More Burglaries In WaikikPthan Other CCORD Parts of Honolulu Univ, of Hawaii Library Needs Though police figures are not Att. Miss Janet Bill' yet complete, it is expected by Honolulu 14 ,8-29-57' reliable police sources that the year’s annual report will show VOLUME IX NO. 2jZL Y 10 CENTS— THURSDAY JANUARY 10, 1957 that, as usual, burglaries in the Waikiki area are higher than any­ where else in the city. Police figures show that, over a five-year period an area that in­ cludes the heart of Waikiki has averaged 153 burglaries per year. Another area'toward Kapahulu, still considered part of Waikiki Worker’s Death Bares and including the Moana, the Biltmore, and several smaller tour­ ist hotels, has a much lower av­ erage of 68 burglaries per year. But police sources say there is no doubt that Waikiki as a part of Honolulu has the highest burglary rate of any part of the city. Long Unsafe Practice Another area where burglaries (mere mi page 73 Safety Belts Not TYPICAL SUGAR PAY $2.64 IN CUBA Used for Years 332,000 Workers Produce 4.7 Co. Man Admits Million Tons; Get Perquisites Cuba’s 4,650,000 tons of sugar are declared in 1953 that the increase “We haven’t used safety belts for produced by 332,000 workers, of 30 years.” of Cuba's economic, power over whom 72,000 are mill workers and the last 12 years had been pri- That, according to two official 260,000 are field workers, accord­ mainly due to the activities of the witnesses, is the comment made by ing to the AFL-CIO News. Cuban Confederation of Workers- an official of the Hawaiian Dredg­ In Cuba, field workers are large­ (CTC) and its . affiliated union ing and Construction Co. follow­ ly seasonal. This compares with of sugar workers. ing the 45 ft. death-fall of a 1,099,542 tons produced by 15,000 worker from the shaft of a pile year-round employes in this Ter­ SUGAR BACKBONE driver Tuesday afternoon. ritory. The 181 sugar mills in Cuba are Following the death of the work­ (This means that each Hawai. the source of between 70 io 80 er, Harold Kyung Chan Han, 35, ian worker produces about seven per cent of the island’s national Territorial Safety Engineer Robert and a third tons, each Cuban Ebert ordered the job stopped un­ income. til conditions were made safe. Im­ worker only 1.4 tons; or, if we Cuban sugar Industry suffered mediately the company sent safety count each Cuban as half an em­ the past few years from the' change • belts to the job for such workers ploye on the assumption that he in the sugar buying policies of the as. would have use for them. Work works half the year, 2.8 tons.) UJS. government. The world su­ was resumed after the belts had LIKE TH IN *30’s gar surplus folowing World War' H been brought. caused the U.S. to curtail buying, Two official witnesses, while Cuba's sugar industry is not and Cuba cut sugar production. shocked at the statement of the mechanized as the local industry A recent agreement concluded be company official, ascertained that is. It reminds one of the con­ tween the sugar employers and the belts had not been used for some ditions existing here in the 1930’s union means an increase of $40 time, though they were not sure when 55,000 sugar workers’ pro­ million next year in the pay of the company man could speak with duced about a million tons of sugar workers. This comes from authority for so long a period as sugar. the 18 per cent boost in the wage 30 years. Despite the present backward­ “differential” to be paid in 1957. When he fell to His death, Han ness of the Cuban sugar industry, But the pay increase merely re­ (more on page 7) it has made great strides in re­ stores wage cuts sustained by the cent years, primarily through ■ uni­ workers in recent years and brings onization of workers, just as in back the pay level to that pre­ Did Russians Think Hawaii the whole economy of Cu­ vailing before 1953. ba benefited from the union move­ According to the AFL-CIO News, ment. Dec. 29, “A typical sugar field Airline Employes Were Dr. Gustavo Guturez, head of - worker in Cuba this year (1956) 'Bulldog Detectives'? Consejo National de Economia, (more on page 7) Elvis Presley To Come Here; Expect Russians who were brief visitors "Shake Your Head, Buddy, and Hear It Rattle" in Honolulu on their way from the Most Excitement Since AX Allen Olympic. Games to the Mainland Elvis Presley who inspires words preciatively. After listening to their U.S. may have had some reason of vitriol in music critics and who chatter and watching their danc­ to feel there was hostility in the send shivers up the spines of little ing a few minutes, the reporter air, sources among the company’s girls in Honolulu just as he does came to the conclusion most of