SUPPLEMENT TO THE CEYLON GOVERNMENT No. 8,005 — FRID AY, SEPTEMBER 15, 1933. BOOK LIST. Statement of Books Printed in Ceylon, and Registered under Ordinance No. 1 of 1885, during the Quarter ended June 30, 1933. CONTRACTIONS: 1 = The Language in which the^Book is written ; 2 =* The Nameof the Author,Translator,or Editor of the Book, or am Part thereof * 3 = Subject M atter; 4 = Where Printed; 5 = Where Published; 6 =» Printers; 7 — Publishers; 8 =» Date of Issue; 9 « Number of Pages * 10 — Size ; 11 = Number of Edition ;■ 1 2 The Number of Copies of which the Edition consists ; 13 « 'Price ; 14. « The Name and Residence of the Proprietor of the Copyright or of any Portion of Copyright. AGRICULTURAL. ASTROLOGICAL. 25997 T he Tropical Agriculturist,-F ebruary, 26010 Siromani Panghanga Lita, 1933-1934. 1933, V ol. 80, No. 2. - 1 Sinhalese, 2 D A. Periapperuma Appuhamy, 3 Astrology, 4 Colombo, 5 Colomb0, 6 Granthaprakasa Press, 7 J. D. Fernando, 8 April 2,1933,9 72 pp.. 1 Baalish, 2 Director of Agriculture, 3'Tropical Agriculture, & Colombo, 10 Royal 8vo., 11 1st Ed., 12 6 ,0 0 0 13 35c., 14.D, A. Periapperuma Appu­ Peradeniva. 0 H. W, Cave & Co., 7 Department of Agriculture, 8 February hamy, Erawwala, Pannipitiya, ■ . ' ' . “ 58 19B3, 9 78 pp., 10 Crown 4to., 11 1st Ed., 12 1,400,1 3 Re. 1, 14 Director, Apartment of Agriculture, Peradeniya. ; 26012 Ephemeris Diary, 1933. 25998 T he T ropical Agriculturist, March, 1933, 1 Sinhalese, 2 J. D. Fernando, 3 Diary., 4 Colombo, S Colombo, 6 Grantha­ prakasa Press, 7 J. D. Fernando, 8 December 10,1933, 9 352 pp., 10 Foolscap Vol. 80, No. 3. 8vo., 11 st Ed., 12 500, 13 75c., 14 J. D. Fernando, Dam street, Colombo. 1 English, 2 Director of Agriculture, 3 Tropical Agriculture, 4 Colombo, . Peradeniya, 6 H. W. Cave & Co., 7 Department of Agriculture, 8 March 31, L933, 9 70 pp., 10 Crown 4to., 11 lst-Ed., 12 1,400,' 13 Re. 1, 14 Director, 26037.Matara Panchanga Lita, 1933-1934. department of Agriculture, Peradeniya. 1 Sinhalese, 2 A. J. P; Pemaraja, 3 Ephemeris, 4 Weligama 5 Weligaina 0 KulatungaPress, 7 A. J. P. Pemaraja, S AprillO, 1933,9 52pp., 10 Roval 8vb ’ 26085 T he Tropical Agriculturist, April, 1933, 111st Ed., 12 2,000,1 3 25c., 14 A. J. P. Pemaraja, Matara. ’ V ol. 80, No. 4. 26122 Nakath SlTUMINA, 7 English 2 Director of Agriculture, 3 Tropical Agriculture, 4 Colombo, 5 Peradeniva. 6 H. W. Cave & Co., 7 Department of Agriculture, 8 April 30, 1 Sinhalese, 2 Sri Bhaskara, 3 Astrology, 4 Dehiwala, 5 Kottawa 1933 9 82 PP-, 10 Crown 4to., 11 1st Ed., 12 1,400, 13 Re. 1, 14 Director, 6 Saddharmapraka.sa Press, 7 Sri Bhaskara, 8 April 25,1933, 9 12 m> if lW Department of Agriculture, Peradeniya. , 8vo., 1 1 1st Ed., 12.4,000,1 3 10c., 14 D. E. Wijesinghe, Kottawa, Pannipitiya. , 26177 The Tropical Agriculturist, May, 1933, 26068 Epa Ephemeris and Almanac, 1933-1934. V ol. 80, No. 5. ' 1 Sinhalese, 2 D. D de Silva Epa Appuhamy, 3 Ephemeris, 4 Colombo, Colombo, 6 Epa Printing Works, 7 D. A. de Silva Epa Appuhamv. 