THE OFFICIAL GAZETTE OF THE COLONY AND PROTECTORATE OF KENYA. published' under the Authority of His Excellency the Governor of the Colony and Protectorate of Kenya. Regisiered as a Newspaper ai the G. ?. 8. Published every Wednesday. TABLE OF CON.TENTS. PAGE Govt. Notice No. 395-Arrivals, Departures and Appointments, etc.. , 1240 Proclamation Nos. 78-79-The Diseases of Animals Ordinance-Infected areas . 1241 Govt. Notice No. 396-Storage of Kerosenz Oil and Petrol at Kilindini and Mombasa . 1241 I, ,, , 397--The Kenya and Uganda (Transport) Order in Council-Order of The High Commissioner for Transport . 1242 )) ) J ,, 398-The Public Trawl and Acctss Roads Ordinance, 1220, and The Public Travel and Access Roads (Amendment) Ordinance, 1924 . - . 1243 j , ,> ,, 399-Legislative Council-Appointment . 1244 ,> ,, ,, 400-The Carriage of Goods by Sea Ordinance, 1926-Order . 1244 ,y )) ,, 401-The Native Authority Ordinance-Notice . 1244 7 > ) ) , 402-The Bankruptcy Ordinance, 1926-Appointment of Official Receiver . 1245 )) > 9 ,, 403-The Native Authority Ordinance-Appointment . 1245 General Notices Nos. 1045- 1082. .. .. 1245 GOVERNMENT NOTICE: X q). .395 . , - ' ' :. 7 ' v t . ' AR. XJVA, .I',S. N F. 1 .79.*. I* kX*t L%. ' :E)y jqp of leaving Date of Date of arrlval ame. Rank. on îsy ' j (j smbarkltîou. ' y ... , 'A. îjapelq. Eng >n .,. g.4 R., il,i: nd, .mi 1 'L' pp' o ' : .? . G. J. Robbins Conveyancingrcletk, ' Land Depar'im' ent Leave. 22nd Miss R. W illiams Cleqk, Land Department do - . .'J u' 2loy ,1926 21st Sepdto- , .1926*' ' 29' +' ' S' edpot., 1926.. R. F. D. Armstrong Clerk, Agricultural do 3rd Sept-, 1 926 30th Septej 1926 Capt- k.' C. M . W ood Assy. T'reasurer ) dp do do M rs. E. L- W illcie i Clerk, Currency ' ; . do do 'J do M iss M . S. N eville N ursing Sister 1st Appointm ent do do H. R. Carver Cadet, Adlministation do 9th Sept., 1926 11th Sept,, 1926t do F. A. Bailey Lab. Asst.! Medlcal Leave 3rd Sept., 1926 ' d8 J L. Worlledge 1 Asst. Audltor, do' do do W. L. Hind l I PForeman,) P. %%r. 17. 1#y. Appoinymçjj . do . do R S. N eale ! olice Copst:ble , ' do ' do do L. Landels do ' do do do do W . Slade-Hawkins A. D. C. Leave 6th Sept-, 1926 1 1th Sept-, 1926t do A. P. Iaing Sanitary Inspector . do 3rd Sept., 1926 .do J. H. Mcouade Collector of Customs do do do M iss M . M eLeod N ursing Sister l4t Appointm ept do do G. P. Ellis Engineer-in-charge, Lake ' ' Kioga, Kenya & U . R1y Leave do 3rd Sept-, 1926 do Miss M. E. Desmier Junior Clerk, Kenya & U. Rly. do do do do C. F. Jensen Draughtsman, P. W . D. 1st Appointment 29th Sept. 19261 5th Oct., 1926 E. J. Honore Asst. Conservatoza: of :Foçiçsts do 13th Aug., 1926; do , do * Date of leaving Beira. '# Date of leaving M arseilles 1: Date of leaving D'goa Bay DEPAkTURES. N On leave or termirjation am e. Rank. of appointment. Date of Departure. ) ' SV /' Compissipner of Customs Leave 3rd Octpb. er, 1926. WV IMSB' vapdq veldq ,k Auditdh do .do H. Bfassey Edw. ards . k Deputy Chief Veterinary Oëcer do do. Justice Pickering 1 