59fh Annual Seaaion Supreme Forest of Tall Cedars of Lebanon MAY 18, 19, 20, 21, 1961 HEADQUARTERS HOTEL TRA YMORE *** ATLANTIC CITY .•• The World's Playground TRAYMORE HOTEL (HEADQUARTERS) Takes Great Pleasure in Welcoming The TALL CEDARS OF LEBANON 59fh ANNUAL CONVENTION ATLANTIC CITY, N. J. MAY 18, 19, 20, 21, 1961 Public Service Bus easiest ... fastest ... most luxurious way from Atlantic City TO NEW YORK TO PHILADELPHIA VIA P.S. VIA P.S. "Parkway "Boardwalker Express" Special" 2112 HOU RS - NON-STOP 1% HOURS - NON-STOP $520 ROUND $255 ROUND ~~uxs TRIP ~~uxs TRIP PUBLIC SERVICE TERMINAL Tennessee Avenue and Bacharach Boulevard ATLANTIC CITY 344-8181 The Officers of Atlantic City Forest ARTHUR L. STUEBGEN , SR . DEP . G.T.C. EDWARD L. KOLBE , JR. DEP . G.T.C. WELCOME THE 59th ANNUAL SESSIONS OF THE SUPREME FOREST IRVING J. MOUNTS, G.T.C. We hope you will enjoy your stay - If we can help you, call on us. R. I. STAGMER , No. 11 , Scribe W. S. CONOVER , No . 11 , Treasurer ------- -- ATLANTIC CITY SALTJTES • •• The 59th Annual Convention of the Supreme Forest Tall Cedars of Lebanon MAY 18-19-20-21 BEST WISHES from BROOKS & IDLER JOHN L. PEARSON PRINTERS • PUBLISHERS LETTERPRESS and OFFSET Snapout Forms - - - Business Machine Forms · -~- · Publishers of AMUSEMENTS · -~- · 508 North Tennessee Avenue Atlantic City, New Jersey Dial 345-125 7 PAUL D. BODWELL, JR. OFFICERS 1961 PAUL D. BODW ELL . .TR. , No. 43.. .. .... .Supreme Tall Cedar 2327 North Seventh Street, Harris burg, Pa. Phone : CEdar 2-4153 JOHN L. PEARSON, No. 48 .......... ...... ............... ................... s ... Deputy Supre m e Tall Cedar Branchburg Park, R. D. No. 4, Somerville, N. J . Phone: Randolph 5 -8637 HARRY B. CRYTZER, No. 88... .............................. Jr. Deputy Supl'e m e Tall Cedar N e w B loomfield, Pa. Phone : N e w Bloomfield 27 EDMUND H. REEVES, P.S.T.C., No. 7 ......... ... ....... .. ............. ............. .. .......... Supreme Scribe 7 10 Federal Stree t, Camden 3, N . J. Phone: Eme rson 5 -0233 EDWIN S. MOORE, P.G.T.C., No. 4 ............................................................ Supr ~ m e Treasurer 550 Lafayette Avenue, West Trenton, N . J . Phone : Tuxedo 2 - 0776 KARL B. KUHLMANN, P.G.T.C., No 27 ...... .......................... ... ................... Supr me Trustee 836 Janet Avenue, Lancaster, Pa. WILLIAM EISENHAUER, P.G.T.C., No. 67.... ................ ............ Supreme Trustee 191 Nyack Turnpike, Suffern, N. Y. WILLIAM F. KEBEA, P.G.T.C., No. !.. ........................ ....................... ....... Supreme Trustee 1 37 Lupton Avenue, Woodbury, N . J. WILLARD J. TREZISE, P.G.T.C., No. 22 ..................... ......... ................... Supreme Preceptor 48 North HiJl Drive, West Chester, Pa. REV. EZRA L. PARKS, No. 43 .................................. ........... ....................... Supreme Chaplain 2227 North Sixth Street, Harrisburg, Pa. DAVID H. SHADE, P.G.'f.C .. No. 27 .... ............... .......................... ...... Supreme Chie f Ranger 707 South Ma rs ha ll Street, Lancaster, Pa. WILLIAM H. SEAL, P.C.'f.C., No. 34 ............... ..................... Deputy Supreme Ch ie f Ranger 702 Main Street, Royersford, Pa. ALEXANDER DeSTMONE, P.C.T.C., No. 134............ ............. .. ....... ..... ... Supreme Sentinel 900 Northwes t Drive, Silver Sprin g, Md. HAROLD WETZLER, P.C .T.C., N o. 37.... ..... ................. .. Supreme His lol'ian 32 Hicks Avenue, Newton, N. J. ALBERT R. HOFFMAN, P.G.T.C., No. 34..... ...... ................................. .. Supreme Sidonian 305 Church Street, Phoenixville, Pa. GEORGE W. JACKSON, P.G.T.C., No. 25 .............................. .. .. Supreme Tall Cedar's A ide 940 Cumberland Street, Lebanon, Pa. ROBERT E. ADNEY, P.C.T.C., No. 22 ............... ........................ Supre me Tall Cedar's Aide 607 East Market Street, W est C hester, Pa. YOUR SUPREME OFFICERS - - 1960 and 1961 JOHN L. PEARSOr , No. 48 JUDGE HARRY B. CRYTZER Senior Deputy Supreme Tall Cedar Junior Deputy Supreme Tall Cedar Branchburg Park, R.D. No. 4 New Bloomfield, N. J. Somerville, N.J. Phone: Randolph 5-8637 Phone: New Bloomfield 27 EDWIN S. MOORE, P.G.T.C., No. 4 EDMUND H. REEVES, P.•S.T.C., No. 7 Supreme Treasurer Supreme Scribe 550 Lafayette Ave., W. Trenton, N. J. 710 Federal St., Camden 3, N. J. Phone: Tuxedo 2-0776 Phone : Emerson 5-0233 WELCOME TALL CEDARS A FREE SOUVENIR AWAITS YOU Compliments of AT THE Planters Peanut Store EVANS TAXI SERVICE 1011 BOARDWALK Opposite Steel Pier EVAN - GEORGE HOME OF MR. PEANUT The Biggest Peanut Store in the World Dial 344-4659 Coupons at Registration Desk Or Use This Ad 59th ANNUAL SESSION PROGRAM OF THE SUPREME FOREST CONVENTION All Time Given Is Eastern Daylight Time May 17, 18, 19, 20 & 21, 1961 WEDNESDAY, MAY 17, 1961 opens for Business, Traymore Hotel, Supreme Forest Head­ Arrival of committee members and Su­ quarters. preme Forest Officers for final pre­ convention informal meetings. Report of the Senior Deputy Su­ preme Tall Cedar, John Pearson. THURSDAY, MAY 18, 1961 Report of the Junior Deputy Su­ preme Tall Cedar, Hany Crytzer. 9 :00 A.M. to 5 :00 P.M.-Credential Committee opens registration of Old Business to be transacted. members of the Supreme Forest, Recess. Traymore Hotel. 1 :30 P .M.-Reconvene - Aftern oon 9 :00 A.M. to 5 :00 P.M.-General Reg­ Session - Open to the Public. I n ­ istration for ALL TALL CEDARS, troduction of Mayor A ltman, Atlan­ their families and guests by Con­ tic City, N. J. Five Minute Recess vention Committee at the Jefferson, to Close Meeting to Public. Report Madison, Morton, Ritz-Carlton, Sen­ of following Officers and Commit­ ator and Traymore Hotels. Each tees: lady who is duly registered and Supreme Preceptor - Dr. Wil­ presents coupon will be given one lard J. Trezise of the traditional packages of At­ Supreme Chief Ranger - David lantic City. H. Shade Supreme Historian - Harold 10 :00 A.M.-Supreme Forest Session Wetzler Dial 344-8314 CLEMENS' FLOWERS HILTNER & COMPANY AND GIFTS RvBBER STAMP MANUFACT RER Sorrento Motel-1612 Pacific Avenue Mabel R. and Max D. Cramer 10 SOUTH NEW YORK AVENUE GRUND'S PASTRY SHOP Stencils - Badges - F lags 1005 PACIFIC AVENUE Dial 344-5502 Atlantic City, N . J. Dial 344-5447 Atlantic City, N. J. FISCHER FLOWERS -o - F L 0 R I S T -o - 1622 PACIFIC AVENUE ATLANTIC CITY, NEW JERSEY OFFICIAL PROGRAM - Continued Supreme Sidonian - Albert R. National Tall Cedars Week - Hoffman (Addendum of Fn­ Edward H. Sennett, Jr. day's Contest) Flowers and Flower Arrange­ Constitution and By-Laws - Jus­ ments - Stanley Gernaga Bowling Committee - John W. tin D. Jirolanio Beattie Community Service - Wilbert Ritual Amendment - Willard J. Hadden Trezise Parade Features - Morton E. Cedar Digest - Samuel C. Price B e nnett Adjournment Good-of-the-Order - Paul A. Johnson 6 :00 P.M.