• r FRIDAY, MARCH 9, 1M2 t»iiSE TWENTY A m iIanrb(Bt(r lEttfuittg H^ratb Avnage Dally Net Piieae Rob Hie Weather' For the Week Eadea Fotaeaat of p. 8. Weather Btufiee M em W s of Cub Scout Pgok 144 works of two members of the Man- wratereolon and two Ml jiaintinga. Narck ». IMS will swim at the East Side Rec T\vo Town Artiste bheeter Fine Art Anmoiation. She has studied at the SoMety of FOR RENT deariaf teolght. eligMIy eolder. Sliap l^lM«hurs» Tonight rill 9-Sot. 8 a.m. fill 6 p.m. About Town building tomorrow from 3 to 4 .p.m.. Mrs. May D. Barry, 32 Scar­ A rts and Crafts’ In DetrMt and R sufi 19 imiL Movie Prejeetors 13,549 Displaying Works borough Rd„ is displaying tUree with Lewis Hodgkins, New Hamp- —eenad or eilent, also W nans, Low la mM M ti Saiiday OMWtly Just «8 5wift is famous for the premium brand fully 'The Distributive Education Club, Mrs. Evelyn Gerard. 75 Olcott oil paintings. She has studied idiire watoroMorist'. ‘ slide projectors. ItMUbei the AafHt ■nnny, mDd. High la mM Me. Manchester High School, will Dr. and Mrs. Daisy Bills, 95 W. A hew' exhibition of paintings at writh Louis Fusari of Hartford and , The exhibit will be on view Mon­ ' Barean o< Clividatlaa Mimche$ter^A Ciiy of ViUage Charm cooked ham tve are featuring, at t!5« lb. UsinRer 6( sponsor a cake sale at W. T. Middle Tp)<e.. will be hostesBes at the Manchester office of the Con- Mra. Elisabeth Humphries of Man­ ey s through. Fridays from 8:30 WELDON DRUG. CO. MUwauke is known for its German style cold cuts . , Grant’s Parkad* store tomorrow the IfUtz Junior Museum. 126 Co- neqticut State Employment Serv- chester. Mrs. Florence Ander­ a.m. to 4:30 p.m. through the end 901 Hsin S t —TeL Ml S-6S21 Pinehurst offers . sliced ttf order. Bv, IIBI iGL.f OUllUn^ AZUlll 4h LU • v^Ef C8VU evaeaisg s,7V.y 4iii3^8B^n lisv sen, 118 Park St, is showing two VOL. LX X X I, NO, 135 (TEN PAGES—TV SECTION—SUBURBIA TODAY) MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, MARCH 10, 1962 (OhMiUled Advqrtliing eo Page '.■) PRICE FIVE CENTS ■ The executive committee of Cub: 1 Scout Pack 47 will meet tonight a t i P t- 1 Sj 1(1„ From 8 at the home of John Romanowltz, It m ’ SH"! 1' From I 23 Village St. Den mothers are re-1 Efut Coast Clears Debris U singer I minded to attend. Plans will be d is-; OPEN MONDAY thru SATURDAY 9:30 to 5:45 ^Forever* State News H ollan d i cussed for the Boy Sc6ut fund' OPEN THURSDAY 9:30 to 9:00 ^ Brunschweiger _ j drive Sunday. | The Loyal Circle of Kings M a rria g e R o u n d u p Bologna 5 States to Receive Gromyko Hopes Talk Imported lean Boiled Ham. ! Daughters will meet for a potluck I jlllii Phono : hfonday at 6:30 p.m. in the Rob-^i!!-!j German Style moet but not all center j slices, lb. ,$1.19; (All center bins Room of cSenter Congrega- Ml 3-4123 On Rocks? Head Cheese slices. $1.49). tionai Church. Mrs. Prank Fair-1 Federal Disaster Aid Ju ry Decides weather and Mrs. James Thomson Mortadella will be hoste-sses. ROME (AP) — Efizebeth For Institute in Skinless Franks from 1st ilii Taylor and Eddie Fisher hid By THB AS8O0IATfT> PBliSS ^ald to cspair pubUe facilities. Prt Gothaer Cervelat Prize and many nice sliced The Soroptlmist Club will hold a Cold Cuts including famous W E O IV E behind a barricade of villa vats homeowners In six states wsre $200,000 Suit business meeting Monday at 7:30 Th* devastated Eastern covered under' a separate disaster Tavern Loaf. p.m. at the home of Mrs. Lillian walls and press agents today Will Halt Arms Race Beerwurst Seaboard fought to clear a designation by the Small Business Gustafson,' Ludlow ,'Rd. HARTFORD (AP) — A amid reports their “this is for­ monumental mass of debris Administration, which prepared to Tongue, Blood Sausage Franks and cold cut from 1200,000 suit brought by the ever” marriage is on the today as the worst week of grant them low-interest, long-term Grote te Weigel. rehsbilitstion loans. estate of a New Loncion man Pfefferw'urst mill rbcks. And they hid together. veinter storms in its history A apokeaman for Fiaher termed The Agriculture Department who committed suicide while a CR.BEN faded under clearing skies. listed 17 damaged counties in four ZONOLITE .STAMPS rldicuioua reporta patient at the Institute of Liv­ Rusk Flies wife ia "madly in love" with Brllr Sufferers in five states had statei where farmers mdy obtain ing has been decided in favor INSULATION li leh actbr Richard Burton, the President Kennedy’s promise emergency credit to replenish Marc Antony in