H.G. Liddell, R. Scott, H.S. Jones & R. McKenzie A Greek and English Lexicon 1940 A SimplifieSimplifiedd Edition , by Didier Fontaine www.areopage.net H.G. Liddell, R. Scott, H.S. Jones R, McKenzie - A Greek and English Lexicon (1940) - A Simplified Edition , by Didier Fontaine - www.areopage.net - a)a/atoj not to be injured, inviolable a)agh/j unbroken, not to be broken, hard, strong a)/aptoj not to be touched, resistless, invincible a)/atoj insatiate a)a/w to hurt, damage a)bake/w to be speechless a)bakh/j speechless, infantine a)ba/kxeutoj uninitiated in the Bacchic orgies a)/bale O that! a)barh/j without weight: not burdensome a)basa/nistoj not examined by torture, untortured a)basi/leutoj not ruled by a king a)ba/skantoj not subject to enchantment a)ba/staktoj not to be carried a)/batoj untrodden, impassable, inaccessible )abba=)abba= father )abdhri/thj)abdhri/thj a man of Abdera )abdhritiko/j)abdhritiko/j like an Abderite a)be/baioj uncertain, unsteady a)be/bhloj not profane, inviolable a)belteri/a silliness, stupidity, fatuity a)be/lteroj good for nothing, silly, stupid, fatuous a)bi/astoj unforced, without violence a)/bioj without a living, starving a)bi/wtoj not to be lived, insupportable a)bla/beia freedom from harm a)blabh/j without harm a)ble/faroj without eye-lids a)blh/j not thrown a)/blhtoj not hit a)blhxh/j without bleatings a)blhxro/j weak, feeble a)boh/qhtoj helpless a)bohti/ without summons a)bo/htoj not loudly lamented a)bo/skhtoj ungrazed a)bouko/lhtoj untended by herdsmen a)boule/w to be unwilling a)bouli/a want of counsel, thoughtlessness a)/bouloj inconsiderate, ill-advised a)bou/thj without oxen a)briqh/j of no weight a(broba/thj softly a(bro/bioj living delicately, effeminate a(bro/gooj wailing womanishly Page 1 H.G. Liddell, R. Scott, H.S. Jones R, McKenzie - A Greek and English Lexicon (1940) - A Simplified Edition , by Didier Fontaine - www.areopage.net - a(brodi/aitoj living delicately a(broko/mhj with delicate a)bro/mioj without Bacchus a)/bromoj very noisy, boisterous a(brope/diloj with soft sandals a(bro/phnoj of delicate texture a(bro/ploutoj richly luxuriant a(bro/j delicate, graceful, beauteous, pretty a)brota/zw to miss a(bro/thj delicacy, luxury a(bro/timoj delicate and costly a)/brotoj immortal, divine, holy a(broxi/twn in soft tunic, softly clad a)/broxoj unwetted, unmoistened a(bru/nw to make delicate, treat delicately )abudo/qen)abudo/qen from Abydos )abudo/qi)abudo/qi at Abydos )/abudoj)/abudoj Abydos a)/bussoj with no bottom, bottomless, unfathomed a)gaqoeidh/j seeming good a)gaqoerge/w to do good a)gaqoergi/a a good deed, service rendered a)gaqoergo/j doing good a)gaqopoie/w to do good a)gaqopoii/a well doing a)gaqopoio/j doing good, beneficent a)gaqo/j good a)gaqwsu/nh goodness, kindness a)gai/omai to be indignant at a)gakleh/j very glorious, famous a)ga-ktime/nh well-built a)ga/laktoj without milk, getting no milk a)galli/asij great joy, exultation a)gallia/w to rejoice exceedingly a)galli/j the iris a)ga/llw to make glorious, glorify, exalt a)/galma a glory, delight, honour a)galmatopoio/j a maker of statues, a sculptor, statuary a)/gamai to wonder, be astonished )agamemno/neoj)agamemno/neoj of )agamemnoni/dhj)agamemnoni/dhj Agamemnon's son )agame/mnwn)agame/mnwn the very steadfast a)game/nwj