Iowa Wesleyan Baseball Team Season Records

Iowa Wesleyan Baseball Team Season Records

IOWA WESLEYAN BASEBALL TEAM SEASON RECORDS HITTING (SEASON) Highest batting average .318 (456-1435)-2007 .316 (472-1492)-2008 .311 (313-1005)-2001 .310 (474-1530)-2009 .308 (496-1611)-2005 Lowest batting average .220 (243-1104)-2019 .225 (217-965)-1997 .231 (274-1184)-2018 .234 (221-944)-1999 .252 (40-159)-2020 Highest slugging percentage .491 (1628 AB)-2010 .483 (1005 AB)-2001 .476 (1530 AB)-2009 .469 (1611 AB)-2005 .458 (1492 AB)-2008 Lowest slugging percentage .326 (965 AB)-1997 .332 (1104 AB)-2019 .334 (1184 AB)-2018 .340 (944 AB)-1999 .355 (1209 AB)-2014 Highest on base percentage .427 (937 AB)-1986 .410 (1435 AB)-2007 .407 (1005 AB)-2001 .395 (1492 AB)-2008 .386 (1530 AB)-2009 Lowest on base percentage .332 (1184 AB)-2018 .333 (1104 AB)-2019 .342 (1133 AB)-2017 .343 (965 AB)-1997 .343 (1209 AB)-2014 .350 (159 AB)-2020 Highest stolen base percentage 1.00 (31-31)-1986 1.00 (35-35)-1998 1.00 (30-30)-1997 .950 (57-60)-1999 .895 (17-19)-2001 .872 (75-86)-2017 .855 (59-69)-2018 Lowest stolen base percentage .545 (6-11)-2002 .566 (30-53)-2004 .650 (26-40)-2003 .750 (18-24)-2000 .750 (60-80)-2012 .750 (18-24)-2013 Most games played 59-2005 56-2004 55-2011 55-2012 54-2010 52-2006 Fewest games played 6-2020 *COVID-19 Pandemic* 34-1986 35-2002 35-2013 36-1998 36-2001 37-2003 37-2017 39-2014 39-2019 Most at bats 1696-2011 1692-2012 1628-2010 1611-2005 1601-2004 Fewest at bats 159-2020 *COVID-19 Pandemic* 937-1986 944-1999 947-1998 965-1997 1002-2003 Most runs scored 352-2008 323-2010 321-2009 318-2011 318-2005 312-2007 Fewest runs scored 25-2020 *COVID-19* 142-1997 150-1998 163-1999 173-2019 181-2018 Most hits 507-2011 498-2012 496-2005 493-2010 479-2004 Fewest hits 40-2020 *COVID-19* 217-1997 221-1999 243-2019 246-1998 262-2013 Most doubles 109-2011 100-2005 97-2008 93-2012 86-2009 Fewest doubles 11-2020 *COVID-19* 33-1997 35-1986 39-1999 41-1998 41-2019 42-2002 Most triples 17-2004 15-2013 14-2005 13-2015 13-2019 11-2007 Fewest triples 0-2020 *COVID-19* 2-1999 3-2003 4-1997 4-2010 5-2002 5-2006 5-2008 5-2018 Most home runs 72-2010 50-2009 44-2005 35-2008 33-2011 Fewest home runs 2-2013 6-2020 *COVID-19* 11-2014 15-2015 17-2017 18-2000 Most runs batted in 322-2008 298-2005 293-2009 292-2010 285-2007 Fewest runs batted in 25-2020 *COVID-19* 114-1997 128-1998 130-1999 147-2002 152-2019 Most total bases 800-2010 756-2005 728-2009 727-2011 688-2012 Fewest total bases 315-1997 321-1999 360-1998 406-1986 410-2013 Most walks 199-1986 187-2007 182-1999 158-2008 157-2010 Fewest walks 13-2020 *COVID-19* 98-2017 105-2013 109-2002 110-2014 116-2003 Most intentional walks 12-2010 12-2012 10-2007 7-2009 4-2011 Most times hit by pitch 85-2005 56-2007 56-2011 55-2009 53-2010 50-2019 50-2017 Fewest times hit by pitch 11-2020 *COVID-19* 15-1986 26-1998 29-1997 32-2018 33-2000 Most times struck out 383-2019 327-2018 305-2011 300-2010 268-1999 Fewest times struck out 45-2020 *COVID-19* 156-1986 163-2013 169-2001 172-2002 179-2003 Most times struck out looking 81-2012 78-2009 78-2008 77-2010 76-2015 73-2011 Most sacrifice flies 28-2002 26-2007 23-2010 23-2012 22-2011 22-2008 19-2006 19-2015 Fewest sacrifice flies 0-2020 *COVID-19* 