Pahayagan ng Partido Komunista ng Pilipinas ANG Pinapatnubayan ng Marxismo-Leninismo-Maoismo English Edition Vol. XLV No. 7 April 7, 2014 www.philippinerevolution.net Editorial Declaration The Tiamzons' arrest of National is a blow Sovereignty and to the peace talks he arrest of Benito Tiam- trumped-up criminal charges and Patrimony zon and Wilma Austria, arresting the negotiators, con- Tboth leading cadres of the sultants and staff of either party Week Communist Party of the Philip- are strictly prohibited by the pines and peace talks consult- Joint Agreement on Safety and ants of the National Democratic Immunity Guarantees (JASIG). n the face of heighten- Front of the Philippines (NDFP) is Aquino and his officials por- ing US intervention, in- a gross violation of the peace tray the arrest of Comrades Be- Icreasing presence of US process. nito and Wilma as a step that and allied foreign troops, They were arrested with five moves the country closer to intensifying foreign eco- others in Aloguinsan, Cebu on peace, exposing anew their nar- nomic plunder and the wor- March 22. To justify their pro- row-minded view on peace. For sening puppetry of the longed detention, the arresting Aquino, peace will be achieved if Aquino regime to the US police and military operatives he could effect either the surren- government, the Commu- planted firearms and arrested der or arrest of the people's rev- nist Party of the Philippines them on a trumped-up case of olutionary forces struggling for (CPP) calls on the Filipino multiple murder. national liberation and democra- people and all their patri- The Aquino regime has once cy. For the revolutionaries, this otic, democratic, progres- more demonstrated in this inci- would be tantamount to meekly sive and revolutionary for- dent its wanton disregard for the subjecting themselves to the pre- ces to launch a widespread peace talks. Sur- vailing exploitative and oppress- campaign to banner the veilling, ive social order dominated call for national freedom. filing by the imperialists Let us declare April 22- and local ruling 30 as National Sovereignty classes. and Patrimony Week to The NDFP jumpstart this intensified continuously propaganda and education lays the foun- campaign and drum up the dations of patriotic demands of the genuine, Filipino people. just and Let us recall the Filipino lasting people's heroes in ther peace by struggle for national inde- empower- pendence, from Andres ing the Fil- ipino peo- go to page 3 ple in sta- ges and attaining their national and dem- litical and constitutional re- people's democracy, social jus- ocratic aspirations, whether or forms before proceeding to the tice, national liberation and last- not it engages in negotiations. resolution of the armed conflict ing peace. In the NDFP's view, once and the disposition of the It is not the genuine peace popular unrest is dispelled be- armed forces involved in the workers like Comrades Benito cause the people are no longer current civil war. and Wilma, Alan Jazmines and hungry and receive just wages, Since it took power in 2010, other detained NDFP consultants enjoy decent housing, education, the Aquino regime has denigrat- who should be imprisoned and health care and other social ed The Hague Joint Declaration deprived of the right to be with services, the firm foundation for as a "document of perpetual divi- the masses whom they cherish peace shall have been laid down. sion" in its desire to disregard and serve. On the other hand, poverty, hun- needed social changes and go The Aquino regime, however, ger and injustice are fertile straight to the last item in the is more interested in utilizing grounds for social unrest and agenda and achieve a contrived precious time and resources to people's uprisings. peace. capture revolutionary leaders in- In a message from his prison As revolutionaries deeply stead of seriously sitting at the cell, Comrade Benito explained rooted in the exploited and op- negotiating table to decisively the real meaning of peace. He presses masses, Comrades Beni- discuss and resolve the roots of said that contrary to being a to and Wilma both have a sharp the civil war. In its narrow-mind- mere sentiment, as the regime grasp of what any agreement ed and shallow view, it could put and its drumbeaters claim, peace aimed at resolving the roots of a stop to the people's revolution- is a socio-political construct that the raging civil war in the Philip- ary struggle in this manner and will resolve the basic ills of socie- pines should contain. They have dispense with the necessity of ty. It is the real foundation and therefore been providing highly negotiating in order to entrap substance of any peace negotia- significant inputs to the peace and pacify it. tion and agreement. process. The Aquino regime has al- This is the basis for The Whether seated at the nego- ready meted a series of blows Hague Joint Declaration, which