Contents for Fall 1968-6 Foil Activities Administration/Faculty Fall Sports Advertising Mr. Howard Stephens, Advisor. Dave Webb, Ecli Bill Sleph~nl, layout and Chief Photographer, Ji Decker, Auoclore EdiTor; Marcl Brown, TYpisr; Ma'7 Moss. A~s:. Photographer: Andy Laue and Judy High. Oil, Business Managers. Southwestern, like the rest of the world, is undergoing constant change. Change is evolutionary, and changes made today are not immediately as obvious as those made since si xty years ago. The Mound­ builder has the task of recording each changing year and placing it in proper perspective. To do this, it must from time to time change itself, as was done this year. Left to Right: Delphian Literary Society, Southwest Kansas Co llege (the present name was adopted in 1909), 1902; Southwest Kansas College Bulletin of Information, 190 1; Southwestern Gospel Team, 1913. FALL ACTIVITIES Fall on SC's campus found Builders en­ gaged in a variety of activities. Freshmen were integrated into campus life through an established and often rigorous program of initiation, tradition and the Mound were honored with the annual ceremony, and the "groove," with its 8 o'clock's, midterms, and books, books, and more books was re­ entered. There was also the opportunity to hear current problems discussed by nationally known figures, and to enjoy musical con­ certs running the gamut from contemporary pop to semi-classical. In the midst of all this, however, the SC student stil l found time to socialize at an all-school picnic or to think things out in a walk around a leaf covered campus. ~ Above: Frank Mankewicz, political commentary. Middle: Carl Rowan, racial conOict. Below: " The Happenings," contemporary pop music; and louis Sudler, baritone. 3 FALL ACTIVITIES Righi: Snoopy was ever· present. Below: The Builder bond e nlivened spirit a t the game. ..-' . friidS we're o ~ irr foro! d~co . atio n nd fld ts. In ~ findl ng, HoJlGl:i o~ , 9~mes;s) ls th~rJo.ves '-ras~ wdr fi r!it rrh dec~iqns, ahd "Ha ppiness Is in9 the Bryves, . 0 oat entered by Juniror d os ,w t r~ t place in thdt Ge rg ronne I eynolds, 'lunior tom nosha, ~n Sin was crowned the B u il~er 9u~enQ r gqme,. ferer-0nPes later in.J y. Her.Att'endon were SUSO-n ierki S' :Senior iom C~ro-k.ee , owa; athy Kemp, jun ior 'from, Wjnfiel~ ; Tiliptson, soph more from Wichita; ~lnd BonAie W~ b stett 0 fle hmd6' f rom berby. As e queen orJ\:L...Re1 u : watched a lo~ wit~ a la rgd crowd ~!I Bu il de booster , the tqot~ Jl ~ we t 0 ~f complete Jlb t 0 Victyry ~wer Ott0't'a.,:.. The y, stilLPTOdoimmg I Ha ppiness 15, "'/ w.as capp d off with a d an~ .fe'.crluri ng f¥ Utterb ck J~ a nd I tIJe fin a llr r e~a tlo n of," arefa ot ~n the Prrk. "_~ -. f ~ 4 { 1,~ FALL ACTIVITIES Below: Georgianne Reynolds, Kenosha, Wisconsin, was crowned queen. Middle: Beta Rho Mu paraded their own queen candidate. Bottom : Sophomore fioa t e ntry, " Happiness Is Graves for the Braves." Below: Dave Galliart and Cnuck Brass team up to stop a de termined Br ave. 5 The board of trustees of Southwestern College includes Mrs. Olive Ann Beech, Wichita; C. J. Borger, Hutchinson; William Broadhurst, Tulsa, Okla.; Joe Riley Burns, EI Dorado; John J. Clinton, Hutchinson; Herbert B. Cockerill, Winfield; Ward M. Cole, Wel­ lington; Mrs. Maude Haver Davis, Douglass; Joe R. Everly, Winfield; Lyle Glenn, Protection; Robert M. Gordon, Dodge City. Marshall Hill, Arkansas City; J. H. Johnson, EI Dorado; Ed Johnston, Braman, Okla.; W. W. Keith, Winfie ld; Harold E. Kiel er, Wichita; Willard J. Kiser, Wichita; Frank Little, Peabody; Paul Matthaei, Wichita; James McPeek, Wichita; E. Loyal Miles, Dodge City; Everett R. Mitchell, Liberal. Orlan L. Mullen, Udall; Chester L. Osborn, New­ ton; R. H. Pierce, Winfield; Jay B. Pounds, Cold­ water; John H. Robinson, Garden City; William E. Shuler, Wichita; Arthur A. Smith, Dallas, Texa s; Roy E. Smith, Liberal; W . McFerrin Stowe, Topeka; George Templa r, Topeka; Mrs. Irvin E. Toevs, New­ ton; R. Byron Waite, Winfield; Mrs. Pat Wallingford, Wichita; Sam P. Wallingford,* Wichita; Darwin Wells, Hunter, Okla.; Mrs. Lola Lowther Fisher, * Merion, Po. *Deceased 1968 ADMINISTRATION "Southwestern College is flexible and can adjust and continue to experiment in this d ay of change and confusion. Education must become much more relevant." -DR. C. ORVILLE STROHL, President Opposite Top, Bottom, and Below: Trustees in their annua l meeting. Lef. : Dr. C. Orville Strohl, President. Directly Below: Mrs. Ann Prochaska, Secretary to the Presiden t. 9 Carl E. Martin, Chaploin, Ass!. Prof . Top: Viola Schwantes, Comptroller; Clyde Hurst, Maintenance Supervisor; Eugene Welch, Business Manager, Director of Campus Foci lil ies. Boltom : Leona Glenn, M a in tenonce SecretorYi Mrs. Dale Top : Clare L. Kiskaddon, Counselor o f Women, Layman, Secreto ry to the Business Ma nager. Ins t. in Eng li sh; J. Hamby Barton, Jr., Academic Dean; Lewis E. Gilbreath, Dean o f Studen ts; Murrel K. Snyder, Regis trar, Assoc. Prof. of Soc io log y. Boltom : Mrs. Fred Lawrence, Secretory to the Re gis­ trar; Mrs. Bill Mauney, Secretory to the Academi c Dean; Mrs. William Wakefie ld, Secre ta ry, Personne l Office. 