OPERATORS ON INDEFINITE INNER PRODUCT SPACES Michael A Dritschel and James Rovnyak Department of Mathematics University of Virginia Charlottesville Virginia U S A Mathematics Subject Classication Primary B A Secondary C E A A A Contents Preface Intro duction Preliminaries and Notation A Prerequisites B Inner pro duct spaces C Kren spaces and fundamental decomp ositions D Example E Bo oks and exp ositions Lecture Kren Spaces and Op erators Lecture Julia Op erators and Contractions Addendum Adjoints of contractions Lecture Extension and Completion Problems Lecture The Schur Algorithm Lecture Repro ducing Kernel Pontryagin Spaces and Colligations Lecture Invariant Subspaces A The commutant of a selfadjoint op erator B Dual pairs of invariant subspaces for denitizable op erators C Compact p erturbations of denitizable op erators Addendum Nondenitizable op erators Bibliography Index 1 2 M A Dritschel and J Rovnyak Preface Kren space op erator theory has long b een a principal area of research in eastern mathematics and it is now enjoying a surge of interest in western countries as well The present lectures survey some recent metho ds and results which center around factorization prop erties of op erators Topics include the geometry of Kren spaces Pontryagin spaces isometric op erators contractions dilation and extension problems repro ducing kernel spaces op erator colligations denitizable op erators and invariant subspaces Factorization ideas lead to notions of defect and Julia op erators which are to ols for reducing the study of general op erators to the isometric and unitary cases where Hilb ert space metho ds can often b e used Connections with interp olation theory and repro ducing kernel spaces are explored Factorization of selfadjoint op erators also has applications in sp ectral theory and invariant subspace problems It is not p ossible to represent the eld in six lectures and the selection of topics is based on a particular viewp oint Roughly the viewp oint is that Kren spaces provide a natural setting for op erator theory We assume Hilb ert spaces or Pontryagin spaces only when there is some reason for it Insights into the Hilb ert space case come out of this approach which separates the eects of p ositivity of vectors and p ositivity of op erators Connections b etween op erator and spatial p ositivity then arise in the form of index formulas Hilb ert space metho ds nd new applications in this approach and op erator theory is enriched by concepts which originate from the indeniteness of inner pro ducts The list of omitted topics is long For example we do not discuss mappings of op erator spheres and domains of holomorphy connections with univalent func tions commutant lifting interp olation theory or complementation theory for Kren spaces Our bibliography is likewise limited and we regret omissions On any topic the bibliography needs to b e supplemented from the usual sources Authoritative literature notes may b e found in the b o oks of Azizov and Iokhvidov Bognar and Iokhvidov Kren and Langer Two other lecture series in this work complement our account Systems asp ects are treated in the lectures of M A Kaasho ek on StateSpace Theory of Rational Matrix Functions and Applications Applications to dierential op erators and re lated topics such as op erator p olynomials are covered in the lectures of Aad Dijksma and Heinz Langer on Operator Theory and Ordinary Dierential Operators We thank Peter Lancaster and the Program Committee for inviting us to con tribute this series of lectures We also thank The Fields Institute for their supp ort ecient organization and hospitality Both authors are supp orted by the National Science Foundation Intro duction Preliminaries and Notation 3 Intro duction Preliminaries and Notation A Prerequisites A Hilb ert space is a strictly p ositive inner pro duct space H over the complex numb ers which is complete in its norm metric We also include separability in the axioms for a Hilb ert space Some familiarity with Hilb ert spaces and op erator theory is presumed Otherwise the material covered in a rst year graduate course of analysis is sucient background For example see Halmos and Rudin B Inner pro duct spaces As we use the term an inner pro duct space is a complex vector space H together with a complexvalued function h i h i on H H which satises H these axioms linearity haf bg hi a hf hi b hg hi for all f g h H and a b C hg f i for all f g H symmetry hf g i The function h i is called an inner pro duct By the antispace of an inner pro d uct space H h i we mean the inner pro duct space H h i Suppressing inner pro ducts we sometimes write H for the