UN Secretariat Item Scan - Barcode - Record Title 1 59 Date 08/06/2006 Time 11:12:01 AM S-0864-0012-24-00001 Expanded Number S-0864-0012-24-00001 items-in-Public relations files - dedication of Eleanor Roosevelt Memorial at United Nations Date Created 28/02/1966 Record Type Archival Item Container S-0864-0012: Public Relations Files of the Secretary-General: U Thant Print Name of Person Submit Image Signature of Person Submit NEW YORK TIMES., Saturday, Ik May 1966 ^United Nations a memorial has been recently erected. This con- sists in part' of a capacious, semicircular. stone bench of good proportions, its ;back:hand-. somely lettered with the name of :Ahna Eleanor Roosevelt, whom the memorial is-meant to honor. Facing the bench stands an erect, inscribed stone slab, apparently designed to recall, the United Nations Secretariat building .itself.-' As efficiently as though it were a- permanently 'drawn win- dow shade, the slab conceals * from those sitting on the bench. ,what they would otherwise 'jfry: the beauties „< 3 rounding garden, and-«the e!r glory, of its site—the . ing, downstream1' panorama ' of the. East .River. Mrs. Roosevelt ^ is in this in-' stance most ;imfittinglv..memori- alized. She ; would : never have wished- the-•. larger view .ob- scured, as it. is by this well-in- tentioned but unimaginativej tribute. ^FRANCIS STEEGMULLER . New1 Yoik, May. 5} NEW YORK TIMES, Sunday, 2k April 1966 to Mrs, Roosevelt Is Dedicated at .-ttte .United garden beside the East Riverf Thejsgslab is carved with a? flames-arid' a quotation from Adlai E. Stevenson's eulogy of Mrs. Roosevelt: "She would rather light a candle than curse the darkness and her glow has warmed the world " Her daughter Anna, now Mrs. James A. Halsted, said the design of the monument had'been inspired by the me- morial in Washington by Au- gustus Saint-Gaudens to the wife of Henry Adams, where her mother like to sit and medi- tate,. The memorial was provided by t?he Eleanor Roosevelt Me- morial Foundation, a private philanthropic organization. Ar- nold_ M. Grant of the founda- tion •; presided and Thomas K. Finletter, chairman of the foundation, made an address. Mr. Thant said a monument at the United Nations was fitting "for that noble woman, who' truly loved humanity," and who "was from the earli- est years of the organization until, her death a. stanch be- lieve)- in the United Nations and a commanding figure in its company." Mi Goldberg said: "Eleanor Roosevelt was justly known as the first lady of the The New Yprlt.Times (by Don Charles) world. She was that and so At the dedication of the monument are, from the left: Arthur J. Goldberg, the U.S. dele- much1 more. She was the most beloved and respected woman gate to the United Nations, Secretary'General iWnt and Franklin Delano Eoosevelt Jr. of her time." Hei called her "an American Special to The New York Times United States representative foremost lady of the land." of unusual patriotism" but added UNITED NATIONS, N. Y., at the United Nations, and that j "the more she loved her The monument consists of a country the more she loved the April 23 — A monument was members of the Roosevelt granite slab 4 feet wide and world." dedicated here today to Mrs. family spoke briefly. Presi- 10 feet high, and a semi- •'Adjbng those present were Franklin D. Roosevelt as one dent Johnson, in a telegram circular granite her json Franklin Delano Jr.,, uijders of the United read at the half-hour •.ran- a r&tary General U, mony, called her "not -.: J. .'Goldberg; .-the';,'first ladyVbui Sunday, April 2^1966 TlieEaitFull I" By -Emm» Bugbeel .'.' .'.-,-". Her White House days, often.visited a similar memorlal'.lit 01 Tht Herald STrflJUrtS Staff - . ' 1 Eleanor Roosevelt would have loved it, her friends all • : J said—this tranquil nook in the United'Nations garden,.over- ^'assadprrt<3o.ldIierg' sMd: :Kft;.:^i?!',.^!:;..?;' looking the East Biver and the downtown skyline..' -. -;. C.r-. iS^Rpbseyelt'syam'bitrpn^ anS' goal Cwere- The friends were there yesterday at noon'to.dedlcate. a.-.. -, memorial to Mrs. Roosevelt,, who devoted- the'last'years .-of; . 'n;;Kigh'ts7 of which her .life to work for the United Nations. The memorial of ';" pink Salisbury granite consists or a semicircular bench and £ 14-foot shaft,'which carries In bas relief the words of. Adlal :. Stevenson's famous tribute—"She would ..rather light, a.'-/ [y were among candle than curse the darkness-, and her. glow has/warmed^; memorial the world." --. ',..-• -. >, ' .-^Jr-^V-'V,:.'^; :';H% losevelt Jr., ; Curtis > ''Members'.of MrsxBobsevelt's 'family.;"officials"'at tha'-; dl Bona- United Nations and of the Eleanor MemoriaL-Foundation;.,-' speaking from a temporary- -platform' 'near the memorial, •.-; ./'}'£'£&£'telegram- from President,Johnson sound'ed the.samfr.;' ,, 4sa;tin.ihe/Ahro'hg.fwere. Mrs;.;H_erber%EeImian,^wife ol stressed the motil of peace and quiet.which: they'hops .will..; h : : 1 ; o f.o.fTT.i-s55.