Carlisle Trust Company CARLISLE, PENNSYLVANIA J.lfrmber Federal Reserve System Capital, Surplus and Profits over $400,000.00 Assets and Trust Fund over $3,500,000.00 Interest Paid on Time Deposits Acts in All Trust Capacities MERKEL LANDIS, '96 President ·------- Capital $1,~00,000.00 :: Surplus $2,~50,000.00 COLONIAL TRUST COMPANY The Commonwealth Title Insurance and BALTIMORE Trust Company Established 1898 Chestnut and 12th Streets PHILADELPHIA Acts as• Executor Insures Titles to Real Estate Administrator Rents Safe Deposit Boxes $4 to $100 Pays Interest on Daily Balances Guardian Takes Entire Charge of Real Estate Acts as Executor, Administrator, Guardian and and Trustee l Wills Receipted for and Kept Without Trustee Charge Savings Fund Department Christmas Fund JOSHUA R. MORGAN JAME-SN. l))LLISON Interest allowed on Deposits, subject to check President Treasurer Come back to COMMENCEMENT and Buy Your Clothes and Furnishings at less than City Prices KRONENBERGS Carlisle's Big Store for Men Wbcn JIOU come back lo Carlisle eat OUR PRICES CANNOT BE BEATEN al the new We Specialize in HOTEL ARGONNE CAFE ENVELOPES and and DINING ROOM LETTERHEADS (A cross from the Station) o~u THE EARLEY PRINTERY Noon-Day Lunch 5 Oc Carlisle, Pa. Meals-~dP:cL~· t;~~pean Estab/i,hed 1890 · Jos. E. Einstein, Prop. WRITE FOR PRICES AND SAMPLES ------ ---- ~bt iDtchin~on arumnu~ Published Quarterly for the Alumni of Dickinson College and the Dickinson School of Law Editor - - Gilbert Malcolm, '15, '17L Associate Editor - Dean M. Hoffman, '02 ADVISORY BOARD Terms Expire in 1924 Terms Expire in 1925 Terms Expire in 1926 L. T. Apnold 82 J. M, Rhey, '83, 096L Hon. Whiteman Judge E. M. Biddle, Jr, . ."86 T. M. '00 Henry R. Issacs ..•......• '04 Rev. Dr. M. E. Swartz ..... '89 Boyd Lee Spahr, '00 ti. C. Curran, •......•.. '11 Thomas L. Jones ••...••. '01 Hon. J. Banks Kurtz '93, '9JL S. W. Stauffer, '12 W. C. Clarke, •......... '95 Dean M. Hoffman, '02 Dr. Robert B. Kistler •••. '15 Robert Y. Stuart, .•...... '03 Dr. J. W. Long ........•. '07 GENERAL ALUMNI ASSOCIATION ALUMNI ASSOCIATION OF OF DICKINSON COLLEGE DICKINSON SCHOOL OF LAW President Lemuel T. Appo ld President .•.• Justice John W. Kephart Vice-President Boyd Lee Spahr First Vice-President .. Robert Hays Smith Secretary William C. Clarke Second Vice-Pres• .. Judge Fred B. Moser Treasurer John M. Rhey Secy-Treas. • ..... Joseph P. McKeehan TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE Select Members of Alumni Council .................... Come Back For Commencement : . Trustees Authorize Building Plans , . Hero of "Boxer" Rebellion . Why They Quit Dickinson . Relay Team Wins Championship . Track History is Second to None . Magazine Enters Second Year . Editorial . The First Dickinson Commencement . Dickinson College Faculty . Alumni Clubs Hold Annual Banquets . Dickinson Marching Song . Personals . Obituary . · · · · · · · · ··· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · Alumni dues $2.00 per year, including one year's subscription the magazine. All communications should be addressed to The Dickinson Alumnus, Denny llaU, Carlisle, Pa. "Entered as second-class matter May 23, 1923, at ·the post office Carlisle, Pennsylvania, under the Act of March 3, 1879." \. ~-c=================== I Lmonm rt THE DICKINSON ALUMNUS May, 1924 Select Members of Alumni Council Ballots for a secret, mail vote for the til after the expiration of one year, ex• elections of members of the Alumni cept L. T. Appold, president of the as• Council of the General Alumni Associa• sociation, who was nominated for elec• tion were mailed the last day. of April, tion by the committee. and for the first time the alumni of the With each ballot a return envelope College are selecting officers in this way. bearing the address of William C. All alumni, who have paid the dues of Clarke, secretary, was sent and upon it the association are eligible to vote and a appeared a line on which each voter ballor was sent to each such member must sign his or her name to validate the from Carlisle by William C. Clarke, vote. The names appearing on the re• secretarv of the association. turned envelopes will be checked by the The names of ten nominees were an• tellers with the membership list of the nounced during the past month by the association and then the envelopes will nominating committee, consisting of be thrown away before the ballots are Charles K. Zug, 'So; Boyd Lee Spahr, unfolded. Thus, the vote will be a 'oo and Dean M. Hoffman, '02. In the secret one. seldction of nominees, the nominating All of the ballots must reach the sec• committee was governed by the By-laws retary by six o'clock on the week day of the association which required it to preceding the annual meeting, according consider the date of graduation and res• to