Congregation Shearith Israel Nonprofit Org The Spanish and Portuguese Synagogue U.S. PosTAGE PAID 8 West 70th Street New York, NY 10023 Norwich, CT Permit No. 51 GENERAL INQUIRIES HONORARY TRUSTEES Alana Shultz Program Director 212-873-0300 Tel Edgar J. Nathan, 3rd [email protected], (x209) Honorary Parnas 212-724-6165 Fax Mrs. Lisa Rohde Dr. Dennis B. Freilich Coordinator of Women’s Services Honorary Parnas [email protected] [email protected], (212-787-3161) Alvin Deutsch www.shearithisrael.org Rafi Blumenthal Honorary Parnas Junior Congregation Leader For funeral arrangements contact Dr. Edgar Altchek [email protected] Zachary Edinger, 917-584-3787, Paul J. Beispel Leon Hyman 212-873-0300 (x216) Henri Bengualid Choirmaster Arthur A. Goldberg Adam Hyman BOARD OF TRUSTEES Associate Choirmaster Eva G. Haberman David J. Nathan Arnie T. Goldfarb Parnas Saul Laniado Honorary Sexton Michael Katz Stuart Marks Arthur Tenenholtz Segan Jonathan de Sola Mendes Honorary Shamash Louis M. Solomon Edward Misrahi Segan OFFICE STAFF Jack Rudin Peter Neustadter Maria Caputo Honorary Parnas Ronald P. Stanton Office Manager Harriet Ainetchi Roy J. Zuckerberg [email protected], (x230) Dr. Victoria R. Bengualid Maia Kane PROFESSIONAL STAFF Communications Associate Norman S. Benzaquen Rabbi Marc D. Angel [email protected], (x225) Esmé E. Berg Rabbi Emeritus Diana Landau Karen Daar [email protected], (x205) Communications Associate Seth Haberman Rabbi Ira L. Rohde [email protected], (x221) John Quinones Michael P. Lustig Hazzan [email protected], (x217) Facilities Manager Avery E. Neumark Rev. Philip L. Sherman [email protected], (x223) L. Gilles Sion Associate Hazzan Ruth Yasky Oliver Stanton [email protected] Financial Associate [email protected], (x228) Ralph J. Sutton Barbara Reiss Executive Director THE BULLETIN Elliot Freilich [email protected], (x215) First published in 1922 by Clerk Rabbi Shalom Morris The Shearith Israel League. Joshua de Sola Mendes Educational Director Edited by Maia Kane. Treasurer [email protected], (x208) Zachary Edinger Design: Aaron Design, Inc. Shamash [email protected], (x216) CONGREGATION SHEARITH ISRAEL THE BULLETIN MAY – JUNE 2013 IYar – TAMMUZ 5773 2 ANNOUNCING A SECOND HOME IN PHILLY THE UNGALA: Joshua de Sola Mendes, Treasurer An Important Message from Our Parnas David J. Nathan his year, as you can tell from the Save the Date, we are trying a Tdifferent approach with our annual fundraising gala. While this experiment will not require your attendance, its success will depend on our collective enthusiasm and support. Though our UnGala will not be a gala in our traditional sense, it will ensure that 100% of every contribution will go directly to supporting our congregation, along with the many programs, classes, and events that we all love. (Accordingly, every contribution will be 100% tax- deductible.) The Main Sanctuary of Mikveh Israel, Philadelphia Whether you love our UnGala concept or n Judaism, family is ever important. And several of our members were called to the lament the fact that we won’t be holding an so it is nice to know that at Shearith Torah, and Rabbi Morris delivered the actual dinner event, I ask each and every IIsrael we are not only part of the morning’s sermon. On Sunday, our two one of you to contribute as generously as greater Jewish family, but also a small but communities had the opportunity together you can. You can go online at shearithis- special global family of Spanish & Portu- to listen to several lectures on Spanish & rael.org/ungala2013 and make your guese congregations - from our “mother” Portuguese history and minhagim. congregation in Amsterdam to London, donation now — or you can return the If it felt like a home away from home, Jerusalem and others where our uniquely enclosed donation form accompanying perhaps it was with good reason. Our beautiful minhag can be heard. your invitation. congregants have visited Mikveh Israel This year, like every year, the synagogue It was with plenty of enthusiasm that 25 before. During the American Revolution, relies on the success of this fundrais- Shearith Israel congregants, led by Rabbi our entire community sought refuge in ing event in order to meet our budgetary Shalom Morris and Shamash Zachariah Philadelphia where Mikveh Israel took obligations. With your support, we can Edinger, traveled to spend a Shabbat with us in. We have shared members, clergy, continue to care for our beautiful sanctu- one of these extended family members, minhag and history. Congregation Mikveh Israel in Philadel- ary, support the choir that elevates our So if you haven’t had the opportunity to phia. Their hospitality could not have been prayers, maintain our cemeteries, offer visit our sister congregation, you should kinder or warmer. From Friday’s Kabbalat outstanding educational and cultural pro- certainly consider it. You will receive a Shabbat to Sunday’s morning lectures, the grams, and teach our tradition to the next warm welcome from Rabbi Gabbai and two