![Office of Tiie Executive Engineer, Warsak Cana],S Division, Irrioation Department Peshawar](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
OFFICE OF TIIE EXECUTIVE ENGINEER, WARSAK CANA],S DIVISION, IRRIOATION DEPARTMENT PESHAWAR. PhoneNo.09l-9212502. E-Mail:[email protected], Tuifler:@warsakK, Facebook&49!aIsAkA!4k!iyi!ig! NOTICE INVITING E.BIDDING SYSTEU lnigation Depatunent, Govemment ol Xhyb€r Pakhtunkhwa, Warsak Canals Division, Peshayrar invites eleclronic Bids frcm lhe eligible firms / mntraclols in accodance wih KPPRA procurement rules 2014 on single stage single envelop proc€durc lor the tollowing rigrts. fl Name otWorUSub Works Estlmat Eamelt Time ol Last Dats E Last D.to & Category ed Cost Monsy+ Completon Time Tlm. in Stamp Duty+ Submisslon openlng oI lillllon Prol6slonal of blds bidr Tar in R! 1 lmprovemont & Upgradation of Roads along Canal E Drainago 3ystor s ln Khybsr Pakhtrnkhwa (ADP No.2348r'160218,20 20-21 ) I Conslruclion Of Canal Patrol Road along Warsak Gravity Canal on the A3 per 03t0212021 03n2ta21 cE.01 40.88 866351)/. Right Side tom RD. 96+750 To wolk ordor 12:00 PM 01:30 PM RD. 103+000. I Rehabilitalion / lmpmvement of Canal Patrol Rod along Warsak {c -do- do. .dc 41.01 870150/. Gravity Canalon the Left Side from RD: 98+500 to RD: 112+000.' 2 Providing Flood Proleciion structures in Rivers, Nullah & hill torrents in Khyb€r Pakhtunkhwa {ADP No.2347l160275,2020.21 } I CONSTRUCTION OF FLOOD PROTECTION WORK ON LOYYA -do- -dG .do- cE.04 KHWAR IN VILLAGE [/ERq 7.27 1821il1. MASHOGAGAR DISTRICT PESHAWAR 3 Constructlon ot ,lood protection wo*s, irigation channols and imtlllatlon ol 3olar tube wells ln Khyber Pakhtunkhwa on ne6d basis. (ADP No.2359,1 80617,2020.21) I I Restoration/Constuction of Small Diversion Bund and Civil Channel do -do- .do- -do. 24.0I 525150/. For Villege Sarband Fmm Bara I River in PK-72 I Rehabilitation of Civil Channel of Village l,lalik Ajab Noor UC -do- .de de -do- 3.13 868501 She*ira in PK-71 Disricl P6shawar. It Restoration of damaged weak bank 4.09 '106050/. / Embankment along Urmar Minor. .dc {} .do. .dG llPage t Name of wort/Sub Work! Estimat Eaanrcl lime of Last Date & Last Dlt & Category ed Cost Money+ Comple'lion Time Tlmo in Stamp Duty+ Submisslon openln0 ot lilillion ProfesElonal of bids bid! Tax ln Rs Construclion of Flood Protection Work in Bara River Panch Khata 03t0?]i2021 031021N2'l cE.04 4.53 ,,**,. UC 57 Village Suliman Khel PK-71 12:00 PM 01:30 Pil District Peshawar. l#t*"1 I Construction ol Flood Protection Work in Civil Channel in Garhi Mali .do. do- .do. .do- 1.92 51650r. Khel UC 57 Village Suliman Khel in PK-71 Disldct Peshawar. Construclion of Flood Protection I Wo* in Adezai Khawar UC Adezai -do- .do- .dG -do- 3.26 89450/ Village Gul Nawaz Korona in PK-71 District Peshawar. vI Conslructbn of Flmd Protecton I I Work Required Places in PK-71 15.15 346750/. .do- -do- .do. .do- District Peshawar I I v Construction of Flood Protection Work for protection of village dG -do- do. -dG abadies of Badaber, Horizai, 9.87 2341fit. Surizai Bala, Surizai Minor and Urmar Bala in Kali Khwar. tx Consfuction ot Causeway On Ghat Khawar Village Haji Khedad Khan -do- .do -do- -do. 7.32 183150/. Saran Telabund Disfict Peshawar in PK-70. x Consructon of Cause\ay Villags [Jrmar Mrana, Urmfr Bala, .do. .do -do- .do. 6.87 'tf 4'tfil- Badaber. in PK-70 Req ired Place in Dislrict Peshawar I xt Construction of Causeway & V.R Culvert in Different Villaqe of PK-70 .dc -dc do. -dG 0.76 220501. + S'' Y 2lPage TERMS AND CONDITIONS Bid documents to biddeE can be downloaded up to one day prior to the opening dats fiom lrrigation Department Web sile (www.ir oatiofl .qkp.pk). 