EPISCOPAL CHURCHPEOPLE for a i=REE SOUTHERN AFRICA ·E 339 Lafayette Street, New York, N.Y. 10012·2725 C (212) 4n-0066 S A #50 10 December 1986 CHILDREN UNDER REPRESSION These horrifying facts about the Pretoria regime's treatment of black South African young people have been exhaustively researched and just published un- , der the auspices of the Detainees' Parents Support Committee by a group-of ' people and organizations who have been active in the monitoring, care and treatment of detainees and their families. This document - 220 pages long - examines the pOlitical context of repress­ ion, the complex web of laws under which black people in South Africa must suffer, including the vast powers of the security apparatus, citizenship laws which dispossess people, and the powers of banning; the central role of South Africa's inferior schooling system in igniting black youths' resistance to' the entire apartheid structure;and the damage to the children by the brutality and repression to which they are subjected. Human rights groups in South Africa have underway a campaign to draw urgent', attention to children in detention. ,Pretoria has had to respond to 'domestic,'" and growing world concern - by trying to downplay the issue. Arid by attack;;, "::, ing those pressing the campaign . Officials of the Black Sashano the DPSC,,:,­ have just been given banning orders,~ notably Ms Audrey Coleman of the DPSC who has devoted years of work for young people in detention. ' , Your' help is needed to help the children of South Africa. Attached hereto is a partial list of young detainees. Choose a name (or names') and write urging their immediate release, to: President P. W. Botha Union Building Pretoria 0001 SOUTH AFRICA Send copies to: Secretary George Shultz YOUI' Senators Department of State Washington, DC 20510 Washington, DC 20520 Your Congressperson Washington, DC 20515 With further copies to: ,Detainees' Parents Support Committee The Black Sash POBox 39431 Khotso House Bramley 2018 42 De Villiers Street Johannesburg, SOUTH AFRICA Joh~nnesburg 2001 SOUTH AFRICA (airmail letteI'S to South Africa cost 44¢ per half ounce) PARTIAL LISTING OF CHILDREN DETAINED IN SOUTH AFRICA NAME AGE AREA DATE DETAINED Anderson, Gilmore 18 Alexandra 19 July 1986 Babie, Philemon 14 Tembisa 22 July 1986 Beki, Eric 18 Wattvi11e ? Bengu, Themba 17 Soweto 30 July 1986 Bhezi, Ma10me 17 Soweto 31 July 1986 Bodibe, Jacob 16 Sebokeng 16 June 1986 Bongani, Isaac 15 Tembisa 24 July 1986 Bukha1i, Sibongi1e 14 Daveyton 25 June 1986 Bu1unga, Colin 17 Kagiso 8 October 1986 Buthe1ezi, Michael 18 Thokoza 14 October 1986 Chanza, Bernad 18 Soweto 8 November 1986 Chauke, Peter ? Tembisa 15 August 1986 Chiwayo, Lazarus 17 Witbank ? Chirwa, Joyce 14 Kagiso 10 September 1986 Choenyane, Gloria 13 . Kagiso ? Cindra, Agripa 16 Duduza ? Chushane, Maggie 18 Brakpan 28 July 1986 Cindi, Zolile 16 Daveyton 15 July 1986 Dube, Charles 14 Soweto 17 October 1986 Dube, Thokozami 14 Alberton 9 October 1986 Duma, Solomon 13 Carletonville 17 June 1986 Dibukwane, Daniel 18 Soweto 10 November 1986 Dire, Victor 17 Kagiso 29 September 1986 Ditinti, David 18 Alexandra 23 July 1986 Ditj1akayane, Ezekiel 15 Vereeniging 21 August 1986 D1amini, David 18 Sebokeng 28 0une 1986 D1amini, Gugu 17 . Soweto 18 July 1986 D1amini, Johnson 18 Randfontein 18 June 1986 D1amini, Lesley 17 Soweto 1 October 1986 Dlamuka, Siphiwe 16 Soweto 29 August 1986 Dlanganandla, Johannes. 