LIBRARY ALL" THE NEWS . ■ ' " vA All of tkm Newt Impartially Told Claw Matter. August I £ .1 9 1 1 , at thf IViM_Oace tt Kutl.trwwri, New Jtm v. under th* Act ot M u c i K W i t VOL. X, No. 49 ‘ ■ ” " . lA Nr^liRS^TTl^BESAY. MAY K PtlCS nvf CENT? BOARD OF EDUCATION CONTINUES Spring Meetmg Hospital Shows MAYOR BOGLE URGES STAND ON NO SAURY INCREASES of County’s P.T.A. POLICE! Record in Drive Behind The Scenes In ZABRISK1E VICTORY AT EXECUTIVE MEETING HELD TUESDAY Next Wednesday The Local Head For Unit Funds OUTLINES CHARACTERISTICS MAKING HIM NIGHT BOARD AGAIN REFUSES TO quarter*. Conference Planned For Hackensack Institution STAND OUT OVER HARPI R—CAI.I.S INCREASE TEACHERS SALARIES School No. 4, Grant- Treated Hundreds Dur­ HIM “JURIST, GtNTLEMAN ( It’* not exactly *11 work and no j The Board of Education continued wood— 2 Sessions play in tke torgl pol ■ce he^dquartera.! ing Past Year ft* stand on no increases in salary MRS. MOLLER AGAIN but it's not all play, either. F*rin ; ---------- /abriakir (.tub To Hold tor teachers and janitoro at the high The annual Spring Conference of The following is taken from • let Surprise Shower school Tuesday night in au executive i Chief Landed* talking amiable to ter written by the Superintendent of Meeting Totuglit; A Har­ session. Though representatives o f•' GRAND LECTURER the Bergen County Parent Teacher reporter. Door opens. Feet scuff. the Hackensack Hospital. At Hauck Home the teachers appeared before the Association will be held on Wednesday M a a cornea in with reluctant boy. per Senator Club I «>rmrd board and argued for the raises, the Honor came to Adoniram Court, May IS. 1981 at School No. 4 Grant- M a a depressed by life, too. "The record* in oar dispensary Mi* I ieotge Hauck, of S34 River board said it could not advance the Order of the Amaranth, of Lyndhurst wood, N. J. A most interesting The boy had lit man's son with a show that tor the past year SM pa A meeting <*f ihe et.-.u1-;.* ,*|p, egg side Avenue, entertained at a au rp rt* e f t the JUheidtie (*« JfenMot t tu b salaries this y e a r. < at the Grand Scss.on of the OrtWr o f! progiam has been- arnnged to n e . Boy Mfanits such, tearfully tienta have received treatment and The previous board decided not to wis.'rllaneniis sihwwvf *t Wer home. • til he held tuadgM tw ad*anre plan* Amiable Chiaf Landells undergoes made 7Si return vt. Its. SCS p a tie n ts increase the salaries. At the time it j **** Amaranth of New Jersey held at and it is hoped a l»rg» number af conversion. Voice deepens. Seoul ap Wednesday night, in han«r «f Mis* for his • «mpai*n th tywthwst. Th*» was i aid if the state increased its Elizabeth, la t Friday and Saturday, people interfiled in Parent Teacher p e a rs . Tears appear in boys eyes. were admitted to our be* These pa Kliaahe h Ksitsan, daughter of Mt of* inuation, formed by ahotti itly appropriation to the township, the) when Mrs, Lydia Moller, of Second work Lyndhurst will attend. If Uents -tayvd a totsl of 4.S&S d a y s .ta prvxn neat nwsabeM. rii* i, i> and Mrs Item * r .1 hr nan. of li . r, last wteh tiuMkhwUy eapeeta to JSS?* held avenu*> w»9 re-elected Grand Lector- you dtsiiuus of guin«. get in com “ W h a t do you want me to do with J the hospital at a cost to the hospital Third avenue., who i toon.to b#t«m * him?" asks Lawh-lU ."1 just want lof $&.&• a day, or a total of M3.T42 «• rry the t waahij! for the former For re-appointment of teachers, how- : er’ •m* Mrs. Kllen Fleit, of Ridge j munication with the pre-.dent of any th e brute of M rs, Mautk'* brother, him to leave Miy son alone," returned :*0 w ii Itanr ttnctiiey i^ i|f» b«w»4e atargu> ever, the group. decided to continue I Road, present Royal Matron of Adon-. ttic throe associations ih town and the man. i Compaiat vely few of the patient* Ho rn table decniatisma were l.