Puisne Judge do do capt. E. F. Crowdy i 3rd K. A. R. do do A. E. W aldie Asst, Inspector, Police do do A. Z. Plenderleith Guard, Kenya and Uganda Railway do do H . A. Swan Chief M arine Engineer, and W orks do do M anager, K enya and Ilganda Rly. W . T. Chappel Driver, Kenya and U ganda Railway do E. P. Gildea Asst. Pier M aster, Kenya and Ug. Rly. do ) . APPOINTMENTS. Mkxccllul's STEwAS,T N>2vlLt,s, to be Nursing Sister, M edical DepaTtment, with effect from the 3rd Septpmber, S. 20064/10. 1926. Hsxszat'r BowN, O.B.E., to be Acting Senior Crown Counsel, with effect fro'm the 25th September,1926. MAI:V M clœop) to be Nursing Sister). Medicaln.Dvpaqtmgnt, with effect f rom the 3rd September, 1S26. ArsztEv .CI.ZARI,ES MAooxwzcx. M tvzzzx's, to be Assistant District Commissioner (Cadet), Kyambu District, SW AHILI EXAM INATION. Kikuyu. Provinqe, èv.ith effect f rom the 1st August, 1926. LowsR STANIIAXD P4ss. S. 20064/ 17. L. N. Rsvxolms) European Police .constable. EogAx Gyzoltt;E BALS, to be Acting Commissionerof Customs, F. A suTox Technical Instructor, Education Department with effect from t,he 3rd October, 1926. , . (7. E. M ouiox, A ssista?nt M aster, Edueation Department. Hè. D. NEAvs? Forester, Forest Dèpartment JOITN HERBEXT MCQIJAIIE, to be Acting Deputy Commis- . J. S. HARIIX, Post and Telegraph Department. sioner of Customs, with effect f rom the 3rd October, 1926. ' J . R. TvLLx, European Polièb Constable. S. 18816 / 551/ I1. JOI.IN HAMILTON X AXMTELLZ to be H eadmaster, Government Indian School, Nairobiz with eff ect f rom the 14th May, J. E. S. M ERRICK , 1926. ' jor Aciing (loltlAzfc! Soc'l-etary- 1 1 I J i C olony and Protectorate of ' K ènya. 6 .;v . f: . , . < : .; . ' . : , . P RO; U' ' '.I ) 'A .t . j .:M ) 7 Av T' ION . L N'. ' Oà ' . ' 78' .'' PROCLAMATIOj t jj o. yo. .. T'HE. DISKASELS: OF ANIM ALS ORDINANCE. ) .zf > ' ' ' . s . ; . é . .! . ' -' t7 141ë b. tjkztsss 'o. ti- Axllvfàts (jlRbl:xAxcE.' , , ,. .. ,, . ) yaocpxslzkvlox. C' . / . g . ..s ) . .' . ) .< ; . : ( g . J ...L . / . <:r .. .ï . ! . : W H EREAS by. .seetiop 4 of the Digeasçs of PztoccAsl.&Tlox. .' Animals Ordinahce (Chapter 1J7, Revised Edition) W HEREAS by Sèctièh 4 tjf the. Diseases of i't is provided thal the' Governor may at an# timè by Animals Ordinance (Chapter 157, Revised Edition) Proèlam ation' deelare any area to be an infeciecl it is ptovided that the Governor m ay at any tîm e area ; extend, dim inish or otherwise alter the limits l)y proclam ation declare any area to be an inf ected of an area, declared to be an infectecl area; declare ltrea ; extend, diminish or .otherwise alter the limits an area. to be free from any disease ; ancl/or for the of an A ea declared to be an infeeted area ; deelare purpose of preventing disease prohibit the rem oval an area to be free from any disease ; and/or for the of anim als from tm e district, place or area to any llurposq of preveuting diseage prohibit tlle rem oval other district, plaèe or area. of anilpals from ime qistrict, place or