:jff,Admission Tech GENERALKNOWLEDGE Nt: here all the data are collected from 2019 edition. For recent affair please follow Newspaper and Current affairsregularly. Admission Tech Au:9Augustl942. • WMn was Hkl. Ute war al Bour? • Wlto1ne the Two-Nalio• TNo,y? Au:1764. Au: MuhammadAli Zinnah. • Wtio was the ch�f of 1oklien of Nawab i• tltc • When wu tbe 'DirtttSangram Parisllad'formed? baltle ofPolashi? Ans: 16 August 1946. Aas:MirJafor. • When did the 'Cabinet Mission'coine in lndll? • TipuSultanwastbe rulerof­ Ans:1946. Ans:Mysore. • Who wu the introduceror Lahore Motion? • McM1bonLlneissituated 1ttbe borderof­ Ans: Shcr-c-BanglaA.K. Fulul Haque. Ans:l�ia.China. • WIien was the proposal ofLaho(t fntrodu«d? • Whffl wu formedSawtal ttvoh•tK>fl? An1:23March l9'1:0. A•r:1155. • To whom 1,:1insttltc moveaenl ofFarHji? Ans: Against the English, Landlord and Nilkor. • Who ntablllihed 'Moh1med111 Ed•catlonal .Conference'? Ans:SirSyedAhmcd. Ans:January,1948. • Who was the arthlted or CmtralMartyn Altar? Ans: Hamiduu.aman Khan. • When wu Aw1mi Muslim League formed? A111:June\949: • Who wu tl«ted the leader oftbe parli1mt1t !)( stateohll ofUnitedFroal? Aas:A.K. Fulul Haque. Wllo wa sent to Dhaka by givinC apPOi•tinent u eovenor of tut Be11al after Ike fall of United FrontCabinet? Am:Major General lskander Mirza. • Who was the j>rtSident or the first assembly of • Whea w11 "National Awami Party" formed? MuslimLeague? Alli:2July .1957. Ans: Nabab Vikar-ul-Mulk. • WH WIS killed by the bullet of police on 20 • WIien wlS passed Indian Act in the Parllameat of Jaaury,1969? British? Am:Ashad. Ans: 1935. � w11 killed in Rajshahi UaivenUy OI II t Wllcit "IS fhe·finl election lteld 11 1be Brilillq . Fellnary,19691 As Dr.Shamsujjoha . ��s7f937. ..._ 1r11Sll.elkbMujlbur RallmH annou.cedu t Wllich are the two· region divided accordia J. a • J *il'Flllffr ofNation'? "RadclipMiuion"? .UE3March 1971. Ans: Bangla andPanjab. I• � 61 a1111ounce Sheikh Mujibur Rahman IS • When w1Stbe movementofAu111Jt1t111edliilllllill?; 6r--Fadlerof th eN.1tion"first? Admissiontechbd.com Admission Tech Ans: AS M AbdurRob. Ans. Bangladesh mission in Kolkata, India •. Towhom Ayub Kha. tnasftTn,dpowtr tk on 15 • How many scttors wn Bangladesh divided during March,1969? LibtrationWu? Ans: Aga Muhammad YeahiaKhan. Ans. ll Sectors + How many seats were or N11io1111ICouo<"il in East + What are the National Aw ards given to the fr«dom Pakistan? nghters for their remarkable contribution to the LiberationWar? Ans: 169. Uttam, • How many stats or National Council were Ans. Birsreshtho, Bir Bir Bikram, Bir Protik achitvtd by Awami League in lht tlttlion of + 1970? Ans: 167. • Whowas the nag or Frtt Bcn,tal hoisttd at nrst? Ans:2March 1971. + Which date was celebrated as 'Pakistan Day'? Ans:23March. + Where was the temporary &ovt. of People is Republic of Bangladesh formed? Ans:MujibnagarofMeherpur. • Whowas theundisputedleaderohheUbtn1tionWar? • Ans.Sheikh Mu_iibur Rahman • Wh as tht Com,undcr in Chid or the rretdom �tm? A"ns. M ,\ G O,mani Whowas tht actlngPresident or thcMujibnagar Government? Ans.SyedNazrullslam t What is'OptraUonScarchLight'? Ans. The inhuman attack that the Pakistani Army inflicted on helpless Bangalecs