*»*i RepuMkranw are'show tag ■{**{> itr stand. I iram Court, was elected Grand His- transportation will be irranged. The “Do you want me to tell’ your coming to the out patients department in yellow Refreshittenu wet* «*r*ol lot* rest in I lie . .aW|M:«» h H a tp e i Representatives of the teachers; UaU a j proK„m will be followed,* “ ' father about thfc*?" asks Landells of are even able to pay the Mtr fee You dunn* a owial h ui after th- bin. f»» -Senator Club was orgaruted were E d w in C. O lson, d ire c to r otf , , " * Regis- the b o f. But h» telephono, anyway will remember the two instances t b e Tow * Nall Mandnr aign! : athletics at the hti#rh school and Miss I Mrs- Moller was chairman of the j Morning Session: 9.30 a.m. to he had itpeited all the »< The father has had tumble with the where it has been necessary' t» give loosing package* containing \*rv Hlferpet, John V thaler if fiamsey Marie Dilk , principal of the Lincoln fine gift* for her future home a'nd Winifred HaugbtMn af RanU.. School. They pointed out the increas­ t>wests include*! Mrs. Jinm i K-m * r« enter* d a th* primary rs.jfe es would give the teachers added in­ an. Mr. Mary ti.ibbney, Mrs, Ther , T h e 'tabrkslUe (%dh h as centive m their wiirk aiid stressed ! ™- ------ — — .. ie^a t'urr*, Mr« f^kiUip Uutnsof. M«- »>»i*f*g tt* members tkw t at 'th* the fact through loss of the increas- '*rand Court. Lyniihurstites who at- Klag. P. T. A. Song Greeting;!,I .I,. Promn he tells the father Then to th e boy Keslilents rf those lomntunlliea Mwm Meioter > >n, Mr* J i R»*r« ****** m*n m i l -iiwiwwlft»i<yij]isni»fi es many of the teachers would suffer j tended the banquet were Mr. and icknts ■ Board. - . Jf S',.f”5 * he g-ves a long lecture, aketching the served by the Hackensack Hospital jejr. Mr* Bemsr<J Keeitsn. Mr* A I'' the town-tup Htnre there will he b -» losses of more than $2,000 in their Mrs. Matthew Frame, Mr. and Mrs. are asked to Join tlie llarken.itck {Burfchardl, Mr* EUlab^k t.tifwv, ciMilckl i* « m the RepMtdWaa* ttM pensions. William E. Francoeur, Mr. and Mrs. ent and injure other people undergo Hi pita! As ociation- The money ob aod Ihe Ml*a>-» Calhenfte hieaimy, iog membership in lbs I ’mtM f- I on The board agreed that the repre- Adolphi Moller, Mrs. Gertrude Simon- R e portsl Uecretiry, T'e«urer, Th rd He ends by ordering the Isiy to report tamed from'the membership* will b» 1 Pair eta llsu. li • ,ra>e C. i»*. | i.i tiee, »y«i ,.f the slsnst in th e entatives gave merited arguments, ' ®n> ™r»' Elizabeth jjchacht, Mrs. Vi ce- P rasirie n t for Councilors; I0;o0, to him i veryday after school hours. Used to make it possible to build a Cere*, Dotalhy tV m , I ore tta i Uik. May elertnm 'ia seen In Uln *e«- ■ iM ial rate, but said they had attempted to keep1 Christina Smith, and Mra. Ellen Address, “The States Viewpoint on Then he tump aad talks amiably new Wiiif to the present l»u Idlivv; j Clam Maneght*, Evelyn Hui.le, I alb the budget down as low as possible, f reit, who was also official steno- Mmlern Education". As ‘t. Commis again with the reporter. The canvaa*'started May l_and will lartne Keenan, and Julit t'mrMk the Mayor* *i«i*aie*i 4 s* *.- They— also- said............................. the board was not cer gfapher for the Gr,l>d Session. sioner o f Education of New J e r s e \ . cuntinue untif the fifteenth of the - o T l * enntiiSM tmr Um KeiMbtican tain the State group would increase o Mr. John Spargo; 11:3b, Kecieation, A handle that might have con month, in the variiHis comm unities ! noaaunnilon foe M ale' ,'leoslor ip ' a its appropriation this year. Mrs. J. Humphries, State Ch. of Rec tlined an old sun of clothes or si* The chairman of the general com Mils Dorothy Evans matter of great .MnpowaBK# to ■ *U The re-appointments will be an­ Francis P. Gilbert reat on; 11:40, Addre s, “A M essag e bomba of a good site or a young ar* miltte, Mrs Churles S Conklin, uf KepwUwooa ,.f IVtgeo I «MNI«> aad. M nounced at the board meeting to be from the National Convention”, Mrs. senal arrived at police hrad<|uartei > Hsckenaark, Urges all to cooperate Feted on 16th Birthday !w important-tha> »<er* ritlim held Tuesday night at the high school. Carries Off Honors Wm. F. Little, S ta te President of for Captain Wynn the other day; There are ever*! d a * es of mem ■, . ad* aot-tigm td- th* -HjijiirtWllU»• L N. J, Parent Teacher Associations; f iN«(Nk. r4 The basiwsi nf onwrspping the pack neiship. and the worker* will esjtlam Mi» Dorothy !:*»«*, Francis P. Gilbert, World War 12:90, Luncheon. age took up fifteen minutes of the these class.fieatlons to tbe' rttiteits .Isugbln the iaiOpatgo has dbtstoped (Ms Afternoon Session: 1:00 p.m., Violin Mr and Mrs R I.
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