University of Nebraska at Omaha DigitalCommons@UNO Kabul Times Digitized Newspaper Archives 3-18-1967 Kabul Times (March 18, 1967, vol. 5, no. 294) Bakhtar News Agency Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.unomaha.edu/kabultimes Part of the International and Area Studies Commons Recommended Citation Bakhtar News Agency, "Kabul Times (March 18, 1967, vol. 5, no. 294)" (1967). Kabul Times. 1436. https://digitalcommons.unomaha.edu/kabultimes/1436 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Digitized Newspaper Archives at DigitalCommons@UNO. It has been accepted for inclusion in Kabul Times by an authorized administrator of DigitalCommons@UNO. For more information, please contact [email protected]. t,,, ". ' , ". , .. ' :\. ,. \ ," I ' ' .. .\ . ", ... ' . '_ ,~""",,:" ...,.-,-,-:.:.~ --;-::- , ;. .. ..----.... ......-.. " - '" ' '", '.' ,1 "' ,I. .'.':, :.,' ',' I , ," ' ,. '" j' " .. , .. ... " "'-' fiAGE 4 ll i' •. 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III'-il'~.~iI:·.''ii'••••!IlI~ with hea"y Rins In the northern, W i.lght locusts in any threat~n~ \,~<! southern, ·southeastern. and cen- ARIANA CINEMA ·area., , . tral repoas. , .'-.~ ~ .~~~~ At i: 3'0,' 4, 6: 3o.:·and 9 p.m. :I'beeommissfon'$ iJl~belji" are .. ..': Yeste-nlaY'S precipitation was.. F:rench Film COME.o: Afghailist~ri,,,,-Itah;. ,liIdia, , "llnc;l '.~_:-~.~ recorded' 'lIS f0U,0W8: Kabul 1 ~: . ;;".. ;. DANCE Wn;H ME PaJ<istan. A1Jdull,ah .F.a1z~r. pre-. Vol.. V,·., No;~~'::;<' , . i I' .KAB.. ·.- .. UL··..... g'A"cTU·"RD·'A~3;·,:MAR··M'. 'CH '1'0·, ~ Kandahar 16 lIlJhi Ghamf 54 rom; .. - ......",--' .... , '.. ' ',. .... ..' . ;, I ' ,x. , ~...;_19~6..';.'...(",H...O..O",..;.T.•27..;._..131....5;.,.•S.,H.,,;,) .-_.· ..;, ;;.l'rl~oe,;;.,,;A1;;;;;,..;3;. • PARK CINEMA:· sident of plant;protection,dl1Part·, • Herat 9:mm: Mazare' Sharif 15 At 2, 4: 30 1- iuid 9 ·p.m. ment of ··tlie.'Ministry ·of Agni:u!'. mm: Mdmana 14 inni rain; Knu­ American Film' MAYA :hire and irrigation who returned . " dllZ 6 rom; Gardez 4 rom;· Mukur - to IKabul. y#!erday, . .' H:M::,I<Lli!;B:K,:E,':DI:st'fjS:SO:,\9~V$·~-t·b·,i·~· 41 mm; and Kalat 7 mm. Royal Audience- Yesterday's temperamn.s: International Club'. IN'!'ERNATIONAL CLUB KABUL, March 10, (Bakhtar) Kabul 5C 3C :rburilday. March 23rd, U' EDJ Every Tburs,lay 8.30 p.m. In- The following were received by 4lF 37F NAOROZ DANCE: forinal' Dinner Danee '~,~F'R'G ~TI'E'$. His Majesty in audience during Kandahar I'lC 9C LoUlllie suU /. """tomes- . with strie:N'GTFJE'N 'A"G:HA,N MI!:iaa the week ended Thursday; 63F 48F spe<:ld ,Afghan Naoroa .meDu.: M- ," 'Die Blue Sharks Noor Ahmad Etemadi, First De­ Herat IlC 3C ghan musicians iuid "Blue SJiar-..\ Saturday. March 18th: Prifs.~~r.t1.'n1Wuri£e~·, ~i,ft S1Jste~ ~ ,puty Prime Minister and Minis­ 52F 37F kes." Door iuuI.'-~es,~.. · Teen-Dance Night 8.30 p:m. with . .. Of water ter of. Foreign Affairs; Dr. Mo­ Ghazni 5C 'OC Make your reservation at..th~ pt- ~U8le by . , I\ABU.L.f; ,~arch' 18, .(Bakhtar).-,.Dr•. Helntich Luebke, President of the Federal Republic,. hammad Yousuf, Afghan ambas­ 14F' 32F flee. or Tel: 21500· ' ,', " , ..:, ',' ODDS AND ENDS . -- ct GermaI\Ydn~..t: IDs'l'Iajesty the Kiilg In Delkusha Palace yesterday morning at 11:30. The . sador in Bonn; Lt,. Gen. Sadullah . .1'" '. meeting'laSted an' hour. Tribu~ " , .. .', . ' . President of the Military An Afghan.'spokesman bter'said tfillt-'matters of mutu'"l in­ nal in the 'Ministry of National terest to Afghanistan and FRG, including. the expansion .of eco" Defenee; Nesar Ahmad Shairzai ,-- .Thoracic I;Iinic nomic and cultural ties between the 'two cohntries. we,'e' d's­ Governor 'of Badakhshan and Abdul Ghani Ghausi President of cussed. President Luebke presented a the' Banke Millie. • Opened Here ' On tbe Afghan side. tbe following personally signed letter to His '. His '. Majesty also' received were present: Prime Minister Mo· Majesty. whieh said: Khan Abdul Ghaffar Khan. ~ABUL •.Mar¢h.· 18•. (Bakhtar) hammad Hashim Maiwandwal; '. "On lbe occasion of my visit 10 -'l'he -thoracic clinic at Avic~nna ,Noor Ahmad Etemadl. First .I;>e- the Kingdom of Afghanistim . it hospital was deela'red open.by, the puty Prime Minister and Minis- is. a partieular pleasure' for me Minister of Public Heal~h, Miss ter of Foreign Affairs; All Me- to. give the following assuranee to Kobra Noorzai. Thursday' lifter- hllt!lJllad. Minister of Court; Ab- the people' and tbe government of SHAW FORMALLY . noon. dullah ·Yaftali. Minister Without ,Afghanistan: , Powerhouse and open air power distribution of the hydr­ In a speech the Minister ex- . Portfolio; Dr. Mohammad Osman "Tne government cf Il,c Federal pressed hope