on 25 March midnight l971is callcd()perationScarchlight. What i10ptr11io11Jackpot? Ans. That auack launchedby the freedomfighters on 1he Pak Navy is calkd 'OperationJackP.Ot'. t When and where did Gtneral A K Niaii surrenderwlth93thousand soldiers? Ans. At 4:31 pm on 16 December 1971 at Ra�c course Field • Who firsttook to protest in tht Liberation War? • Which di)' is observtd as the 'lnteltectual's Da)"? Ans, East Bengal Regiment Ans. 14 u«-embcr, 1971 • Whofirst hoisted the na1ion1JflagorBangladcsh? t Whalis·OperationCloscd door'? Ans.AS M Abdllr Rob Ans. This o;,eracion was launched immediately after • Where was the t11pitalorTc,mporarr Government 1heliberationWarin l97l to rc1rie�illegal arms. orBangl1dtsh'! t Whi<'.hC'Ount� firnr«ogni{ed llangladesh 111n Ans.Mujibnagar ofMehe:-pu! independu1u1ion� • Who namtd tilt place�oadl T1la Mujibnagar? Ans. Bhuta.'1{6 �N'r. 1971) Ans.TajuddinAhmed t When did ladQ rtc0gniu Bangladesh as an indtpt•dtt1aatu'! • When did the Pro,·isioutGo\1. lake an oath? Ans.6�.-'r'(lfierBhutanrecognize) Ans. l7April, 1971 (for,:x,ion 10Apri1197!) t How IU� fr""'9 ""llllers awarded as Bir • In which missionwas_. acioul nag hoisted first? Uttam? Admission Tech ,JAdmission Tech Ans,69 Ails.China(3l August, 1975) • How many freedom fighters awarded USA ucognize Bangladesh in which year'! Birsreshtho? Ans,4Apri!, 1972 Ans.7Named: + What was the date or military coup in which 1.SqadranleaderRuhulAmin(Nevy) Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman was 2. LanceNayok Nur Mohammad Sheikh (EPR) killed? 3. LanceNayok Munsi Abdur Rob (EPR) Ans: IS August 1975 4. Flight Left.Matiur Rahaman (Air Force) • When wasBAKSAL formed? 5. CaptainMohiuddin Jahangir (Army) Ans:25January1975. 6. Sepoye Mostofa Kamal (Army) + WhichBirshresta took the martyrdom in foreign 7.Sepoye HamidurRahaman (Anny) + How many freedom fighters awarded as Bir Bikram? Ans, 175 + How many freedom fighters awarded as Bir Protik? Ans.426 + Where have been 7 ponds dug in the name of7 • 'Birshrestho'? Ans.Sundarban • Who was the chief minister of East Bengal at the lime of language movement? Ans: Khaja Na:zimuddin. Whenwas the6points demand announced? Ans: 1966. Whenwe observe thedayof6pointsdemand? Ans:7.., June. • How many years Bangladesh was under, control of Pakistan? Ans:24years • Who was the first Governor General ofPakistan? An�:Muhammad Ali Zinnah·. and Bulgeria r«ogni:zed • When didYeahiaKhanlcaveDhakaby cancelthe Bangladesh? discussion? Ans.Same day on 12 Januaryl972 Ans:25March,atNight • Which Amerkan country recognized Bangladesh • Wh�rc was the Flag ofBangladesh firsthoisted? first? Ans: ln a studcntmcetingatDhakaUniversity. Ans.Canada(!4Fcbruary, 1972) '. • lllefirst temporarygovtofBangladeshwasrormed· • When didPakistan reeognizcBangladesh? Ans: April 1971. Ans,22 FC:bruary1974 • What was the former name of the present + From fivepower who recogni:zedBangladesh first'! �ujibnagar? Ans. Rasia(24January 1972) Ans: BhaberPara,Baiddhonathtola. • From those five countries that recognized • When Bangladesh was freed from raiders? Bangladesh last? AB5: 16 December, 1971. ,1Admission Tech ,JAdmission Tech Bangladesh andlnternationaJOrganiution General Knowledge MCQ onBa ngladesh Affairs • Which was the country that walked out Ol. Who among the following was not a governor of Commonwealth opposing attendence or BangladeshBa nk? Bangladesh? @Or. Akbar Ali Khan Ans: Pakistan ® Dr. Atiur Rahman • When Bangladesh was selected president of e n I.ClDr.