkal buku daripada batang yang sama. Keratan dengan luas daun yang besar (50-200 cm2) mengakar lebih baik daripada keratan dengan daun yang dikerat lebih kecil (60% dalam mas mingga9 u berbandin bag% g i37 denga keratan da n0 n masing-masing cm5 2 denga 2)n . da Optimu n0 m sebanyaadala2 cm 0 h k20 lebi h tinggi daripada optimum untuk spesies pokok tropika yang lain seperti Triplochiton scleroxylon dan Khaya ivorensis. Introduction Lovoa trichilioides Harms. (African walnut, dibetou or bibolo) is an important commercial hardwood timber tree of the Meliaceae found throughout the humid forest zone of Cameroon. Its natural distribution extends across the evergreen forest from Sierra Leon Wesn ei t Afric Angolo t a Centran ai l Africa (Figur. e1) Lovoa trichilioides is a large or emergent forest tree, often reaching a height of r moreo m , 5 wit4 diametea h t breasa r t height exceedine bolTh s ei . m g1 sometimes straight and cylindrical to a height of 25 m where the first branches occur. More commonly, however bole ,th crooke s ei heavild dan y forked illustrating hige th h potential therimprovemenr fo s ei thif to s species crowe .Th n tende b o st heavily branched and fairly open, becoming dome-like on emergent trees. There is often abundant local regeneration in the high forest and adjacent low bush. The seedlings can tolerate shade for a long period and, when the overhead canopy is opened by a falling tree, they start to grow and form a long slender stem that terminate smala n si l crown with large leaves. Despit abundance eth seedf eo , many factors hamper regeneration programmes with this species: • Seed collectio s difficuli n t because mast years occu, t y intervala r 4 3- f o s although some flowering trees can be found in most years. • Seed production is spread over a few weeks and the winged seeds can be carried far fro mothee mth r tree. • Insect smald san l mammal seede s th fee sn do reducin numbere gth s than ca t germinate. • Although fresh seed initially ma s y hav a gooe d germination rate, viability decreases rapidly. Consequently, wildings are usually collected from the natural fores foresr tfo t regeneration programmes, although their growt nursere th n hi y may be quite slow. 118 Journal of Tropical Forest Science (1)3 1 : 116-129 (2001) Like other members of the Meliaceae, L. trichilioides is attacked by the mahogany shoot-borer larvae mote th th , f heo Hypsipyla robusta (FAO 1958) e hatchinTh . g larvae penetrate the young stem tissues, killing the shoot apex and causing considerable damag ofted deate ean nth youn f ho g trees, hence discouraging large-scale planting. Figure naturaTh . e1 l distributio Lovoaf no trichilioides Wesn i Centra d an t l Africa (shaded area) (from Vivie Faurn& e 1985) Vegetative propagatio consideres ni d becaus above th f eeo constraint largeo st - scale regeneration fro opportunite mth seed dan seleco yt masd an t s propagate superior tree clonar sfo l forestry (Leakey 1991). Additionally, clonal propagation s beeha n recommende approacn a s da circumveno ht e Hypsipylath t problem (Newto 1994). al l ne , becaus othen ei r member Meliaceaee th f so , genetic resistance has been identified at low frequency in natural populations (Newton et al. 1999). If amenable to vegetative propagation, such resistant material would be appropriate for forest regeneration and agroforestry (Matos et al in press). This paper reviews the main factors affecting the rooting rates of juvenile material of L. trichilioides inon-misna t propagator. Materials and methods The vegetative material used in the various experiments of this study was produced from young seedlings of six provenances collected in natural stands in Cameroon. The provenances originated from areas of Cameroon within the natural range of . trichilioidesL with different climates (Tabl. e1) Journal of Tropical Tabl . Some1 e characteristic differenf so t zone origif so Lovoaf no trichilioides provenances Forest used to establish juvenile stockplants of seedling origin Scier, Numbef ro Mean Mean Mean Main Main plants of each Altitude rainfall temperature humidity wet dry Provenance provenance (m) Latitude Longitude (mm) season season OO Mbalmayo 174 650 3° 05' N 11°00'E 1640 23 77 Sept— Nov . Dec-Feb Kumba 57 236 N ' 32 ° 4 9° 19' E 2405 29 86 Mar-Oct Nov-Mar § Makak 34 750 N ' 30 ° 3 11°20'E 1687 23 80 Sept-Oct Dec-Feb o0 Loum 54 150 4° 50' N E ' 05 ° 9 2500 26 83 June-Oct Mar-May Ottotomo 210 802 3° 36' N 11°19'E 1750 24 80 Sept— Nov Dec-Feb Edea 129 52 3° 46' N E ' 04 ° 10 2750 26 82 Sept-Oct Dec-Jan 120 Journal of Tropical Forest Science 13 (1): 116-129 (2001) Production of cuttings from seedlings Prior to their transfer to the nursery of the Office National de Developpement des Forets (ONADEF), wildings of each provenance were collected from the forest and grown for 9-12 months. The plants were then cut back to a height of 10 cm to minimise the physiological stress of transit and transferred to the experimental site in Mbalmayo. Six hundred stockplants of six provenances of L. trichilioides (100 per provenance) were plante nursere th . Prunin n m di row n 0 yi 1. sg X space 5 0. t da subsequently stimulated sprouting and the production of shoots that formed an appropriate source of future 'juvenile' cutting material. Fifty grams of a compound fertiliser (NPK 20:10:10) were applie eaco dt h plan accelerato t t e their growth (application was repeated after every three months over a year). Preparatio cuttingf no s Single-node cuttings were harvested sequentially down the current flush of the shooto tw p s to from managed stockplants, takin e maximugth m cutting length allowe lengte internodee th th y f db ho . Unless; otherwise stated, leave thesn so e cuttings were trimme abouo dt cm0 t5 . l Auxi0.2u 0 %n(1 indole-3-butyric acid, 2 IBA), dissolved in 100% ethanol, was applied to the cutting base with a micrometer syringe. The alcohol was evaporated off using a fan, before the cuttings were set in non-mist propagators describe Leakey db l (1990)a t ye .
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