MAP NUMBER MAP DATES Great Works Goodall MAP REPOSITORIES River Brook TOWN OF LYMAN L i This FIRM Index displays the map date for each t B t Duck Brook (Maps available for reference only, not for l CITY OF SACO og e Estes Lake FIRM panel at the time that this Index was Br R distribution.) ook Mousam ive TOWN OF W TOWN OF printed. Because this Index may not be r River Mousam ard Brook 9 River ALFRED ARUNDEL (! distributed to unaffected communities in 23031C0361G 23031C0362G Bush Brook 23031C0391G 23031C0392G subsequent revisions, users may determine the 23031C0411G 23031C0412G 23031C0416G 23031C0417G CITY OF BIDDEFORD ACTON, TOWN OF: Salmon 23031C0440G 23031C0441G 23031C0442G 23031C0461G current map date for each FIRM panel by visiting TOWN OF (!35 23031C0462G 23031C0466G 23031C0467G 23031C0486G Town Hall Falls River Round Swamps the FEMA Map Service Center website at S 35 H Road KENNEBUNK mit Little Old Fishing k Brook h http://msc.fema.gov, or by calling the FEMA Map SANFORD Mousam o B River Acton, Maine 04001 23031C0370G Pond 1 o r r o 23031C0390G REGIONAL Kennebunk ¤£ ok Information eXchange (FMIX) at 1-877-336-2627. River B River l B Sand AIRPORT il a Great Works River tso ALFRED, TOWN OF: Pond M n 23031C0495G*** Communities annexing land on adjacent FIRM f R TOWN OF LEBANON i Town Hall 99 of v 23031C0490G*** (! e panels must obtain a current copy of the 4 G 23031C0363G 23031C0364G** (! TOWN OF r 16 Saco Road 23031C0393G adjacent panel as well as the current FIRM 23031C0394G 23031C0413G 23031C0420G KENNEBUNKPORT Alfred, Maine 04002 23031C0414G 23031C0438G 23031C0439G 23031C0443G 23031C0444G 23031C0463G Index. These may be ordered directly from the Br 23031C0464G 23031C0468G 23031C0469G Atlantic Day o ok Arundel Tyler Brook ARUNDEL, TOWN OF: Map Service Center at the number listed above. (!202 TOWN OF SANFORD Swamp Ocean k o Town Office o Brook r Paddy Creek 468 Limerick Road B NOTE TO USER t B a r e Bauneag Beg Lake Merriland an Arundel, Maine 04046 r 9A c G (! h Kennebunk River 109 B (! TOWN OF WELLS Mousam Lake Br River Future revisions to this FIRM Index will only ro 95 o River BERWICK, TOWN OF: 23031C0501G 23031C0502G ¨¦§ k be issued to communities that are located 23031C0506G 23031C0507G 23031C0526G ook Turbats 23031C0527G 23031C0532G 23031C0551G Town Hall on FIRM panels being revised. This FIRM k 23031C0552G 23031C0556G Creek o 23031C0557G 23031C0576G 23031C0582G 11 Sullivan Street r 23031C0577G o 23031C0581G 23031C0601G Index therefore remains valid for FIRM r TOWN OF e 23031C0602G 23031C0606G B v M i Berwick, Maine 03901 t panels dated [date] or earlier. n NORTH BERWICK R e a rr r s ilan e r d Riv K k W Blacksmith 9 Please refer to the "MOST RECENT FIRM PANEL e G r (! a o e BIDDEFORD, CITY OF: y s 23031C0535G W t Brook DATE" column in the Listing of Communities Little River B B t Togue Brook a City Hall r r e o table to determine the most recent FIRM Index o r o Hatfield o Neoutaquet G k 205 Main Street k date for each community. Lake River 23031C0610G*** Biddeford, Maine 04005 23031C0503G* Smith Brook 23031C0504G 23031C0508G 23031C0509G 23031C0528G 23031C0529G M 23031C0534G a 23031C0553G 23031C0554G 23031C0558G BUXTON, TOWN OF: p 23031C0559G 23031C0578G 