McAdam Sherman on loint SG election ticket By STUART EMMRICH Shalt awy. dcc rion .ibou I pi ospect 'Ce inin11giim 1teCs and onsiel i inning to, iin office "ext Alligator Staff Writer McADANI REFUSED Monday to discuss was si talking to ietested students quarter bout hjsc riade no decision Net. other candidates w.ho might gunning Bt RON PETERSEN, Honor Court chiet be on DAN LOBECK, SG secretary of consumer Alyce MeAdami. UF National Organization her ticket or w.hat her platform ,,ould be. and (ceiense counsel and one ot the central figures itlairs. said Monday he ,as "looking at a lot tot Wompen (NOW) head, and Greg Sherman, said she ,.ould wtait until today's press in the Honor (our s recent investigation io ni offices.hut,. asn't sure it he ,.ould run tor student body treasurer, will announce today conference wo answei any questions about her mass cheating in the business college, has anything next quarter or not. their plan' to run for student body president confirmed he 'nit he running lot Honor Cowrl [-oheek said he would prohabN make sonmc and treasurer respectively in next quarter's ( hancelloi next quarter .111noU ncemen! boutt his p1 ans IA the first Student Government elections. h-orinei Student Senate President Jim, Peiisen said he '.a' going '0 run orn weck ii 'pri i quarter McAdam and Sherman have scheduled a Eaton has also indicated ;plans to run toi Faton's ticket. Eaton has acknowledged thai 10:30 anm. news conference today to an- president. hut Ins made no otflcial an - he discussed the matter w ith~ Petersen and it is Sciate M inorit lecadei Sue (line said 'he nounce that they will run together in the n',uncemcnt vet. \ cry likely'' that the Iwo w, ould i un, together had "ni' plans nil " to 'iii, or .1ny ollie. but spring elections. aIpproximlalely a month and Eaton said last week he hadn't made anvy Secrci ISC otr cia K h .tn aIso said t hes are admiiitt ed she had nt com,,pletelI tuled it out. The Independent TIJ ESI)A Y MARCH 4. 1975 Florida 'ao VOL. 67. NO. 94 1ubse by Capus Commn n GGoos *nsv'II Fiorido Not otlcoIlly osioc otd whithe'wes o nd State university. job opportunities are still unequaI By JANET PARK FELICITY TREEBLOOD, president ot AllIgator Staff Writer the Association or Women Faculty. said the figures "make it clear inequities are After two years of enforcing an equal widespread, and this is what we find so employment opportunity plan, marked profoundly disturbing. differences in job opportunities for men and "Womien are not being paid equally for women are still present at the nine Florida equal work," she said. state universities, according to recently Effects of next year's limited hiring might released information from the National possibly result in a different "mix' of enm- Center for Educational Statistics. ployes' sex and race, Trueblood said, if the Dr. Robert Bryan. interim vice president white males are retirimg and hiring is con- bor academic affairs, acknowledged the ducted according to affirmative action university system freeze on the hiring guidelines. necessary to carry out UF's affirmative action "THIS IS A HATTER of continuing in- plan. terest to the association," she said. BRYAN SAID there will definitely be a Or. Grace Henderson. president of the freeze on hiring next year. Black Caucus. declined to comment on the However, be said. "The freeze will be matter over the phone. thawed in certain cases to right imbalances Women faculty members with tenure, caused by this year's freeze." which is guarantee of a job until the teacher Most of the UF eniployes lost by attrition voluntarily leaves, total only 12 per cent of this year were lost through retirement, ac- tenured faculty members at UF, according to cording to Bryan. the report. "THEY WERE MOSTLY white males who THlE REPORT STATES UF tils below ate retiring. We've had very few resignations the 14 per cent State University System ph~o~o by and newmon and very few deaths.' he said. average bor female faculty members with The hiring that will be done next year will tenure. old vonillo Ice cream Is okay, but 22 and a Just plain Ibllow affirmative action plan guidelines,. The total number of women faculty at UF it $1,700 for fighting cystic Pla in half gllons of meant Bryan said. has increased 2.5 per cent in the last two f ibrosis. The mousy wes raised this weekend by Delta Only selected poitions will be filled "nt years. according to the report, while the Phi Epsilon in on annual ice-cream eating contest year in the 'thaw," such as in the depart- university system showed only a 2.8 per cern coosisting ol coe-Ptitors. ments of English, zoology and chemistry. increase. Vanilla