antispace of an inner pro duct space H Thus h i h i H H In any inner pro duct space H we use the notions of subspace orthogonality and direct sum in the same manner as for Hilb ert spaces For example vectors f and g in an inner pro duct space H are called orthogonal if hf g i Elementary prop erties which follow as in the Hilb ert space case are taken for granted An inner pro duct h i on H is said to b e nondegenerate if the only vector f in H such that hf g i for all vectors g H is f In applications this is usually a consequence of stronger assumptions For example Hilb ert spaces Pontryagin spaces and Kren spaces dened b elow are nondegenerate inner pro duct spaces An inner pro duct h i on H is said to b e p ositive if hf f i for all f H negative if hf f i for all f H denite if it is either p ositive or negative indenite if it is neither p ositive nor negative and neutral if it is b oth p ositive and negative and hence the inner pro duct is identically zero by the p olarization identity A p ositive negative inner pro duct is called strictly p ositive strictly negative if hf f i only for f These terms are applied to the space H as well as the inner pro duct They are also applied to subspaces M of H if the restriction of the inner pro duct has the corresp onding prop erty 4 M A Dritschel and J Rovnyak The term op erator always refers to a linear transformation A complex numb er is identied with the op erator of multiplication by the identity op erator on a space H is denoted or We write dom A and ran A for the domain and range H of an op erator A Two inner pro duct spaces H h i and K h i are called isomorphic if H K there is a onetoone op erator A from H onto K such that hAf Ag i hf g i for K H all f g H Such an op erator A is said to b e an isomorphism C Kren spaces and fundamental decomp ositions The denition of a Kren space is made in such a way that the class of Kren spaces includes all Hilb ert spaces antispaces of Hilb ert spaces and is closed under the formation of orthogonal direct sums It is the smallest such class of inner pro duct spaces Denition By a Kren space we mean an inner product space H which can be expressed as an orthogonal direct sum H H H + where H is a Hilbert space and H is the antispace of a Hilbert space Any such + representation is cal led a fundamental decomposition of the space Given a Kren space H and fundamental decomposition by jHj we mean the Hilbert space obtained from by replacing H by its antispace jH j H jHj H jH j + The Hilbert space norm kk kk is cal led a norm for the Kren space H jHj In this situation the op erator J dened on H by H J f f f H + whenever f f f with f H is called a fundamental symmetry or + signature op erator for the space The relationship b etween the Kren space H h i H and the Hilb ert space jHj h i jHj is that H and jHj coincide as vector spaces and hf g i hJ f g i and hf g i hJ f g i H H jHj H H jHj for any vectors f and g Hilb ert spaces and antispaces of Hilb ert spaces are Kren spaces Excluding these cases a Kren space has innitely many fundamental decomp ositions and therefore innitely many asso ciated Hilb ert spaces jHj and norms kk kk We jHj compare these structures for two fundamental decomp ositions Intro duction Preliminaries and Notation 5 Theorem Let H be a Kren space with two fundamental decompositions H H H and H H H + + Dene X LH H by + + X f f f H + + + + if f f f f H Dene Y LjH j jH j by + + Y f f f jH j if f f f f H Then X and Y are onetoone and onto + Pro of Let us show that X has a closed graph For any z H the mapping f hf z i is a continuous linear functional on H and on H If f g h + n n n + H where f H g H and h H for all n and if f f in H n + n n n + + and g g in H then f g H in the inner pro duct of H for all n n n n + + in the inner pro duct of H In other words f g h with and so f g H + It follows that the graph of X is closed and so X is continuous h f g H by the closed graph theorem Supp ose that f H and f f f with f H Since + + + + hf f i f f f f f f + + 0 0 0 + + + + H + H H H + + kX f k kf k Therefore X is onetoone and has closed range + + and is orthogonal For supp ose that h b elongs to H The range of X is all of H + + to the range of X Let f H and f f f with f H Then h is + + + + and so h is orthogonal to f Therefore X f and f orthogonal to b oth f + + + h H and hh hi hh hi and so h We have now shown that X is 0 H H + onetoone and onto The assertions for Y may b e deduced similarly or by applying what we just proved to the antispace of H Corollary If H is a Kren space the numbers ind H dim H do not depend on the choice of decomposition
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