If 65 It m& w&g «f yest to to ^0 witte of 19 tfee te«fe of %i fct^pJs IB Fdto'B^y ^y tte tfee » I ®rt4eac©d 1^ tfee third 1 Mar SG. Lord Caradon has now gone to luncheon and has asked Mr. Campbell to conveji the following: In reply to a question in Parliament today on what the Scty of State for Foreign Affairs has been doing on Vietnam, the Scty of State replied: " ¥e have been in"touch with the USSR Government with a view to seeing what might be done and I am now awaiting their comments on certain views which our Ambassador in Moscow communicated to them on 20 February. I do not want to prejudice the prospects by explaining the nature of these conversations at the present time." 3 ttarcb lefetty $£ §*? Fg&re&a^r a&Ss-osssd to it is vas^f difficult f&ff ins ta state wfoat tfe facts a®? ms it tb® isfeestt-oB of the S to SRigg&sft tn fell! && Faibafuasy pawis® ooafasptsace that the $3? ttet tfM Ctew^as®sst of the Hait^d Sfeates is ftfesa tiess a^ti*. the situaticss In ?l^t-Ha®. As psiatetl oiixfe ^r aa ©ffteial spok^ssaaa to? tfe$ tte fr©ss fep ©larifisatioa of this isteat •w^s aatfeer to s^f^r to the fis^tiasts sad os iufss?B&1iioa that iswartsfely apfl3f to a -s;®^ situation. feae ia miist tte fast tlmt tfee sesr« in suGfe tlmts of t^s v?m* s®d ©seoisnts ed? Tlotorie tban sueh factors ^s tfe® gpeat saf^flrtag of the pe^pl® of the of ?iet~!fems the tragic? loss of &tasa® lives and j tk© attitinlss of Asians tsfeieh sape so tfe® s$^to» sMs&s asd dsngers isplieit la euyse yltfeout political efforts to feri was? to ©s e^.j the pans^iMIity of eseal&ticsi <sf th© '^srj sad the tisa ultSs»t« futility f£"3sa tfee pofet of vim? of ©11 coscerss^ of seeking a ®©3Uiti©a ia the Sep\^Iic of ?i©t«l@si 1>j s«a»® of war. tfcst is asoag tfes lasst isfoffl^t is tfe vorlS^ test Si© doxifets that 0vi@a IB it is possiM© to jreaeive fuiJgr issftssasa^loa s*i^ the @it?jati©s ia thss B^gublie of flet-lsos or gistuye ©f ttet this ^ty serir« to els^if^ tfes the Asssoeiattoa «f t&e C.V. «P 9 Beaa? Ims asfet m t© aekao&le^ge with aspreeietis® y&g& l^ijtes1 of k W&a&sh aM the attael^fi resolution adsspteS ^- tfe Bess?d of D&reet®?® of the tlaited ^sfeioss Association of ^?-@ate^ BioesiK> *%sd,sosfe» to tis^s^ 3?css that tlss Secret arjr~ cmt the sititstloa 1m Viet- Ham aad lias takssi ts tsfe© ^ijsfe^ey ©teps te f^@3>0 wsuM 1st lisefal or Is tfee el*sasasteaie«8S, la croimEiesa «lth til© proposal in tfa® lasfe pa^agmpto of tfe® r^solutismj iKsefeffs, 1 e like to da?4ssr ^flW attefiticm to the folloslaag a^ply ^ick the &rssl @Swe in tte© e©as« of a psreis cssifesreise® &$M on to a spgsiicKa ccmc@rai£ig l^ie possiMHty of M© tfts© ffia^ter' befcfire t&e Stei2ri% Cotmoil. " j mi^it you H^l eo!%salied ^ailEljs^lly to step iato ths breach aM Is-iag the setter to tfee Seea3?i%- Cg«3a0ilf *" ; **I do «»t tMx& tliat is a praetical p ttet a36^ ot^rioue and %@H Mfe^jsi to you. Ths Goro^iiss-at of T!<st»!asi Isas ®31 along asaiataiasd that tfes ISait^d lationa I© not ao^>etesit to Seal tfi1^ the <pg$ties& of Viet-I^ai aiaee, la Its ia esisteae^ as iatessatioaal saehiasssr la 195^ in Sensva. ffes^r feave all alssjg s^datalasa t&at ss y<m all fes0tf, it is a. politic® that is alas 1^ People *s Sspslilic of China. As fes* as the l&ited IB caae^aasd, I tbiaik the ^@at®st isit^timest to ttos of the «pefti0a of ¥iet«lisa is !