CROWELL 6c MORNING ,L IOOI PENNSYLVANIA AVENUE, N.W. WAS H I N GTO N ( D.C. 20004- 2 505 (202) 624-2500 CABLE: CROMOR TELECOPIER (XEROX)I 202-628-BI (7 JOHN I. STEWART, JR. TELECOPIER (RAP(COMM 2OE-828-8 I I 8 (202) 624-2665 TELECOPIER (RAPICOM): 262-73743(77 W. U. 1. (INTERNATIONAL( 64344 W. V. (OOMEBTICI 88-2448 February 27, 1989 The Honorable Edward W. Ray Chairman Copyright Royalty Tribunal llll 20th Street, N.W. Washington, DC 20036 Re: 1986 Phase II Cable Royalty Distribution Proceeding, CRT Docket No. 88-2-86CD Dear Chairman Ray: Transmitted herewith for filing with the Tribunal on behalf of the National Association of Broadcasters ("NAB") are an original and five copies of the Rebuttal Statement of Richard V. Ducey, and an accompanying rebuttal exhibit, NAB Exhibit II-5. Also transmitted herewith, in accordance with the Tribunal's request, are an original and five copies of an annotated version of MAB's Exhibit II-2, as amended, showing the stations that were carried on a distant signal basis by Form 3 cable systems during 1986, which have been marked by underlining in the "Stations Carrying" column. The exhibit incorporates the corrections previously filed with the Tribunal, as well as corrections of typographical errors raised during cross-examination and discovered since. Copies of the printouts from which the Form 3 carriage information is taken are attached to NAB Exhibit II-2 (Amended). Should there be any questions regarding these matters, please communicate with this office. Ver truly yours„ Joh I. Stewart, Jr. JIS:dcb Enclosure cc w/encl: All counsel REBUTTAL STATEMENT OF RICHARD V. DUCEY Attached to this Statement is NAB Exhibit II-5. This exhibit lists programs from NAB Exhibit 11-2 that also appear in the MPAA 1986 viewing study. Attached to Exhibit II-5 are pages from the Cable Data Corporation printout of 1986 viewing data for the stations on which the NAB-represented programs appear, with the individual programs marked. Viewing for a number of these programs also was listed in MPAA's direct case exhibits. The total amount of viewing reported for the programs on Exhibit II-5 is 10„449,553 Household Viewing Hours. This represents 0.39 percent of the total viewing of syndicated series and movies, according to the MPAA study. Again, NAB does not believe that the award for NAB-represented program suppliers should be based on the MPAA viewing study, but the MPAA direct case presentation understated the total distant signal viewing of NAB-represented programs. NAB Ex. II-5 Distant Signal Viewing of NAB-Represented Pro ams Accordin to the MPAA 1986 S cial Stud Title (program numbers per Household ori inal NAB Ex. II-2 Viewin Hours Viewing Shown in MPAA's Direct Case Exhibits: Big Spin (68) 378,614* From the Editor's Desk (35) 117,288* INDAY News (34) 180,534** INN Evening News (33) 8 845 514* Subtotal: 9,521,950 Viewing Not Separately Shown in MPAA's Direct, Case Exhibits: A Little Like Magic (93) WCBS All-Star Wrestling (12) 266,808 KQTV, KSHB Bill Mallory Show (44) 574 WTTV Bix-7 (78) WMTW Bob Knight Show (43) 10,627 WTTV * From MPAA P.S. Exhibit, 7 ** From MPAA P.S. Exhibit 6, page 27 Boy King (132) KNBC, KSHB, KTVU, KYW, WBALi WBZ, WFLD, WKBD, WNBCr WSBs WTTGi WXIX Breast, Cancer: My Body, My Life (51) KCBS, WCAU Broncos Beat, (2) KCNC Cal Bears Highlights (3) KCRAi KPIX Candlepin Bowling (22) WCVB, WGGB, WPRI Captain Bob (25) WFSB Chicago Bears: The Challenge to Repeat, (49) WGN Christian Science Monitor Reports (36) KCOPi KTXLg KWGNi WDCAg WPIX~ WSBK, WVTV Clue You In (52) KCBS Coca-Cola Parade (133) KCNCi KOINE KQTV/ KTVUg WCVBg WHIOg WIBWi WMTWf WPHL, WPRI, WSB Dan Reeves Show (1) KCNC Gameplan to the Superbowl (91) KCBS, WCAU, WCBS Gardening with Ed Hume (6) KGW In Search of a Hero (90) WBZ Indiana Outdoors (46) WTTV Mac 6 Mutley (9) KPIX Medical Marvels (116) 22,542 WAGA, WJBK, WSBK Memorial Tournament (Jack Nicklaus) (87) 1,579 WBNS Music Awards Preview Show with Julian Lennon (77) 64,063 KTTV, WFLD, WNYW, WTTG Norm Stewart Show (8) KQTV Only in America (92) 1,294 KCBS~ WCAU, WCBS Public Women, Private Men (55) 4,219 KPIX Rapmatazz (104) WCVB Report from the Statehouse (45) 1,446 WTTV State Fair Preview Show (128) WBNS Up Front (21) 6,725 KCBS, WCAU, WCBS Voice of Agriculture (69) KSBW When I Was Your Age (70) 3,478 WBZ Woody Widenhofer Show (7) KQTV Subtotal 927,603 Total HHVHs of NAB-Represented Programs 10.449.553 CABLE COPYR T ': INPUT IGH DI T8 I I '„f,'ROGRAMMING f.lCT Of)I I P I CTURi A JSOC I ATIui'9 OI- A I.IF i ~ I C A BY STA T I!7N PAi;'r. 434 CABLrj DATA CORP0RAT I'.lN 198f D I TF! I'UT / I I JN 0 T/03/88 CALL 8 I GN -- — ----C I T Y------- —— ST MARKF'T: 106, BOSTOht 4ISBK 38 BOSTON MA -NIELSEIJ------- -P R OC& A Mi TOT H H V E t))t G k T Y PE- --- JA ---FEB--- ---MAY--- — --JULY-— I I N CODE PRGGRAH NAMF B I! ---OCT-"- ---NOV--- QHS TOT HRS I SPRT T I ME DAYS TIME DAYS TIHF DAYS II41E HALLWEFN-WAcNT 15853 7 DA Y; T I Mi E. D A Y S TIME DA YS 1R30 UN 868 3 HARRY 00444 c. j..: 2 1 100 SUN 1700 cj Uhi 16'64 9341 HART TO HART 08939 1800 MON 8 28&665 2Sc'SS 1800 Mi7N 1800 M 0 li 2100 FRI 1300 SUN 6110 HCKLLJCKL-DA4tG 01571 0830 SUN 0830 SUN 1400 H-F M-F 268 lt255y358 8967 HE'.-HA N-UN I VRS E 1400 OR30 SUN 0830 SUN 126 14164 0730 M-F 0730 M-F 0730 M-F 0 H-F 287y831 5243 H06AQS HEROES 0 730 1530 Mi-F 1530 M-F 358 785 . 25S ....2339 .. mZ. 2.%15 MDN 1&693y974 2330. MDht. ZQZQ . 5243 HOGANZ HEROES2 2SS HM ...23.3Q Maht 233.0 . 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R91y748 MOV SUI" SAT 1603 SAT 1600 SA T 1 6 C 0 A 38 4MV 1400 '.j UN cIJN T 1600 SAT 168 1~050&468 MOV 1400 14QO SUI'J 1400 SUN 1 4 0 0 UN GREATS 4MV 0930 S&AT 1400 SUN 136 915y960 MCV GRTS SU 0930 SAT 4MV 1600 .J UN 1600 "=UN 56 104y934 HYSTER Y MOV 1500 SUN 160Q 4MV 2445 SAT 250'I SAT SUN 130 825y227 NE. WSI'A KE R 9 i ?500 SAT 2"00 SAT 2445 SAT 15403 0700 F) AT 2500 SAT 91 273&441 0700 cAT 0700 SAT in NJE4ISMiA KERS 2 15403 2 S:. 070ff SAT 0 7 0 SAT 0700 cAT 96 45&R12 134 ODD CiOIJPLr 01RGR .45 SUNi 2 22!,0 IJ)ON 22n 1 TUE .
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