tiation table or not, they are part on the peace negotiations be- provides the proper order for of the great and historic process cause of its non-compliance agreements on the substantive of building peace. By waging rev- with, and violations of, existing agenda of human rights, social olution, they are not only peace agreements with the NDFP, es- and economic reforms and po- advocates but ardent creators of pecially its long-term incarcer- ation of JASIG-protected con- sultants. Talking with a regime that ANG Contents not only has a narrow-minded Editorial: The Tiamzons’ arrest is a blow to the and shallow concept of peace peace talks 1 Vol. XLV No. 7 April 7, 2014 but reneges on signed agree- Editorial 2: CPP declares National Sovereignty ments is indeed fraught with Ang Bayan is published in Pilipino, and Patrimony Week 1 Bisaya, Iloko, Hiligaynon, Waray and difficulties and danger. The on- US-GPH meet assailed 5 English editions. ly way for the Aquino regime to Tiamzons’ arrest condemned 6 It is available for downloading at escape going down in history as the Philippine Revolution Web Central Activities on the NPA’s 45th year 7 located at: the killer of the peace talks is Victorious military actions 8 for it to respect its agreements www.philippinerevolution.org. Interview with Ka Oris 9 with the NDFP, notably The Ang Bayan welcomes contributions CPP to MILF: Hague Joint Declaration and The Aquino regime is duplicitous 10 in the form of articles and news. JASIG and release the detained Readers are likewise enjoined to send Andrea’s arrest is fascist payback 11 NDFP consultants. It must also in their comments and suggestions for Minority leader killed 11 the betterment of our publication. You comply with the Comprehen- can reach us by email at: Infant dies during evacuation 12 Relentless harassment in HLI 13 sive Agreement on Respect for [email protected] 6,000 join Capalla’s funeral cortege 13 Human Rights and Internation- al Humanitarian Law General strike paralyzes Paraguay 14 (CARHRIHL) and release all po- Ang Bayan is published fortnightly by the Central Committee litical prisoners detained on of the Communist Party of the Philippines trumped-up criminal charges.~ 2 ANG BAYAN April 7, 2014 “Declaration...,” from page 1 Bonifacio to Macli-ing Dulag, (2) opposing increasing US tion of the oil industry, the fur- from Amado V. Hernandez to military interventionism in pro- ther liberalization of the power Crispin "Ka Bel" Beltran, from viding the puppet regime with industry, the privatization of Ka Bert Olalia to Ka Roger, from military funding and arms sup- water services, the use of public Teresa Magbanua to Juvy Capi- port, conducting surveillance funds to augment crony invest- on, and all those who have died operations, providing logistical ments in tollways and other in- fighting for the Filipino people's support and direct participation frastructure projects and so on. aspirations for genuine inde- during combat operations and in We must develop strong na- pendence. conducting bombing runs; tional criticism of the Aquino re- The National Sovereignty (3) opposing the planned gime and all previous puppet re- and Patrimony Week will cover amendment of the 1987 consti- gimes over the past seven dec- the scheduled swing-by visit of tution ("chacha" or charter ades for their failure to develop US imperialist chieftain Barack change) which seeks to remove a national industrial base and in- Obama. It will also cover the up- restrictions against foreign dependent economy capable of coming anniversary of the Na- ownership of land and business producing the needs for domes- tional Democratic Front of the operations in the Philippines in tic consumption and production Philippines (NDFP). It covers as order to fulfill the conditions set and sustaining employment. We well as the death anniversary of by the US government to facili- must expose the import-depend- Macli-ing Dulag and the celebra- tate the Aquino regime's appli- ent, export-oriented and debt- tions of International Earth Day cation to join the Trans-Pacific financed production that op- which underscore the issue of Partnership Agreement. presses the workers with low increasing foreign plunder of (4) opposing the Aquino re- wages and the peasants with the country's non-renewable re- gime's campaign to open up wid- widespread landgrabbing. sources and the resulting envi- er tracts of land for rubber, oil We must condemn the reac- ronmental destruction. palm, pineapple and banana tionary puppet state for sub- The struggle to uphold na- plantations and entice more jecting the country's national tional sovereignty and patrimo- mining operations to extract patrimony to foreign plunder, ny is set to become one of the black sand, gold, zinc, coal and allowing foreign big capitalists Filipino people's central points other mineral resources.
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