23031C0579G NOTE TO USERS le South Branch 23031C0583G 23031C0584G 23031C0603G S Perkins Brook 23031C0604G Town Hall Salmon w of West Brook a 9 Falls River m (! Atlantic Ocean 185 Portland Road p A Depot Brook FEMA maintains information about map features, such as B b Buxton, Maine 04093 r b street locations and names, in or near designated flood hazard o o o t TOWN OF BERWICK k t B areas. Requests to revise information in or near designated ro Little River o CORNISH, TOWN OF: Worster Brook k flood hazard areas may be provided to FEMA during the Webhannet Town Hall Tributary 3 Cider Mill River community review period, at the final Consultation Pond 9B 17 Maple Street 23031C0516G 23031C0517G (! Coordination Officer’s meeting, or during the statutory 90-day 23031C0536G 23031C0537G Frost Brook Cornish, Maine 04020 Tributary 1 to 23031C0561G 23031C0562G 23031C0567G Mulloy 23031C0566G 23031C0586G 23031C0587G 23031C0591G appeal period. Approved requests for changes will be shown Coffin Brook G NEW Brook r on the final printed FIRM. e DAYTON, TOWN OF: e Tributary 1 to HAMPSHIRE Coffin Brook 9 (! 23031C0545G n Green Brook Stevens Town Hall 23031C0515G* B Brook ro o 33 Clarks Mills Road Ferguson Lovers k Dayton, Maine 04005 Brook Brook Beaver Dam 23031C0615G*** 23031C0620G*** Worster Boyd Brook Ogunquit ELEVATION DATUM Brook Brook Hussey 23031C0595G*** 4 River ELIOT, TOWN OF: 23031C0518G* (! Brook 23031C0519G 23031C0538G 23031C0539G 23031C0543G Town Hall Flood elevation on this map are referenced to the North D 23031C0563G 23031C0564G 23031C0568G risco 23031C0569G 23031C0588G 23031C0589G Atlantic 1333 State Road American Vertical Datum of 1988. These flood elevations Adams C Ogunquit River Ocean Eliot, Maine 03903 must be compared to structure and ground elevations ll hic ks (!236 Brook Brook Hilton Brook B referenced to the same vertical datum. For information r oo TOWN OF SOUTH Great Works k HOLLIS, TOWN OF: regarding conversion between the National Geodetic Salmon Lovers BERWICK River Town Hall Vertical Datum of 1929 and the North American Vertical Brook Falls River Clay Hill £1 34 Town Farm Road datum of 1988, visit the National Geodetic Survey website Hoopers Brook ¤ STRAFFORD Brook ¨¦§95 Josias TOWN OF OGUNQUIT Hollis, Maine 04042 at http://www.ngs.noaa.gov/ or contact the National COUNTY River Geodetic Survey at the following address: 23031C0627G 23031C0631G 23031C0632G 23031C0651G 23031C0652G 23031C0656G 23031C0657G 23031C0676G 23031C0677G KENNEBUNK, TOWN OF: Great Works Town Hall River W NGS Information Services Piscataqua h Muddy Rush Swamp 1 Summer Street i NOAA, N/NGS12 k t River o e Brook Brook Kennebunk, Maine 04043 o s r FIRM Panel Dates For Printed Panels Of York County, Maine (All Jurisdictions) National Geodetic Survey 23031C0630G* M B t t a Panel Effective Date Panel Effective Date Panel Effective Date SSMC-3, #9202 e r Welchs n s ook 23031C0011G 23031C0288G 23031C0529G KENNEBUNKPORT, TOWN OF: n h Br Pond 1315 East-West Highway e Tributary 1 B Town Hall Bell Marsh to Cape 23031C0012G 23031C0289G 23031C0532G Silver Spring, MD 20910-3281 Reservoir 6 Elm Street Neddick River 23031C0013G 23031C0291G 23031C0534G (301) 713-3242 23031C0629G 23031C0633G 