CRICH PARISH COUNCIL Glebe Field Centre, Glebe Field Close, Crich Derbyshire DE4 5EU Tel: 01773 853928 E-mail: [email protected] MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF CRICH PARISH COUNCIL HELD IN CRICH GLEBE FIELD CENTRE, ON MONDAY 3RD JUNE AT 7.30PM 2082/19 Present: Cllrs: M Lane (Chair), S Bateman, M Baugh, C Collison, J James, K Smith, R Walsh In attendance: DCC Cllr D Taylor, AVBC Cllr G Gee, C Jennings - Parish Clerk Also present: 7 members of the public 2083/19 TO NOTE ABSENCE Cllrs V Broom (apologies), V Thorpe (apologies), P Yorke (apologies) Resolved: Absence was noted. 2084/19 VARIATION OF ORDER OF BUSINESS In order to allow a member of the public to speak to an Agenda Item, it was considered necessary to vary the order of business and take Agenda Item 18: Bowns Hill, Sewage Smells after Agenda Item 5: Co-option. 2085/19 DECLARATION OF MEMBERS INTERESTS a) To enable Members to declare the existence and nature of any Disclosable Pecuniary Interest they have in subsequent agenda items, in accordance with the Parish Council’s Code of Conduct. Interests that become apparent at a later stage in the proceedings may be declared at that time. b) To receive and approve requests for dispensation from members on matters in which they have a Disclosable Pecuniary Interest. Personal Interests (not Pecuniary) declared: Cllr S Bateman – VE Day 75, supporter of SSAFA charity. Cllr R Walsh – Planning Application AVA/2019/0100, knows applicants. PUBLIC SPEAKING 2086/19 a) A period of 15 minutes will be made available for members of the public and members of the Council to comment on any matter. Speaking is limited to 3 minutes per person and is at the discretion of the Chair. A resident commented that AVBC had withdrawn their Local Plan and asked what the implications were for Crich Neighbourhood Plan. This was discussed later on the Agenda. The resident also asked for permission for a group of local residents to plant the small area of land opposite the Cross, on Hill Crest side of the road. It was thought the Warden used to plant this area. Council were unaware of ownership of the land in question, but could see no objection to it being planted if it had been previously. 2087/19 b) If the Police Liaison Officer, a County or District Councillor is in attendance, they will be given the opportunity to raise any relevant matter. DCC Cllr D Taylor commented that he was very concerned about the loss of AVBC Local Plan, as he felt it left all land open for development. DCC has been busy with the elections and would start to formulate their plans for the next two years shortly, Cllr Taylor would be involved. AVBC Cllr G Gee said that the new Administration at AVBC had cancelled the work being done on the Local Plan against advice from Officers. He hoped Crich Neighbourhood Plan would offer some protection going forward. The developers of the hotel and cabins proposed for Crich Quarry were working with Planning, and arranging for an Environmental Report to be undertaken. CO-OPTION The Parish Council has three vacancies for Members, resulting from the May Election. 2088/19 a) Whatstandwell Ward – one vacancy Resolved: To re-appoint Jordan James as Councillor for Whatstandwell Ward. 2089/19 b) Crich Ward – two vacancies It was agreed to create a Working Party to carry out Co-option interviews and make recommendations to Council. Resolved: Parish Councillor – Co-option Working Party to consist of Cllrs M Lane (Chair), S Bateman, C Collison, K Smith and R Walsh. Group members to hold Monday 29th July 2019 for possible Co-option interviews. 2090/19 BOWNS HILL, SEWAGE SMELLS There had been numerous complaints of strong sewage smells in the vicinity of Bowns Hill, which Cllr K Smith had been investigating, Report circulated with Agenda. It was thought that the Harron Homes development on Roes Lane, planning application AVA/2014/0281, was the cause of the problem. A resident spoke on behalf of her friend living on Bowns Hill, who was unable to attend. She said that none of the parties contacted would take responsibility or do anything, and she was considering writing to AVBC Planning - she was encouraged to do so. It was agreed a number of communications should be sent, all marked ‘Urgent – Potential Health Risk’: Resolved: Clerk to contact AVBC Planning Enforcement team to enquire if pre- commencement condition 9 had been discharged through written approval of submitted details. Resolved: Clerk to contact Severn Trent Water and enquire if they gave their approval when consulted about planning application AVA/2014/0281. Explain that there is clearly a problem, ask if they can investigate what the problem is, confirm whether there are any leaks, and how they will rectify the problem. Resolved: Clerk to contact AVBC Environmental Health team to raise awareness of the problem and ask them to investigate. 