STATION PA Turnpike Interchange Study at WELSH ROAD WELSH RD dDELAWARE VALLEY "REGl!.rpc 01 Where Do You Live, Work, or Play? PLANNING COMMISSION - I ~ " ...- , •. .,,. .-...._ WARRINGTON WARMINSTER UPPER SOUTHAMPTON ,; f~t"'~~ 1;,,1.~,..~""""... _""'"'·.,,,11 ,-, t,-,~ ~ ~~ _,.~Jt ,. t JL~.--..;,,fo=f.':... N E 0 1/4 1/2 1 Miles 263 Imagery Source: Southeastern PA Regional Task Force W S 611 UPPER MORELAND (2017) Byberry Rd Byberry Rd • . , /'. - '" Hatboro ,. HORSHAM 276 3 Horsham Rd M i le s Bryn Athyn 232 611 2 343 M i le 152 s 263 1 M i le LOWER MORELAND /1 2 611 M sh R d i Wel le Proposed CRASH DATA DESCRIPTION Interchange Location d R ad e l d Ro i n Old Welsh R n w M w o 2 t o / 152 r d rist 1 309 r e t o R N a y e w l tz l e i a l F i V M 1 Rd n sto 611 s Ea e l 232 i M LOWER GWYNEDD 152 309 2 276 N Be th leh em ABINGTON P ike s e d l i R n M w 3 to r Penllyn Pike Penllyn e t a w z UPPER DUBLIN it 152 F d on R on Rockledge st a E Ambler 276 Je 309 nkintown Rd Jenkintown 152 339 Morris Rd WHITPAIN CHELTENHAM WHITEMARSH SPRINGFIELD STATION PA Turnpike Interchange Study at WELSH ROAD WELSH RD dDELAWARE VALLEY "REGl!.rpc 02 Project Background PLANNING COMMISSION PROJECT OVERVIEW PROJECT SCOPE NEW, WlD BNEiD OR R.ECONSTRUCfED As part of Montgomery County’s 2015 Turnpike Corridor Reinvestment Project, the county identified a need for PAVEMENT PHASE 1 (2017 - 2018) MILL&.. OVERLAY fJ:tl:i-./;t1:8 PAVEMENTREMOVAL NEW OR RECONSTRUCTED seven new or modified PA Turnpike (I-276) interchanges. The construction of new interchanges at these A project steering committee was STRUCTURE locations would increase PA Turnpike access for many communities and support economic formed, traffic counts and field NEW RETA[NJNG WALL revitalization. data were collected, and a base network of roads within the study Several municipalities have expressed support for these new interchanges, while also articulating concerns area was prepared in traffic about potential traffic impacts. DVRPC is studying two of the proposed new interchanges at Welsh Road in simulation software. Upper Dublin Township and Henderson Road in Upper Merion Township. PHASE 2 (2018 - 2019) The purpose of the PA Turnpike Interchange Study is to: Traffic operational modeling will be conducted, deficiencies in the • Identify the potential impacts of the proposed new interchange on local traffic; transportation network will be identified and solutions modeled. ~ • Identify areas where traffic congestion may increase as a result of the proposed new interchange; and Future scenarios will be shared with ~.Rll../NfZfJMEN'T .PJtQIEC7 PO'fEAi7TAL M!LSHGOAD (7-'A tfJ) lNTliRCWANOB the steering committee and the UP.PEN OUBllNJ UH.iK,VOJM'LANJ) 7VJAAISH/P.5' Boles Smyth Associates Inc. • Develop recommendations to ease traffic congestion on local roads. public and finalized in a report. lmaglnalion • Engfrtoering • E•c•llenc• Hatboro Pennsylvania Turnpike Corridor Reinvestment Project 0MCPC STUDY AREA - - - , Montgomery County Planning Comm1ss1on The proposed new Full System Investment ("Full Build") Southeastern Pennsylvania Interchanges Welsh Road Mill Rd Gibral tar Rd This scenario would provide three new interchanges at Henderson Road, Lafayette Street/Ridge Pike, and PA-63 Welsh Road; 19.So/o add east bound off and east bound