8 April 2 7 Tfnvlish 2 Director of Agriculture, 3 Tropical Agriculture, 4 Colombo, 1933,9 56 pp., 10 Royal, 1 1 1st Ed., 12 26,000 ,1 3 40c., 14 Epa Printing Works' •1 Peradeniya 6 H W.Cave & Co., 7 Department of Agriculture, X May 31, 279, Xayard s Broadway, Grandpass. , ’ 1933 9 86 pp., 10 Crown 4to„ 1 1 1st Ed., 12 1,400, 13 Re. 1, 14 Director, Department of Agriculture, Peradeniya. BIOGRAPHICAL. 26043 The T ea Quarterly, February, 1933, Vol. 6, Part 1. 26025 Manikka Vasakar Seevla Sarithiram. 7 i.wiiqli 2 C H Gadd. 3 Tea Research, 4 Colombo, 5 Kandy, 6 H. W. Cave . t Tamil, 2 K. Kanagasabai, J Life History of Manikka Vasakar, 4 Jaffna, Co 7 Tea Research Institute of Ceylon, 8 February, 1933, 9 81 pp., 10 5 Jaffna, 6 Sri Sanmuganatha Press, 7 K. Kanagasabai, 8 March 31 1 9 3 3 ' Jrown 4to , 11 1st Ed., 12 1,650,1 3 Rs. 2 50,1 4 The Director, Tea Research Proctor'.’j l f f S ’ 8V°'' U 1S* E d ' ' 12 50° ’ 13 Free' (< K. Kanagasabai! Cro™ ititute, St. Coombs, Talawakele.' . 1 26229 T he Tea Quarterly, May, 1933, Vol. 6, 26062 Gamini Matrix Charita. Part 2. 1 Sinhalese, 2 Rev. Wewegama Sangarakkita, 3 Life of Vihara Maha Devi, 4 Colombo, 5 Colombo, 6 Jinalankara Press, 7 Sinhala Kulangana Samitiva ^ 7 English, 2 C. H. Gadd, 3 Tea Research, 4 Colombo, dKandy, 6 H. W. Cave X February 15,1933, 9 20 pp., 10 Dy, 8vo„ 11 1st Ed., 12 1,000, 13 Free, li t Co 7 Tea Research Institute of Ceylon, 8 June 15,1933, 9 54 pp., 10 Crown Kulangana Samitiya, Maligakanda, Maradana. • - ’ ' to il 1st Ed., 121,650,1 3 Rsi 2'50, 14 The Director, Tea Research Institute, 5t. Coombs, Talawakele. EDUCATIONAL. • 26036 Tea R esearch Institute of Ceylon Bulletin No. 10. 25990 A Pageant of History. 7 English, 2 Director, Tea Research Institute, Ueyloh, 3 Tea Research, 1 Sinhalese, 2 R. G. Ikiri, 3 Educational, 4 Colombo, 5 Colombo, 6 C. A. 0, II Colombo 5 Kandy, 6 H. W. Cave & Co., 7 Tea Research Institute of Press, 7 Thomas Nelson & Sons, 8 April 1, 1933, 9 362 pp., 10 Crown 8vo., ILvlon 8: April 30,1933, 9 68 pp., 10 Royal 8vo., 111st Ed., 121,650, 13 Free, 11 1st Ed., 12 5,000, 13 Rs. 2*20, 14 Thomas Nelson & Sons, Edinburgh,: J IT li e'D ire cto r, Tea Research Institute, St. Coombs, Talawakele. Scotland. 1 J. K 32055(9/33) ( 2 ) 26006 Klnglake’s Eothen. 26215 The Ceylon Literary R egister, pril 1933, ol 3, No. 4. 1 English, 2 3 . C. Thamotheram, 3 Educational, 4 Colombo, 5 Point Pedro, A , V . 6 Methodist Mission Press, 1 3 . C. Thamotheram, 8 March 15,1933, 9 118 pp., 1 English, 2 Several Contributions, 3 Literary aml Historical J Colomto 10 Dy. 8vo., 11 lstEd., 12 400,1 3 Nil, 14 3. C. Thamotheram, Hartley College, S Colombo, 6 Associated Newspapers of Ceylon Ltd, 7 Ceylon Observer, Point Pedro. 