118 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE JANUARY 13 citizens of Massachusetts, advocating enact­ 1109. By Mr. MILLER of Maryland: Peti­ which is good for humanity, and thus ment of universal military training; to the tion of 85 citizens of Snow Hill, Md., in sup­ keep America strong and courageous, Committee on Armed Services. port of S. 265, a. bill to prohibit the trans­ 1093. By Mr. JENKINS of Pennsylvania: portation of alcoholic-beverage advertising that she may fulfill her assigned des­ Petition of K. McNally, legislative chairman in interstate commerce and the broadcasting tiny. In every crisis of our country, of the American Legion Auxiliary, No. 592, of alcoholic-beverage advertising over the vouchsafe to make us free from weak­ White Haven, Pa., containing the signatures radio; to the Committee on Interstate and ness and uncertainty, and constrain us of 62 residents of White Haven, urging the Foreign Commerce. to do the right in all ministries of Chris­ enactment during the Eightieth Congress of 1110. By Mr. PATMAN: Petition of M. L. tian service. 0 give our land a release legislation establishing a system of universal Johnson, Jr., Texarkana, Tex., and a num­ from the confusion of tongues, and to military training, as recommended by the ber of other people, urging the Eightieth all doubting ones send the challenge President's Advisory Commission on Uni­ Congress to support and vote for legislation versal Training; to the Committee on Armed establishing a system of universal military that in the encroachment of any pagan Services. training, as recommended by the President's philosophy America is in the hands of 1094. Also, petition of 43 residents of Advisory Commission on Universal Training; a good God. Through Jesus Christ our Wilkes-Barre, Pa., urging the enactment of to the Committee on Armed Services. Lord. Amen. legislation esta-blishing a system of universal 1111. Also, petition of Mrs. Bruce Bland, military training, as recommended by the Clarksville, Tex., and a number of other peo­ The Journal of the proceedings of yes­ President's Advisory Commission on Uni­ ple, urging the Eightieth Congress to support terday was read and approved. versal Training; to the Committee on Armed and vote for legislation establishing a system AMENDMENT TO ARTICLES OF WAR Services. of universal military training, as recom­ 1095. Also, petition of Black Diamond Post, mended by the President's Advisory Commis- Mr. ALLEN of Illinois, from the Com­ No. 395, American Legion, Kingston, Pa., urg­ . sian on Universal Training; to the Commit­ mittee on Rules, reported the following ing enactment of legislation establishing a. tee on Armed Services. privileged resolution <H. Res. 424, Rept. system of universal military training, as 1112. By Mr. SMITH of Wisconsin: Peti­ No. 1239), which was 'eferred to the recommended by the President's Advisory tion of residents of East Troy, Wis., and Commission on Universal Training, contain­ vicinity, urging legislation to establish a sys­ House Calendar and ordered to be ing 56 signatures of members of that post tem of universal military training; to the printed: from Forty Fort and Kingston, Pa.; to the Committee on Armed Services. Resolved, That immediately upon the adop­ Committee on Armed Services. 1113. Also, petition of residents of Keno­ tion of this resolution it shall be in order to 1096. Also, petition submitted by Jean A. sha, Wis., urging legislation to establish a move that the House resolve itself into the Lehnler, 315 Church Street, Kingston, Pa., system of universal military training; to the Committee of the Whole House on the State containing the signatures ·of 30 residents of Committee on Armed Services. of the Union for consideration of the bill Edwardsville, Pa., urging the enactment of 1114. Also, petition of residents of Burling­ (H. R. 2575) to amend the Articles of War legislation establishing a system of universal ton, Wis., urging passage of legislation to to improve the administration of military military training, as recommended by. the strengthen the United Nations Organiza­ justice, to provide for more ef!ective appellate President's Advisory Commission on Uni­ tions; to the Committee on Foreign Af!airs. review, to insure the equalization of sen­ versal Training; to the Committee on Armed 1115. By the SPEAKER: Petition of Charles tences, and for other purposes. That after Services. F. Darden and others, of Beaumont, Tex., general debate, which shall be confined to the 1097. Also, petition of 36 residents of Glen petitioning consideration of their resolution bill and shall continue not to exceed 2 hours, Lyon, Pa., urging that a system of universal with reference to an amendment to the to be equally divided and controlled by" the military training be established, as recom­ oath of allegiance to the United States of America; to the Committee on the Judiciary. chairman and ranking minority member of mended by the President's Advisory Com­ the Committee on Arm~d Services, the bill mission on Universal Training; to the Com­ 1116. Also, petition of Joseph E. Geiger shall be read for amendment under the mittee on Armed Servites. and Eugene Geiger, of Milwaukee, Wis., peti­ 5-minute rule. At the conclusion of the 1098. By Mr. LECOMPTE: Petition of sun­ tioning consideration of their resolution with reference to a Federal building program for reading of the bill for amendment, the Com­ dry citizens of Chariton, Iowa, urging pass­ mittee shall rise and report the same to the age of S. 265; to the Committee on Interstate the next 20 years; to the Committee on Pub­ lic Works. House with such amendments as may have and Foreign Commerce. been adopted, an-d the previous question 1099. Also, petition of sundry citizens of 1117. Also, petition of W. A. Smith, Frost­ proof, Fla., and others, petitioning considera­ shall be considered as ordered on the bill and Humeston, Iowa, in the interest of the es­ amendments thereto to final passage with­ tablishment of universal military training; tion of their resolution with reference to requesting the amendment of the oath of out intervening motion except one motion to to the Committee on Armed Services. recommit. 1100. Also, petition of sundry citizens of allegiance to the United States of America, Garden Grove, Iowa, in the interest of the in United States Code, 1940, title 8, section MESSAGES li'ROM THE PRESIDENT establishment of universal military training; 735b; to the Committee on the Judiciary. to the Committee on Armed Services. 1118. Also, petition of Archbishop Vitaly Sundry messages in writing from the 1101. Also, petition of members of the for various members of the Russian Orthodox President of the United States were com­ American Legion Post at Centerville, Iowa, Greek-Catholic Church, Inc., petitioning con­ municated to the House by Mr. Miller, urging adoption of a system of universal sideration of their resolution with reference one of his secretaries. military training; to.the Committee on Armed to the displaced-persons problem; to the Services. Committee on the Judiciary. MESSAGE FROM THE .SENATE 1102. Also, petition of members of Newton A message from the Senate, by Mr. Post, No. 111, American Legion, Newton, Iowa, Frazier, its legislative .clerk, announced urging adoption of a system of universal mil­ ·itary training; to the Committee on Armed that the Senate had passed without Services. · HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES amendment bills of the House of the fol­ lowing .titles: 1103. Also, petition of a number of citizens TUESDAY, JANUARY 13, 1948 of southern Iowa, urging support of univer­ H. R. 389. An act for the relief of the de­ sal military training; to the Committee on The House met at 12 o'clock noon. pendents of Carl B. Sanborn; Armed Services . H. R. 645. An act for the relief of Ben. W. 1104. Also, petition o! sundry citizens of DESIGNATION OF SPEAKER PRO Colburn; Creston, Iowa, urging enactment of legisla­ TEMPORE H. R. 769. An act for the relief of the estate tion establishing a system of universal mili­ The SPEAKER pro tempore <Mr. HAL­ of Ruth Horton Hunter; tary training; to the Committee on Armed H. R. 1155. An act for the relief of the estate Services. • LECK) laid before the House the following communication from the Speaker: of W. H. Rodgers, deceased; 1105. Also. petition of 261 citizens of Ot­ H. R. 1175. An act for the relief of the estate tumwa, Iowa, urging the establishment of a. JANUARY 13, 1948. of Daphne Ward Pope, deceased; system of universal military training; to the I hereby designate Hon. CHARLES A. HAL­ Committee on Armed Services. LECK to act as Speaker pro tempore today. H. R. 1319. An act for the relief of Calvin J. 1106. Also, petition of sundry citizens of JOSEPH W. MARTIN, Frederick; Grinnell, Iowa, urging support of legislation Speaker. H. R. 1531. An act for the relief of William P. Gillingham; establishing a. system of universal military PRAYER training; to the Committee on Armed Serv­ H. R. 1645. An act for the relief of Mrs. · ices. The Chaplain, Rev. James Shera Leona McMinn Winkler; 1107. Also, petition of sundry citizens of Montgomery, D. D., offered th~ following H. R.l933. An act for the relief of Mrs. Brooklyn, Iowa, urging the establishment of prayer: Elizabeth F. McCombie; a system of universal military training; to H. R. 2056. An act for the relief of J. C. the Committee on Armed Services. Almighty God, Thou who knowest our Bateman; 1108. Also, petition of sundry citizens of necessities, as we unburden our minds H. R. 2348. An act for the relief of Charles Oskaloosa, Iowa, in the interest of s. 265; to in Thy presence, help us to perceive that J. Smith; the Committee on Interstate and Foreign which we really need.
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