10 Above: Robert T. Hower, Director of Athletics. Top : Mrs. Donald Forsyth, News Bureau. Inst. in Journal ism; Howard Stephens, Director of Public Relotions; .!. W . Flaming , Director of Finoncial Development. Bottom : Norma Money and Barbara Shiv ely, Development Secre taries. Top : Dr. J. C. Witter, Director of Admissions ond Pl a cement; Dr. F. Jo e Sims, Assoc. Director of Ad­ missions, Assoc. Prof. of Voice and Public School Music; John H. Hadsall, Assoc. Director of Admis· sions; Larry E. Reed , Assoc. Direclor of Admissions. Bottom : Sally Helmer, Admissions Secretory. 1 1 ADMINISTRA TION / FACUL TY on nts develop appreciation of nition of their thu s broadening the cultural scope I:~~:t" students on the campus. Also, to elop creative abili'fy in the a rts rough tudy and rClfp.lieq efforts, c ~i ve and ~t" rp ret tive; to ide sf u d~ ith 01 nal prep- ration of t ~ liber for ching the a ~ and fCf raduate studies in their ch sen ~ e \\:Is . Tio serve left to Right, Top to Bottom : Robert Aubery, In st. in Voice and Publ ic School Music; Marie Burdette, Inst. in Piano; Albert Hodges, Asst. Prof. of Ba nd and Instrumental the needs of the churoh itIrough the Music; Brent Matlen, Inst. in Art; William Melcher, In st. in Art; Grace Sellers, church music cu r lC ulu nl ~n d p y insti­ Assoc. Prof. of Piano; James H. Strand, Asst . Prof. of Organ; Ross O. Williams, tutes, workshops t e POriciPation Pro f. o f Vio lin; James R. Wintle, In st. in Piano Theory and Composi ti on; lucille of its students a fa cti i the mu­ Mathews, Di vision Secretary. r sic life of the clfl urch. Maiors off6ed in:,(}t'I'ff A, s / Music / Applied Music / Pt1Slic 1 001 Music .\ 12 ADMINISTRATION / FACULTY " The Division of Fine Arts is growing . This year we number 55 music majors, 12 art majors. Next year's projected enroll ment in music a nd art will be in the neighborhood of 80 ma­ jors. "Our musical organizations serve over 150 Southwestern students. We're glad to share such an important role in the life of the ca mpus community. " Pa rticipation in music, a s in art, also does so much to make better people of us all. We all feel better for having sung _._~ a pic­ ~~~a~~d.W.""~~I, o ~, sand NIIl'lttlIeI1I's. We 13 ADMINISTRATION/ FACULTY Left to RighI, Top to Bottom: Troy Boucher, Inst. in English; Norman D. Callison, Ins!. in Speech and Drama, Director of Th ea ter; Judith L. Charilon, Inst. in English; A. D. Cope, Special Inst. in Freshman English. 14 ADMINISTRATION / FACULTY left to Right, Top to Bottom; Eva Douglas, In st. in French; Donald K. Enholm, Inst. in Speech, Director of Fore nsics; Gleva M. Hanson, Asst. Prof. of Speech; Marguerite A. Hessini, Inst. in French and German; Virginia O'Neil, Asst. Prof. of English; Alfredo Rodriguez, Inst. in Spanish; Jesse l. Williams, Visiting Asst. Prof. of Engli sh; Marilyn King, Division Secretory. - ':­ : ,.. i 15 ADMINISTRA TION / FACULTY Le ft to Right, fop to Bo ttom: Dr. Robert G . Barnhardt, Asst. Prof. of Chem is try: Th elma Biesmier, Asst. Prof. of Home Economics: Edward Oubow,ky, Asst. Prof. of Mathematics; Harold Elliott, Asst. Prof. of Physical Ed ucation. Football and Track ,6 Coach; Donald Forsyth, Inst. in Physica l Educatio n, Head Bos ketball Coach; Gene­ vieve Howe, Ass oc. Prof. of Home Econ omics. ADMINISTRATION/ FACULTY Le ft to Right, Top to Bottom : Ri(hard W. Ho hly, A ss t. Prof. of Physics and M athe· motics; Manly Hube r, A sst. Pr of. of Ph ys ics and M athematics; Orland Kolling, Asst. Prof. of Chemistry; Chen-Jin Li n, Inst. of M athematics; Max C. Thompson, Inst. of Biology; Mildred Warren, Inst. in Physical Ed ucation; Dr. Ro bert Wi mmer, Assoc. Prof. o f Biology, Yvonne Shrader, Di vi sion Secretary. 17 ADMINISTRATION / FACULTY Left to Right, Top to Bottom: Dr. Donald B. Anderson , Asst. Prof. of Psych o logy; Dr. Earl W. Dungan, Prof. of Education, Director of Secondary Block; Gerald Edmiston, Inst.
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