with admiration, respect a)gami/a celibacy a)/gamoj unmarried, unwedded, single a)ganakte/w to feel irritation Page 2 H.G. Liddell, R. Scott, H.S. Jones R, McKenzie - A Greek and English Lexicon (1940) - A Simplified Edition , by Didier Fontaine - www.areopage.net - a)gana/kthsij irritation a)ganakthtiko/j irritable a)ganakthto/j irritating a)ga/nnifoj much snowed on, snow-capt a)ganoble/faroj mild-eyed a)gano/j mild, gentle, kindly a)ganofrosu/nh gentleness, kindliness a)gano/frwn gentle of mood a)/gan very, much, very much a)ga/omai admiring a)gapa/zw to treat with affection, shew affection to a)gapa/w to treat with affection, to caress, love, be fond of a)ga/phma a delight, darling a)gaph/nwr loving manliness, manly a)ga/ph love a)gaphte/oj to be loved, desired a)gaphtiko/j affectionate a)gaphto/j beloved a)ga/rrooj strong-flowing, swift-flowing a)ga/stonoj much groaning, howling a)gasto/j deserving admiration a)gauo/j illustrious, noble a)gauro/j stately, proud a)ggareu/w to press a)ggarh/i+oj post-riding, the Persian system of mounted couriers a)/ggaroj a mounted courier a)ggeli/a a message, tidings, news a)ggeliafo/roj a messenger a)gge/llw to bear a message a)/ggelma a message, tidings, news a)/ggeloj a messenger, envoy a)/ggoj a vessel a)gei/rw to bring together, gather together a)gei/twn without neighbour, neighbourless a)gelai=oj belonging to a herd, feeding at large a)gelarxe/w to lead a company a)gela/rxhj the leader of a company, captain a)gelasti/ without laughter a)ge/lastoj not laughing, grave, gloomy, sullen a)gelei/h driver of spoil, forager a)gelhdo/n in herds a)ge/lh a herd a)genealo/ghtoj of unrecorded descent a)ge/neioj beardless a)ge/nhtoj unborn, uncreated, unoriginated a)gennh/j of no family, low-born Page 3 H.G. Liddell, R. Scott, H.S. Jones R, McKenzie - A Greek and English Lexicon (1940) - A Simplified Edition , by Didier Fontaine - www.areopage.net - a)ge/nnhtoj unbegotten, unborn a)/ge come! come on! well! a)ge/rastoj without a gift of honour, unrecompensed, unrewarded a)/gersij a gathering, mustering a)ge/rwxoj high-minded, lordly a)ge/stratoj host-leading a)/geustoj without taste of, fasting from a(ghlate/w to drive out a curse a)/ghma anything led, a division a)ghnori/a manliness, manhood, courage a)gh/nwr manly, courageous, heroic a)/gh wonder, awe, amazement a)gh/ a fragment, piece, splinter a)gh/raoj not waxing old, undecaying a)ghsi/laoj leader of people, conductor of men a)ghsi/xoroj leading the chorus a)ghto/j admirable, wondrous a(giasmo/j consecration, sanctification a(gi/zw to hallow, dedicate a)gine/w to lead, bring, carry a(/gioj devoted to the gods, sacred, holy a(gistei/a holy rites, temple-worship a(gisteu/w to perform sacred rites a(giwsu/nh holiness, sanctity a)gka/zomai to lift up in the arms a)/gkaqen in the arms a)gka/lh the bent arm a)gkali/zomai to embrace a)gka/lisma that which is embraced a)/gkaloj an armful, bundle a)gka/j in a)gki/strion a fish-hook a)gkistro/detoj with a hook a)/gkistron a fish-hook a)gkistro/omai to be furnished with barbs a)gkoi/nh the bent arm a)/gkoj a bend a)gku/lh a loop a)gku/lion ancilia a)gkuloglw/xin with hooked spurs a)gkulo/douj crook-toothed: barbed a)gkulomh/thj crooked of counsel, wily a)gkulo/pouj with bent legs a)gku/loj crooked, curved a)gkulo/tocoj