16 Tembisa 16 September 1986 Dlomo, Godfrey 16 Soweto 11 June 1986 Dlomo, Thomas 16 Tembisa 25 August 1986 Dlova, Witness 16 Kagiso 30 June 1986 Dooley, Helen 18 Johannesburg 28 June 1986 Dube, Adelaide 18 Brakpan , ? Dube, Bansiwe 17 Parys '" ? Duma ,. Zanisile . 14; Alexandra 26 .,September '1986 . ' , '. af_udi , .l5- Car'letohyi.~le "J-uJ1~ ' Meis , ,·F . .., ..'L . :': , ,-- -- . -2 7- 19116 Galeng, Edward' 16 Vryburg 16 August 1986 Gule, James 16 Katlehong 14 October 1986 Gumbi, Bongani 16 Soweto 17 October 1986 Gwebu, Andrew 15 Kat1ehong 14 October 1986 Hadebe, Fanie 18 Alexandra 24 June 1986 H1abakwe, Patrick 16 Alexandra 16 June 1986 H1apane, Othnigh 18 Koppies 12 June 1986 H1atshwayo, Paulus 16 Kagiso 2 October 1986 H1atshwayo, Phindi1e 16 Duduza 2 July 1986 H1u1ane, Paulos 14 Tembisa 22 July 1986 Hussan, Mustaffa 15 Tembisa 14 June 1986 Jantjies, Mfando 17 Kagiso 7 October 1986 Jonas, Zwe1yiki1e 17 Hartebeesfontein 16 June 1986 Jubase, Joseph 16 Kagiso 12 June 1986 Jumi1a, Zubase 18 Denni1ton 12 June 1986 - 1 - PARTIAL LISTING OF CHILDREN DETAINED IN SOUTH AFRICA - 2 - NAME AGE AREA DATE DETAINED Kau, Thabo 14 Vereeniging 21 August 1986 Kamee1, Violet 17 Kagiso 16 October 1986 Kamela, Petrus 16 Sebokeng 30 October 1986 Ke1obonye, Bushy 17 Munsievi11e 22 September 1986 Ke1obonye, Tefo 18 Munsievi11e 19 June 1986 Kgafe1a, Petrus 16 Sebokeng 30 October 1986 Kga1anyane, Moses 17 Soweto 12 June 1986 Kgokong, Winnie 17 Kagiso 9 August 1986 Kgomo, Napoleon 16 Mame10di ? Kgomongoe, JUdith 15 Kagiso 24 June 1986 Kgopane, Martin 16 Kagiso 30 July 1986 Kgosinkoe, Elisa 16 Munsievi11e 1 July 1986 Khabe1a, Jeremiah 16 Sebokeng 24 July 1986 Khachane, Benjamin 16 Car1etonvi11e 4 July 1986 Khambu1e, Speelman 18 Sebokeng 16 June 1986 Kharejane, Edwin 14 Car1etonvi11e 17 June 1986 Kheswa, Mthembeni 16 Tembisa 20 June 1986 Kho1oane, Peter 16 Soweto 31 October 1986 Khuma10, Abram 18 Soweto 12 June 1986 Khuma10, Mfanafuthi 16 Tembisa 24 July 1986 Khuma10, Thabo 18 Soweto 10 November 1986 Khuma10," Victor 13 Munsievi11e 11 July 1986 Khunou, David 18 Alexandra 28 August 1986 Kodisang, Teddy 16 Brakpan 24 October 1986 Komape, Joel 18 Soweto 17 October 1986 Kraai, Moses 18 Randfontein 18 June 1986 Kromongoe, Judith 14 Kagiso 25 June 1986 Kubayi, Jeremiah 17 Soweto 15 July 1986 Kubheka, David" 16 Soweto 5 November 1986 Kujane, Freddie 14 Krugersdorp 13 June 1986 Kunene, Gift 15 Thokoza 14 June 1986 Kunene, Owen 17 Wattvi11e 16 June 1986 Langa, A10cia 18 Tembisa 12 July 1986 Langa, Anna 15 Tembisa 14 July 1986 Langa, Bertha 17 Kagiso 30 September 1986 Lebethe, Edward 18 Mabopane ? Lebotsa, Isaaih 18 Tembisa 15 July 1986 Legodi, Trevor 18 Soweto 30 Oc'tober 1986 Lehana, Percival 17 Parys 23 July 1986 Lehoh1a, Ben 16 Munsievi11e 25 June 1986 Lekoko, William 15 Car1etonvi11e 27 June 1986 Le1ake, Leo 15 Munsievi11e 11 July 1986 Lengane, Leonard 17 Soweto 10 June 1986 Lephata, Evans 16 Tembisa 19 June 1986 Lerofo10, Moses 17 Munsievi11e 1 July 1986 Lethobo, Daniel 