2091/19 CHAIR’S ANNOUNCEMENTS As agreed, Chair had written to Fritchley Community Association to thank them for their work in bringing Fritchley Chapel and Hall back into Community use. Chair had attended a number of recent meetings at AVBC and gave an update about the withdrawal of AVBC Local Plan. Chair was representing the Council at the Mercian Regiment Annual Pilgrimage to the Regimental War Memorial at Crich on Sunday 7th July, where she would be laying a wreath. 2092/19 MINUTES Resolved: To approve the Minutes of the Annual Parish Council Meeting held on Monday 13th May 2019. PLANNING 2093/19 a) Planning Authority applications Resolved: That the Parish Council representations on planning applications comments made at the meeting be submitted to AVBC. Representations attached. 2094/19 AVBC – Harron Homes site/Roes Lane - TPO Response from AVBC circulated with Agenda. A local resident is keeping a watch on the tree in question and will advise the Council if there is any further cause for concern. 2095/19 Well Dressing 2019 Resolved: To approve the request of the Well Dressing Group: Friday 5th July - close part of Crich Market Place in front and to the sides of the water troughs to the road edges. The area to be cordoned by metal barriers, securely joined. Notices to be put up a week prior to closure. From 3:00pm to securely attach four well dressing frames to the railings behind the water troughs. Saturday 6th July - Well Blessing Celebration. Preparations to start10:00 am. Celebration – 11:00am – 12:30 noon. Saturday 13th July to Monday 15th July 2019 - after celebration, cordoned area to be reduced to in front of the water troughs. 2096/19 FINANCE a) Payments Resolved: That payments of the attached accounts in the sum of £4,630.73 be formally approved. b) Receipts None REPORTS RECREATION GROUND 2097/19 a) The PLACE Project Resolved: The donation of £2,250.00 from Peveril Homes be transferred to The PLACE Project. 2098/19 b) New event on Recreation Ground Buddie and Tommy’s Ltd, ‘Recreation Rock!’, 14th – 16th June has been cancelled. Refunds are available from place of purchase. 2099/19 BURIAL GROUND CONSECRATION Work to address issues raised by Diocese of Derby needs to be undertaken. A number of documents are required, which are with the Solicitor. Chair has made arrangements to collect the documents on 5th June 2019. 2100/19 DEFIBRILLATORS Amber Community First Responders (CFR) held the first training sessions at the Glebe Field Centre on 31st May. Cllrs Baugh, Collison and Smith attended. Further training will be arranged. Resolved: Clerk to contact CFR and thank them for organising and running the training session. To enquire when the next session will be, so publicity can be arranged, and to ask how many people received training, for Council records. 2101/19 FLORAL DISPLAYS 2019 Permissions received from Derbyshire County Council. Floral displays will be installed in the next couple of weeks. 2102/19 SMALL CHRISTMAS TREES The Council has received notification from Belper Town Council that their outdoor staff are no longer able to assist with putting up Crich small Christmas trees and lights. Cllr Yorke has provided a brief of requirements and the Clerk will enquire of Harlite and Mr Sturt if they could undertake the task, and at what cost. MATTERS FOR DECISION LAND AT WOODSIDE FARM, THE COMMON, CRICH 2103/19 a) Vote of no confidence Chair had drafted a response on behalf of the Council, to Rt Hon Sir Patrick McLoughlin MP, cc Rt Hon James Brokenshire MP, expressing dissatisfaction in the refusal to intervene. The letter had been sent 3rd June 2019. 2104/19 b) Environmental Law Foundation (ELF) Chair had advised ELF that AVBC have withdrawn the Local Plan, but had nothing further to report. Chair had looked at the CrowdJustice site, but was not confident funding could be raised even via this option. She will try to speak to someone from CrowdJustice, and will report back. Council still waiting on an invoice from ELF for annual membership. 2105/19 c) Monitoring progress of planning application Sylvia Delahay will advise the Council when the decision notice is issued. Nothing received. 2106/19 d) AVBC – withdrawal of Submission Local Plan On 30th May 2019, Council received an e-mail from AVBC confirming their withdrawal of the Submission Local Plan. After considerable discussion it was agreed to monitor the emerging situation carefully. 2107/19 GARAGE - SUNNYSIDE, BENNETTS LANE, CRICH Chair has confirmed to the Vendor’s Solicitor that the Parish Council has in principle agreed to a formal arrangement for use of Council land on which a garage is built.
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