area to any And whereas by Govetmm ent Notice No. Q:31, other dastrict, plaee or area. dated the 3rd day of July, 1919 :and in exercise of Apd whereas by Govetnm ent Notiee No. 231., the powers eonferrecl upon hlm by Seetion 13 dated the' 3rd day of July, 1919, and in exereise of of the lnterpretation and General Clauses Ordinance ï.hq powers conferrecl upon him by Section 13 of the (Chapter 1, Revised Edition) His Excelleney the l'nterpretation ancl General Clauses Ortlinanee Governor has been pleasecl to depute the perqon for (Chapter 1, Revised Edition) His E'xeellency the the time being holding the oëce of Chief Veterinary Governor has been pleased to depute the person for Offlcer to eyereise on his behalf the powers conferred the tim e being holding the ofrlee of Chief Veterinar, upon the Governor by the said Section 4 of the Diseases of Anim als Ordinance. Omcer tt? exercise (m his behalf the. powers conferred . ' llpon the Governor by the saicl Sécticfn 4 of the Now therefore in exereisè of the' powers so eon- Diseases of Anim als Ordinance. ferrecl and. a.ll other powers thereunto enabling me, Now therefore in exerclse o.f the powers so 1 hereby dqelare the following farms to be infeeted t:onferred and a11 other powers thereunto enabJing Veas for tho purposes of the said , Diseases of . Anim als Otditlance :- ' ' me, T heréby deelare t,he following larm g to be infected area.s for the purposes of the said Diseases EAST Cé.AsT Fp'siER. of Anim als 'Ordinanc: :- ' Farm L.O. No. 5,110, M ajor H. W alker, Nanyuki, North Nyeri District. ltlxnlrnp>lseT. l'tlxoxalaxsq?. Farms L.O. Nos. 362; àncl 3,879, M rs. P. 1T. Per-eival . Farm s L.O. 'Nos. 593 and 594, M r. J. , ' ' Potha '' M aeùakos, M achakos Stanning, Lumbwa, Kisumu-laoncliani District. D istrsct. ' . Farm L.O. No. 1,635, M essrs. Gunson & Steele, Faqm L.O . No. 3. ,101, M r. ' S. H . Sm ith, M uhoroni, Kisum u-lfxontlkani District. M uhoroni, Kisum u-Londiani District. Farm Li.O. No, 590, M r. H . W attg, Lum bwa, Farm L.O. No. 3,960, M r. H . Grellire, Kisum u-Londiani Distriet. ' M uhoroni, Xikumu-Londiani Digtriet. Farm L.O. No. 590/2 .' Mr. G. W . P' ortman Farm L.O. No. 8,476/8, M assrs. Nottidge & Lumbwa, Kisum u-Loqdiani Diktrict. Allen, M uhoroni, Kisum u-Londiani District. Farm L.O. No. 1,634, M r. 11. H . W alker, ' Farm L .O. No. 3,581, M r. Van Rensburg, M uhoroni, Kisum u-lzondiûni Diétrict. Dundoro. Estate, ' Kyam bu Districi. Farms L.O'. Nös. 1,581 and 1,614 M r. M . : Given uncler m y hancl at Nairobi this 7th clay of artin, Lumbwa, Kisumu-Londiani Dlstrict. Oetzober, 192k6. TnylaAxo.schlMlAsls. A. G. DOH ERTY, Farm L.O. No. 27,050, M r. F. G'uyi Kitale, Chiej Fcfcrfwm'p Ojfeer. Trans Xzoia Distriet. Farms L.O. Nos. 3,237 ancl 4,715, Comm ander E. C. W aril, Subukia, Nakuru District. And lurther I do hereby declare that the follow- ir.g portion of a proclam ation is yevoltecl : STORAGE, OF KE,EOSENE OTL AND PETEOL T'hat portion of Proclam ation No.
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