All of the contestants probably felt the effects after Bryan explained. since they were the hardest the contest was over but none could feel them like the hit by faculty losses this year during the hiring winner who at. 74scoops of the cold stuff. freeze. (See 'Employment,' page eleven) Illegal warning light found on f rat vic tims truck Dy IOE MORAN Transportation to mark manholes," Whittle was unavailable for comment. THE FRATERNITY was advised, he said. AliaeeStsM fl'itr said. Parker was charged in the accident with of traffic and pedestrian regulations ap- Whittle said Florida Statutes prohibit the careless driving. plicable to the run. The warning lights on the rear of the use of white lights on the back of .11 vehicles. SIGMA PHI EPSILON fraternity president Maxwell said if the lights were approved by flatbed truck in which four UF fraternity men and prohibit flashing lights except for Mike Pwn, told reporters over the weekend the Highway Patrol in Gainesville. he has not were killed Saturday were illegal, according to crnergency vehicles, turn signals and that the lighting on the truck had been been able to determine which officer in- Ouinton Whittle, a Florida highway emergency flashers, to be used only when the theeked and approved by the Gainesville 'pected the truck. petrolman in Perry,. 'chicle isstopped at the side of the road. Highway Patrol before the start of the 'run-a- "As rat as I know, no one her approved it." The truck, containing 17 fraternity Only one of the amber lights - the one thon." Maxwell 'aid. members. .us pltr.ed into from behind by an closest to the shoulder of the highway - 'as Lt. J. J. Maxwell of the Highway Patrol in SURVIVORS of the accident have beeui empty gasoline tanker truck, leaving Mark in operation at the tinie of the accident. Gainesville said he had talked to someone advised not to discuss details of the crash. Statford. Mark Simmons. Larry Berle. and Whittle said. hr the fraternity five or six weeks ago about Plum said. Jerry Engram dead. WHifLE SAID it has not yet been the charity run. A memorial service for the four dead ThE TRUCK was outfitted with two shite deterniined if the other lights twene Maxwell said the caller asked how to students will be held-'W ag emenya n at drliupngights mounted on 14.fadt poles at the operatamal at the time of the crash. recent a permit to conduct the Gainesville 5:30 in University Aeibumn. rear of the cab, and two flashing amber lights L.eo Parker of Perr). who i as driving the to Tallahassee ct. QWM.tlsa.po. "similar to those used by the Dsparflwnt of tflkin'ttlt sumsle %.iih the *snftv frii&A tad emiit was required. (See deathss.' page ten) g.e 2, Th. Independn*Ro.edod Milgotor. Tu.doy. MorchA if1lS tuesday lANJGEGE Politic ian still held, Fed study 5 anarchists freed capsule iUP1) - I VL an archists iced ron, West Gei man ta'ls in exchange for the promised release of a political leader landed Monday at the Red Sea port of Aden after three other countries refused them sanctuary. The plane had less than an hour's tuel left when it finally put down A spokesman bor West German Lufthansa Airline in Berin. who announced the landing. said he did niot know ifithe five intended to remain in Aden or only to have their Boeing 707 refueled for a further flight base on en erg There was no word on the whereabouts or condition of Christian Democratic Party Leader Peter [orenz.,5 , or the guerrillas who kidnaped himn five days ago. Lorents abductors said the candidate for mayor of West Berlin would be released only after their five conmrads reach their final destination and Heinrich Albert,, a UPI) A Federal Reserve study indicated Monday the protestant pastor and former West Berlin mayor traveling nation s economy in worse shape than one of the bleakest of WASHiNG tON (UPI) - The White House said Monday with the five, returns home. government mdexes shows, and the Commerce Department that President Ford had accepted a Democratic plan as a t-he West German government supplied five anarchists basis for a possible compromise on national energy policy. reported another sharp drop in housing construction. with a Lufthansa Boeing 707 and guaranteed them safe Sources in Algiers said oil exporting nations may link crude Press Secretary Ron Nessen said a Democratic plan passage out of the country. but Syria. Libya and Ethopia promoted by Sen. John 0 Pastore of Rhode Island and Rep oil prices to the worldwide ilation rate. The Organization of refused permission to land. Petroleum l-xporting Countries is holding its first summit James C.
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