^B0 of tb® principal of t^e tMt©a Uatloias 1© the faet that lasre thas ts?o tiartiea tie <p^stioa ar-© sot I^a^ers of this j sot §©e ^r ia^e-Siate prospeet of a I top© tlat this will lialp to clarify the Secretary- G«E®ral*s oa « Waltes1 4, MeCl^^gbaa Yowa 3: dcteat Halted HfttdoB$ Associaliion of _ 26 Mar^ Mr. Narasimhan^ A Mr. Hamilton of the American Friends Service Committee called to inform the UN that tomorrow from ^ a.m to 9 Fft a group of between 30 to 100 will be conducting a vigil in front of the UN in support of Dr. Minh, the Vietnamese priest now fasting in Brooklyn, and also of Mrs. Herz, who tried to commit suicide last week in Detroit. His organization is Quaker. He passes this information on in case some people from the UN might wish to join. h DOROTHEA EPSTEIN 58-01 246 CRESCENT DOUGLASTON, NEW YORK u. L^Jlji Zo^^ MA j> ^ 58-OI 24S CRESCENT DOUGLASTON, NEW YORK TO BE FILLED IN CAk .-GRAMS RADIOGK ,VIS TO BE FILLED IN BY RCA NUMBER ^^ BY RCA TO ALL THE WORLD TO SHIPS AT SEA DESTN. CODE PREC & CLASS IND. SENDER PLEASE CLASS OF SERVICE ORIGIN CODE WORD CHARGE (Full Rate unless otherwise marked} FULL RATE ACC. CODE CUST CODE LETTER TELEGRAM (IT) INTERNATIONAL PRESS || TELEGRAM T CHARGE ACCOUNT NO. SENDER'S NAME ADDRESS PRESS U ([M i,\ CCP SENDER PLEASE SPECIFY ROUTE: PRESS via. INSERT"RCA" c^A-^ iA/ i tru- i-"vujo w <fi ' Send the above telegram subject to the conditions, regulations, and rates as set forth in the applicable tariff of RCA Communications, Inc., and on file with the regulatory authorities. RCA COMMUNICATIONS, Ac., A SERVICE OF RADIO CORPORATION OF AMERICA (OVER) RCA O M M U N I C A T I O N > INC. 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' ^o,' April 2 *£ X/£ &&643W W* To th» After reading the snid©s slanted editorial on Vietnam in yoU3? March 12th"issue of kif©* I eaneel my con- tinuing subscriber To call the Secretary Genei^al of fh0 United Nations and intrusive** is asinits©S How the h®H should he us© his office, but to intervene on th© sids of Stop talking about ttbombing" in the abstract- ^, blowing up? civilians»ehildpen5£&rdenss th® piti fully few factories of tlse one little country in Indochina that darad to th-uaib its nose at both the Pr©ndh and Chines©« By our stupidity9 ise are destroying th.@m? inviting'Chiisa in to fe^p over, mendij^g th© Slao-Soviet rift, aMj, incidentally9 killing, /^-tesricans arua ll^«iana in the worst tactical 'blunder' since the Bay of PigaI If the bombing method is so grest ,v;hy not bomb Maybe the "natives" will be impressed by the^honoy1' involved and suddenly IOTS their Hegro neighbors- that is, if any of th©is your raid. Bombing the higjiwaya of Alabaim wonft solv© our problem down the2*0 any laore than bombing the highways of Korth Vietnam ressl^re that mess. Military force is the incorrect and inadequate weapon in both areas* Do w© really think w© can bomb theip country9 destroy their factories, kill their people, and then ©xpeet them to humbly allow us to HSBUlXfD EVERYTHING under the "benign'5 and auspioies of the U.S.A. ??7 How nai-re can you b© 7 Their attitude will be entrenched hatred of th© West, and just like the spirit of the men in our history who dumped the tea into Boston Harbor, they will fight until every "foreigner" is off their soil, or every one of them is d©ad»( Why must fee continue to credit the yellow people with having less fighting spirit than ws do ? Haven't we learned anything from Korea and Dianbienphu ??) Do we really want a "Military victory", leavirag a Vietnamese wasteland full of burnt forests and cadevers ? Soai® victory. Oon»t you know that when that thunderst orm put out OUR TERRORIST fire, millions of Americans- Sepubl lean, Democrat, ConservativeaLiberal but all Human, shouted, "Thank GodJJ." within their hearts and wot© their congressmen again for th© 10th time in two months! How that negotiation via th© U,lf.
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