-Fakruddin Ahm d General Council United Natio s? @Dr. Salehuddin Ahmed Ans: in 198 . 6 n in lk e _ n 02. How ma y amendments there Bangladesh was elected th Chairman of Ge eral constitution orBa ngladesh? ���:°!\l�o�� �:� d Nations for. 6 e � : n e : :� : ;:·l) + What isthe positio of membershipofBanglad sh 03. Rabindran . t onwtallh? ath Tagore was awarded of '. Prizr � C:��� r cy worknam n : ;����j:� �� .i ? Ba + Where isthe headofficeof CIRDAP situated ©Kapalkondal @N co liem �. Ans: Dhaka, Bangladesh. n 04. Which of tht,fo lowing �/t was not dir,·�·�J � • Whal is the po sition of membership ofBa gladesh ? n Satyajit Roy i United Nations? ®Charuiata ® parajito Ans: 136. • @Jana AnihY.a @Lenovo � • When Bangladesh was selected the president of OS. The n(mbe of foreign Banks operating ia security Council in United Nations? Baajfadesil'· Ans:March2000-June2001 • ®IO ®9 • When was Bangladesh pl ayed role iii the security 8 ? e JS @5 IBIJ: b n �nus�ci�;; �:����26Q�;�o t . M jib agar government was formed on, ®j�rch25,1971 @March27,J97l . Deccmber !6, 1971 @Apnl 10, 1971 � ���� .,C n rL=��������;��;;��;�f�2 1 J7, The first Bangladeshi who ear s Grand MIISta' Norms is- ®Ran i Hamid ® Niaz Morshcd © Ziaur Rahman @ Reefat Bin sanar 1111. • Bangladesh achie cd the m mbenbip of United 08, 'NAEM' stands for: n Natio ? ® National Academy for Educational and Ans: 17 September { Management Whep'did ��Jl�adeshJ ae eve t e membenhip of ® Nat ional Academy for Educational Management Ac Ec mi n en 2. �:r�;g;tJ : �:::��:: �;:�;; ;;t �c::�r:t � • Wben dii:IJbngtadesh achieve the membership or Management 111.: OIC? 09. Which is the first EPZ inBangladesh? Ans: in 1974. ®Chitta gong @Dhaka • :;� didBangladesh achieve the membership of ComiHa b� n 1 a 1 IO. r:::�:::note is signed ® F inance MiniSter • �:;n�: ;a:;!desh achieve the membership of ®Secretary of Finance UNESCO? e e i i Ans: 19 October 1972. ©Comm rc M n ster 0 0 f g • didBangladesh achieve the membershipor n ��; II. :� ;: t�; f��� �::�:� B�;�hc Test Cricket - n Ans:2iJune 1972. Ba gladesh? mi i an • When didBangladcsh achieve tlie membersbip of ® A rul Islam ® Atahar Al Kh m i an UNCTAD? © Akra Khan @Na mur Rahm Ans:20May l972. 12. The first Banglildeshi who Claimbed Mo • When didBangladesh achicve the membershipof Avercstis­ i i WTO? @Musa lbrah m @Edmond H llary e Ans: 1 January1995. ©ScrpaT njiry @M.A. Muhit ,1Admission Tech Admission Tech IJ. Whkh i"nicrn.-lio��j ·o�:a•iz:a�-drcbrNI 21" - 27. ;Uttra Gono Bhaban' is located the district of- February as Che ln1crn11iotlal �lodttt Lag1agc ®Rajshahi ® Narorc Day? 0Naogoan @Bogura are: ®UNICER ii L�ESCO 28. The Rupsha bridge cstabllshes districl Rold link 0UNIHCR @l"'\'DP BIB! bttween- 14. Who was the first governor ofBtnt:bde.sb Buli.? ®Pabna and kUSlia /1) Khulna and Bagerhat @Nunllslam 1$A.N.Hamidulla (0BagcrhatandSatkhira @Pabnaand kus1ia llmlJ:
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