with curved bow a)gkuloxei/lhj with hooked beak Page 4 H.G. Liddell, R. Scott, H.S. Jones R, McKenzie - A Greek and English Lexicon (1940) - A Simplified Edition , by Didier Fontaine - www.areopage.net - a)gkuloxh/lhj with crooked claws a)gkulo/w to crook, bend a)gkulwto/j furnished with a thong a)/gkura anchor a)gkuri/zw to throw by the hook-trick a)gku/rion a small anchor a)gkw/n the bend of the arm, the elbow a)glae/qeiroj bright-haired a)glai/a splendour, beauty, adornment a)glai/zw to make bright a)gla/isma an ornament, honour a)glao/guioj with beauteous limbs a)glao/dendroj with beautiful trees a)glao/dwroj giving splendid gifts a)glao/qumoj noble-hearted a)glao/karpoj bearing beautiful a)glao/morfoj of beauteous form a)glao/j splendid, shining, bright, beautiful a)glaotriai/nhj god of the bright trident a)glaw/y bright-eyed, beaming a)/glij a head of garlic a)/glwssoj without tongue a)=gma a fragment a)gmo/j a broken cliff, crag a)/gnamptoj unbending, inflexible a)/gnafoj uncarded a(gnei/a purity, chastity a(/gneuma chastity a(gneu/w to consider as part of purity, make it a point of religion a(gni/zw to cleanse away a(/gnisma a purification, expiation a(gniste/oj to be purified a)gnoe/w not to perceive a)gno/hma a fault of ignorance, error a)/gnoia want of perception, ignorance a(gno/rutoj pure-flowing a)/gnoj a willow-like tree a(gno/j full of religious awe a(gno/thj purity, chastity a)/gnumi to break, shiver a)gnwmone/w to act without right feeling, act unfairly a)gnwmosu/nh want of sense, folly a)gnw/mwn ill-judging, senseless a)gnwsi/a ignorance a)gnw/j unknown a)/gnwstoj unknown Page 5 H.G. Liddell, R. Scott, H.S. Jones R, McKenzie - A Greek and English Lexicon (1940) - A Simplified Edition , by Didier Fontaine - www.areopage.net - a)goni/a unfruitfulness a)/gonoj unborn a)/gooj unmourned a)gora/zw to be in the foreign lang="greek">a)gora//foreign> a)gorai=oj in, of a)goranomiko/j of a)gorano/moj a clerk of the market a)gora/omai to meet in assembly, sit in debate a)gora/ an assembly of the people a)gorasa)ge/neioj will lounge in the a)go/rasma that which is bought a)gorasth/j the slave who bought provisions for the house, the purveyor a)goreu/w to speak in the assembly, harangue, speak a)gorh=qen from the Assembly a)gorh/nde to the Assembly a)gorhth/j a speaker, orator a)gorhtu/j the gift of speaking, eloquence a)gorh=fi in the Assembly a)go/j a leader, chief a)/goj any matter of religious awe a)gosto/j the flat of the hand a)gra/mmatoj without learning a)/graptoj unwritten a)/gra a catching, hunting a)graule/w to dwell in the field a)/grauloj dwelling in the field a)/grafoj unwritten a)grei=oj of a)greiosu/nh clownishness, a rude, vagrant life a)grei=fna a harrow, rake a)/greuma that which is taken in hunting, booty, prey, spoil a)greu/j a hunter a)greuth/j a hunter a)greu/w to take by hunting a)gre/w to capture, seize a)griai/nw to be angered, provoked, chafed a)gria/j wild a)grie/laioj of a wild olive a)griopoio/j writing wild poetry a)/grioj living in the fields a)grio/thj wildness, savageness a)grio/fwnoj with wild rough voice a)grio/w to make wild a)griwpo/j wild-looking a)grobo/thj feeding in the field, dwelling in the country a)grogei/twn a country neighbour Page 6 H.G.
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