>VJRtt'na>n^i,*rtH- "^^ti^Lehmah; -jMiss' Fanniei mark It for future visitors. It stands in the''northeast, cor-/-- 'note; It said, ln-part^-iSL;'^-J.;^ - %/-"\;- '•' '"'.:• ''•*""'- '. '-^-.'-' nerot the United Nations garden at 47th St. and First Ave., ",. , -- "Nothing gives me- mqiieVp.leasure thatii.to:partfcipat&V.^.,/vHur^t£au'thoj;-Dr^^^^^ : : ^ with! you today iri hondilng- the, memory--ot the ivomaii'wh^^^phy^id^ri^^^^^i'^^'Caii^ter^Iast.'^^^^^;..^^ remote even from.-thte avenue's traffic. '"".)' ''<i *-~.c- ' In her lifetime became hot' onlyJhe^E'irstLadV df bur lanifr'f';; 4EHzabetHt:pre^i^;:.:Ilbrarian;^tr •the«Hyd&;Park': Memorial . Surrounded, now by budding Japanese cherry trees, the but the foremost womail-of the..world'i'Alibrus--who;.ttyed:';,;'--Musetmi;fClarii'M*;Eichelberger^exera^ of the.'Associa- monument, eventually will, .be completely secluded behind - 4In« uhe—r time.knot.t~,~ I w™ iu-t.Vrthat:Mrs^oosevel— T^ i.-r;~ij;'^.__t was*dne-:of^ -*.th!thAe crrpat?;great^-- .. '•tIou^fQrlthe--yr4te'd.:'l:ra1noiiisir-'the^ReV:• tlnVi^fnrSkh^.TTTnifie'H - MatrTnV^c.*'.f.K&t,T?frT7riri«riVerft:GedrBe ' ^prdTTnVrf ;• Mis-^Ticse tall cypresses, according to its artist and architect; Eric.-- : : : : 2 : .Individuals'- of this century.„ ;'--'.j";".- !-;". ".'*"- : " ' ' '•'-"'•{• •/^•Ma^g'a'^et'^Sucldeyl,"'a "Bopsevelt- cousin;":? Victor'Hammer; Gugler, en: old friend ol the-Roosevelt family. -•". -.•:'•'•'. "Her .dedication to humanity- was-unflagging.. The light •".;'J .flnd."Jtp5e-.'Schnetdermanr.:p.rqbablr..Mrs;, Jlobseveitls oldest Anna- Boosevelt Halsted;-.' daughter of President .'which we: take from the torch of'.her greatness is a beacon -•'friend Whose assoclatioh. w3th nerrbegfiii-inlthe old Women's osevelt, first suggested 'the memorial, it was : which brightens our. path. 'As:*iEl^a|angS90s^veltFoun-- . -'Trade Union-'-LeaEm:.-dajs—beloVe"''AlbaA'jf'.or-iwashlngton ^Merday, remembering that her mother durins da-tlondedicates this menio.ria^lt^^onuafMheUnited.; .:: yor.^hl.mited.N.attgns^.-sJ • ^..-/ ;; '"••'., '*,'. -- -' .; - U N I T E D " N A T I 0 M S Press Services Office of Public Information United nations, N.Y. ' .(FOR USE OF INFORMATION MEDIA. --HOT AN OFFICIAL RECORD) . ' CAUTION:' ADVANCE TEXT . Press Release Not to "be used before .12 noon <SST) . 22 Apr;.l 1966 Saturday^ 23 April 1960 CHECK" AGAINST DELIVERY ' . BY SEC^TARY-GENEirAL AT CEBEMONY • DEDICATING MONUMENT TO MBS. ELEANOR ROOSEVELT Following is the text of the statement "by the Secretary-General, U Thant, at the ceremony of dedication of a monument in memory of Mrs. Eleanor Roosevelt, held at United Hat ions Headquarters on 2J April 1966: "On behalf of the United Nations, I thank you, Mr. Finletter, and the Trustees of the Eleanor Roosevelt Memorial Foundation for your presentation of this historically significant a,nd very attractive addition to United Nations Headquarters. I greatly appreciate your invitation to me to dedicate this memorial to one of the true pioneers in the work of the United Nations; to one who for so long was among its most devoted and effective friends and supporters • "It is, as you have intimated, Mr. Finletter, most fitting that we should "be at this place on this noonday and that this unique monument to Mrs . Eleanor Roosevelt should take its place here in the garden of the United Nations. For that noble woman, who truly loved humanity, was, from the earliest years of the Organization until her death^a staunch believer in the United Nations and a com- manding figure in its company. For many years she was a familiar presence in the corridors and surroundings of this house of the world, where she was always very much at home. We who knew and worked with her here -- and we are still a good many -- shall never forget her friendliness and graciousness, her faith in man and his future, her great wisdom always simply expressed, and her sympathy with and understanding of the problems of the common man everywhere, whatever his origin, race or creed. "Eleanor Roosevelt was not only a stalwart protagonist of the rights of man; she gave an added dimension to man's age-long striving for dignity and self-respect. (more ) - 2 - Press Release SG/SM/490 22 April 1966 "We in this Organization, which is still less than 21 years old, seek that universality'of peoples and nations in the organized international community, that sense of unity and fellow-feeling among all peoples that was the true spirit of Mrs. Roosevelt towards all of her fellow beings. Indeed, and no doubt because of this spirit, it can be said that few persons in our time have been so uni- versally loved and respected as was she. "It is especially good, therefore, that this monument to her, at once artistic and utilitarian, should be erected here.
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