
Treaties Engageme~t$. ... • • • ' .. ~ J ~ an d. S a·na·ds· I ,_' • ._ • • II'.·,. "'. A Contribution in · Indian Jurisprudence. r, . £ R. R:SASTRY ' ,CISUSIIED BY TilE .lUTUOa USIVERSilY • .u.L\HAB.U> Treaties, Engagements and .Sanads . .. of .. .• . ~ IN p 1·-A. N ·:s T A·T E'S ~ A CONTRIBunON IN.. , INDIAN JURISPRUDENCE • BJ . .. ' .~ R. R. SASTRY, M.A., !tLL lUDEll. LAW DEPAlln.t:ENT1 VNIVEB.Sm OP .UUIUIJ.D; .ADVOCATE, WADilAI HIGH COUllT; ~ Gl01WI SOCIETr {LONDON) ,,.' ~ • . Author o£ . • , · . , lt~ltf11alional Lt. IIJJ; Inaitlfl Stalrt t~t~l Rl~ptJ•siW, .. CoVfr1111WIIIIJJ1' Ptlr.tllfJIIRiry tlfiJ Slllll SMbju'll, IJili Indiat1 S/(J/111 IJII · · PUBUSH.ED BY THE AU'fHOR Pria .IU.If-1""-J * II u..-F~nibf COPYRIGHT WITH THE AUTHOR , PlliN'I'ED Bl' J• ~ SH4.JUIA AT I'HE ALLAHABAD LAW JOURNAL PRESS . • .. · ALLAHABAD AUTHOR'S PREFACE While continuously engaged in studies o£ scvenl aspects o£ the problems of Indian States for the past sev~n years, it appeared that a tompktt IZMb·tkaltXIJmi· nation D/ tht ltVtral Trealitl, EngogtmtnllllnJ S11fllllll h1d not been done thus far. No '\l·ork h1s been written which subjects these tta.ties, engagements, and Sllfll1111. to a proetss of ana!Jsis and interprw.tion. · · · Certain aspects of the problem oC lnJ.ia11 Sta/11 t•is-a-vis responsible Government in lnda h1ve been attempted in a vmrk of the author published in 1939·* The all~absorbing question of Paramollfllty anJ 'Stalt­ SII!juts had been chosen by this writer for the Sayaji Rao Gaeb·ar Golden Jubilee Memorial Uct:ures at Baroda in 194~41. An Dbjttlit•t examination of these treaties, engagements and SanaJs '\l"aS then found to be_, a fit topic for legal ~tudy: · • New conceptions in the post-Wa.r era (1918·1,939) · ben abundmt testimony to the ingenuity of stJ.tesmen; and juristic idas have to keep pace with novel aperi· ments as the League of Nations and Mmchtes. lnd.iJ. is only 5emi-soverdgn u·ith. an anomalous status, and the Indian States an be assigned a status which is J1li ..~rntris and IJ114Si·i111tnz.:Jtional. Thus problems relating to the position of lrufu.n States cannot be satisfactorily discussed u-ith reference to purely juristic aiteria. .. •K.Lll Sastry. 1-.t. St4111 aJ B.Js;-iiill c;,.,.,u,·.,,_ 4 AUniOR'S PREFACE The chapter on implications of paramountcy has had to be introduced; otherwise an erroneous conception would be given to the foreign observer faced only with treaties and engagements between two states. The . treaty relationship started between allies, one of whom grew up into a position of Paramou.ntcy, established through the right ,of "conquest, operating by assump­ tion and acquiescence." This branch of juristic study has got all the charac· teristics of a combination of law and politics. The branch which is ex faci contractual has alone been selected for examination. The author is indebted to several leading lawyers in India for helpfu:l suggestions. Conclusions and opinions in the study are entirely his. All students of "Indian States, are indebted to the monumental works of Aitchison, Sir Lewis Tupper and Sir W. Lee Warner. Besides the books consulted • in the Allahabad University and Madras Law College, the author is under obligation to the valuable collec· tion