TESTED AND APPROVED BY SUCCESSFUL PIGEON FANCIERS. 2021 - ENG ® OROVET WINNERS With Belgian Winners we make the difference. Thomas Lataire CEO Group Lataire bv Belgian Winners stands for Belgian top quality. The success with pigeons depends on a combina­ 1 n the product ion department of Orovet bv, a tion of factors: the experience of the fancier, the subsidiary of Groupe Lataire bv, high quality quality of the pigeons, the loft and the nutritional health products for racing pigeons are produced support. With the nutritional system of Belgian and developed. Winners, we make the difference. Precisely because the quality, the type of raw material and its application makes the differen­ ce, we have surrounded ourselves with a nutriti­ on expert from the sports world, a pigeon vet, a nutrition engineer and an experience expert. The "pigeon sport" evolves just as in all other sports. The "type" athlete and his guidance from the past, wouldn't even carne to work today. Why? Because in all branches of sport, the bar is being raised more and more. Every pigeon fancier has his own opinion and in­ terpretation concerning the use of supplements. But it's a good thing too. Ambachtenlaan 3-5 9880 Aalter Belgium group History in animal feed sales since 1947 Lata1re animal healthcare The Lataire family is ready for the third generati­ on as a trader in ani mal feed. 1 n 194 7 Gerard Lataire started a company in grains and feed in Beernem (Belgium) and served the farmers in the region with the brands Remy (Wijgmaal), Vanhove (Ledeberg), Buysse (1 ngelmunster), Talpe (Kortrijk) and Debaillie (Roeselare). From 2009 onwards, Group Lataire, led by Thomas Lataire, took a clear focus by speciali­ zing in 'Ani mal Healthcare'. More than 2300 vi­ tamins, supplements, medicated lenses and health products for birds and pigeons are sold worldwide by Group Lataire in more than 40 countries. Historyin anima/ feed safes since 1947 In Belgium, subsidiary Belphar med bv, as a wholesaler, takes care of the logistical distribu­ tion of the supplements, while in the Nether­ lands, subsidiary TNL Pharma bv, as a pharma­ ceutical wholesaler, takes care of the distributi­ on of the medicines. The production depart­ ment 0rovet bv develops and produces its own brands as wel I as private label products. And Avimedis bv takes the online strategy under its wings. With this structure of companies, Group Lataire plays with a certain focus a leading role in the niche of pigeon racing. Thomas Lataire 0 � � •� OROVET "3ELPHARMED Avimedis pharma1 '1, MAARTENPOELS, HERK-DE-STAD HAAK-SOEN, MOERBEKE v-:.. CHRISTIANMESSIAEN, RUMBEKE ,--�� . TEAM DEBO, VICHTE BERTGEERDENS, LUMMEN ROBIN COOLS - GEEL Our Belgian ambassadors 1 ordeauxken" i}'t:�� 7�Ï� �= t• Olympk �mpion Marathon"\3 1" 80rdeaux/82p. 783km 811·000428 t• St. Vincent/92p. 894�m ,-.i, 2°Bordeaux/8Sp. 783km �: ::::�: !�: l" Narborlne/94p . 860�m 6° Ecouen/6S5p 14° Umoge,;/259p. 627km 20"Noyon/S2?p. 14• Int.Bordeaux/ 2.869 h, 91' 21° 1nt.Bordeaux/).031h. i-78 ° � 64 Nat.Bocàeaux/6.217p. � ° i 65 Nat.Bord-eaux/4.971p. 1•G-/340p._,, 74•tnt.5t.Vl ncent/2.0304h. ret I u,.988 p. 93° [nt. 8 ordeaux/10.717p. �!:.!�\J� 94• 1nt.8ordeaux/ll.444p. .Gou<lklompje" 196 °Nat.S.Vincent/5.374p OlympkChamplon 24S0 lnt.Narb0nneh./4.43lh. llu<lapdt2015 328°Nat.Narb0nne/7.027p. ._,,, ° l"Ar,geNllle/402p. 432 lnt.Narb0nne/9.%6p. ° SJJ•Jnt.St.Vlncent/13.0llp. 1 Ar,geNille/lllp ° l"NOyon/3400 674 Nat.Guem/13.88Sp. ° ° 4 Ar,geNllle/!56p. 740 Nat.Acgenton2/10.816p. 1a•G-/227p. °Nat.Narb0nne/6.S83p. 913 ;":Pl•" ,. 1.1oo•Nat. Umoges/ !4.679p. M':.':�:!' t.224° lnt.Narb0nne/13.092p. .Grelpel"815-42U597 2.140•Nat.Argenton/22.442p. fll�: """"'l"Noyon/2641>, 67° Nat.Ul>oume/3.697p 1°Noyon/186p �= 1•Noyon/121p ° 1° SoupPN/268p 4 !nt. 8ordeaux/2.869h 0 9°Nat.Bordeaux/5480p. J Noyon/187p ll0 1nt.Bordeaux/10.622p. 48° Nat.Gueret/ 16.6!9p. BertPenne Gen-ilrdil)f<gSNtt-enwegl40 �J!B.s.: ::�=:��:- 94 N �1e �;:��;4��t ::��:� ���;,,�=..... .Prov.At:.e"L.V.d.Wielen �-�nneO--� Tested and approved by successful pigeon fanciers Belgian Winners supplements are part of a Bert Penne (Nederhasselt, BE) nutritional system in which we guarantee that Experience expert Belgian Winners pigeons will recover much faster after a race and wi11 be charged faster for the next race. 1 n other words, the Winners system makes it possible to basket pigeons every week with a large limitati­ on on a possible relapse. And it seems logical Supplements with service that pigeons with a "full, balanced tank" have a much higher chance of success than those with lf the pigeon fancier wishes, he can appeal to our "a half-filled tank". personalized advice with updated schedules of the Winner System. Because of our personal ap­ 30 years of passion with pigeons proach and follow-up, we can adjust continuously. A lot of lofts have already made good progress. Bert Penne: "I am a passionate pigeon fancier. More and more successful lofts at home and In the meantime, 1 have been playing from our abroad stick to the successful Winners system. A lofts in Nederhasselt (Belgium) for more than service for Winners customers all year round! 