VOLUME :xxxiii “All The County News For Everybody” MOCKSVILLE, N. С., FRIDAY, APRIL 7, 1950 “AU The County News For Everybody” No. 2 Four Caididates Seek Office HERE&IHERE GRAND JURY Long Range Farm Program HIGHWAY MEETING MAKES REPORT For Oavie Conty Sheriff The grand jury, with R. C. Ba­ Highway Commisioner Mark Presented To Davie Group singer as foreman and S. W . Fur- Goforth will hold meeting Tues­ Two Democrats ches as secretary, acted on 74 day, April 11, at 10 a.m. in the Improved Rural File For Office true bills during the recent ses­ WALTER L CALL small court room, Forsyth county Davie Raises $2,234.81 LEO COZART TO sion of Davie superior court. In Living Is Aim Davie’s political pot began to courthouse, Winston--Salem, in­ boil this week as two Democrats addition four bills were found not In Red Cross Drive MANAGE BALL TEAM Farmers and agriculture work« DIES SUDDENLY stead of April 10. due to Easter filed for the office of sheriff. C. true, and one continued bccause Rev. A. J. Cox, finance chair­ Leo Cozart has been named ers of Davie county held a meet* Walter L. Call, 66, died unex­ Monday holiday, A. “Doc” Tutterow of Mocksville, of failure of witnesses to ap­ man, reported Tuesday that the manager of the Mocksville base­ ing in the local court house last pectedly at e p.m. yesterday at R. 1, and W . L. Wallace of R. 2, pear. annual Red Cross drive in Davie ball team for the comng season. Friday night. At this meeting the his home on Hardiston street FRATERNITY paid their filing fee and officially After inspecting the various county had exceeded its quota. He will take up his duties im­ recommendation of the county’s here. Proficiency in Spanish has won announced themselves as candi­ county institutions the following Mr. Cox reported a total of $2,- mediately and start moulding a long range farm program was He was a barber by trade and for Miss Anne Frost, daughter of dates for the office of sheriff, recommendations were submitted 234.81 raised in Davie. The coun­ team fo rthe current season which presented. had spent most of his life in Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Frost of Route subject to the May primary. to his honor. Judge J-. C. Rudisill: ty quota was $2,200. opens April 29. This program was developed to Mocksville. He was the son of 2, Mocksville, and student at fill a definite need for an agri­ <*Doc” Tnttcrow” County Home Mr. Cox praised the coopera­ M. H. Murray, president of the Tom and Alice Riley Call. Woman’s College of U. N. C., cultural program offering better Mr. Tutterow, who filed last Inclose shower bath in toilet tion he had received in the drive. Davie Memorial Association, an­ Surviving are the wife, the for­ Greensboro, nttmbership in Sig­ land and labor utilization. Also Thursday, has over 17 years of room. New floor for kitchen. One He stated: “The success of this nounced Wednesday that Cozart mer Stella Haneline; two broth­ ma Delta Pi h m m r y Spanish to provide the highest possible experience in the law enforce­ bedroom needs new floor. Have year’s Red Cross drive is a trib­ had accepted the post of . recrea­ ers, Grady F. Call of Sumter, S. iraternity. Mlii Frost Is a grad' farm income on a long time basis. ment business. He served as a de­ privat? telephone installed as ute to the citizens of this county. tion director for the park and C„ and W. Б. Call of Mocksville, Uate of the Mocksville High tective and patrolman on the SOon as possible. Install ccntral It is illustrative of their com­ the managership of the local ball Developed LecaU y >ind two sisters, Mrs. Mary Nail school. Winston-Salem department for heating system. Paint barn. Ac­ passion for their fellow human club. The summer recreation Such a program .was developed of Mocksville and Mrs. Jessie 16 years. .During the war he quire small tractor and equip­ beings. I wish to thank those program at the park will begin by a group of local farmers, Wagner of High Point. ()VARTET AT WM. R. OAVIB served as policeman in Oak Ridge, ment to facilitate farming opera­ who made donations and those as sbon as school is out. home-makers, and business peo­ Funeral services were held at The North State quartet will (Tenn. While at Oak Ridge Mr. tions. who helped the success of the Cozart has requested that any­ ple. Aiding and guiding in this the home at 3 p.m. Wednesday. render a program at the William Tutterow was selected on the ba* Fifteen boarders were reported campaign by donating their time one interested in playing baseball program were the coiuity agri­ The Rev. A. J. Cox conducted the R. Davie school, Saturday, April sis of merit to take a spccial train­ at the county home. and leadership.” with Mocksville in the Yadkin cultural workers and extension service, assisted by the Rev. J. P. 8, at 8 p.m. .This program is spon­ ing course in the FBI academy. PriMa Саш» Mrs. Nancy Tutterow served as Valley league this season, contact specialists from State college. Davis and the Rev. E. H. GartreU. sored by the Union Chapel church At the present Mr. Tutterow is Repair stove and stove pipe in treasurer of the campaign. The him as soon as possible. Prac­ This program was planned with Burial was in Oak Grove Meth­ and proceeds will go into the employed by the Heritage Furni­ prisoner’s sleeping quarters. Add complete breakdown of financial tice and workouts will begin just the idea that fanners will put into odist church cemetery. building fund. practice each year as many rec­ ture company of Mocksville and new glass in windows where report submitted by her is as as soon as weather and field con­ Pallbearers were: Harley Sof­ ommendations engaged in farming. needed. follows: ditions permit. Practice is tenr as possible. ley, S. M. Call, Knox Johnstone, FILLS PVLPn Forty-nine prisoners are now Fork community ...........| 30.00 atively scheduled to begin the The different phases ot the Wallace Filca Rufus Sanford, Jr., Clayton Groce In the ateence of the pastor. occupying the camp. Ample sup­ Farmington community .. 117.05 last of this week. program and the reconunenda- W . L. Wallace paid his filing and H. M. Arnold. Rev. A. J. Cox, on Sunday, April ply of food and clothing was re­ Shady Grove Com......... 38.70 tions were presented by commit­ fee on Tuesday of this week and It was pointed out that the 16, Dr. Cecil W . Robbins, editor ported. Livestock consisted of Cooleemee MiU ................422.17 tee members present. At the close announced that he was filing for local team will pertiaps have to Home Demonstrtakni of the North Carolina Christian 35 hogs, 3 milk cows. Excellent Cooleemee business dis­ of the meeting each person pres­ sheriff upon the urging of friends be completely . rebuilt this sea­ advocate, will preach at Mocks­ garden. Dining room and kitchen trict and North Coo- son, and that all of the positions ent was presented a copy of this from all over the county. At the Club Schedule ville Methodist church, at 11:00 found clean and in good condi­ leeroee .......................... 80.50 are wide open. proposed long range program. present time he is engaged in gen­ Dulins club will meet in the o'clock service. At the same hour tion, ' - Smith Grove ... .’........... 40.07 . Vrgw eral farming and the saw mill hut on Tuesday, April 11, at 7:30. on April 23, Dr. Carl Kirk of Xall НОЯИ MocksviUe ................... 1,259.56 M. S. Williams, state farm man­ business. He is a member of the Miss Addie Maye Foster, hostess. Mrs. Stevens Takes Salisbury-, secretary of the board Reported that dining room and Jerusalem ..................... 245.86 agement specialist, spoke briefly Bear Creek Baptist church. Mar­ 'Leaders in charge: Family Life, of education of the Methodist kitchen has been repaired. Inside Position with County to the group on the program. He ried and has eight children. Mrs. Herbert Barney; Home Man­ churches, will preach. of building and prisoners’ quar­ $2,234.81 The commisioners of Davie urged cooperation and pointed This brings the total of candi­ agement, Mrs. Thurman Foster. ters found clean. Inmates report county at their regular meeting out that the sole purpose was to dates seeking the office of sher­ Bailey’s Chapel club will meet SUNRISE SERVICE good care and wholesome meals. elected Mrs. Eloise Stevens as bring about improved rural liv­ iff to four. Two Republicans, A. with Mrs. Ernest Livengood, Mrs. Bill Benson Speaks There will be a union Easter Repair leaking pipe in cell toi­ county financial agent and tax ing. He pointed out that if the H. Hoots and Alo.\ Tucker, pre­ Clove Allen, co-hostess, Wednes- sunrise scrvico held at Mocksville let. Use roofing cement to stop For Local Rotarians supervisor. recommendations were put into viously have filed. daq, April 12, at 2:30 p.m. Lead­ practice on the individual farms Methodist church on Sunday leak in porch roof. Reconimended Bill Benson, Mocksville High Mrs. Stevens succeeds Miss As we go to press, no one of ers in charge: Family Life, Mrs. it would bring about an increase morning, April 9, at 6:30. The four fireproof mattresses put in school senior, spoke before the Inez Naylor, who has resigned either party has filed for the of­ Will Myers; Home Management, in farm income and an improved Rev, A, J.
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