the By-laws. The secretary will then idences of nominees "Bearing in mind deliver the unopened envelopes to the members of the council holding over." Executive Committee of the Council, The members of council, whose terms who will act as tellers. The tellers will expire at Commencement were in classes throw out the envelopes not having the from 1882 to 1903, and the ones hold• name of the member written thereon, ing over included the more recent grad• and the ballots will then be counted. uates. The new nominations are in Announcement of the results of the elec• classes from 1882 to 1906. tion will be made at the meeting of the The list of ten nominees given to the association on Saturday morning at IO voter, who casts a ballot for five of those o'clock May 31st, and following this named, is. as follows : L. T. Appold, meeting the newly elected members will '82, Baltimore; Clarence Balentine, '93, meet with those holding over to elect Scranton; Robert H. Richards, '95, officers of the Alumni Council, and to Wilmington; Merkel Landis, '96, '98L, transact such other business as shall come Carlisle; William A. Jordan, '97, '99L, before that body. Pittsburgh; William M. Wooster, 'or, The annual reports of the president, Crisfield, Md.; Lewis M. Bacon, Jr., the treasurer and the editor of the mag• '02, Baltimore; Reuben F. N evling, '02, azine wil] be given at the annual meet• Clearfield; E. Foster Heller, '04, '04L, ing of the association, and other pro• Wilkes-Barre; and Philip S. Moyer, '06, posals will come before the organization. 'o8L, Harrisburg. President L. T. Appold, '82, urges The members of council, whose terms every member of the association to vote expire this year are as follows: L. T. in the election of members to the Coun• Appold, '82; T. M. Whiteman, 'oo; cil and to send in his or her vote Boyd Lee Spahr, 'oo; Thomas L. Jones, promptly to the secretary of the associa• 'or ; Dean M. Hoffman, '02; and Robert tion, and to keep in mind the require• Y. Stuart, '03. Under the constitution ment of signing the envelope on the line none of these is eligible to reelection un- designated for signature. 4 THE DICKINSON AJ_,UMNUS May, 1924 Come Back for Commencement Kindled by a steadily growing inter• est in alumni activity, a spontaneous out• "Information Please" burst of enthusiasm is predicted for the One Hundred Forty First Commence• Placards will point the way to an In• ment when a greater number of alumni formation Bureau, which will be oper• ated throughout Commencement, in "Old and alumnae are expected to gather in West." On arrival in Carlisle, head for the shade of "Old West" than ever be• this place first and after registering learn fore in the history of the College. what this Bureau offers. Committees preparing for group re• There will be a check-room adjacent. a cafeteria, group meeting rooms and unions, fraternity secretaries, College of• all the information abour reunions and ficials, correspondents, and others are all other Commencement activities. Tickets declaring that everyone is planning to for all functions will be sold or as• come to the old campus this year. signed at this Bureau and it will be the center of all Commencement doings. The program opens on the afternoon Plan to register first! of Decoration Day, May 30th, and many are planning to motor to Carlisle that day to be on hand for Alumni Day, Sat• rooms, check rooms, an Information urday, May 31st, a day which will be Bureau, and a regular cafeteria where brimful of activity. Commencement light lunches will be sold. The fourth will end the festivities on Tuesday, June feature will be the baseball game be• 3d. tween the varsity and an Alumni team• It is probable that reduced railroad the stars of all time-to be played on rates will be offered over the Pennsyl• Monday afternoon, June zd. vania Lines, though no definite an• While it is too early to predict the nouncement can yet be made. The rate scope of class reunions, it now appears may be regular fare to Carlisle and half that a group reunion of the classes from fare on the return trip. If this rate is r 880 to 1 884 will not only be one of the allowed, certification will be required at most unique in the history of the College, the Information Bureau in "Old West." but one of the finest parties staged on Apart from the hilarity of the Par• the campus in a long, long time. Rev. ade of class and other reunions, there Dr. Frank F. Bond, of Philadelphia, will likely be four outstanding features who is chairman of the committee pre• of this year's Commencement, which will paring for this celebration, predicts that prove departures from those of recent there will be forty men present from the years. The first will be the outward evi• '80-'84 generation.
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