February 29, 2016 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E247 SENATE REPUBLICAN SUPPORT OF into the Angus Heritage Foundation, served as to recognize a milestone anniversary in the life OBAMA’S SUPREME COURT NOMI- a member of the American Angus Association of Toledo’s Indiana Avenue Baptist Church. NATION for over 50 years, served as President of the This month the congregation has been cele- Colorado Cattle Feeders, and was presented brating its 70th anniversary with a series of HON. TERRI A. SEWELL with the CSU Leadership in Agriculture Award. special gatherings. I was privileged to join the OF ALABAMA Mr. Houston was involved with a number of congregation yesterday. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES other organizations, where his limitless knowl- Founded by Reverend M. J. Stephenson in edge and service will always be remembered. February 1946, the congregation has been Monday, February 29, 2016 It is the hard work Mr. Houston embodied shepherded by Reverend John Roberts for Ms. SEWELL of Alabama. Mr. Speaker, throughout his life that makes America excep- more than half a century. Pastor Roberts, in today, I rise to urge the Senate Republicans to tional. He has shown true leadership in his in- fact, was part of the organizational meeting of consider President Obama’s Supreme Court dustry and community. I extend my deepest the church. Thus, this long standing beacon in nominee. It is disappointing that our demo- sympathies to Mr. Houston’s family and our city has been blessed with a continuity of cratic process is being so unduly hindered by friends. leadership since its beginnings. Senate Republicans who refuse to carry out Mr. Speaker, it is an honor to recognize Mr. Indiana Avenue Missionary Baptist Church’s Bennett Richard ‘‘Ben’’ Houston for his com- their basic duties clearly laid out for them in first services in its building were held in its mitment to family, community, and the live- the Constitution. The Constitution clearly in- lower level in 1948. An upper level was added stock industry. forms us that the President has the power, by twenty years later and since 1980 services and with the advice and consent of the Sen- f have been held in its newer sanctuary. In ate, to nominate a successor for open seats in HONORING MATT FRANKS 1989 a fellowship hall was added which has the Supreme Court. The message for Senate served the congregation very well, with special Republicans is simple—let the President do HON. JASON SMITH focus on activities for youth. The hall bears his job. It is time to put aside partisan issues OF MISSOURI the name of founding Pastor Stephenson and and get back to the basics of governing. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES longtime Pastor Roberts. In previous years, Supreme Court nomina- Monday, February 29, 2016 Starting with less than 100 members, the tions have been at least considered during an congregation of Indiana Avenue Missionary election year; six times in our U.S. history to Mr. SMITH of Missouri. Mr. Speaker, I rise Baptist Church has served over 7,000 people be exact. So I ask, why change now? If Sen- today to honor Matt Franks for his outstanding through its seven decades and currently ate Republicans fail to consider the Presi- achievement of being named the 2015 United serves about 2,000 people. An anchor in our dent’s Supreme Court nominee during the cur- Bowhunters of Missouri Conservation Agent of community, the church serves its faithful while rent election year, this will be the first time in the Year for the Missouri Department of Con- ministering to the needs of its neighbors. One U.S. history that our Supreme Court will have servation Ozark Region. Matt has earned this of the wonderful traditions at the church is the a vacancy for well over a year. There is simply award after only six years of serving as a Interfaith Mass Choir. The choir’s beautiful no legitimate rationale for not giving consider- Howell County Conservation agent, displaying blend of voices soar in faith-filled praise, lifting ation to the President’s nominee once an- his exemplary determination and enthusiasm up in joy those it reaches through song. for Wildlife Code enforcement since joining the nounced. There is an ample amount of time Psalms Chapter 18 Verse 2 tells us, ‘‘The Conservation Agent Training Academy in available for the Senate to consider the Presi- Lord is my rock, my fortress and my deliverer; dent’s nominee. 2009. Matt has exhibited exceptional Wildlife Code my God is my rock, in whom I take refuge, my The Supreme Court vacancy is a priority shield and the horn of my salvation, my that deserves an unbiased hearing and timely enforcement presence throughout his six years as a Howell County Conservation Agent, stronghold.’’ Through the days of its ‘‘three- vote. Justice and democracy are at stake and score and ten’’ years, the shepherds and flock there is no time for this kind of divisiveness. making 19 arrests related to archery violations in the first two months of the 2015 archery of Indiana Avenue Missionary Baptist Church Republican Senators have a constitutional ob- have lived this truth as their lives have given ligation to put away partisan issues and fill this season. In addition to Matt’s admirable work ensuring conservation laws are adhered to, he testament to Jesus’ message of love which vacancy. Senate Republicans, I strongly urge ‘‘bears all things, believes all things, hopes all you to fulfil your constitutional duty and con- has also served as an influential community leader and role model for local youth. things, endures all things.’’ (1 Corinthians sider President Obama’s nominee for Su- 13:7) preme Court Justice. Matt has led numerous educational-involve- ment programs for youth over the last year, in- f cluding bird hunting clinics and youth gigging f RECOGNIZING BENNETT RICHARD classes. He has also hosted events for the PERSONAL EXPLANATION ‘‘BEN’’ HOUSTON National Wild Turkey Federation Hunting Herit- age Program for young hunters known as Jun- HON. KEN BUCK iors Acquiring Knowledge, Ethics and Sports- HON. KEN BUCK manship. Finally, he has served as a judge for OF COLORADO OF COLORADO Future Farmers of America public speaking IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES contests, and assisted with their trap shooting Monday, February 29, 2016 team. Monday, February 29, 2016 Mr. BUCK. Mr. Speaker, it is with a heavy His involvement and contributions to the Mr. BUCK. Mr. Speaker, on roll call no. 85, heart that I rise today to recognize the passing Howell County community make Matt an ex- Ordering the Previous Question on H. Res. of Mr. Bennett Richard ‘‘Ben’’ Houston on cellent selection for the United Bowhunters of 618—The Rule providing for consideration of February 26th, 2016. Mr. Houston was a be- Missouri Conservation Agent of the Year from H.R. 3624—Fraudulent Joinder Prevention Act loved and nationally distinguished leader with- the Ozark Region. For this award and his out- of 2015, had I been present, I would have in the livestock industry. standing career achievements, it is my pleas- voted YES. Mr. Houston received many distinct honors ure to recognize Matt Franks before the throughout his lifetime. He founded the Aris- United States House of Representatives. f f tocrat Angus Ranch in 1966, with his wife PERSONAL EXPLANATION Nita, where they raised their family. In 1992, CELEBRATING 70 YEARS OF INDI- Aristocrat Angus Ranch flew Angus seed ANA AVENUE MISSIONARY BAP- stock and beef cattle genetics to the Ukraine, TIST CHURCH HON. JOHN B. LARSON establishing them as a leader in the cattle in- OF CONNECTICUT dustry. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES In addition, Mr. Houston participated in HON. MARCY KAPTUR OF OHIO many notable committees and associations. Monday, February 29, 2016 IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES He was elected to the Executive Committee of Mr. LARSON of Connecticut. Mr. Speaker, the Western Stock Show in 1976. He went on Monday, February 29, 2016 on February 26, 2016, I was not present for to be President in 1985, and ultimately Chair- Ms. KAPTUR. Mr. Speaker, I rise today as roll call vote 93. Had I been present, I would man of the Board in 1999. He was inducted the month of February 2016 comes to a close have voted: YES on roll call vote 93. VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:37 Mar 01, 2016 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00003 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K29FE8.005 E29FEPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with REMARKS E248 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks February 29, 2016 COMMEMORATING THE LIFE OF OUR UNCONSCIONABLE NATIONAL That is why it is fitting and proper that we JOHN STEWART BRYAN III DEBT take a moment to recount and appreciate the extraordinary accomplishments of one of the HON. ROBERT HURT HON. MIKE COFFMAN singular figures in American history: President OF COLORADO Barack Obama. OF VIRGINIA IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Mr. Speaker, those of us who were there re- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES member well that the morning of January 20, Monday, February 29, 2016 2009 was one of the coldest days on record Monday, February 29, 2016 Mr. COFFMAN. Mr. Speaker, on January in Washington, DC. 20, 2009, the day President Obama took of- Mr. HURT of Virginia. Mr. Speaker, Con- But it was nothing compared to the chill fice, the national debt was wind blowing through the American economy gressman DAVE BRAT and I submit these re- $10,626,877,048,913.08. marks to commemorate the life of John Stew- and body politic. Today, it is $19,070,657,293,114.53.
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