tPrl!iltft"lff Rrt flf ~s c~ '('f'(Cf)j'( <PT ~) NHPC Limited (A Government of India Enterprise) ~/Phone :_____ ___________ _ ~ ~-1 Ref. No. ________________ _ ~I Date :________________ _ NH/CS/199/ 11.02.2021 Manager General Manager The Listing Department, The Li sting Department M/s BSE Limited, M/s National Stock Exchange of India Limited, Phiroze Jeejeebhoy Towers, Dalal Street, Exchange Plaza, Bandra Kurl a Complex, Bandra Mumbai-400001 (E), Mumbai- 400051 ~ , ffiftca1 fm1m, HITT~ . ffiftea I fm1m, iftiraf ~~ls , ~r.:l"(if Rfct; Q<R't ~"" 3ITcff ~ ~~ls , QCf{"l:c)'71 C(>!lvff, ~ CflC>IT Cfl'fCFC~Cftl , ~ (~) , ftt.0f.~.~"@c . .j ~.j - 4 00 001 ~-.j 40005 1 Scrip Code: 533098 Scrip Code: NHPC ISIN No. INE848E01016 Sub: Un-audited (Standalone & Consolidated) Financial Results of NHPC Limited for the quarter/ nine months ended on 31 st December, 2020 ~: QCl1Qillfltfl ~~ls*" 31.12.2020 cm-~~~ / "1 ~ *" ft:rv ~~ ( m~ 3ITT '8il~C1) ~ q~UllJ'i S i rs/~ , In continuation to our earlier letter of even number dated 11.02.2021 on the cited subject, please find enclosed herewith a copy of limited review report along with un-audited financial results (standalone & consolidated) of the Company for th e quarter/nine months ended 3151 December, 2020. This is for your information and record. ~ ~ "11 10"1 Cfl Ifl 3ffi ftCflE ~ ffi"v 6 I ~I . \ \ (~ tjSfiClri1) cf;qo:fT tlfttq ~ <P llli<'ll'I : ~ ~ qt ~ 3llflITT:t Cfi1Rl~CN1, ~-33, 4'>.flG IEl lG - 121 003, t:RlllOll Regd. Office : NHPC Office Complex, Sector-33, Faridabad - 121 003, Haryana CIN: L40101 HR1975GOI032564; Website: www.nh pcindia .com E-mail : [email protected]. in; EPABX No. : 0129-2588 11 0/2588500 ~ ~ ~ ~ l <P l llctl cf;~ 191 2 m<:r<1 <ITT I Dial 1912 for Complaints on Electricity K.G. SOMANI & CO . ARO RA VOH RA & CO. LODHA & CO . Chartered rlccountants Chartered Acco1111ta11ts Chartered Accou11 ta11ts 3115, Asa f Ali Road,41h Floor Chaitanya Complex l..J. Government Place East Near Delite Cinema, Prem Bhawan ,Residency Road Kolkata-700069 New De lh i- I I000 2 Jammu Tawi 180081 Jammu & Kashmi r Indep endent Auditors' Review Report on Sta nda lone Unaudited Fina ncia l Results fo r the Q ua rte r and Nine Months ended December 31, 2020 of NHPC Limited To The Board of Directors N HPC Limited NHPC O ffice Complex Sector-33, Faridabad- 12 l 003 We have reviewed the accompanying Statement of Standalone Unaudited Financia l Results together with the Notes thereon of NHPC Limited ("the C ompa ny") for the Quarter a nd Nine Months ended December 31, 2020 (the 'Statement'). The Statement has been prepa red by the company pursuant to the requirement o f Regul ation 33 of the SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Require ments) Regu lations, 20 15, as amended (the ' Listing Regulations'), which has been in itialed by us fo r idcnti fi cation purposes. This Sta tement which is the responsibi lity of the Company 's Management and has been approved by the Board of Directors, has been prepared in accordance w ith the recognition and measurement princip les laid down in the Indian Accounting Standard 34 " Interim Financial reporting" (Ind AS 34), prescribed under section 133 of the Companies Act, 20 13 read with relevant rules issued thereunder and other accounting principles generall y accepted in India. Our responsibility is to issue a report on the Statement based on our review. We conducted our review of the Statement in accordance w ith the Standard on Review Engagements (S RE) 24 10 .. Review of In terim Financial Info rmati on Performed by the Independent Auditor of the Entity", issued by the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India. This standard requires that we plan and perform the review to obtain moderate assurance as to w hether the financial statements are free of material misstatement. A review o f interim financial in fo nn ation consists of making inquiries, primaril y of persons responsible for financial and accounting matters, and applying analytical and other review procedures. A review is substantiall y less in scope than an audit conducted in accordance with Standards on Audit ing and consequentl y docs not enable us to obtain assurance that we would become aware o f all significant matters that might be identified in an aud it. Accord