6-2003 6-2019 7-2014 12-2004 13-2017 16-2009 Most sacrifice hits 36-2000 33-2012 26-2014 24-2007 24-2011 23-1997 23-2009 Fewest sacrifice hits 2-2020 *COVID-19* 8-2003 8-2018 12-2006 13-1999 13-2019 15-2015 17-1998 17-2010 Most stolen bases 87 (87-105)-2007 86 (86-103)-2008 78 (78-94)-2005 75 (75-96)-2011 75 (75-86)-2017 65 (65-82)-2006 Fewest stolen bases 0-2020 *COVID-19* 6 (6-11)-2002 17 (17-19)-2001 18 (18-24)-2013 18 (18-24)-2000 25 (25-32)-2014 Most times caught stealing 23 (30-53)-2004 21 (75-96)-2011 20 (60-80)-2012 19 (61-80)-2009 18 (87-105)-2007 Fewest times caught stealing 2 (17-19)-2001 3 (57-60)-1999 5 (6-11)-2002 6 (18-24)-2013 6 (18-24)-2000 Most stolen base attempts 105 (87-105)-2007 103 (86-103)-2008 96 (75-96)-2011 94 (78-94)-2005 86 (75-86)-2017 Most times reached base on error 68-2015 66-2004 66-2011 63-2014 62-2008 60-2012 Most times reached on fielder’s choice 60-2012 53-2004 51-2015 50-2006 48-2010 45-2008 45-2007 42-2011 42-2014 39-2009 Most times reached on catcher interference 1-2003 1-2010 1-2011 1-2007 1-2006 1-2012 Most times grounded into DP 38-2011 27-2012 26-2010 25-2017 24-2006 24-2005 Fewest times grounded into DP 3-2020 *COVID-19* 5-2013 5-2014 5-2004 10-2008 11-2015 Most fly outs 470-2012 455-2010 435-2011 425-2006 413-2008 Most ground outs 473-2004 444-2012 430-2011 425-2005 396-2006 Most picked off 28-2005 18-2004 15-2008 14-2006 13-2009 PITCHING (SEASON) Lowest earned run average 3.95 (360.0 IP)-2007 4.14 (417.2 IP)-2012 4.47 (416.2 IP)-2011 4.51 (363.0 IP)-2009 4.64 (372.2 IP)-2006 Highest earned run average 15.08 (37.0 IP)-2020 *COVID-19* 11.34 (250.0 IP)-1999 10.12 (282.0 IP)-2019 9.31 (296.2 IP)-2018 9.20 (321.0 IP)-2000 8.53 (378.2 IP)-2005 Lowest opponent batting average .264 (363.0 IP)-2009 .268 (360.0 IP)-2007 .271 (417.2 IP)-2012 .276 (416.2 IP)-2011 .285 (372.2 IP)-2006 Highest opponent batting average .409 (37.0 IP)-2020 *COVID-19* .364 (296.2 IP)-2018 .359 (282.0 IP)-2019 .343 (307.2 IP)-2015 .338 (293.2 IP)-2014 .332 (278.2 IP)-2005 Fewest walks allowed/9 inning game 2.89 (252.2 IP)-2013 2.94 (416.2 IP)-2011 3.54 (374.0 IP)-2004 3.56 (399.2 IP)-2010 3.56 (293.2 IP)-2014 3.60 (363.0 IP)-2009 Most walks allowed/9 inning game 7.23 (210.1 IP)-1986 7.05 (37.0 IP)-2020 *COVID-19* 6.34 (250.0 IP)-1999 6.29 (256.0 IP)-1997 6.03 (282.0 IP)-2019 5.38 (321.0 IP)-2000 Most strikeouts/9 inning game 8.53 (363.0 IP)-2009 7.87 (210.1 IP)-1986 7.02 (338.2 IP)-2008 6.68 (417.2 IP)-2012 6.57 (372.2 IP)-2006 Fewest strikeouts/9 inning game 3.23 (256.0 IP)-1997 3.74 (289.0 IP)-2017 4.18 (245.1 IP)-2003 4.25 (250.0 IP)-1999 4.31 (374.0 IP)-2004 Most wins 37 (37-20)-1994 35 (35-20)-2011 34 (34-12)-1995 32 (32-19)-2007 31 (31-23)-2010 Fewest wins 1 (1-14)-1972 1 (1-5)-2020 *COVID-19* 2 (2-12)-1962 3 (3-13)-1956 3 (3-10)-1957 3 (3-22)-1990 4 (4-8)-1965 4 (4-9)-1967 4 (4-17)-1974 5 (ten different occasions) Most losses 41 (18-41)-2005 40 (7-40)-2000 35 (5-35)-1997 33 (7-33)-2018 33 (23-33)-2004 33 (7-33)-1999 31 (24-31)-2012 Fewest losses 2 (8-2)-1952 2 (9-2)-1953 4 (13-4)-1966 5 (11-5)-1951 5 (11-5)-1955 5 (9-2)-1975 5 (1-5)-2020 *COVID-19* 7 (7-7)1950 8 (4-8)-1965 Most saves 11-2010 9-2006 9-2011 5-2012 5-2015 4-2013 4-2008 4-2001 4-2000 4-2005 4-2018 Fewest