of books at 19, Albert Road, Allahabad. jafJIItlry I, 1942. K. R. R. SASTRY University of Allahabad Law Department CONTENTS. CHAP. PAGE Author'i Preface J Select Bibliography •• 7 Table of Cases IJ I. Introductory •• IJ II. Historical background 19 . III. Analysis of Treaties, Engagements and Sa!U1Js Bs IV. Nature and Status of Indian States . • • 199 V. Implications of Paramountcy· 1Jl VI. Canons of lnterpretition • • ~ JJ VII. Interpretacion of Treaties, Engagements and Sanads • • 181 Examination of Some Disp~tes dz VIII. Conclusions • • 3o6 Index • • • .. 313 Aitchison • • A Colkftion of Treatill, &g11gt­ llltnll anJ SanaJs, IV Ed. 1909 and V Edition. Amtrifan jollf1liJ/ of lnltNIIJiional l...,nl. Anson • • Law anJ Olstom of lht Omstit.. tion, Oxford. 1911. Arnold. Sir Edwin Administration r;f LorJ Da/ho11sit. Bane~~ Sir A. R. • • Tht Indian Tangll. Barton. Sir W. The Pri~~ttt of lndM. Basu SIOfJ of SatiJI'a. Blackstone • • Commtnlaritl, I. Borchard The DipkJmatit Protettion rf Qfi... trns abroaJ-191 J• Brierly La., of Natio111, ll Ed. Briggs • • The. Nizalll, his history aNI rtla­ tio•s a•ith thl British Gnm!JJtlll -1 Volumes. 13ritish anJ Fonig11 Statt-P11ptrs-Vol. 89. Dritish Cro111 anJ tht lndia11 Statu. U:>ndon 1919. (Oumbet of Princes) Dritish l'tar~k Df lntrrnational I...aw, 191J, 1930, 19J.f. 1 Bryce · • • 11/Jtrnational RtlatifJIIs. Clleshire Prit•aft lllltrnatiolla/ Law, 1938 II.Ed. Clludgu llldia11 Pritit 1. • Colebrook.e • • ullrrs aiJ Ujt 'f J.L Elphit~stolll Vol$. I a.nd II. 8 SELECT BIBLIOGRAPHY Crandall Treaties, Their making and enforce· ment, II Ed. Cunningham •• • History of the Sikhs. Curzon • • Laves from a Vkerqy' s Notebook. Evatt The King and His Dominion Gov· ernors. Forrest, G. W. Selection of State Papers in Foreign Dept. Vols. I and II. ' ' Foote Private International Law. Fraser (Genl.) Memoirs and Correspondence. Frazer Nizam-Our Faithful Al{y. Griffin, Lepal H. The Rajas of the Punjab, 1870. Grotius. H. • • De Jure BeJli ar Pacis, Carnegie . Publication (Translation) 191 J. Grotius Society Transactions of the Gens~ and ~anerji.. The Gaikwads of Baroda, Vols. I to v. Hail Foreign Powers and Jurisdiction of . the British Crown, 1894. Hall International Law, VI and VIII Editions. Halsbury · Encyclopaedia of the Laws of Eng· land, Vol. 10. Holland Lectures on International Law. Hope John House of Stindia. Dbert The G()1)ernment of India, III Ed. Jenkins British Rule nad Jurisdiction beyond the Seas, 1901. Tones_ B. ·s. Papers relating to the progress of British Power in India and the system of Subsidiary Alliant:es. SELECT BIBUOGllAPHT 9 Kaye life anJ Cmupondtna rlj Char/11. }.fettalje, Vols. I and IL Kaye Johfl }.!JJ/tolm, Vols.l and IL Keith The King anJ lhe Imperial Cro111, Latthe, A. B. Problems of Iflllian Statu. Lauterpacht Private Law SollrfUanJ Allalogiu (Jf International LaJJ. Lawrence International LaJJ. Lee Warner, Sir W. The r:..ratit•t Statu of Indi4. The life of the }.fargmss Df Dal- hoNsie-1 Vols. Low, Sir Sydney •• Indian Statu and thl Rilling Printtl. ~lacmunn, Sir G••• Indian States and Printtl. ~hlcolm, Sir J. Central India, Vols. I and II. Martin Dupatfhu, }.finNIU and Coms· ponJente, 4 Vols. Maxv:ell Interpretation of Stalll/t11 1919. McNair, A. D. LaJJ of Treaties, 19J8. Mehta Lord lUJStings and tht India11 Statu. Minto (Countess of) India, }.!into anJ }.forlt]. Moore Dignl of International LaJJ, I Vols. Muk.he~ea Indian Constitllfional D(XIImtnts. Nicholson Srraps of Paper. Ort~nheim International LaJJ, Vols. I and II, v Ed. 0\\·en Wtllulty Papers. ~ Pan.illir Indian Statu anJ lht Gtn•trtJmtnf flj India, 1917. JJritish Ptiliry loJ•ards Indian Statu~ IndiJII Princes i• Com!, 1956. Inttrst.zta/ La.. Philirs, c. 11. Ezst Iw4 CDIIIJ>a11J, r7s4-1BH. 1o SELECT BIBLIOGRAPHY ' Phillimore International Law, 4 Vols. 1 8s 4-61 Phillimore Three Centlffies of Treaties of Peace, 1919. Piggott Ex-te"itoriality, 1891. Extradition. Pitt-Cobbett Leading Cases in International Law, V Ed., 2. Vols. Princep Military and Political Transactions in India during the administration of Marquess of Hastings. Raghubir Singh • • Indian States. Ruthnaswamy, M. • . Administrative System in India. Ronaldshay · Curzon, Vols. I and II. Ross ••..Cornwallis Co"espondence. Rice ·sayaji Rao III, Vols. I and II. Sastry, K. R. R. International Law, 1937· Indian States and Responsible Govt• . ' 1939· Sen, D. K. • •. Indian States. Sivaswamy, Sit P. S. Indian Constitutional Problems. Stowell· Intervention in International Law 1911· Stubbs • .- Suzerainty, 1881. Tupper, Sit C. 0tff Indian Protectorate, 1893. Twiss Law of Nations, 1884. Varadachariar, N.D. Indian States in the Federation. Varadarajan, M. K. Indian States and the Federation. Vattel Ll Droit Des Gens, English Trans. 3 Vols.- Carnegie fublication 1916. Westlake International Law. Collected Papers. ....., SELECT BIBUOGIUPHT It Wheaton International Law, IV and VI Eds. Williams, Sit J. F. • • Chapters on CIIITenl Intef'IIIJtional Law and Leog111 of Nations. ~CORDS AND REPORTS . ·Indian States Committee. (Buder) Indian States Enquiry Committee. (Financial) Joint Parliamentary Committee. Orissa ;Reforms Enquiry. Montagu-Chelmsford Report on Indian t;onstitutional Reforms. Reforms Enquiry-Hyderabad. · 1938. Constitutional Refo~ in Mysore. 1939. , Selection of Records of East India House Judicial Vol. I. :Minutes of Evidence on Mairs of E. I. Coy., 18 31. Report of Select Committee on AJfair~ of E. I. Coy., 18 31. Copies of Tnatiu and F.Jrgagements, 18J3. Printed in re- turn to an order of the House of Lords. 1.~aine's },fifiJIIt ontht LthiaTJJar Statu, u March 1864. },f.tmortmtla Dll lndja~ Stafu, 1937, 1940. Private ]o11171111 of tht },forqt~tss of Hastings. Ho11st of Commons Debatu, 193J· 1.finutes of Evidence of Select 9>mmittee, ·ISH· TABLE OF CASES PAGE Attorney General v. De Keyser' 1 Rl?)'a/ Hottl LJJ. 1910 A. C. soB • • • • • • 147 Atlornry General for Canath v. Attorn!J Gtneral for Ontario and others, 1937 A. C. 316 • • 89 Bnset' 1 Case 6 Q. B. 43 I I 39 Cristina 1938 A. C. 48s 130 Dadri Prasadv. Dt. J..la._~istrate1 Yeotmal, 11 I. C. 1J ISO Damodhar Gordhan v. Deoram Kanji. I. B. 367 P. C. II Doss v. Secretary of State, 19 Eq. so9 • • 1J D11jJ Det'elopmmt Company v. Got'ernmtnl of Ktlanta11 1914 A. C. 797· • • UJ East India Cf!Y. v. SJ'ed AI!J 7 M. I. A. u J 1J FJpbinstone v. Bedrachand 1 Knapp. P. C. J 16 1J Emprrs1 v. Ktshab J..fahqjan and Othtrr, 8 C.
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