on ramps at the current Virg inia Drive interchange, and construct a new Commerce Drive 41,650 New Trips interchange will connector ramp at the Fort Washington interchange. It would modernize the PA-611 Willow Grove interchange and the Valley Forge interchange by providing direct ramps to First Avenue in the King of Prussia Business Park both from the Turnpike and the provide connections to 2040Volume Schuylkill Expressway. Current Volume 263 2042 (No Action) 389,300 Current Dally Volume = 389,300 430,900 I-276 from three points 2040 Volume (No Action) ~ 430,900 (+10.7% increase over Current) UPPER MOREtAND 2040 Volume (Full Build) = 516,200 (+19 .8% increase over No Action) on Welsh Road, and I Design and 2040 with Full Build Construction HORSHAM New Trips Each Day: 42,650 from the Prudential Cumulative Revenue : $481 Million Cost Design and Construction Cost: $232 Million I business campus. / --- -;,,}-=;;:.::::-Wel sh Rd ------ --:-- • 49,000 ;-.-- t 57,500 "' I UPPER DUBLIN WILLOW GROVE Several major roads Wi/ 1w, /fV ~ 1/! LANSDALE / (Exit 343) / .. ____ _., i ,, , _ 45,800 \--- -• ,-• - ,r=~;---.-~-- 12029 11 _,._...7 ' ', I ••._;~I I and intersections t -, I I I I I I - -: ·-~ .---+---~ I I , 1- - , .... -+ - \"., I ' I \ ,>-- I +-r-... -1 44,000 11,400 ', I I I I ' I __ .._ .. \ I I / I .... T,'I' I ,"" .... ---- ../ o ..-•"._. t I I I _. .... --1 \ , I ., ' -• I 1I I_J ( I l)I ---t I ..,_,. •-~ I I I ' 6,800 connecting to Welsh 1; ., ., ' ., ., -~ •• r_...__..,_ '/ ,' ' --+--,. J I > --l .. } ..... VIRGINIA DRIVE t---7•-.,.' I -. .. .i.T .. - ~'r-· 1 -.._ / ' ( ',c' L-r- I ., ~..---1 •,.--+--+' ' • I ',._, J I I ~-,J ' ABINGTON (Modin,d Exit 340) _., I 7" - .--- •---, 1-- ., ' ' , I -- '•--• • -~ .. ,__., I - I .t ,_ Road will be evaluated • ' ' -.. ' .... ' ' ' ' I g --t·+-. .,. : / I 1 .,----1 ' 2024 ..,~•( • I. ---• 1 I y 24,700 , ... _.:... __ I , I •--" 1 -• ,- 1 .,.T / ' l -T-..---- I I I / I I I ; \ - -'"- I ' , 1 I I I / r--... _l_J. ___ ., .,"---- _... ... ' J ' I 1 (- : ' .. \ _,.,/_:, ___.,,._t_ for potential traffic I ., \ --4 ' ' I I / I _.,.,..-+-i ,1,.- ... -..... , ....... -- ' ... J : ', '-----:'--.., ,---.._I I I I- -,,.1 I ~ •- ,._,, ! 21,500 24,800 WELSH ROAD I I I I ' I I "--c ' ~--l- J : , ,"...,", ,,. impact. Due to time 1 (Potential Exit 342) ·,' I ; I '.1t.,..T .. T - I 1"- ... ' -t -·- , ' ' ~ •- \ I- - ... - ... _ ' 17,700 ' ' , ' I I ..__.,_ ..-.,_ - ~-Tl I •-' ---t' ' ·,,.---t J I I I I , , I NORRISTOWN ' ' , 1 I I I -- • --r-T-1---4. 63,200 constraints, a number ' I I I I I I I I ' LAFAYETTE/RIDGE (Exit 333) ' ' , ' 1 .,.. .. .l .. --t I • ---1 I I ~ -.., ' 1--.L-..L .. -,-r.L-1-1-..! _..,.#o (Potemlai' Exit 311) 'I '\ r•~ ,' ,· Q '--f 87,000 -·- 55,500 ' f ----~ I I I I _,.' __ --, J '' -.-• / / ,1 FORT WASHINGTON , , ___ ...._ ~.,.,, --• of major roads west of ~ '-----' : r--r-r-- 70,600 (Modified 338) 2017 b:\ o----'--,--i-..:..--, ' ""'!- ----",""',:i::.....,..-, .~ l---+-c_....:..+-""-----11100,r,r------1r.-'-'.f-:----t"--'r--....,. VALLEY FORGE ' 1- ... -- ' ' ' ! ; 't, .. ,,j,' _ _, ' ' ~-1-----1 C.'f ,-"-,.; , ,' ,'' the interchange are ' ' I , I t I I I ' I .. I ' I ' ·- ,.- l I I I / I .,.' I / / ·0 I 81..,600 ' I ""'!' ._,~ ~- ~-... tt.l-- ...... ' ,,,, I ' ' ! 