ingly, we do not express an audit opinion. Based on our review conducted as above, we rcpott th at nothing has come to our attention that causes us to believe that the accompanying statement of Standalone Unaudited Financial Results read with notes thereon, prepared in accordance with aforesaid Indian Accounting Standards and other recogni zed accounting practices and policies genera lly accepted in India, has not disclosed the infonnation required to be disclosed in terms of Regulation 33 of the SEBI (Listing Ob li gations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 20 15, as amended, including the manner in which it is to be disclosed, or that it contains any material misstatement. For K.G. Somani & Co For Arora Vohra & Co For Lodha & Co Chartered Accountants Chartered Accountants Chartered Accountants FRN : 00659 1N FRN:009487N FRN:30 1051E BHUVNESH :::-·~--;~;;.':';;:·':;::· MAH ESH Digitally signed by Digitally signed by ··~ MAHESH KUMAR H KVerma MAHESHWA S~~~:;~;:~~~=j·:~:. MAKKAR ,,.,4..,._~, b)e l lHklo.IO<~.-~ '"""' KUMAR H KV erma Date: 2021.02.11 •.),..J',VS't YAol \o<'N"-'I Date: 2021.02.11 RI O.•t 1QI' ~J • I" u· ·>llo~ 2 1:38: 45 +05'30' MAKKAR 22:33:47 +05'30' (CA H.K. Verma) (CA Mahcsh Kumar Makkar) (CA Bhuvnesh Maheshwari) Partner Partner Partner M.No. 086039 M.No. 055 104 M.No.088 155 UDfN: UDTN : UDIN: 2 1055 104AAAABC843 I 21088 I 55AAAAAE8749 21086039AAAAAC5542 Place : New Delhi Place: Ludhiana Place: Kolkata Date: February 11 , 2021 Date: February 11, 202 1 Date: February 11 , 202 1 NHPC LIMITED I (A Government of Ind in Enterprise) CIN: L40 101HR197SGOI032564 m SECTOR-33, FARIDABAD, HARYANA - 121 003 :.·TA'n:Mt:N'r 01' STANDALONE UN,\llOITED FINANCIAL RESULTS FOR THE QUARTRR AND N I N~: ~IONTllS ~N lll-:ll llST OF:Ct:: ~IDER 1010 (Rs. In crore) Qunrlol' Endod Nine Monrhs t:nd•tl \'onr Ended 31 .12.2020 JO.o?.2020 Jl.12.2019 J l.11.2010 Jl.ll.201 I) J l.OJ.2020 S.No l'AllTICll l,i\llS Unnutlllrtl Un1111dil cd Unnudiled Unnudlled Uun u!lllcd Audited I loco ml.! (;1) Rcvc1111c from Opern1io11s 2,092.20 2,SH.03 1,795 .04 7, 165.10 6,82 1.72 8,735.tl I (b ) Ulhcr lr1'0111c 202.29 426. 12 64.95 714.36 6S I .30 1.036. 18 Tolnl Income (n+b) 2 294.49 2,?80. 15 I 859.99 7,879.46 7,473.02 9 ,7 71.~9 2 E•pcnscs (a) l'urt lms• uf Powe r . Trndin~ . 5.28 42.69 2 12.37 83.01 2Jil.13 (b) Gcncrnlion Ex1x:11scs 118.85 313.36 158. 11 723.19 7J5.62 901.67 (~ )E1111>IO)'•c Ucnclits Expense 378.74 343.8 1 399.34 1,048.75 1.132.93 1,5 15.52 (d) rinoncc Costs 141 .74 1•16.18 155.63 434.61 644.24 795,42 (e )Dcprccintion nnd i\mo1111.n1ion Expense 334 .94 333.17 387.32 998.38 l,159.58 1,545.34 (I) Other Expcnm "1 6.63 318.83 267. IJ I 009.37 860.50 I 514.95 Torol Expcnsu (d+b+c+ll+e+I) I 3?0.90 I 460.63 1,410.22 4,426.67 4,6 15.88 6 507.03 J l'rofil before t:xccptionnl ilcms, Hcgulnlory Dcforrnl Accounl 1,5 19.52 Dn lnnces nnd Tnx ( 1-2) 903.59 44?.77 J,452.79 2,857.14 3,264.56 4 Exccplional ilc111; . - 185.00 . s l'rofi l before tnx nnd Rcgulnlory Dcfcrrnl ,\ccounl Dnl11nccs (3-4) 903.59 l,519.52 44!>.77 J,267.79 l,8S7.14 J,26~.56 6 Tax Ex11enscs n) C111rcn1 Tax 174 .62 2SS 07 62.54 582.83 486. 12 602.40 bl Deferred Tnx (37.47) 2.01 ( 14.7 1) (3 1.23) 49.71 (1.40) Tola! Tax Ex11onsc (a+b) 137.15 257.08 47.8] 55 1.60 535.83 601.00 7 l'ront fo r the 11ulod before 11101•emonli In Reuulnrory Defern1I Accounl Do lun ce1 (!l-6) 766.44 1,262.44 40 l.')4 2,716. l <J 2,321.31 2,663.% 8 Move ment in RcgulntOI)' Dcforrnl Account Bnlancos (Net ofTnx) 41.68 36.06 1.72 112.97 302.'JS 343.61 9 l'rofil for the period (7+8) 808.12 1,298.50 403.66 2,g29.16 2,624.26 J,007. 17 lO Other Co11111rohc11.1lvc ln co1uc (I) Items lh111 will nol he rcc l n s~ i li cc l lu profil or loSll (Ncl ofTnx) (a) K~111cns11rc111cn1 of the posl cmploi•mcnt dclincd bi:nclil obliua tions (JS.I I) (62.92) ( 12.33) (105.29) (36 .99) 37,51 Less:· Movement in Kc gnlotol)' lJc:fcrrnl /\cco11111 Ualance5 in rcspccl of tnx on dclincd bcnclil oblicnlions 2.86 4.48 4.27 8.58 13. lol 8.1 4 SulJ 101111 (n) (37.97) (67.40) ( 16.60) ( 113.87) (50.IJ) 29,37 (b) l111·es1111011t in Equity lns1111111cnts 13.38 (I 17) OJI 24.27 (20.4S) (42.09) Sub rntn l (b) IJ.38 ( 1.17) O.J I 24.27 (20.45) (42.09) Tolol (i)=(n)+(b) (24.59) (68.57) (16.
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