16 Parys 12 June 1986 Lethoko, Lazarus 16 Wattvi11e 16 June 1986 Letso10, Strike 16 Sebokeng 26 July 1986 Maba1a, Joseph 12 Daveyton 31 July 1986 Mabangu, Sylvia 16 Alexandra 8 October 1986 Mabaso, Andrew 14 Munsievi11e 25 June 1986 "Mabaso, Mieta 14 Daveyton 18 August 1986 Maboe, Harold 15 Soweto 18 June 1986 Maboea, Aubrey 17 Standerton 12 June 1986 PARTIAL LISTING OF CHILDREN DETAINED IN SOUTH AFRICA - 3 - NAME AGE AREA DATE DETAINED Mabusa, Arthur 17 Tembisa 21 August 1986 Mabitsi, Patrick 17 Tembisa 18 July 1986 Madia, Moses 12 Soweto ? Magaoge, William 17 Hartebeesfontein 16 June 1986 Magord, William 17 Mashimong 26 August 1986 Magoso, George 18 Kagiso 17 June 1986 Magwaza, Sandi1e 15 Soweto 26 August 1986 Mahamba, Isaac 17 Wattvi11e 24 June 1986 Mah1angu, Nicho1us 18 Daveyton 20 July 1986 Mah1angu, Sizani 11 Tembisa 20 June 1986 Maimane, Patrick 18 _ Soweto 31 October 1986 Majone, Enuce 16 Tembisa 27 August 1986 Makati1e, We1hemina 16 Kagiso 2 October 1986 Make1e, David 17 Soweto ? Makqaka, Peter 14 Tembisa 29 October 1986 Makqope1a, Aubrey 16 ? 24 June 1986 Makgampanyane, Magdalene 17 Bothavi11e 15 June 1986 Makgopo, Michael 14 Tembisa 29 October 1986 Makgoro, William 17 Tembisa 18 July 1986 Makhajane, Zachariah 13 Sebokeng 21 August 1986 Makhanya, Cornish 18 Soweto ? Makinka, Toby 16 Westonaria 21 June 1986 Makit1a, Clive 17 Moutse 22 June 1986 Mako, Zecharia 17 Soweto 17 October 1986 Makokoma1e, Amos 18 Bothavi11e ? Makonjwa, July 15 Bronkhorstspruit ? Makosa, Ellen 14 Kagiso 22 September 1986 Makwa, Mari 16 Sebokeng 16 June 1986 Ma1apane, Lucky 14 Soweto 12 June 1986 Ma1atsi, Mo1oka 15 Tembisa 27 July 1986 Ma1ekutu, Joseph 15 Munsievi11e 16 June 1986 Mamai1a, Sonnyboy 18 Soweto 24 October 1986 Mametse, Maria 17 Atteridgevi11e 16 June 1986 Manana, Henry 14 Bronkhorstspruit 16 June 1986 Mand1a, Jacob 18 Soweto 2 August 1986 Mango1e, Jacqueline 15 Munsievi11e 10 July 1986 Mango1e, Kedibone 16 Kagiso 24 September 1986 Mani, Makwa 16 Sebokeng 16 June 1986 Maphasa, Bongi 18 Munsievi11e 23 September 1986 Maphpha, Ronald 14 Mame10di 15 June 1986 Marema, Mustafa 15 Tembisa 14 June 1986 Maseke1a, Lucas 16 Kagiso 29 September 1986 Maseko, Collen 16 ? ? Maseko, Henry 15 Tembisa ? Mashabani, Clement 16 ? ? Mashamba, Nyiko 15 Lebowa 18 September 1986 Matabane, Tapeta 15 Kagiso 15 October 1986 Matena, Minki 18 Kagiso 3 October 1986 Matena, Neo 16 Kagiso 3 October 1986 Mathaba, Davis 22 Soweto 15 February 1985 Matseme, Linda 16 Kagiso 8 October 1986 Mavuso, Mvu1a 14 Thokoza 14 September 1986 Mba10, Isaiah 18 Kagiso 24 October 1986 Mboneni, Mathews 18 Soweto ? PARTIAL LISTING OF CHILDREN DETAINED IN SOUTH AFRICA - 4 - NAME AGE AREA DATE DETAINED Megale, Esther 14 Kagiso 30 September 1986 Megale, Lydia 15 Kagiso 30 September 1986 Melane, Sipho 18 Soweto 4 November 1986 Mgkgobajane, Moses 17 Katlehong ? Mhlabeni, Gabriel 18 Kagiso 7 October 1986 Mhlongo, Sphiwe 14 Soweto 26 September 1986 Mkhuma, Jeffrey 17 Tembisa 20 June 1986 Mlongeni, Ezekiel 14 Carletonville 17 June 1986 Mmesi, Sell0 18 Kagiso 22 September 1986 Mmunvane, Zolile 16 Westrand 9 October 1986 Mncedesi, Mdlavi 15 Thokoza 14 October 1986 Mngomazulu,
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