Search for The Westfield News Westfield350.comTheThe Westfield WestfieldNews News Serving Westfield, Southwick, and surrounding Hilltowns “TIME IS THE ONLY WEATHER CRITIC WITHOUT TONIGHT AMBITION.” Partly Cloudy. JOHN STEINBECK Low of 55. www.thewestfieldnews.com VOL. 86 NO. 151 TUESDAY, JUNE 27, 2017 75 cents $1.00 WEDNESDAY, JUNE 3, 2020 VOL. 89 NO. 131 Finance subcommittee meeting results in postponement of budget review By AMY PORTER However, later in the meeting, get are historically low and conser- Staff Writer Treasurer Matthew Barnes gave a vative. You have the right to do that. WESTFIELD – Concerns raised more up-to-date figure, saying col- These revenue assumptions are cata- during the City Council Finance lections were down by $571,000. strophic, wildly pessimistic. I know Ward 2 Councilor Ralph J. Figy subcommittee meeting June 1 Humason said they also looked at the state is not being helpful. I don’t also serves as chair of the changed the course of budget discus- the state, which hasn’t begun its think these revenue assumptions are Finance subcommittee. sions in the coming weeks. budget process yet, and won’t until even close to holding Chapter 70 Mayor Donald F. Humason Jr. August. He said since state revenue harmless, which they’re talking amount they can ask for to only said he would take another look at is down by approximately 10 per- about,” Sullivan said. about $100,000 revenue before presenting his budget cent, they figured on a 10 percent cut “I think they’re conservative, I Sullilvan asked about overtime to the City Council after Finance in state aid, which amounts to $4.6 wouldn’t call them pessimistic,” for the FIre Department, but Chair Ralph J. Figy and other coun- million. Humason said. Caputo said that has already been cilors asked whether Humason had “We added it all up, and it came to “I look at Northampton; they budgeted, so it wouldn’t be eligi- considered all possible sources of $8.1 million,” Humason said, adding At large Councilor Richard K. didn’t even take the two and a half ble. revenue. that some of that could be collected Sullivan, Jr. percent override. West Springfield is “They’re not helping us with the Figy began by asking how the later as people go back to work, bar- significant number on the school saying no deficits – Agawam, regulations on how to use the mayor came up with the revenue ring another outbreak, and he is hop- side, and I haven’t heard the number Chicopee, the same thing. They’re money,” Figy said.. forecast of an $8.1 million shortfall. ing it will get better later in the year. on the city side. As a department dealing with the same collections. I Humason said emergency man- Humason said a simple review of “The accountants say, if the econo- head, it is hard to make plans for my just want to be clear, I just think the agement expenses are reimburs- revenue coming into the city, includ- my gets going, the money will start department, not knowing the money revenue projections are wildly low,” able through FEMA. ing meals and hotel taxes, excise flowing back in,” he added. I’ll have and people I’ll have,” Figy Sullivan said. Sullivan said there is also antici- taxes, and property taxes, was con- “Are there any ways that we can said. Humason said he hadn’t heard pated revenue with regards to mar- ducted. He said the property tax bump up our revenue side?” asked Finance committee member about the state holding Chapter 70 ijuana, now that the Cannabis revenue isn’t available due to the Figy. Richard K. Sullivan Jr. asked how harmless. He said Congressman Connection has opened and anoth- June 1 extension, but he was expect- “If we bump up our revenues now, much certified Free Cash is left. Richard E. Neal did talk about the er shop is expected to open this ing it to be between one to two mil- put in a spreadsheet, if the DOR Humason said after paying snow and federal money coming to cities and summer, although he acknowl- lion dollars lower. (Department of Revenue) thinks it’s ice removal and supplies, which towns. “If it actually comes, that edged that cannot be forecast in unrealistic, we won’t be able to set were less costly this year, and 1 mil- would be great. Any revenue that we the budget according to DOR reg- the tax rate,” said Auditor Chris lion to pharmaceutical costs for get, I’m willing to put towards the ulations. Caputo, with Figy acknowledging retirees which is going before the city departments and the schools,” Sullivan also said there is noth- that making adjustments mid-year City Council