8 June 17,1933, 9 50 pp., 10 Royal 8vo., 1 1 1st Ed., 12 100, 13 Re. 1, 14 The, Associated Newspapers of Ceylon, Ltd., Colombo. 26054 Prakrita Chandbika. 1 Sinhalese, 2 Rev. Pundit K. Piyaratana, 3 Educational, 4 Wehgama, 26039 Government Vernacular Schools, 5 Weligama, « Kulatunga Press, 7 H. Wijesuriya, 8 April 18, 1933, 9 238 pp., 10 Dy. 8vo., 11 lstEd., 12 1,000, 13 Re. 1-50, 14 Rev. Pundit K. Piyaratana, 1870-1900. Sugatodaya Vidyala, Kottagoda. 1 English, 2 L. J. Gratiaen, 3 History, 4 Colombo, 5. Colombo S Eduration. Office, Press, 7 Director ot Education Press, 8 April 20,1933, 9 1C pp., 10 Dy 26060 Sinhalese Grammar. Vriat. 1M n^ln.nha I 1 Sinhalese, 2 Rev. H. Sri Sumangala, 3 Grammar, 4 Veyangoda, 5 Colombo, 6 Veyangoda Printing Works, 1 R. J. Fernando, 8 April 12, 1933, 9 304 pp., 26063 S t h u p a w a n s a . 10 Crown 8vo., 11 1st Ed., 12 1,000, 13 Re. 1*50, 14 I>. S. Karunanayaka, Veyangoda. 1 Sinhalese, 2 Rev. Dondra Wachiswara, 3 History of Stupas, 4 Colombo,, 5 Colombo, 6 Jinalankara Press, 7 D. G. 8. Jayawiekrama, 8 February 15,1933, S 26094 K achchayana Dhatumanjusawa. 9 216 pp:, 10 Dy. 8vo„ 11 1st Ed., 12 2,000, 13 Re. I.’ 30, 14 Rev. D. Wachis­ wara, Gangarania Vihare, Hunupitiya, Colombo. , 1 Pali and Sinhalese. 2 Kalawaue Sri Dharmadarsi Malia Sth&wira, 3 Books of the Pali language, 4 Colombo, 5 Colombo, 6 Vidya Prabodha Press, 7M. M. P. Wijayaratna Appuhamy, 8 May 1, 1933, 9 76 pp;, 10 Dy. 8vo., 11 2nd Ed., 26120 The Golden Age of Military Adventure 12 2,000, 13 50c., 14 M. M. P. Wijayaratna Appuhami, 343, 2nd Division, t-vt flcivrrkxr Maradana. 1 English, 2 R. L. Erohier. 3 Military Adventure, 4 Colombo, 5 Colombo/ 26095 Notes on Scjotts’ L ay op the L ast 6 PldtALtd., 7 Plate, Ltd., 8 April 25, 1933, 9 102 pp., 10 Dy. 8vo., 1 1 1st Ed 12 150, 13 Rs. 3, 14 R. D. Brohier, Assistant Superintendent of Survey! Minstrel. Ratnapura: ' j 1 English, 2 J. C. Thamotheram, 3 Notes, 4 Point Pedro, 5 Point Pedro, 6 Kalanidi Press, 7 J. C. Thamotheram, S May 1, 1933, 9 92 pp., 10 Dy. 8vo., 26150 Batticaloa in Early British T imes. 11 3rdEd., 12 500, 13Re.l, 14 J. C .Thamotheram, Hartley College, Point Pedro- 1 English, 2 J. R. Toussaint, 3 The History of Batticaloa, 4 Colombo,! 5 Colombo, 0 Frewin & Co., 7 J. R. Toussaint, 8 May 29,1933, 9 20 pp., 10 Dy. 26108 Junior School Certificate (English) 8vo., 11 1st Ed., 12 100, 13 Nil, 14 J. R. Toussaint, Clifford place, Bambala-( Examination Papers and Examiners’ R eports, pitiya. i March, 1933, Examination Bulletin A 8. 1 English, 2 Director of Education, 3 Examination Papers and Reports, LEGAL. 4 Colombo, 5 Colombo, 6 Education Office Press, 7 Director of Education, 8 May 15,1933, 9 40 pp., 10 Dy. 8vo., 1 1 1st Ed., 12 700,1 3 15c., 14 The Director 25999 T he Times of Ceylon Law R eports, ef Education, Colombo. January,, 1933, Vol. 10, Part 6 .
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