After having considered fully the aforestated situation we d r- has been succesful, by recog- ofth EDITORIALS. mined. that inasmuch as the capitalist class *THEVOIC E PEOPLE; nizing that an injury to one is an injury to all of their elas, and by (Formerly "The Lumberjack") of their class, in en- DEAR LUTIBERJACKS. a.full knowledge and exercise of SOLaDARITY By RD)WINO. 81slaving the workers. Education Fed m i How many of you Lumberjacks ever saw the Boss out Sunday It would be more practical for the slaves to immitate them and form morning hunting up "TThe Voice Of The I'rophl" to see what new atan organization of THEIR CLASS,' understand and PRACTICE mindful the motto: "AN guns we have turned on his pocket book Did you hand him your ssolidarity in all things ever to remain of 110g~llZHit11 IS TO BE CON- Organization .... Industrlal "The Voice Of The Peoplct" Or do you try to keep him from know- INJURYE TO ONE MEMBER OF OUR CLASS CLASS;" and that we will ingDr you read "The Voice Of The People!" If you do let me say you SIDEREDS AN INJI'RY TO THE WHOLE that an organization of our CLASS Ih haven't got grit enough in your make up to digest a grain of corn FIGHIITF AS A CLASS. We found Emancipation Democracy itin a chicken's gizzard. Stop this cowardice and see that the Boss didd already exist and that all thathwas necessary for us to do was to OF THE ILets every copy of "The Voice Of The People." Never give him a tallyir under the banlner of TilE INI)CSTRIAL WORKERS We are by the rnornent'sn rest, let him feel the rebel's blows and hear the rebel's WORLDV and we were well on the road to emancipation. of the Industrial Workers of the a'rv of revolt, day and night. Let him know that we neither ask lawIs of society relegated to the ranks Industrial Union of Forest and Lumber P'ublished W.ekly by National that we were workers in the indus- Workers, Soutihern District. nort give quarter, but denmand a complete abolition of wage slavery. WorldV whethe.r we so hlose or not in Office of Publication: andl REBELLIOUS it Sa clear as the noonday sun, to his grced-cursed brain that tI of thie worldl ard that we are diso.atenated Street, New Orleans, La. Mlake tries 335 Carondelet thei situation, by FIGHII'rNG the capitalist COVINGTON HALL, Editor. we are going to make useful members of snoiety of them and their slavessi seeking to remeldy road, a road, by the way, upon which prostituteIi gunmen or run them off the fIuce of the earth. " Th.k at every turn of the industrial injured each year, legally, in the SUBSCRIPTION RATES: OfI',ie 'The Peollc" is our best fighting maiehine; it furnishes all the a a million of our l.hssarc killed or Yearly, United States ............................................ ... $1.00 60 ;usunition its Editor .'an load in its columns. Keep up this splendili pursuitp of profit. Six Month,, United States .......................................... .....1.50 fighting ma.chine arnI we know we shall win. But the time of vie- Foreign. Yearly ............................................... Workers Industriall IUio-n No. 48" of Lant Angeles, Calif., 'PerCopy (in Ca('nada) ............................... .02% Elec'trical Bundle Orders. tory ilae.nds in the, rush we snake in ithe fight. Let us get "The INI)IDUSTRY a cor- Jlhndle Orders. Per ('(opy(in Unit.l Stati.s) ......................... .02 extends to till w•ge' workl.ers in the ELE(I;('UI'AL of or Imore (Spot I'al Perl' Copy ............... 01% I'oc (Of The I'eople " ill every woirkrllian's home, especially let us see ilembter or tiot. All Bundles, Orders 500 illVitatiot to alltiii I eur Illee'tings whether at 05 Sial Single upi ...................................................... that thlelItoss gKlns4,11a. Of course, he woullIn't subscribe; we havenm't ilight at (Calidonia ,tar IneetliligK are oejI'rt,atelI we Imleet every Modll(ay a'iviliz'ed himr enough, for that, yeat.. Itut ai he is so goo• l givlio of our aims P LEASE NOTE. Haill, No. 119 S th Slrirs street. A full iinv.estigationl iusa jol,, lonethat k'eepls us tas, busy to get iito idle imnischie.fs, you We WILL ;a11,1the lh. il•tlihy if ltheIndustrial I tio,,nistis so•licited. In seraflng nmoneuy for the paper ,ho not mix It with lionis lintended for seao'we ire' irlibled to,I imll,th'inl supp,,se we settle this indebted a irl this indullstry without regard to the orgatnizati l,ll thite pIapr eaa rtse a part;ijit tei acount.. have ftr te'lbet'rshi all e.ugaged' (ah ltist t '•'- iialipaly all orders. i'5isis with at sitilbscriptiouI to "The' Voi'ce: Of 'I' : IePeople7'" Everyormi year should see IAI' , 1'UIKEl), '0I,'4li) or SEX arId the, eral f thel 1that.'ai a1n1l will "''shoot.'" ) ''ients or $1.I15 doiwn the road to New its with a larg•'e mielle'rslchil,'Irafite'l froml tlheeranks of the telephone I.N I '.ION I'tIIl:S'I AND LiUMIIIt WORKERS-- it to, stop at ::15 (Caroulelet.lt street, with the' naJtlil' NATI(ONAL, lIUS'T'I(IAL OF )'iasitssalld hala'e employes, S( I:"T'l l; RN I STRICT.l''. ,erttior, te'hlegrahl oie.rator, stre.,t 'Ilrane, light and |power 1194 Gould Avenue. Alexandria. LJoulttlana .iand adlair'ess ,of the boss and hins giuni-toters, 4d, so, riand I'll vocill of e'lechtricalgoIods or D15trlet Ile:iIqtarters ............. n1t all ollhers igagi'e i lthe :ltnian ctu re Jay Hrlth .................................... Secretary Southern District for the Edlitor doingiai thei rcnt. E.:XE(:TIVI'. il;oAIII-SUTI;'iltlN iIS'rltlTRICTr. elluipnmnt. Fid i. ;. Sihaw, .; I. A -.hworth, i'.M. Collins, D). R. Gordon. we are alive to L.ihman, In order to lroe t,te lit rest lofthe workiers that for the benefit of Los Angeles Electrical Workers Industrialize. th Iteerrsecuti,onl cfI,llr c.l;ss •% hld at stri'eetmee.tinlg SUBSCRIPTION EXPIRATIONS. I()i' .1ai111' thea :t i. i nu mmbea'raof ('lss conscious wa(ge silvi'ns secured thi.t I'atersoi striker's List Stalalltly, andrl is I r'illlt the sec.retary was Your sulbsiription expires with the Issue niliuber oppolite your name on wrapper. If you dio not w1.1hto missi a c pty you should renew your subscrip- 'irallla the (;enerl Ilfle'e a charter of organlizastion priviledging thenal ,hileto seri the' stiai ol' j$:3.50) it theestrikers. ibeforie l.mm. CoMITTrrrEE, tion at lea-t two week'; tmpirllt•tin. t',rlimeet uilder thliebtannellr of Indullstrial I •'liniia ilaind to be knowni I ileiiase notify u:iif y)•i ido Inot. r'•ce'lve your papers regularly. as Electrital Warkers Indlustrial I'niaon No,. 48X, Lots Angeles, Calif. liosI A i hge'les,('alif , .1 ily Kc, 191:13. As slave's w recogn.lizedl the 'effe"'lt aof (I'apitalilm upon us, poor ]*.lt.tr il .,• ~ ",' ,l t 1.1.ti .1".'~" l .I \l'.l1 'll:, itthe Po,•t o)he', it . '"w I It leh'.n . ouir labor, long l..t.. m,,e re1111 art .tl Augu',t .'I. 191' pa}a, l ,ong hi,urs, ,stlntlln. coplletition I',r tihel sale of pe'riodis of .11forllcr.edl idlhleness, inability to sc•lulre enough of the where- AS TO DEICENTRALIZATION. miiarrv and raise family and the only thilng Sithli-all to prp'rlv It Ity IANKIN FILE. ,offered.'I us for theli fiuture was when we be'ami too old to cornla'et The I. W. W. as a whole 'ire.trryitg to end itcondition where mil- with the younge'r mllellubers of our cla.ss, if nliot killed beaforehandl, the rule,d by a ce.titralize'd lbody of non-producers. We Subscribe to The Voice of the People i'.ssi•le pro•t.e'tion of the poor farmia. lions oft'wcrke'rs, and want thie,workers, artl noti the eaipitalist iae'hine, to run affairs. Our .liNaturally aftear a retaognilitio of thei etff'ectwe werea' f,reaed tol piurlpose' is to decenltlral i.e poweI.r bult uaot neee'nssarily to decentralize icrsider the likliihooI of 'el'viatiling the con,ditiomn. Among oalther irnlustry. The I. W. W. Preamble tliilngs caissrl~airadl wais the Capitalists' organiziation ill ioulrpiart iilar indluistry, aillltlie saiimle einditol hihl.s agoodin all iindustries; we Intsiide of the I. W. W l.themore clear sighted meillemirs have besmn f,,iis thaliat thle eaiajitalist aild iot aaeclsirare divideniids ill the ille de- lightinlg the ideta of statte, Seniialisntis because of its (enlltralistic"and The working class tillthel I'iii loyitIVig liiN have nothing in cornliOn. iarirt iluau ir the 'able deaialartnllaiit.r the swithlbalird, ope'rating, Ilure'aiuceratic teliienl'ies, but ills, flighting. tlhe'se revcdiltitlLsts have not Th.ere can liteDi iilea' Kiilen:g at.. il'igir li•i wanl it ais toul dII alll•n g Dlil- a ai• individual organizationii from cireepiing into their inidst. lions of working polIeI. aIidl thei few, who lmaike tip hle Ili imployinlg class, alilitiii,i l aintiitlaiail orir othear depajirtieialts I,.'iroeill guard to kee.p the sltlee datligeTr have all Ihe good Dhiing. otf lilt:. hilt intIlh- oiil ii ild departliiililnets lperatiruig s• a il unlit, recoanlizinig tlhe As the I. W. W. is ic.w c.',lsostrlii'tcel it coniitains all the: elements Iiit.rjlp.alrald.iia.. ,"f ac'iilJoitf the cioni• ineuiait.,jlparts, anlld tlhat at. n tlimell waisi eceIl'e'ssa..crytol thile deveollii'pment ofi' a gre'tl autocratic maitthine beside which lBetween thliesei two clashes •Lti iggie li ii.t go on util the workers of tlhe world organize as a cluils, take lpo ,.lh.ioiiiof the eartlh aind the maclinery Sillay art greater Ilia tie iaaholeunit.
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