University of New Mexico UNM Digital Repository 1976 The aiD ly Lobo 1971 - 1980 5-21-1976 New Mexico Daily Lobo, Volume 079, No 144, 5/ 21/1976 University of New Mexico Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/daily_lobo_1976 Recommended Citation University of New Mexico. "New Mexico Daily Lobo, Volume 079, No 144, 5/21/1976." 79, 144 (1976). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/daily_lobo_1976/72 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the The aiD ly Lobo 1971 - 1980 at UNM Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in 1976 by an authorized administrator of UNM Digital Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected]. CSY~\..J ~'D 1;) t3 '16- ~ -q ~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ... V\1\~w . t1 ~"--1 "21\ . New Mexico This special · issue of the ~ \87 io LOBO is to acquaint new : C}:JPf J students of UNM's campus ' DAIL;V· and events of 1975-76. Frida , M_ay~2a1i,1it97JJ DEPT. Budget, Tuition Rise UNI\1 ~o:ne•·nl Lil?rary Spec1al Collections Davis'· Freshman Year By Marit s. !J;ully . raised total cost-per-semester for undergraduate UNM President William Davis started the residents to about $260, was approved. · · spring semester by continuing his efforts to get an • • • • • adequate budget for UNM from the state In March, Davis said he was conducting an in­ ·legislature. While the legislature was still in formal investigation of charges (of discrimination, session,. Davis ~lso made the decision to ban a nude . among others) made against UNM Coach Norm dance in Popejoy Hall. Ellenberger by five black basketball players. Davis-wh~ said the dance troupe, "Pilobolus," Davis said there would be no formal investigation gave UNM a choice between programs with or because the filing of formal charges would polarize without nude dancing:.....said his choice was a "mat­ the situation. "I'm trying to find out the dif­ . ter of judgment and tas.te," not censorship. ferences and resolve them," he said. "This doesn't When asked if his decision would have differed if imply a criticism of either the players or the the legislature were not in session, Davis said he coach." There was no public resolution. did not know and added that at the time he was • • • • • very concerned about getting1significant increases Davis participated in a discussion about a UNM in UNM's budget. rathskeller at the March Regent meeting. Davis When the legislative session was over, the said the University would be "flying in the face of. legislature had voted UNM a total expenditure legislative intent" by pursuing a rathskeller before budget of roughly $38.1 million, an increase of the drinking age was lowered in New Mexico. The about 20 per cent over the year before. The Regents voted to wait until the drinking age is Medical School, which is funded separately from lowered before considering support of a the rest of the University, received an increase of rathskeller. UNM President William Davis about 48 per cent over the previous year: The • • • • • legislature also approved" $2.9 million for an ad­ Also in March, Davis appointed Dean of Studen­ dition to the Law School. ts Karen Glaser as UNM's Title VI and XI coor­ Computer· to E~se . .' dinator. Titles VI and IX are federal guidelines . At the February Regent meeting, Davis _recom­ barring discrimination and requiring institutions mended a tuition increase, which had been ap­ "to orovide equal opportunities for all students. proved by the legislature. Th~ increase, whi_ch IConllnued on page 131 ~--Registration Hassles . ' . J•" • . "' -' By S.K. •owman . Long registration lines streaming out of Johnson Gym will become R~QueSt ··For ·BuSiness Grad School a .thing of the past this fall as UNM converts its registration procedure to a quicker, more efficient computerb:ed system. The new system, mydeled after a system developed for Southern Illinois Univer.sity, consists of a mini-computer at the Registration Approved ·By UniVersity .Facul~y · Center linked to a larger computer on campus. The system provides By Susan Walton "Our school is not like (the other students with on-the-spot confirmation of classes and an immediate The UNM faculty approved a schools in the UNM Graduate schedule of classes. ·request from the ·dean of the School). We're like the School of · "The old system was computerized, but' awkward," said Rick Robert 0 .. Anderson School of Medicine and Law. We need the Legoza, UNM associate registrar. ·••card mix-ups and computer time Business . and Administrative recognition of a title to designate availability often