1. Elecronic bidding shall b€ done on 'Above / Below system' on BOQ / Engineeis estimate, based on ihe MRS applicable. Orly two digits afrer lhe decimal point shall be considered for evalustion pmpos€. 2. All bidders are roquired to have valid rogistration with Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Revenue Aulhority established under the Khyber Pakhlunkhwa Finance Acl, 2018 (Khyter Pakhlunkhwa Act.XXl of 2013) 3. The bidder shall submit lhrough murier the Tender form, photo copy of CNIC, Pakislan Engineering Council registration aM Provincial Govti Enlislmenl. lf tender form was not found altached with the required documents at the time of opaning of tender. 4. El€ctronic bids shall be submitted el€ctronirally on or before the fx dab / time. 5. Tho bldder shall lubmit lhrough courler 02% bld security r€aled in onvelop of tho ortlmated colt in tho shape of dgposit at call (original) bslore cloling date and time, 6. As per Nolification No. KPPR J[4&E/EsttJl-'17i201920, Dated Peshawar, the June 12-2020, (i). The award of contract shallbe on the basis of above/below engineer estimate on IVRS instead of item rats basis. (li). The percentage of bid securily shallbe 2% ofthe enginoer estimale. (iii). ln case of bid/rate quoted bythe bidder more than 10% below engineer estimate, he addilionalbid secuity shallbe sought from the successful biddel only lo the extent of bid more then1o% below the engineer estimale in lhe form of percentage. The amount of additional bid securily shall be equal to the impact of financial difference in the quotod rates beyond 1070 below engineer estimate. (iv). ln such eventuality, ths successful bidder shall be bound lo produce the additional bid security wilhin three (03) ,aio ing days from the issuance of L€ter of Acceptance failing which the procuring entity shall forfeit the bid security of successful bidder and may also initiats legal proceeding against the bidder who repudiated the contract under KPPRA procuremenl rules. (v). The procuring entity may offer the contracl lo next lowesl bidder afler due diligence in the context of fnancial difference bet\aeen such lwo bids and the marlet analysis in order to discoumge canel making and to protect public interost at large. (vi), Any such eflort to conspire to canel making shall be considered as violation of Rule ,t4 and shall be attributed towards mis- procurement under Rule 54 of Procurement Rules ibid. 7. lf the pedormanc€ bond or bank guarantee (which ever thB case may be) is not provided by the bidder in the required pedod, the bid security of the defaulting bidder will be forfeited. 8. Any bidderwho prcvided incorrecl inlormation shallstand disqualifed and will be debarred. 9. Successtul bidders should sign the agreement with the Department within Twenty Eight (28) days afrer acceptance of bid. 1 0. Call deposit of schedule banks shall be acceptable. 11. lf ths evaluated electmnic bid costs of lwo or mors bdders ar€ equalthen the successful bidder willbe d€clared through draw / loss. 12. Eleclronic bids will be displayed through online E-Bidding System afler 30 minutes of closing time in ths presence ot bidders / their represenlalive who choose to b€ pres€nt. '13. The omployBr has the authority b rejsct any E-bid or all E-bils assigning valid reasons. '14. Payment ofthe contractor liability willbe made subjecl lo release olfunds by Finance oepartment Khyt€r Pakhtunkhwa. 15. Bid secu ty of lst, 2nd and 3rd lo'.vest bidders willbe retained bythe employertillthe approvalofbids. .d 3lPa8e.
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