the multlmlllton' property, livestock and land dam of the institution. MAIN ST. of federal disaster relief. aged by the storm. The Institute of Living is a pri To Parley W. H. ENGLAND STRIKE A MATCH! dollar movie Cleopatra. A storm that dropped seven vate hospital for the mentally UI Manchester "Eddie eald he wouldn't dignify To aid storm victims In Vir­ inches of snow on parts of Oeorgis in Hartford. LUH8ER CO. the atory by aaying anytiilng ginia, Delaware, New Jersey, New O f mix them up! dwindled In itensity as it ploddei York and Maryland, the Ameri The suit wa.v based on the sui about tt," the apokeaman for the northward to disappear during the In Geneva a Opes A'U Day Saturday e III can Red Croea set up a disaster cide in 1954 of Max M. Bokarl, a they're a beautiful bargain crooner Inalated. day. I t carried rain and light snow relief headquarters at Wilmington, New London lawyer. While a pa- •»At the Oreen”—.HI 9-580I Misa Tlaylor'a attorney, Robert in cotton broadcloth! as far north as southern New Del. A separate headquarters in tient. at the institute, Sokarl es- By TOM O C H IL ’n iR E 0 genpy convertible collar blouse Abrahma, aiao iaaued a faat de­ England. Manteo, N. C., handled ’hat state. capi^, went to a nearby apart. o Italian convertible collar blouae nial of marital ^Uble. GENEVA (AP) — Soviet Tides running at "a loot above New Jersey, which caught the Aient building, and leap ^ from Foreign Minister Andrei A. fully lined aliaukirt,—zelt belt "Theae reports are abaolutely normal slowed the dralnoff of full force of the storm, suffered the roof. "o unpressed pleated falae," Abrahma aald. " I know flooded coastal lowlands and Gromyko arrived today for a •iiiliK damage estimated at $100 million Counsel for Sokarl's estate skirt—self belt. thla." hampered cleanup operations from or more and a loss of at-least claimed that he had "definite round of East-West negotia­ , ’ But theae denlala did not alienee Miami Beach to southern New 13. lives. ‘ Several-hundred New known suicidal tendencies,’’ and tions and said he hoped tha LISTEN TO KATHY GODFREY, WINF. MONDAY the reporta that have circulated England. Jersey residents have taken refuge that the InsUtute failed to take BLOUSES here for weeka. nations meeting here would thru FRIDAY, 1:10 P.M. — SATURDAY AT 11:10 A.M. But this latest assault of the in temporary shelters. adequate precautions to keep him And aamrlng that the rumora dying winter weather was small Beach Haven, N,. J., one of Long from harming himself. halt the “avalanche of arma­ would not faat die down, one coiiq|>ared to the storm that began Beach Island's chief resort cen­ The Institute answered that the ments” facing mankind. 2 .9 9 aource that haa been cloae to the Tuesd^ and ravaged the coast for ters, was reported to have almoet care provided Sokarl was ade­ Gromyko’s plana touched down couple'a houaehold aaid Fiaher three days, leaving 38 known dead, washed away, with 90 per cent quate, since a diagnosis had- no: at Geneva Airpori. in a drt-vtng SKIRTS and Miaa Taylor would' separate 10 missing apd damage estimated of its homes either destroyed or identified him as suicidal. rain. He was the first leading THE SPRING STORY after the completion of the movie a t $300 million. baAy damaged. More than 1,000 Another defense employed by the figure to arrive for foreign min­ "Cleopatra." Hard-hit secUons of New Jersey, homes were reported to have dis­ Institute was its contention that It isters talks on disannament, nu­ .Rom e's newspapers riiouted in Maryland, Delaware and Virginia appeared along a 80-milto section is a charitable InstituUon. Such clear and Bast-West cold war OF 3 .9 9 glaring headlines the renewed were due financial aid as a result of New Jersey^s South Snore. institutions are immune from neg­ problems, including Berlin and .j'eports that stemmed from a of President Kennedy’s designa­ Scattered looting was reported ligence suits in Connecticut. Germany. ^ atory carried by the. Loa Angeles tion Of them as disaster areas. Al­ in summer homea on the island, This proved to be-the key point UB. Secretary of State Dean Herald-Examiher. so Included was West Virginia, and New Jersey state police set of the case and the Jury was Rusk waa to arrive tonight and CINDERELLA" "All Rome knows now that Lis which suffered from floods last up patrols and roadblobks to keep asked to determine, along vrith its Britain’s forelgpi secretary.
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