88,800 recommended for MID-COUNTY future study as part of 0 ½ 1 2 >-----+-----+----------< Miles 20,6,00 Welsh Road N ' ' a supplemental project Network• Nod e Ne1work Link Pending OVRPC Microsimulation Network Sot.-1r ce: DVRPC Con1roct Supplement w , s HENDERSON ROAD LEG~ D phase. • ---(Potcntio! Exit 329) 104,0'Qally Volu e (Full Bulld}.,.-­ '204) Dail Volume, (No Action) p / STATION PA Turnpike Interchange Study at WELSH ROAD WELSH RD dDELAWARE VALLEY "REGl!.rpc 03 Study Area Description PLANNING COMMISSION / 1. Bloir Rood Corridor & Intersection lmptovemen ts 2. Copodty &Multimodol lmprovemen15 3. Corridor Frber Op1idSignol Upgrades&. Coordination 4. Eoston Rood (PA61l) ITS lmprovemen1s. 5. 1•276 Interchange ol Willow Grove Modificat ions New Rd 6. 1-ll6 lnterchonge ot Welsh Road .I 'fl «ra., .. ,.. ,..,,.n .. 7. Bridge Reh ob at Willow Grove lnter,::hange Gibraltar Rd 8, New Sidewalk Along Dresher and Witmer Roods Gibraltar Rd 9. SidewolkAlang Bloir Mill Rood 10, SignoVlns!all Fiber Optic on Dtesher Road 11 . Welsh Road Resurfacing 12.-16. New Trollic Si9r1ol 17. Si9nol Upgrades 18. Pedeslfior1 Crossing Upgrode or1d Roodw0y n«@ ... ,.. ,,.,,.n» Widening for Me.lion ln stollotion . 19. New Tra il ,.__-,, 20. Blair Mill Rood Resurfacing (2019) W!ttt;, -- I 2 1. Welsh Rood Widening: Extend Eos1bound Through-lone ~r~~ ~"'-l---- 22. Righ t-t um lone Improvements; Channelized Rig h1-1urn CommerC<:! Ave. ~ - 111« ·===. » - '" ., a; " "C 0 ,;, .. e• "' ff • Moreland Rd ~ ~ 63 ,_.,.._ _ _ ..__,,, 63 u ---~w~•~'~"~'~'--1 • ~ Welsh Rd Welsh Rd Moreland Rd 1-------463 1-_;;==--- "' ., ,, " ... ·- I ' ~ 0 Location of Proposed • C' Interchange . ~" ··.... .~ • ~ A'' Agrin,h,.,,e - M ining Sing le- Fomily Detached I. 104 Wilmer Rood 6. Hihon Hotel \L Sto1ion ol Willow Grove 2. 20QW;1mer Rood Apartments 7. Hor5hc,m Villoge 12. Regenq ot Upper DtJblin Bridge Repoir/ Replocement - Commercial - Recreation - Transportation - Wo1cr 0 ¼ ½ 1 3. 2405 Maryland Rood 8. Lofts on Dovisville Rood 13. The Promenade o r Upper Dubli n 0 ¼ ½ 1 • C 0 ¼ ½ 1 N ~ E Miles N ' E " 4 ' 0 Roadway New Co po city Community - Multifamily Utility - Wooded ,----1----.----------, 4, Asplundh Cancer Center 9. Philadelphia Freedom Volley YMCA 14. Wowo, Chick-fil-A, Bonk Miles ~ z Miles 0 • • (!• Proposed Transportation V<,cont 5. Fairfield Inn 10 . Prudential Tract - BT Dreshertowl'I, LP 15. Westgate (Strip Moll & Medical Building) z Signol/lTS lmprovemen1s - Industrial - Row Homt Source: DVRPC (2015) Source: DVRPC. MCPC, Ho,sl1<m1 Township ~ • • 0• Source: DVRPC, PennDOT, BfTJnve11ments w , s w , s u. Roadway Rehobilitotion m Projects New Land Developments • 0 w , ' Bicycle/ Pedemion Improve ments DVRPC Land Use (2015) * ( Planned or Under Construction 2017-Present ) * • * LAND USE DEVELOPMENT NEARBY TRANSPORATION PROJECTS Land use surrounding the proposed new interchange is A number of significant developments have been approved in The Welsh Road interchange is one of many transportation characterized by a mix of residential and commercial uses. recent years. This map shows recent and upcoming improvements proposed for the study area to improve traffic South of I-276 and surrounding the commercial core, developments with at least 50 residential units, or at least flow, safety, and transportation choice.
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