-"Dutch Treat" Social Hour at Ballroom of Traymore Hotel. Extension Committee - John R. McCormick 7 :15 P.M.-Traymore Hotel - Testi­ Membership Committee - How­ monial Banquet honoring Supreme ard A. Milor Tall Cedar and Mrs. Paul D . Bod­ Necrology Committee - Russell well, Jr. E. Suthard Publicity Committee - James D. Currier F RIDAY, MAY 19 , 1961 Annual Convention - Earl H. 9 :00 A.M. to 5 :00 P.M.-Registration Hammond of Supreme Forest Members at the Chairman - Board of Trustees Traymore Hotel. of ational Charitable Objec­ tive Fund - William G. Rohrer 9 :00 A.M. to 5 :00 P.M. - General Treasurer - Board of Trustees Registration at the Jefferson, Madi­ of National Charitable Objec­ son, Morton, Ritz-Carlton, Senator tive Fund Herman B. and Traymore Hotels. Each lady Willaredt who is duly 1·egistered and presents BURKARD "Blue Coal" "Fuel Oil" Oil Burners - - Boilers Installed 'ROUND THE CLOCK SERVICE OCEAN CITY ATLANTIC CITY PLEASANTVILLE Compliments of MASON COMPANY, Inc. INSTITUTION AL GROCERS ATLANTIC CITY, N. J. OFFICIAL PROGRAM - Continued coupon will be given one of the 6. Amendments to Constitution traditional packages of Atlantic and By-Laws City . 7. Selection of 1963 and 1964 9 :00 A.M.-Breakfast - Past Grand Convention Site Tall Cedars Association of District Recess. No. 7-Madison Hotel. 1.0 :00 A.M.-Bus Tour to Lenox China 10 :30 A.M.-Bus Tour to Smithfield and Gross Winery. Inn. 10 :00 A.M.-Reconvene Supreme For­ 10 :30 A.M.-Bus Tou1· to Fischer's est Session. Green no uses. Report of Supreme Tall Cedar­ Paul D. Bodwell, Jr. 12 :15 P.M.-Organized Ladies of Cedar ­ Report of Supreme Scribe-Ed­ ism Luncheon, Madison Hotel. mund H. Reeves 1 :00 P.M.-Bus Tour to Lenox China Report of Supreme Treasurer­ and Gross Winery. Edwin S. Moore Report of Supreme Trustees­ 1 :30 P.M.-Bus Tour to Smithfield Karl B . Kuhlmann Inn. Report of Finance Committee­ Lea S. Jester 1 :30 P.M.-Bus Tour to Fischer's Greenhouses. New Business 1 :30 P.M.-Reconvene Supreme For­ 1. Floral Greetings est Session. 2. Annual Proceedings Memorial Services - Russell E. 3. Donations Suthard, Assisted by Supreme 4. Budget Chaplain, Ezra Parks and the 5. Report of Committee on Chanters of Allegheny Mountain S.T.C. Address Forest No. 127. Compliments of Diamonds Zircons Watches Jewelry STOWELL'S .JEWELERS ARISTOCRAT MOTEL Member, Chamber of Commerce 136-38 S. Pennsylvania A venu e 1117 BOARDWALK Atlantic City, N. J. Dial 344-6673 Atlantic City, N. J. KNIFE & FORK INN COLUMBUS HOTEL Est. 1912 St. James Place and Pacific Ave. LATZ OWNERSHIP "Famous Restaurant" Reasonable Prices ATLANTIC and PACIFIC AVENUES Mrs. John C. Woulfe Owner-Manager CLUB HARLEM 32 NORTH KENTUCKY A VENUE ATLANTIC CITY, N. J . • • " L I VELIEST SHOW IN TOWN" SPECIAL TALL CEDARS SHOW DANCIEST MUSIC IN TOWN CEDAR BEN ALTEN, Your Host OFFICIAL PROGRAM - Continued Presentation of Charters. speeches shall be one in num­ Presentation of Forest Honor ber and shall not exceed five Awards. minutes; seconding speeches shall be two in number and Presentation of Special Awards. shall not exceed three min­ Presentation of Three-Year Service utes.) Pyramids.
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