communities had much time to sit, generation. the rest of the congregation. talk, eat and enjoy each other’s company. We hope to achieve 100% participation And for all of us at Shearith Israel who Most meaningful of all, the communi- and even exceed the success of previous have chosen to pray in the Spanish & ties had the opportunity to hold services years. Every contribution will be appreci- Portuguese tradition, it is important and together in our mutual Spanish & Portu- ated, and attendees will receive a special meaningful to know that we have sister guese tradition. Rabbi Albert Gabbai led Alice in Wonderland tea party gift pack- congregations, such as Mikveh Israel, the services, assisted by Hazzan Shalom age, delivered to their home by May 30, who pray as we do and with whom we Garson. Members of our congregation for your own UnGala celebration (top share a strong, longstanding bond. hats not included). participated as well. Zachariah Edinger read the morning zemirot as well as the haftorah, THE BULLETIN May – June 2013 3 CLASSES, LECTURES, AND PROGRAMS THE SOUNDS AND StoRIES SCHOLARS IN PROGRAMS AND OF SEPHARAD AT THE JEWISH RESIDENCE EVENTS CENTER (131 WEST 86TH StREET) DR. AvivA ZORNBERG UPPER WEST SIDE TEEN SHABBAT, MAY 18 SHABBAT, MAY 11 SHABBAT DINNER Part of a two week Seudah Shlishit mini- Dr. Avivah Zornberg is a Jerusalem-based SHABBAT, MAY 3 series exploring the rich culture, history educator, Torah scholar, and philosopher. Shearith Israel hosts teens of the Upper and future of the Sephardic community. Her weekly lectures on the current Torah West Side Modern Orthodox community Our West Side neighbor hosts Shearith portion have an impressive follow- for prayer and Shabbat dinner. Israel Shamash Zachary Edinger to ing — bringing together, among others, discuss our rich Spanish and Portuguese rabbinical students of all denominations, FOLLow ME: THE YONI minhagim. NETANYAHU StoRY artists and professors. Her lectures, like TUESDAY, MAY 7 her books, are a sophisticated mix of ANNUAL MEMORIAL 7:15 pm OBSERVANCE FOR traditional Jewish exegesis, Hasidic texts, Follow Me is an intimate journey into the REvoLUTIONARY WAR Western philosophy, poetry and other life of Lt. Col. Yonatan Netanyahu, hero of VETERANS sources. the 1976 Entebbe hijack and rescue. The SUNDAY, MAY 19 10:30 am For the past twenty-five years, Dr. narration for this compelling film was Zornberg has taught Torah in Jerusalem drawn from Yonatan Netanyahu’s own Honor members who participated in the at Matan, Yakar, Pardes and the Jeru- letters and words, which unveil the com- Revolutionary War with a ceremony and salem College for Adults. Dr. Zornberg plex character of this thoroughly modern Color Guard. Join us as we place Ameri- also holds a Visiting Lectureship at the young hero. $10 suggested donation. No can flags at the graves of the 22 congre- London School of Jewish Studies. registration required. gants who participated in the Revolution- ary War. This cemetery was in use from A SPECIAL SERIES: JUDAISM GIrls’ BOOK OF RUTH 1682-1828 and is located at 55 St. James AND THE ORIGINS OF READING Place, opposite Chatham Square. AMERICA WEDNESDAY, MAY 15 SHABBAT, MAY 18 11:15 am YOUNG LEADERSHIP CoNCERT Rabbi Meir Soloveichik joins our con- On the First Day of Shabuot, the girls of AND RECEPTION FEATURING THE SALOME CHAMBER gregation for the final seminar in our the synagogue chant the Book of Ruth for ORCHESTRA special series. He will join us for morning the congregation in the Main Sanctuary TUESDAY, MAY 21 services followed by a seminar on From after Musaf. Any girl who has learned 7:30 pm the Talmud to Thomas Paine: The Rabbinic to read Hebrew and wants to partici- Back by popular demand, the Salome Influence on American Independence. pate should contact Mrs. Lisa Rohde at Chamber Orchestra performs Jewish [email protected]. music from around the world in our SHABUot SiyyUM TORAH beautiful sanctuary. Shearith Israel Young THURSDAY, MAY 16 Leadership hosts this evening in con- 11:15 am junction with other Jewish Young Leader- In celebration of Shabuot, we are con- ship organizations. Visit our website for ducting a community wide Siyyum Torah. tickets. Individuals and families have reserved one of the 54 parshiyot (Torah portions) to complete by the second day of Shabuot in any language. Followed by a celebra- tory Kiddush. 4 SHEARITH ISRAEL’s VerY LITERARY LUNCH MERRY UNGALA THURSDAY, MAY 9 WEEKLY CLASSES Thursday, May 30 THURSDAY, JUNE 13 12:15 - 1:45 pm SHABBAT For our Annual Gala this year, Shearith Join our monthly gathering where we Learners’ Service Israel is doing something unprecedented. read and discuss a variety of works (fic- THROUGH JUNE 15 We’re having an UnGala to honor every- tion, nonfiction, memoir, personal essay, 9:45-10:45 am one who unselfishly contributes to poetry) from across the ages and around Join Rabbi Shalom Morris in the Little Shearith Israel’s story of prayer, commu- the world.
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