caused delays." Sciences <B&AS) to establish a ourselves .as a professional The new system features four video-display terminals, a class Graduate School of Business and school," Rel)der said. schedule printer, and a course-status board which lists closed and Administrative Sciences .. uwe duplicate the efforts of the restricted courses. This will allow the BlrAS Grad School. We have our own With the new system have .come major changes in the a:egistration graduate school to become admissions committees, scr~ning procedure. Previously, a student who was not pre-registered had to separate from the UNM Graduate and counseling," he said. "We'd • attend walkthrough registration, usually held the week before classes School, as are the law and medical appreciate the . .recognition the began. Now students may register continuously for the fall semester scbools. University can give us, if not the 'I .l beginning Ju!v 12.. · At the April .30 faculty meeting, budget." !l after a long debate, Dean Robert Bernard Spolsky, dean of the "If a student pays his tuition and registef'S during the summer, he· R. Rehder of B&AS convinced the Graduate Schoo) said it would be will avoid the last-minute rush and the lines." faculty that -the school should have "unwise to consider the B&AS its own graduate school. request until the Adams re.,Ort is Rehder said there were two main considered." 'lbe Adams report is ~-Lobopholo "The earlier a student registers, the better his chances of getting reasons for the change: a report to be made by the com­ Bernard Spolsky the courses of his c)loice," Legoza said. professional recognition and ef­ mittee headed by Clinton Adams, With continuous registration· during the second half of the summer, ficiency. dean of' Fine Arts, on the situation the Graduate Committee; the Registration Center hopes to eliminate the loQg ·lines typical of of the UNM Graduate School. -Listed their recommendations registration in previous years. Spolsky said the B&AS has for degrees in different UNM "If a student pays hi~ tuition and registers during the summer, he recognition: Hit's accredited." He schools and colleges; · will avoid the last-minute rush and the lines," Legoza said. "Wi~h this also said about efficiency, "the -Heard an explanatory talk new system, the student has the opportunity to avoid standing in line. Graduate School no longer screens from the Equal Employment With the old system, he had no choice." . · . ·(applicants), we assume other Opportunity Officer; The new procedure is a ·far cry from the churning crowd inside departments do it." -Heard a report of the· Ad Hoc Johnson Gym with the cardboard departmental signs and the bins of · The faculty also heard from Committee on the Status of the course cards. Except for. the student's final sc.hedule of classes, the Division of Computer and lnfor* 4 Spolsky a proposal to estabJish a· cards are gone; replaced by video display termina1S and printout. degree of Master of Arts in mation Science; machines. ·. Theatre, which they referred to the -Voted to have an attorney go Under the new system, a student submits his·list of desired courses UNM Regents for approval. over the annual report of the · to a Registration Center employee who keys the courses into the com­ ' Athletic Council and their proposal Spolsky said now ·that Rode'y for compliance with Title IX to puter. Tile computer responds with information about the classes, in­ Theater is completed and is an check the legalitY of it~. cluding. the. maximum number of students. allowed and the number adeq\late theater for the depart­ already registered. The computer also indicates if a course is restric_. ment, he saw no reason for waiting ·ted, requiring advance approval of the instructor. The student's · -Elected five faculty or ad~ any longer to establish the degree. ministrators to be on the Com­ program of study is then entered into the computer, which records In other action, the faculty: the program for transferral to the larger computer and prints out a mittee of Five which will act as a --Approved the Faculty Policy steering committee for the new schedule of classes for the student. I Committee's recommendations for Faculty Senate and will prepare I The entire procedure takes less than five minutes. Photo by Wendell Hunt faculty members on standing the agenda for the first meeting of In addition, the system has a "manual override" for cl~sed classes. IC•llltintll'd on. pagu 6) !foben R. Rehder committees with the exception of the Faculty Senate next fall. · .. 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