employes say. 5. To maintain di scirline. on the Mainland, is coming to the kids would manage to dig up a William Bachran, Pan-Am pub­ town. Or at least, he is if the dick­ buck to make at least one of El­ lic relations man, doesn’t think nee ering on the dates and money be­ vis’ concerts, if not more. so, and says treatment accorded This item is out of line. bnde.r the tween the singer’s management Then, of course, there’s 12-year- the Russians, coaches and, techni­ March 18, 1955, emnloyeeB are <'nbitled to th* . and that of the Lau Yee Chai old Phyllis Fukumoto who wrote cians who had accompanied the too much like the Hosp, if a cison "amp. J- restaurant turns out satisfactorily. to the Navy at Memphis to give USSR Olympic team, was no differ­ Confirming an item of a local a lot of reasons why Elvis should­ ent from that accorded any other 6. To visit mt lent- seriously iii night club columnist to that ef­ n’t drafted into the Army. And large party, fect, a girl answering the tele­ there are the indignant teen-agers But a source, among the employes phone at the restaurant said, who’ve been writing letters-to- says the company hired many of This iteii T«'werded.-smahg^-—may /isi "We’ve been getting ever so many the-editor about those awful peo­ them for overtime at something calls about it ever since that ple whq disrupt Elvis' movie, "Love like $2 an hour, to come down and HERE IS THE THING JOE ROSE has been talking about for four item appeared.” Me Tender” by laughing at the stand watch around the Russians weeks on his TV and radio shows . This is the picture of the job But the restaurant doesn’t know scene in which the lad with long while they stayed for about two description the KGU announcer said had been somehow smuggled yet just when Elvis the Pelvis will hair dies. hours in a short stopover. to a RECORD reporter by a Star-Bulletin reporter and somebody bring his own type of teen-age bliss There seems to be no question Back in Moscow, a Soviet writer from civil service. It became hews when introduced into the reebrd to Honolulu, the girl added. that, long before his Importation to was reported by UP to have writ­ of the appeal hearing of Mrs. Esther K. Flores and bears the notation Plans are to pay Elvis $9,000 a these parts was being considered, ten that Los Angeles and Hono­ "nonsense,” made by Mayor Blaisdell to a comment written into the week and book him into the Civic Elvis had a substantial following lulu were full of “bulldog de­ description by the Maluhia Hospital administration. Mrs. Flores Auditorium as well as Lau Yee in Honolulu, if not an actual local tectives and sensation hunting was subsequently restored by the civil service commission to the job Chai, and if a quick spot-check of chapter of the Elvis Presley Fan newsmen,” and the RECORD’S of superintendent of nurses'from which -she had been fired. Despite teen-age reaction is any indication. Club. source says it’s possible the Pan- a warning in the RECORD’S gadabout column that he had his dope Elvis' fee is modest. FAN’S CONFESSION Am employes might have looked all wrong, Rose persisted for the next three weeks on TV and radio “YEAH MAN!” Just in case anybody, wants to like “bulldog detectives” to the with the same story and nobody bothered to tell him the truth. Entering a restaurant where start one, maybe she’d better pick visitors. Tuesday, though, Chairman Albert Moniz of the commission charged teen-agers were jitterbugging to up on the story, "Why I Like El­ As reported by the Russian writ­ E. P. Toner, hospital administrator, with giving "a radio announcer “Don'r Be Cruel,” the reporter vis Presley,” by Sue Bridges, hon­ er, says the source, the atmosphere with *half truths and untruths’” about the case and cited tjils example. announced, "He's coming—in per­ orary president of the National at Honolulu airport was quite Moniz explained that the document was released to the press—all son!” Elvis Presley Fan Club, as pub­ strained until Tommy Kono, Ho­ the press. So the only advice we can give Joe Rose, how is what he "Yeah man!" shouted back one lished in an album by the name nolulu’s star weightlifter and an often' gives people he feels deserves it—’‘Shake your head, buddy, girl and the others giggled ap­ (more on page 7) (mors oh page 8) and hear it rattle!” PAGE 2 HONOLULU RECORP JANUARY 10, 1957 Lundeberg Attacks Hawaii Tourism Booms,but Miami OC<XXXXXXXXXXDOOOQOCXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX)CpOOC>CX3QOOOOOO Curran's Charges Beach Does Whopping Business Tourism brought in $65,000,000 to sports |so hotels and more, than With Red-Baiting the Territory in 1956,.
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