that present activi­ Anwari, Minister of Education; Republic elf Germany is prepared CHARGED WITH oelectric power plantMahipar, which was financed by German ties of the, government for the ba­ Dr. Abdul Hakim' Ziayee, Minis· to supply. at its own cost. to , -' lanced development of preven­ ter of Planning. Kbost, the capital of Pakthia, a tive and curative medicine would The following were present on water supply system consisting of CONSPIRACY continue, credit aid granted in the scope of AfghaniGerman coopera- the German side: Hans Jurgen reservoir, pumps, pipelines and NEW ORLEANS, Louisiaoa, The Minister thanked a num­ Wis~hnewskit Minister for .Ecbno- lap connection to help ensure March 18. (APl,-A special thrce­ ber ~f officials for helping estab. mic Cooperation; Prof. Herman that the city is provided with tion. Iish the clinic. judge criminal district court for­ Mayer Lindenberg, Chief of Di- good drinking water. mally charged Clay L. Shaw Friday During the past 30 years tho­ vision 1 of ,the Foreign Ministry; "f hope that f am hereby mak­ with conspiring to murder President Delivery and mounting of the electrotechnical parts by racic treatment has made such Dr. Lewit Wertz. chief of the cul- ing a contribution towards im­ John F. Kennedy. headway in other ""untries, the tural division in tht Foreign Mi- provinil public health in the pro­ Minister said. District Attorney Jim Garrison SIEMENS AG, Germany, repre~nted by SIEMENS AFGH- ' nistry; Dr. Hanz Schwartzmann, vincial capital and towards stren-' said he will file a bill of information This dlnic will have a capaci­ chief of the protocol department gthening still more the friendly against the wealthy retired executive, ty of 40 patients. The clinic is in the Foreign Ministry. and Dr. relations tha.t have alwavs exist­ equipped with modem equip­ bypassing the grand jury. and mak­ NISTAN LTD, Kabul. Hermann Zehrberg, chief private cd between our two peoples," ing Shaw the first man ever sent to ment. Dr. Robert Shaw, who waS secretary to the. President's Office. On Thursday evening Prcs:dent trial in the historic slaying, also thanked by the Minister The ambassador of Afghanistan· and Mrs. Luebke a!leoccd, oan- Saturday~ Garrison didn't say when the bill will see patients on in Bonn and the FRG ambassador ql]et held in their honour by Their will be filed, Mondays and Wednesda:rs. in Kabul were also present.· Majesties the Kiog and Queen, Tbcy The coun's decision wa~ a victory called on Their' Majesties in Gul­ for Garrisson. who expressed confi­ khana palace returning the visit dence from !he 'itarl Garrison has paid by their Majesties 10 Chilse­ said he will make further arrests and Special UN Mission Due In toon palace where the dis,jnrui'ihed obtain convictions. guests are staying. The three judges ruled unani­ Among those attending the ban­ mously that the district attorney had We say -Lufthansa -"eadlng in servlce-. Aden On First Of April quet were Prime Minister Moham­ presented sufficienl evidence in the By this we mean the service you receive when entering ~ur offlc&: mad Hashim Maiwandwal and his four-day preliminary hearing to war­ Information about d9stinatlon, .pas, festival., faIrs and exhibition•. wife, members of the cabinet and rani holding Shaw for further pro. UNITED NATIONS, March 18. (DPA).­ ceedings. We men" our stewardesses, pilots, engineers, and of course our plane•• The, .fiPCClal UN mlsslou for Aden will leave here Monday for their wives and high ranking civil 'His Majesty the King and President Heinrich Luebke and military otm:ials. at the banquet'held at Delkusha palace Thursday evening. Their finding meant that Garri~ Actually we have 01 mind everything that strikes you as pleasant when Aden,. ,via 'London a spokesman for the United Nations announced. [n banquet speeches bolh His Ma­ son's accusation against Shaw be­ you fly' with us, talk to us, or make your first contact with U8. ' The ;"three-member mission is to fairness, justice and freedom of ex- jesty and President Luebke empha­ came a formal charge. The maxi­ Therefore call first, when planning your next trip. make an OD site lnspecUon of the pression on which the UN was. pre- on lufthansa sised the close ties which have long Maiwandwals Give Reception mum penalty would be 20 years in Departure from Tehran situation in Aden and then report dieted. b.ound their countries together. prison. to the UN colorital conunlttee. Jamil BaroodY, the chlef delegate Tuesday .. Wedneadat- Friday- Sunday at 06: 20' Earlier in. the day, President ,.and ~-- Friday, another witness testified The commission consists at of Saudi Arabia, got around this Mrs.
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