30 years. Many pigeon fanciers don't see the wood through the trees anymore because of the Call or e-mail with Bert Penne: large supply of pigeon products. 1 know the Win­ +32(0)4 76. 74.45.51 ners products from my own experience. Anyone [email protected] can contact me for advice. The secret doesn't carne out of one battle, 1 try to guide people per­ sonally by looking at the system completely customized". � - ® , WINNERS 1 Quick recovery is essential to build up to the next race. When pigeons have made heavy efforts, they can only recover sufficiently when they drink water with WINNERS Recup 'Forte' and WINNERS E-Trolyt when they return home. The Betaine hydrochloride present in het WINNERS E-Trolyt also stimu­ lates the appetite. ...... E-trolyt + betaïne hydrochloride RECOVERY - MOISTURE MANAGEMENT REGULATOR - ENERGY WINNERS' - - WINNERS E-Trolyt are indispensable electrolytes for the health, performance and metabolism of pigeons. They contribute to a fast recovery of the body fluids after heavy efforts. The recovery phase is shortened with WINNERS E-Trolyt. During the warm weather conditions WINNERS E-Trolyt can also be given 1 day before baske­ ting in order to retain moisture. Gebruiksaanwijzing: 20 g per liter water 700g - Art. n° 81154 caps/powder Recup 'Forte' •11413·& ACCELERATED RECOVERY AFTER EXERTION ECUP 'Forte' caps Winners Recup "Forte" Caps, in combination with Recup "Forte" powder in the drinking water of pigeons, ensu res a faster recovery of their m uscles aft er heavy exertion. Recu p "Forte" Caps is not a substitute for the Recup "Forte" powder. Important: 1 capsule/pigeon as soon as possible after returning home. 180 caps - Art. n° 81201 Winners Recup "Forte" powder contains 3 types of complex carbohydrates. These =f,sl__,ft��: diSl@ii;J-1 :::;:..1"·1" carbohydrates ensure a quick recovery of the energy level, which makes the metabo­ RECUP 'Forte' lism of the pigeon, the necessary nutrients (such as proteins - fats - vitamins and minerals) taster and easier to absorb and process. lnstructions: 1 measuring spoon (20 g) per liter of water, for 40 pigeons, when back home. And as soon as possible, 1 capsule/pigeon Recup "Forte" Caps. To make a per­ fect "hypertonie" drink after exertion(s), we advise to add 20g/l E-Trolyt of Recup "Forte" per liter water to the drinking water. As of the next mea 1, provide 1 measuring spoon (10g) of Energy Start "Forte" per kg of moistened food. 500g - Art. n° 81184 TIP: in warm weather, 3 days before basketing, add E-Trolyt to the drinking water at a rate of 20 g/I Raoul & Bert Penne (Nederhasselt, BE) Energy Start 'Forte' PROTEIN RECOVERY - MUSCLE BUILDING - CONDITION Energy Start "Forte" reduces lactic acid in the muscles and improves stamina. A very decisive factor du ring the sports season. lt is scientifical­ WINNERS ly proven that the absorption by the pigeon metabolism of protein-rich grains and seeds takes about 24 h to 48 h. The absorption by the pigeon metabolism of the proteins, amino acids in Energy Start "Forte" takes only 8h-12h. This is a good time gain in the recovery of your pigeons after the race and extra building of the muscle mass, strength and energy for the next race. lnstructions during the sports season: 1 measuring spoon (10 g) per kg of food. 2 days (day of returning home + next day). Don't let pigeons train the day after coming home (Sprint - mid distance and long distan­ ce). 350g-Art. n ° 81186 In normal weather conditions: moisten the food with 1 tablespoon of Winchol and dry it with Energy Start "Forte". Feed immediately. In severe weather conditions: replace the Winchol with the Finol or the Omega Plus Oil - 1 tablespoon/kg food. The Winners System 1 dlMd-i UIIMd-i ..,:: RECUP 'Forte' EPIRGYBOOST 'Forte' :.;., + + S?JE:=f!::: .°"- J" Recup 'Forte' Energy Start 'Forte' Energy Boost 'Forte' FAST RECOVERY PROTEINS/AMINO ACIDS ENERGY/ENDURANCE 2 3 4 1. SALMON DIL: very rich in omega 3-6, omega fatty acids of animal origins. 2. LINSEED DIL: contains large amounts of the Vit. B chain, lecithin, zine and an enormous dose of omega 3 fatty acids. Flaxseed is the vegetable component with the highest percentage of omega 3 fatty acids. 3. WHEAT GERM DIL: the wheat germ oil contains 8-12% oil, which consists lor more than 60% of polyunsaturated fatty acids.
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