23031C0634G 23031C0014G 23031C0292G 23031C0535G Kennebunkport, Maine 04046 23031C0653G 23031C0654G 23031C0658G 23031C0659G 23031C0678G 23031C0679G 23031C0016G 23031C0293G 23031C0536G Quamphegan Macintire Folly Chases Junkins Pond Cape Neddick Lake 23031C0017G 23031C0294G 23031C0537G KITTERY, TOWN OF: Brook Pond Brook River Carolyn 23031C0018G 23031C0305G 23031C0538G Town Hall BASE MAP SOURCE TOWN OF 23031C0019G 23031C0310G 23031C0539G 200 Rogers Road York YORK Middle 23031C0033G 23031C0313G 23031C0543G Kittery, Maine 03904 Base map information shown on this FIRM was derived from Pond 23031C0700G*** Pond Scituate 23031C0036G 23031C0314G 23031C0545G digital orthophotography. Basemap files were provided in digital Smelt Boulter Pond 23031C0037G 23031C0315G 23031C0551G Shoreys Brook Brook Pond LEBANON, TOWN OF: form by State of Maine, Maine Office of GIS (MeGIS). Ortho 23031C0637G 23031C0040G 23031C0316G 23031C0552G Town Hall imagery was produced at a scale of 1:600 and is dated August Y 23031C0661G o 23031C0662G 23031C0666G 23031C0667G 23031C0041G 23031C0317G 23031C0553G 15 Upper Guinea Road 2012. The projection used in the preparation of this map is rk Rogers 23031C0686G 23031C0687G TOWN OF R 23031C0042G 23031C0318G 23031C0554G Lebanon, Maine 04027 Maine State Plane West (FIPSZONE 1802). The horizontal ive Brook r Cider Hill 1A 23031C0044G 23031C0319G 23031C0556G ELIOT Bridges (! datum is NAD 83, GRS 1980 spheroid. 91 Creek 23031C0061G 23031C0336G 23031C0557G 23031C0640G* (! Swamp LIMERICK, TOWN OF: 23031C0645G L 23031C0062G 23031C0338G 23031C0558G it Municipal Building Sturgeon Cutts Ridge tle 101 York River Ri 23031C0065G 23031C0339G 23031C0559G Creek (! Brook ver 55 Washington Street - NOTE - 23031C0066G 23031C0343G 23031C0561G Limerick, Maine 04048 k Designated Coastal Barriers are oo 23031C0067G 23031C0351G 23031C0562G Br 23031C0639G Little 23031C0068G 23031C0352G 23031C0563G located on panels 581, 582, 583, 584, G 23031C0663G 23031C0664G 23031C0668G LIMINGTON, TOWN OF: 588, 589, 676, 677, 679, 733, 734 103 r 23031C0669G 23031C0688G 23031C0689G*** 23031C0069G 23031C0354G 23031C0564G e Libby Brook (! a Municipal Complex t 23031C0080G 23031C0360G 23031C0566G C Dolly Gordon 425 Sokokis Avenue YORK COUNTY, ME r 236 Stacy Creek e (! 23031C0083G 23031C0361G 23031C0567G e Brook k 1 Limington, Maine 04049 Spruce ¤£ 23031C0084G 23031C0362G 23031C0568G INDEX LOCATOR DIAGRAM Southside Creek Johnson Brook 23031C0087G 23031C0363G 23031C0569G Piscataqua Brook (!103 LYMAN, TOWN OF: 95 Wilson Creek 23031C0095G 23031C0370G 23031C0576G River Spinney ¨¦§ Fuller Brook 23031C0103G 23031C0377G 23031C0577G Town Hall Creek 23031C0105G 23031C0380G 23031C0578G 11 South Waterboro Road 23031C0702G 23031C0706G 23031C0707G 23031C0113G 23031C0381G 23031C0579G Lyman, Maine 04002 23031C0726G 23031C0727G 23031C0731G 23031C0732G ek 23031C0114G 23031C0382G 23031C0581G re Hutchins Creek ill C NEWFIELD, TOWN OF: H TOWN OF 23031C0115G 23031C0383G 23031C0582G 23031C0116G 23031C0384G 23031C0583G Town Office KITTERY 23031C0117G 23031C0390G 23031C0584G 637 Water Street 23031C0705G* 23031C0118G 23031C0391G 23031C0586G Newfield, Maine 04095 23031C0119G
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