this week, that about the mayor said. ing in the budget from the stabili- cost more. $2 million would be left. Sullivan said the mayor would zation fund. Humason said mid-year cuts are “I don’t want to spend all of that, have the support of the council on Humason said they just had a always harder, but he thinks it is but I wouldn’t mind contributing Free Cash. He also asked about the review by Standard & Poors, relatively easy to put money back in some of it to the cause to prevent the $3.6 million that Westfield will which liked the levels where the supplemental budgets, if revenue is cuts we’re talking about,” Humason receive from the CARES Act. city is now. “If we dip into that coming in harder than anticipated. said. Humason said he can’t spend it on fund, it will look poorly on “I’ve never experienced that. My “Every little bit will help. I would anything non-COVID related, or on Westfield, and they would consid- concern is if we cut now and get strongly encourage that,” said Figy. any deficit that is non-COVID relat- er reducing our bond rating,” he MAYOR DONALD F. money later, what happens to the “I will go on the record right now, ed. HUMASON JR. people who get laid off. There is a the revenue assumptions in the bud- Figy said that that limits the See Finance, Page 5 School Committee receives 138 letters from the public By AMY PORTER deeply upset by what I have Staff Writer seen in this proposed plan, WESTFIELD – Instead of this is not what we need at the voting on the budget, the end of a pandemic, this is not School Committee spent the what I need for my upcoming majority of its June 1 meeting senior year. reviewing the 113 letters that “The Technical Academy vice Chair Cindy Sullilvan where I go to school already had received and printed out struggles enough with money during the day, and another as is, shops barely make it by 25 that had been received every year to do the trips and before the meeting. other stuff that is planned The vote on the budget was because budget cuts like postponed due to a fInance these take place. I value my subcommittee meeting at 5 education and trips, and Pellegrini, Seeley Ryan & Blakesley and Boys and Girls Club staff in front of the Club. p.m., that resulted in Mayor money fund(s) my education, (PHOTO SUBMITTED) Donald F. Humason, Jr. Westfield School Committee without this money I cannot agreeing to take another look member Cindy Sullivan. learn like the classes before at potential revenues for fis- (WNG file photo) me have. Many of our pro- Boys & Girls Club receives cal year 2021 to reduce his grams desperately need sup- forecast of an $8.1 million record and attached to the plies that year after year shortfall. minutes. grants have bought us, or donations from local law firm “We received 113 emails in Prior to reading the letters, businesses have donated to the last three days. I printed CIndy Sullivan read the us, this is not the way things By HOPE E. TREMBLAY distribute the summer activity backpacks for all of them out as of 3:15 pm, names and addresses of should go, the school should Editor 300 children. and I received another 25 everyone who had sent in a have money set aside for WESTFIELD – Members of the Boys & “We wanted to do something that would since then. If I was to read letter. “I am going to go issues such as these and tak- Girls Club of Greater Westfield received help keep children creatively, mentally and every single one of these through each email and read ing away $50,000 does not backpacks filled with fun and educational physically engaged during this pandemic,” emails, we would be here for everyone’s names. Then I’m seem to be solving this issue. summer materials last week. said PSRB Partner Charles Casartello. “It was the next two and a half going to go back. People After speaking about losses The law firm of Pellegrini, Seeley Ryan & hours,” Sullivan said, asking have put a lot into these of teachers, paraprofession- Blakesley provided $3,000 and volunteers to See Boys & Girls Club, Page 5 for input from the School emails, and I appreciate their als, music and arts programs, Committee on how to present time and effort,” she said. MacMunn continued: “I the letters. “I’m going to read the stu- won’t carry this out any lon- Sullivan said the letters dent letters first, because ger as I’m sure that this will were divided by issues, that’s what we’re here for,” be enough to somewhat voice including the Team 87 cuts at Sullilvan added.
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