saves 0--2020 *COVID-19* 1-2004 1-1999 1-2014 1-2019 2-1997 2-1998 2-2007 2-2017 Most complete games 36-2004 24-2005 23-2003 22-2007 21-1986 Fewest complete games 0-2020 *COVID-19* 6-2018 6-2019 9-2010 9-2015 9-2017 12-2012 13-2008 Most shutouts 8-2011 6-2010 5-2008 5-2012 3-2006 Fewest shutouts 0-2018 0-2013 0-2020 *COVID-19* 1-2005 1-2014 1-2019 1-2017 2-2004 2-2007 2-2009 2-2015 Innings pitched 417.2-2012 416.2-2011 399.2-2010 378.2-2005 374.0-2004 Most hits allowed 546-2005 486-2004 483-2018 475-2008 458-2010 Fewest hits allowed 74-2020 *COVID-19* 252-1986 283-1998 321-2003 328-2002 340-2013 Most runs allowed 451-2005 411-2000 400-1999 370-2019 364-2018 Fewest runs allowed 73-2020 *COVID-19* 203-2013 230-2012 231-2007 233-1986 233-2003 246-2009 Most earned runs allowed 359-2005 328-2000 318-2004 317-2019 315-1999 Fewest earned runs allowed 62-2020 *COVID-19* 148-2013 158-2007 167-1986 169-1998 182-2009 Most walks allowed 196-2005 192-2000 189-2007 189-2019 179-1997 176-1999 Fewest walks allowed 29-2020 *COVID-19* 81-2013 113-2002 116-2014 119-2001 119-2003 126-1998 Most strikeouts 344-2009 310-2012 272-2006 271-2011 266-2010 Fewest strikeouts 25-2020 *COVID-19* 92-1997 114-2003 118-1999 120-2017 141-1998 Most strikeouts looking 103-2009 88-2006 82-2012 78-2010 76-2015 Most doubles allowed 115-2005 108-2019 104-2004 102-2018 92-2008 Fewest doubles allowed 19-2020 *COVID-19* 49-1998 59-2006 62-2012 65-2013 70-1997 Most triples allowed 19-2018 14-2014 12-2013 12-2005 11-2015 11-1998 11-2017 9-2011 9-2006 Fewest triples allowed 4-2003 5-2008 5-2009 5-2020 *COVID-19* 6-2010 6-2012 Most home runs allowed 53-2005 50-1997 44-2010 38-2004 37-2003 Fewest home runs allowed 3-2020 *COVID-19* 15-2013 18-2014 18-2011 24-2007 26-2018 26-2019 27-2012 27-2017 Most batters faced 1946-2005 1892-2011 1857-2010 1853-2012 1847-2004 Most at bats against 1646-2005 1644-2011 1608-2012 1597-2010 1583-2004 Most wild pitches 50-2000 41-2010 41-2012 39-1998 38-2019 37-2018 37-2006 Fewest wild pitches 6-2001 7-2020 *COVID-19* 10-2004 10-2013 14-2014 16-1999 Most balks 10-2006 8-2014 8-2007 6-2015 6-2008 6-2011 5-1997 5-2009 5-2012 5--2020 *COVID-19* Fewest balks 0-2013 1-2010 1-2004 2-2003 2-2017 3-1998 3-2005 3-2019 Most hit batters 75-2004 73-2009 66-2005 66-2008 55-2000 53-1999 Fewest hit batters 2-2020 *COVID-19* 11-1986 18-1997 18-2001 19-2015 20-2002 Most sacrifice flies allowed 25-2018 25-2015 25-2008 25-2011 25-2019 20-2017 15-2014 15-2013 15-2012 15-2010 14-2007 13-2005 Fewest sacrifice flies allowed 4-2020 *COVID-19* 7-2009 10-2004 12-2006 12-2003 13-2005 Most sacrifice hits allowed 41-2012 39-2011 36-2010 35-2006 32-2009 Fewest sacrifice hits allowed 0-2020 *COVID-19* 12-2013 16-2019 17-2018 19-2015 19-2017 24-2007 Most fly outs 462-2004 449-2011 433-2005 423-2010 419-2006 Most ground outs 464-2012 462-2011 446-2010 428-2004 414-2005 Most runners picked off 11-2005 7-2007 6-2013 6-2006 5-2014 5-2012 5-2004 4-2009 FIELDING (SEASON) Highest fielding percentage .963 (1252-530-68)-2012 .961 (1199-492-68)-2010 .954 (1121-468-77)-2004 .951 (758-351-57)-2013 .948 (1080-448-84)-2007 Lowest fielding percentage .888 (481-239-91)-1998 .896 (518-262-91)-1997 .908

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